Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Hansea47~What a fun soccer day! I love watching the little ones play soccer, they are so cute just running around with not a care in the world, they just want a chance to kick the ball. I remember my nephews playing like that when they were little - they both still play but I think they love ice hockey more now. :wink:

    @RobinB~Great NSV yesterday, awesome walking both with Leslie and at the nature trail. I'm glad you didn't need 911 intervention. :wink: Don't worry too much about the calories at the festival - remember it was a special event, you don't go every day. Also you did a lot of walking to compensate for some of those extra calories.

    @Kaye~Hooray for a new low!

    @MrsFlint2013~Welcome, you found the best kept secret on MFP. Will find great motivation here along with making some great friends along the way, check back often.

    AFM~OMG, I leave on my much anticipated cruise in 20 days!!! :bigsmile: Of course, I still don't have a swimsuit or shorts - I hope more summer stuff is in stores next weekend. For the newlings that have stopped by recently - I'm Kelley, I'm 45 and an accountant in the healthcare industry. I'm a transplant to a suburb of Dallas, TX from upstate NY 18 years ago and I :love: it here! My mom grew up here so when my parents relocated back to Texas I followed them a couple of years later. I'm not married but live with a Maine Coon, Zoe, who adopted me a year ago - she is an absolute sweetie. :heart: I've been on this weight loss journey a long time, having lost over 100#, with a little way to go - I'm on track for reaching my goal weight by the end of the year. I owe a lot of my success to my trainer and to the friends I've made here, finding and joining this thread over a year ago has been great motivation for me. I look forward to being able to check in here every day.

    Well, as usual lots to get done today - first up get shopping list done and get to the grocery store. But after coffee...:yawn:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    I’m getting a cold and feel pretty bad. My nose is running and I’m coughing wicked bad.:sick:

    GHDC = fail 1.95 miles, 22/23 days > 2 miles I fell asleep without getting that last .05 miles.:frown:

    “The only real failure in life is one not learned from.” ~Anthony J. D’Angelo

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!! Sorry I was MIA yesterday. Had plans to go outlet shopping with a friend near where my parents live. Then my mom called early yesterday to say my sister and BIL were bringing my niece over, so I hurried to get ready to go visit with them for a while before meeting my friend. It was a nice visit, but it meant no time to go to the gym or even take gunner for a walk. :ohwell:

    Shopping was a lot of fun. I didn't find any clothes, but I did get 2 new pair of runners. At Saucony, I got a pair of white shoes with bright blue accents. Then we went to Asics and I got a cute pair of bright pink and orange shoes. They were each about $80 which is a great price b/c I have to get the styles with the greatest arch support due to my history of plantar fascitis. At the running store I would have paid $130-150 each, so very happy with my purchases.

    Food was not good this weekend.:blushing: Friday I did well throughout the day b/c I was going to that fundraiser and had no clue what kind of food they would have. Well, they almost had no food--the were chips and salsa and veggies and ranch dressing. That was it. I ate some of the veggies and ranch, but it wasn't enough. The entire ride home I was mentally going through my fridge thinking about what I could eat when I got home--I was so hungry! Walked in the door and DH had ordered Chinese take away--I was so happy, but those calories (added to the cocktails) put me way over for the day. :grumble: Then yesterday I had lunch at my mom's and dinner out with my friend so I was over again. At least I made my protein goal on Friday, though I was miserably low on it yesterday.

    I think my overage the past couple of days is, in part, a response to how I've been feeling lately. I've really got to say I'm getting discouraged with the lack of any change in my weight/measurements/clothing sizes. Overall, I have done pretty well with my calorie allowance. Even though I've had some days over, my days under have more than made up for it. I just did the math and to date, I'm at a 198 calorie deficit for the month. Even if there are some estimates that were off for meals out, etc, I should still be darn close to my calorie goal and well under maintenance since that allowance is for -500/day. I've also made my minimum 100g of protein 20 of the past 22 days. However, the scale isn't budging--I've just been hovering between 188 and 190 day after day. Last week, I was down near 188 for a few days in a row and had hope that I would finally drop below, but no such luck. It bounced back to 190 the next day. :grumble:

    I weigh more right now that I did a year ago and that was before the stomach flu that put me down to 181. I'm really at a loss as to what to do. I can't imagine reducing calories, but maybe I need to do so for a few weeks. Should I try to go to 1200 net for a month? It would be tough, but I've done it in the past. Please keep in mind that I already tried increasing my calorie allowance last fall and that didn't help at all. Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated. My food diary is open to my friends so if you can't see it, just send me a friend request.

    Sorry no personals right now. It took me awhile to catch up on posts, but I will do some later.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    20/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. x/71 Canterbury questions
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE
    3. look over Brave New World journal questions
    4. x/ ? Gatsby journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE (meeting ran late)
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (cardio) DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner+ gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sunday Share - I did chest exercises yesterday and pushed it with heavier weights. I managed all the exercises/reps with my 8's! I feel it slightly when I move certain ways. But I am really surprised I am not in more pain. My goal is still to be able to use the 8's for all the other Gilad workouts. I still have difficulty with some of them.

    Mel - Welcome back. Sorry to hear you were ill. I am glad to see you back!

    Karen - Sorry to hear you are tired and sore. Hopefully today will be a bit better.

    Kah - I have the Flex too. Even though I can wear the small band, I prefer to wear the large one and keep it loose on my wrist almost like a bangle bracelet. I can fit 2 fingers comfortably in between my wrist and the flex band. I discovered wearing it any tighter doesn't work for me. When I sweat it the friction of the band against my skin causes a rash. Nothing like pictures I've seen to cause the recall, just some small itchy bumps that go away in a few hours after showering. If I keep it loose I don't seem to have a problem. Also if I don't work up a sweat I can wear it tighter and don't have a problem. :ohwell:

    Congrats on the much smaller jeans!!! That is very exciting.

    Tanya - I sent you a friend request. I am vegetarian too.

    Laurie - Wow you were super active yesterday! I have not attempted to ride my bike in a while. Last time I did I fell off. I think I have to relearn how to ride. Also my seat, even with the extra cushion, hurt my tush. I am hoping Brian and I can go for some rides once it gets nicer here and my tush shrinks a bit. :wink:

    hansea - You are probably correct. I said the same to Brian about it most likely being their policy to say "potential" but it was her tone that I didn't like. Granted, I have been extremely stressed and probably a tad bit oversensitive when I answered the phone. :wink:
    Congrats on the healthy habits with the kids. The game sounded like it was fun to watch! LOL to your daughter. That is really cute.

    RobinB - Congrats on the 2 NSVs. Those are fantastic! Sounds like you had a great day with your daughter.

    MrsFlint - Welcome. You certainly have come to the right place for motivation and support. Be sure to check back in with us regularly.

    Skinny - Congrats on the new runners. Your food for the weekend sounded similar to mine. We had Chinese food both Friday and then again last night with the in-laws. I didn't get around yet to logging last night's intake. I am pretty sure I went over. I will go back in a bit and fill it in out of curiosity. I did have a few glasses of wine to help deal with my MIL and her crazies.

    Sorry to hear you are frustrated. I wish I had some advice for you but I really have no clue. Just curious if you have been drinking enough water and staying under with sodium?
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Getting myself in gear for a nice long walk in the sunshine! This will be 4 days in a row!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I had a great road trip with the hubby and a nice overnight visit with his family. WE saw two of his brothers and his aunt and uncle. I didnt really get in much exercise and while I didnt log any of my food I think overall I made decent choices minus the drinks on friday night of course:blushing: As always though it is nice to be home. I was really happy to see my doggies who completley mugged me when I walked in the door:laugh:

    Robin I am so so sorry that you are having more problems. You just get some rest, go see your doctors, and check in when you feel up to it. WE will be here waiting for you.:flowerforyou:
    Kah super congrats on the jeans. That had to feel amazing when you were trying them on.:bigsmile:
    Nettie I am happy to hear you are coming down to the end of your plumbing woes. Sounds like you guys thoroughly documented everything so the insurance part shouldn't be to much of a headache. I am jealous of your plant starts. My dad and I are going to put inn a large garden at their house this year and I am super excited.
    Kris it sounds like they are keeping you hopping. I hope you get to slow down soon.

    Well time to go curl up with a good book and relax a little. Have a great day everyone.

    Todays Workout per HRM:
    45 min
    809 cals/claimed 450
    1.9 miles
    5213 steps
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone. Missed yesterday due to unexpected weekend fun (that didn't put me over) but I came back to read all of the success stories and was very inspired. What a wonderful group to be in.

    Sunday share: A lot of my life at the moment is dedicate to trying to sort out some summer options for myself, and those job applications are taking a TON of time on top of a challenging semester. Some exciting things are popping up, and I'm in the running for an internship with a UN agency in Trinidad and Tobago or Vietnam which is fantastic, on top of some options in California and Boston. However, as exciting (and good for my future) as that would be, there's a big part of me that's scared about moving out of the country again to a place where my exercise and food would be less inside my control for 3 months. I guess I'll worry about that when I come to it I suppose.

    Exercise wise, I'm trying to get the courage to head into the weight room and start doing some strength training. I'm scared for two reasons: 1. I go to a small university and the weight room is full of extremely fit male athletes who I see on a daily basis and 2. I've got almost no upper body strength, so I'm scared to use free weights, and almost as scared to look silly trying out the machines. Oh well. I'll work up to it.

    My calories have been going well, but I'm having a hard time balancing my uncertainty with the dining hall food with a sneaking suspicion that I need to eat more. I generally try to aim (by estimation) for my 2 pound a week goal of 1310, and then don't eat back my exercise calories so I can make sure any measuring confusion (I have to eyeball things, for the most part) or inaccurate calorie counts on the items the dining services does have info on don't ruin my progress. The real problem, I think is that though I'm not hungry I'm often tired, and my workouts are getting more intense. I rarely burn under 500 a day.

    I hope everyone had a restful weekend. I'm off to go do a mountain of homework and summer applications, but I look forward to learning a bit more about everyone when I check back.
  • cjen323
    cjen323 Posts: 20 Member
    OK...SO I am 207 pounds now, gained 90-100 pounds since 2007. I am frustrated, ashamed and worried that I will not have the time, incentive, willingness/discipline to do what it takes to loose this weight that I've gained. I am approaching my 42 birthday. The last 6-7 years have changed my life. I feel stressed, overworked and unhealthy. I I can't bend over or move around the way I used to. I tire easily and am stuck in a hard and spend many hours of the day away from home and therefore eat junk and sit on the couch for few time I have at the end of the day. My personal relationship has contributed to my giving up on myself although my DH does not "mean" harm. I need to focus on getting my health back. Started logging my food today and saw I'd continue gaining weight instead of loosing if I continue like today. Any support is welcome.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I don't ever remember having the winter blues before, but I think I do this year. Maybe because my life is boring and it's the same thing day in and day out. Work, drive home, eat, shower go to bed. Twice a week go to physio. Weekends, sit around looking at recipes, and shopping and cooking. Fun huh? I have friends, a boyfriend, a daughter, but I am quite a solitary person. I like my solitude, but right now it's just boring. Daughter is away at college, boyfriend works afternoon shifts and right now only has weekdays off, so I'm left to keep myself busy. Today I did my grocery shopping, laundry and cooked all my meals and snacks for the week. I've accomplished something but it doesn't feel so for some reason. I dread going back to work this week because it is supposed to get colder again, and I'm sick of putting on several layers of clothes and feeling like a big marshmallow. I'm not even looking forward to physio, which i did last year... I'm not putting as much of an effort into it.

    But on the bright side, my hunger pangs have stopped since lunch and I ate under my goal today. I can't figure it out. The only reason I can think of is this sample soup from a health food company that I tried for lunch. One of my customers is a distributor and has given me a few samples. This soup was gross! It's like a serving of protein powder in dehydrated soup that you add water to. I've been eating clean for a while now, and I could taste all the chemicals in it. Awful... but it did keep me full until dinner.

    Well, I'm procrastinating.. I should go. I have still have 30 push ups and 80 squats to do before bed.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    OK...SO I am 207 pounds now, gained 90-100 pounds since 2007. I am frustrated, ashamed and worried that I will not have the time, incentive, willingness/discipline to do what it takes to loose this weight that I've gained. I am approaching my 42 birthday. The last 6-7 years have changed my life. I feel stressed, overworked and unhealthy. I I can't bend over or move around the way I used to. I tire easily and am stuck in a hard and spend many hours of the day away from home and therefore eat junk and sit on the couch for few time I have at the end of the day. My personal relationship has contributed to my giving up on myself although my DH does not "mean" harm. I need to focus on getting my health back. Started logging my food today and saw I'd continue gaining weight instead of loosing if I continue like today. Any support is welcome.

    Hi! That sounds like me a year ago. I was in the same rut doing the same thing. Keep at it, I've been here about a month and am just now starting to see changes. The worst thing you can do is give up, even if it takes you several starts, keep starting. Make your meals at home and bring a lunch and snacks to work, that at least will give you more energy than the junk. Get your food under control by logging, then start thinking about moving more. Go as slow as you need to you continue rather than give up. Good luck!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    OK, I need help. These hunger pangs are driving me crazy!! I haven't felt true hunger in years, and it really sucks. I am eating every 2-2.5 hours, I reach my daily protein ratio, and with each meal, good carbs, 12 cups of water, 16 trips to the bathroom lol. I'm stumped. I eat 1970 calories a day for a 1lb loss per week.( I'd really like to increase it to 1.5 but I can't) My BMR is 1762, TDEE is 2731. Any suggestions? Feel free to look at my food diary. Thanks

    Tanya~I looked at your diary, are you using the macros that MFP guides you to use? Your carbs look to be set really high, MFP automatically sets them at 55% and I think its too high. For weight loss most dietitians recommend a spread of 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. A lot of us here here use that formula - I think if you eat greater amounts of protein those hunger pangs will subside.

    I use the macros from MFP.. 50/20/30 CPF I have a really hard time eating 20% protein, I have no idea how to get an extra 10% into my diet. I don't eat meat, but I do eat a lot of quinoa, lentils, yogurt, protein powder. I may have to retool my diet, I've always been a carbaholic so getting my carbs down is gonna be tough (I've cut out so much carbs already)

    Thanks for the advice.

    I'm just curious if you drink diet coke often? I don't know if it's the same for everyone but when I drank coke or diet coke I craved more food. I couldn't stand it ... I don't drink it anymore at all and I have almost no cravings unless I'm premenstral ...

  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    OK, I need help. These hunger pangs are driving me crazy!! I haven't felt true hunger in years, and it really sucks. I am eating every 2-2.5 hours, I reach my daily protein ratio, and with each meal, good carbs, 12 cups of water, 16 trips to the bathroom lol. I'm stumped. I eat 1970 calories a day for a 1lb loss per week.( I'd really like to increase it to 1.5 but I can't) My BMR is 1762, TDEE is 2731. Any suggestions? Feel free to look at my food diary. Thanks

    Tanya~I looked at your diary, are you using the macros that MFP guides you to use? Your carbs look to be set really high, MFP automatically sets them at 55% and I think its too high. For weight loss most dietitians recommend a spread of 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. A lot of us here here use that formula - I think if you eat greater amounts of protein those hunger pangs will subside.

    I use the macros from MFP.. 50/20/30 CPF I have a really hard time eating 20% protein, I have no idea how to get an extra 10% into my diet. I don't eat meat, but I do eat a lot of quinoa, lentils, yogurt, protein powder. I may have to retool my diet, I've always been a carbaholic so getting my carbs down is gonna be tough (I've cut out so much carbs already)

    Thanks for the advice.

    I'm just curious if you drink diet coke often? I don't know if it's the same for everyone but when I drank coke or diet coke I craved more food. I couldn't stand it ... I don't drink it anymore at all and I have almost no cravings unless I'm premenstral ...


    I've been a diet Pepsi addict for over 20 years. In the last month I've gone from drinking 5-6 cans a day to just one. My cravings are definitely gone... this seems to be true hunger I'm feeling now, though the hunger pangs finally subsided after I had lunch today.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Tanya- I hope you can find a new hobby for the rest of the year. Is there an activity you would like to try? If so, just do it with no excuses. Do yourself a favor and put your heart back into physio since it will help you in the long run improve your health. The soup does not sound good to me. Keeping you full until dinner does not your body is getting the nutrients that it needs to be satisfied. Do you eat raw veggies? That could help you reduce hunger pains and keep you full longer.

    Cjen- I started the weight loss process at 40 (3 years ago) and I was at 268 lbs. You can make this journey happen. One suggestion that I have is to pick on thing and change it to something positive-drink 12 oz of water instead of a can of soda, make this a habit. Then you change another thing. You body will let go of the weight but don’t expect over night results. You weight will change daily and for a variety of reasons so don’t let a one day gain derail your attempts. Your diary is not viewable so I don’t know what advice to offer in regards to food. If you open your diary, we can comment on your foods to see if we can help. Are you eating protein or carbs? What type of carbs are you eatin?-Sugary foods or whole grains. All that will make a difference.

    Rain-The fact that you are tired may be sign that you are not eating enough nutrients to keep your energy level up. Now that your workouts are more intense you may need to increase your food intake. Remember veggies are great food that can give you energy and also are low in calories. My trainer is encouraging me to eat more of them. Don’t be afraid of the gym. You can check at the gym to see if they have someone how to use the machines correctly and to help you get started. The internships sound awesome.

    Humbleheart-Yeah, for 4 days of walking in the sunshine.:bigsmile: It is great to be able to get outside and exercise.

    Jeanette- My tush still hurts when I ride my bike unless I have my bike shorts on. It is still to cold for shorts yet, so today was long tight pants to keep the legs warm. I hope you are able to get on your bike soon, just make sure the tires are pumped up from the cold they have deflated again.

    Karen- I feel your frustration with the scale not moving since the scale has done the same thing to me, as I am stuck at 198.:grumble: I am also getting tired of the battle that is never ending with barely any results. I am thinking my body likes this weight and does not want to be any smaller. The only thing I can think of is that your protein may be high, try lowering it 5% and see what happens while increasing the good carbs. How is the sodium in your diet? The heavy lifting may also have an impact on your weight.

    Robin B- Congrats on the walking and hitting the 2 mile mark:flowerforyou: , you had a very busy day. I also love the Renn Festival and I hope to get there this year.

    Hansea- I can tell you that every scale is different, not sure why but they are. I have 2 scales at home and they are close but seldom agree. I brought a new last year and that is main scale.

    MrsFlint-Welcome. It is great that your husband is doing this journey with you. :drinker:

    Kelley- Congrats, on being so close to achieving your goal. You are right this group has always been supportive and an important part of my successes as well.

    Tom, hope your cold goes away soon. :smile:

    Today, was a great day for exercise as the weather was in the 50’s and the sun was out. I complete an eight (8) mile bike ride then a 30 minute swim about a half mile. This was important for me to accomplish, since it was the first time that I have combined biking and swimming during the same workout. The bike route had more hills than yesterday so that a good challenge. I need to more of these type of combinations especially if I want to complete a sprint triathlon this year. On the bike ride, I lost a glove that was in the pocket of my sweatshirt and did not realize it until I got home. Well, I decided to go look for the glove and ended up walking for a half a mile to a mile before deciding to turn around and head back to the car. On my way back to the car, I decided to drive into the park to search the main road. As I driving into the park, I found my glove. I could not believe it, the glove was sitting on the side of the road. I truly thought that I had lost this glove and I was wasting my time. Thanks to St. Anthony, I was able to retrieve the glove. I had just brought the running gloves in December so I wanted to find it. The best was that I did a little extra walking today to add to my exercise totals.

    Exercise plans for this week
    Sunday- biking and swimming
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- Gym cardio but I also need to go shopping for a swimsuit.
    Wednesday-Rest- Meetings after work
    Thursday- Rest-class
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Water aerobics.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Great day and weekend had my son farewell today and got into the chips and cookies. Other then than I ate well but those pushed me over. I hope all the salty chips will not make me retain water for weight day tomorrow.
    Trying to get more water in. I need to add that as a goal. So I was only over two day today and Tuesday. I will keep these two goals on more week and add water as a goal.

    A: Under Cal. goal 4/7 days, completed!
    B: Walk 3/7 days completed!

    Mon: Under/ no walk
    Tue: Over/ walked
    Wed : Under/ No walk
    Thur : Under /Waked
    Fri: Under/ no walk
    Sat : Under / WALK
    Sun: Over/ no walk
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Good Evening! I did get to walk today ....this time for 75 min. I am gaining some stamina to hold out for longer!
    When I stepped on the scale this morning, it showed .5 pounds lower than ever before! Of course, it doesn't show that
    now, but it was encouraging! that 250 number isn't coming up at all any more!
    Hope all of you have a wonderful week!
  • OmahaRocks
    OmahaRocks Posts: 22 Member
    count me in
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @ushkii--great job meeting your goals this week!! :drinker:

    @laurie--sounds like you are back at your regular active routine not that you're over that nasty sinus infection. Glad you had some good weather to get outside as well. We are still on the cold side (about 20 degrees below normal), but at least it's been nice enough to get some walks in with gunner. :smile: As far as my protein, I have my macro set at 30% but I never meet it. This month my goal has been to get a minimum of 100g and I would need about 125 g to meet 30% (with no exercise calories). I also doubt its my protein b/c prior to this recent goal, I was averaging about 75g/day. Since I just raised it, I don't think lowering it is going to do the trick. :ohwell: Oh, and I haven't been lifting heavy for at least the last month--I got kind of bored with it, so I'm back to weight machines as part of my circuit training. I do think I need to make sure more of my carbs are good carbs--I've been a little too free and loose with the sugary treats :blushing: , so I will definitely take your advice and start watching those more carefully. I know you've been stuck too--we seem to be struggling through this journey in tandem.

    @tanya--I agree with laurie--that soup sounds awful! I know if you keep experimenting, you will find the right foods (good tasting foods) that keep you full. I find nuts do the trick for me. I also like kashi bars, smartpop kettle corn, and peanut butter. Finally, when I'm really hungry (not just bored hungry--which happens to me a lot! :laugh: ), I'll look at my macros before grabbing a snack and try to see which nutrient is low. If it's protein I'll grab a slice of lunchmeat or cheese; if it's carbs I go for a sweet potato or some popcorn, etc.

    @rain--when I was in college I used to work out in the weight room and those big, scary looking guys were the BEST! They would spot me, give me advice, and sometimes even train me for free. I know it can be intimidating, but they will probably admire that you are working on your physical health and try to be helpful or at least encouraging.

    @tammy--sounds like a great weekend!

    @nettie--I think you might be right about the water. I tend to drink a lot of it without even thinking about it--I grew up drinking water, and it's my drink of choice with meals, so I don't pay a lot of attention to my intake. However, upon reflection, I have been drinking coffee in the mornings more often at school (we got a keurig and I love it!), and also more diet soda than in the past. I realized the diet soda thing last week and have switched back to green tea, but I think I need to start paying more attention to the water. As far as sodium, my intake is up and down and I really don't pay attention to it. I know it can affect my weight from day to day b/c of water retention, but I don't think it should have any impact on my ability to lose body fat. Since I have really good blood pressure and no other health issues that would be impacted by sodium levels, I don't tend to worry about it. Glad your plumbing woes are mostly behind you, and I'm rooting for you to get those hardwoods!

    @tom--feel better!! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--woohoo for smaller jeans!! :drinker:

    @robin--I really hope you get some answers! We will hold down the fort, but you will be missed! :flowerforyou:

    @susan--Yes! That is the bar I'm talking about with the Zero-degree room where you wear the Russian cossack hats. I've actually never gone into that room, but I've had martinis at their main bar (which is iced over--very cool!).

    I know I'm missing some folks, but it's getting late and I still need to watch Talking Dead. Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    AFM--I got no grading done, but none of it was urgent, so I will get it done during the week. It was kind of nice to have a weekend "off" of school. :happy:

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    21/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. x/71 Canterbury questions
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE
    3. look over Brave New World journal questions
    4. x/ ? Gatsby journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE (meeting ran late)
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (cardio) DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    GREAT weekend in MO with my old college roommie! I had to eat Mickey D's on Friday as I was driving, so I know that wasn't a great choice, and I was too tired from driving 4 hours to log anything on Friday. I just assume I went over and moved on!

    Anyway, Saturday, E (the roommie) let me sleep in...till 11:30!!! She got up at 8 a.m., so I felt really lazy, but I must have needed it, right? (Well that's what I tell myself!) Then, after I had been up and ate "breakfast" she said, Ok get dressed. We're going to the gym. I admit, I sighed and rolled my eyes. Then we got there and she started walking on the treadmill and I got on a bike. I did 15 minutes at a brisk pace then got on the treadmill for 15 minutes. Then, I got back on the bike and did 1 minute at the brisk pace and 30 seconds REALLY fast for 10 minutes. I thought we'd be done then, so I really let loose! We weren't!

    We went back to the weight room, which terrifies me, but E was there and she's a cop and she's taller than most men I know, so I wasn't too scared. She had me doing free weights, which I've never done before because, well, I don't really have a reason, I just thought I couldn't for some reason! But I now know that I can bench press at least 50 lbs, and can row at a 100. I felt really strong...till E benched 145 lbs.! She's a beast in the gym!!! (And I totally mean that in a good way!!)

    We got home and I made chicken jambalaya, which is a WW recipe that I love. That night, I made creamy butternut squash soup, which was soooo good! We both ate two bowls of it!!! (If anyone wants these recipes, let me know...)

    We shopped a little bit, and got cheap gas!!! (In Moberly MO, which is where I went, I could fill up for $3.09, which is about 20 cents cheaper than here in Iowa, and Iowa has cheap gas, too!)

    Anyway, it was a very good visit, and I took another route home than I usually do, and it was beautiful. I saw sooo many deer, though none close to the road, thank Goodness! But I love seeing deer. Not only are they beautiful and graceful, they make me hungry and they taste good! (Sorry to all the vegan and vegetarians out there...I'm definitely a meat eater! Hope I don't offend you, but deer meat is leaner than hamburger and much cheaper!)

    Now that I've been home, I am finding myself "taking inventory" of the fridge. I do that when I'm not hungry, but bored. I just open it up and move things around and plan my next snack. I have found that my life tends to rotate around when I get to eat. I don't think it's an obsession, per se, but that's just how I break up my day. Eating lunch after the gym with E was weird because we didn't start cooking till 3 p.m.!!!

    Now I'm just getting ready for bed. The factory where my hubby works is shut down this week, so I'll have plenty of time with him. I'm also going to try to go to the gym tomorrow. I think my new schedule will be Mon., Wed., and Sat. That will be my new exercise go three times a week. I need to improve on this because I usually only go when the mood strikes me, which is, like, NEVER!!!

    Anywho, I hope ya'll have a great week. I know tomorrow's Monday. Make it a wonderful day. I am probably the last person who needs to say this, but a lot of the time, we make our own happiness. I know it sounds weird from the girl with clinical depression, but for those of you who don't have a chemical imbalance (haha!) I pray that you make this week great! I'll be with you in thought, and will probably do personals tomorrow. Good luck and God bless!

    loves :love:
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    Missed yesterday - It really helps me to read all your notes. I had a bad weekend. I ate terrible, chips, dark choc, diet soda. I think the only thing good I ate was a little turkey. I did stay under calories, but only because I didn't eat anything that was really good food for me.

    I am also getting discouraged. The scale hasn't budged in two weeks. I hope after having a binge out I can get back on track to eating healthy. But, I haven't eaten my total calories allowed since I started. I measure my food. I usually get my 8 to 10glasses of water. How much sodium is to much? I have good blood pressure. I am having a lot of hot flashes. Do you think I should be drinking more water? I also don' t sleep much. Once I fall asleep it's good, just can't fall asleep.

    Rain - I am pretty self conscience about my extra weight. I checked into a gym last week, had the tour. I talked to a trainer. I (he) said if I felt funny about being there right now, he would would help me figure out what I could do at home to start with. Then, when I felt more confident I could start going. I bought a resistance band in two strengths. He gave me several different things I can do myself with a door knob. Exercises I can do with cans and milk jugs for weight training. Just as a thought for you.

    Best wishes to all of you this coming week. I hope you are all feeling better. I hope you all stay on track and keep your goals.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Another Monday morning, but at least the sun is shining.

    @kah - Hope you had success shopping. I know you're more than ready for that vacation!

    @nettie - Glad your plumbing is fixed and I hope the insurance company comes through (as they should).

    @karenleona - Yeah, I found quite a few muscles after Pilates. It looks innocent enough, but WOW is it tough. Fortunately, the instructor is good about giving people easier versions of some of the stuff. I hope to work up to all of the tough stuff, but it'll take some time.

    @susan - I feel your frustration and boy do I understand. I definitely did a lot of walking in Boston. I matched my daughter and her BF step for step and over 3 days went about 14 miles. Yeah, my shins are talking to me today. I had planned a rest day on Friday, but decided to walk back to my daughters apartment (Cambridge to Boston) so that didn't happen. Not going to work out today. I think my Pilates/Walking muscles need a break!

    AFM - The trip to Boston was great. The flight on Friday was interesting... very bumpy and the seat belt sign never went off. Weather that day was pea soup fog, but not too cold. Saturday and Sunday were bright, sunny and "warm" (at least for Boston in February). Had a great time with my daughter.

    As you know, I've been frustrated lately with the scale not moving as it has during the previous 8 months. Lots of angst about this situation has occurred and I have to confess it has stressed me out. Well, I had a BIG epiphany over the weekend. I realized that while the number on the scale is not yet where I want and my fitness level still needs improvement, I have achieved the reason I began all this last June. I went on a trip where I packed without stressing about having clothes that fit. I didn't worry a bit about having to request a seat belt extension. I walked all over the city without having to stop and rest and without huffing and puffing. My weight is no longer an impediment to doing the things in my life that I want to do. And I really didn't notice until this weekend. I still have things to accomplish, but I already have the big prize. It's such a relief to realize that whatever the scale has to say every morning, that I've already done the biggest part and removed weight as a reason I wasn't living the life I want.

    Hope everyone has a great day and spend a few minutes being joyful about what you have accomplished!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Rest Day
    Tuesday - Yoga
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day