Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thursday Truth: I know its Tuesday, but I’m doing a Thursday Truth. I have NO will power whatsoever and I swear I’m addicted to sweets. If it wasn’t for these crazy work outs, I would be gaining a TON of weight seriously. If I can just figure out my eating, I would lose weight and I know it. I have to want this and I keep saying I do, but I keep falling back into old habits. This lifestyle change is going to be an ongoing battle I’m afraid. I know I’ve got ALL of your support, but unless you’re standing beside me and slapping the crap out of my hand it’s all up to me. I need to get my butt in gear and fast!

    @ Kris – Thanks for the update and congrats on the new friend. You know you have to keep us posted that’s for sure. I’m declining a bit too and like you said I will NOT go back to the larger clothes. I went down a size or two and will not go back up. You did this before and you know you can keep doing it. Get a grip!!! I’m saying this for both of us.

    Here's what we do. I'll move to vegas and we'll both wear electric shock collars. If you see me eating crap, shock the beejeezuz out of me and I'll do the same for you!:drinker: :drinker: :laugh:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    The weather has turned cold and gray again. I guess the last few days were just a Spring teaser. I can't wait until it's the real thing and I can get outside to work in the yard, plant pots of flowers, herbs and veggies and enjoy the sunshine. It's been a long Winter!

    I don't have time to do personals right now, but I'm thinking about all who are struggling be it with health issues or just to stay the course. The main thing I love about this thread is that every time I read it, I know there will be a post from someone who is going through the same thing I am. And there will be other posts that teach, encourage or just make me laugh.

    Most of all, this is a group of people who will NEVER, EVER give up on their quest for better health and a healthy weight. That's a pretty rare thing and I'm thankful for you all every day.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Rest Day DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thanks everyone, it’s a little strange and worries me a little to think about working out less vigorously - but I trust my trainer and am putting trust into the results of the test. I think the hard part will be that I won’t get near the calorie burn I was before, but I’ll be burning calories more effectively – something I’ll need to remind myself, often! :wink: I’m armed with my Kindle Fire and plan on watching a couple episodes of Falling Skies while on the treadmill or elliptical this afternoon, that is usually good for 90 minutes or so.

    @Laurie~Hooray for new swimsuits, I leave on my vacation in a little over two weeks and still haven’t shopped for swimsuits – I need to quit procrastinating! I’m sorry to hear about your friends mom.

    @Helena~Great news about your mom.

    @KarenL~Yes, I had the metabolic testing done at my gym – they offer a resting metabolic test and active metabolic test.

    @Susan~Sweets are addictive and more so for some people. I subscribe to a magazine through my gym entitled Experience Life, there was a recent article in there regarding food addiction and how sugary foods have the same effect on the pleasure sensors of your brain that heroin and cocaine do. Here is a link to the article, hopefully you can read it (could be password protected): I wish I could help you, I have problems from time to time as well, but for me it is usually the result of sleep deprivation and stress – if my life is relatively calm I don’t crave sweets or foods high in carbs. So, since I can’t be there physically to slap your hand every time you reach for something sweet just think of my as the angel sitting on your left shoulder talking you out of that cookie or donut. Sending you virtual hugs, you got this! :flowerforyou:

    @rainand wood~Karen (skinnyjeanz) is right. If you went to a store and they measured your foot and then talked you into a size that wasn’t quite right you should be able to exchange them for some that fit better. Also, like Karen also mentioned they may be able to lace them differently for you. I had some runners that slipped on my heel (got a terrible blister), so I looked at Running World’s website and found different lacing techniques to help compensate – it helped a lot. Terrific weight loss, weigh to go! Bad runs happen too, I have found that if I take a break from running the next time I run is usually fantastic! :wink:

    @Haley~Its easier and less daunting to concentrate on smaller goals, so great idea!

    @Hansea~Great decision to go to the gym instead of out to dinner, I’m sure your kids also appreciated the extra time you spent with them. :wink:

    AFM~Racquetball was a lot of fun yesterday, although I think I need to invest in some court/tennis shoes instead of wearing my runners – all the lateral movements kind of aggravate my Achilles. :frown: My Wednesday wish is just that those who are struggling, injured or hurting find a path to healing soon. Of course a special shout-out to Robin, that her doctor’s appointments are going well this week and that she is feeling better.

    Sunday~Session with trainer DONE!
    Monday~Active Metabolic Assessment DONE!
    Tuesday~Racquetball with trainer DONE! (plus bike)
    Thursday~Session with Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Are newbies welcome on this thread? I spent last evening reading every post from start to finish, and thought about how great it would be to be part of such a lovely, supportive group of people. I have been using MFP for several years, but only got up the nerve to check out the community aspect a couple of weeks ago. I'm a bit of a wallflower but would love to become more active in the chats. I feel quite alone in this weight loss journey.

    As a bit of an introduction - I'm a 36 yr old full-time working mom of two special boys (8 and 12) with neurological and developmental issues. I live on the east coast of canada and am really, really tired of winter! Began this 100 lb journey for (hopefully) the last time in January, but have been a life-long yo-yo dieter. I am a race walker and currently training for my second half marathon, and finding the toll it takes on my body to be almost more than I can deal with. While "fat and fit" has worked for years, I am ready to lose the fat part of the equation. Depression and anxiety are constantly nipping at my heels and I work hard to keep them at bay with diet and exercise.

    I would love to make some friends on here! :)
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Good morning!

    Welcome Shadow and Eileen!! You will find this the most welcoming and greatest bunch of people ever! I've only been coming
    here a couple weeks and feel they are my greatest supporters! Welcome!

    L2T...... I am so ready for spring! We had a few nice warm days and then turned cold again. they gave snow for last
    night but that didn't happen! Sunny but chilly day in KY!

    MowMow......That shock collar might be a good idea...... I could use just a tap every day! I am not to the point that I don't automatically reach for the bad stuff!

    Kaye..... I am going to remember 'other peoples food'! If i repeat it enough times, maybe it will become my second nature
    and I can have big numbers on my ticker like yours! Congrats on the loss! I find it so much harder to lose a pound than when
    I was younger!

    Hayley...... Sounds like you are getting out and about more these days. Proud of you! Healthy eating will help
    improve your whole outlook on life! Keep coming back here for encouragement and someone will always have
    a listening ear!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Wednesday Wish - It came true!!! The insurance adjuster came yesterday and it looks like they will be covering the work the plumbers did and repairs that now need to be made to the house. I gave her digital copies of all the photos I took, showed her the pipes we saved and showed her around the house. Though she could see it as soon as she walked in the front door. She took pictures and measurements of the flooring and walls. The plumbers had to cut into the walls in 2 different spots so naturally we have to have that patched and repaint. But because it is an large open area, we have to paint the entire area again or you will be able to see the difference in paint color from fading over time. She said it will take about 2 weeks for the paperwork to be processed and before we hear anything. They will be covering the expense but we just don't know how much they will be giving us. In the meantime, Brian and I are going to start calling around and getting some estimates from flooring companies.

    Tom - Sorry to hear you and Amy are not feeling well. Hope this passes soon.

    Mnwalking - That sounds like a good plan.

    Kah - Do you have a patio area? If so, maybe you can do some planting in containers on your patio? I hated when we lived in the condo because I couldn't do much gardening. I ended up trying to do some veggies in containers but unfortunately my patio didn't get much sun. When we decided to buy a house one of my must haves was a separate area for gardening.

    I never heard of the zone thing before you described it. That sounds very interesting indeed. I am curious to see the results of this new plan for you. I hope they are great!

    Jtconst - Yippie to the 5 laps. Boo to having to pee. I hate when my bladder interrupts my workouts. Double boo to the dentist. Hope you aren't in too much pain after your visit. What kinds of things are you planning on planting in your garden?

    Humble - I have set times when I drink my water to make sure I get it all in. Maybe you can try something like that. I drink when I first wake up, after my morning workout, with lunch. By noon - 1 pm, I have already consumed 6 glasses of water. I don't drink anything past 1 pm until after I get home from work because I just cannot run out of my classroom if I need to use the bathroom. When I get home from work I drink another glass and then sip my last glass after dinner. I have over sized drinking glasses so one of my glasses is equivalent to 18 oz of liquid. My method brings me to 10 glasses of water. Sometimes I squeeze in an extra glass somewhere during the day if I am extra thirsty. I love your idea of setting the bottles out in the kitchen where you see them. Maybe you can set a timer to remind you to drink as well.

    Helena - I am so happy to hear the good news about your mother. I will continue to keep her (and your family) in my prayers.

    Tanya - Congrats on the bike. As far as cutting out wheat and sandwiches, maybe you can do some type of lettuce wrap in place of the wheat. This way you can still have something quick and easy.

    Rain - Sorry to read about your frustration. But congrats on the loss.

    Susan - Sorry to hear you are struggling with food lately. I have not logged into Photobucket lately so I cannot help you there. Sorry.

    Eileen - Welcome. With the junk food, I recommend if you are going to have it log it before you eat it. This way you can see if it fits onto your goals. If it does take our just your portion, properly measured, and put the rest away. This way you are still having a little bit of it and not depriving yourself and teaching yourself portion control and moderation at the same time.

    Laurie - Sorry to hear about your friend. Will definitely send prayers her way. Congrats on the swimsuits.

    Hayley - Focusing on small goals rather than the big picture all at once is definitely helpful.

    Hansea - Good for you for going to the gym by yourself and sticking with your plan. You are right to be proud of yourself!

    Skinny - I agree with you 100% on Robin creating this thread. This thread has helped me so much along the way. I am so grateful for everyone here. I learn so much from everyone and all the advice often reminds me of things I can apply to my own situation.

    Kaye - I hate eating "other people's foods" for the simple reason that I don't know how much of such and such they put in it and if I am logging it correctly. I probably stress about it a bit too much because it causes me a lot of internal grief when I am trying to log. :embarassed:

    Alupinsk - I had a rough last 2 weeks so I can completely relate. One day last week I saw 225 and logged it as I needed a pick me up. After my high sodium weekend I was back up to 230. :noway: :noway: Monday and Tuesday and put extra effort into weighing everything carefully, getting in my water and working extra hard during my exercise routines. I dropped this morning to 224.2! (yesterday was 225.8) I was pleasantly surprised. I am going to hold off until Monday to weigh in. I really hope this new weight sticks around. Congrats on being so close to being in the teens. You must be so excited. You never know, you may even reach the teens by Sunday!!! :happy:

    MyMOwMOw - ROFLMAO. I just spit out some water when I read your post to Susan about the shock collars. I envisioned it and oh boy... :laugh:

    Lives - We had the Spring teaser here too in NY. I cannot believe I had my windows opened on Sunday and today we are getting snow. :noway: As much as I enjoy the snow the teaser put me in the frame of mind that I am ready to say goodbye to Winter.

    Littleshadow - Newbies are certainly welcomed. Jump right in and join us. Be sure to check in with us regularly. Feel free to post as much or as little as you want.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    It is Wed already.....My wish is not fitness related but weather relaterd "No More Snow Please". The news says more is on the way and I have no where to pile anymore snow like others I got 11 inches last weekend grand total of 59 inches so far this year.

    @hayley- Great workout with college friend
    @Trigredia- you can add soduim to food goals I watch that on mine but I think everyone is different in how much they can have. I live right in the city of Mpls.
    @L2T- Great epiphany you had and wonderful walk around the city
    @Humble heart- 75min walk is wonderful
    @shantanorris- Welcome to the group
    @Kah68- Racketball does sound fun and when I have watched people at the gym it reminds me of playing wall tennis when I was kid. My puppy is doing good. His beagle mischievious behavior is coming out in him but I realized he is not going to be a big dog which is good. Our only issue is he hates being brushed and he has the german shepard coat so brushing has been a huge challenge.
    @Hansea- Great job going to the gym vs eating out with your friend

    Ok all you dog owners I have a problem once this snow melts. My back yard fence line is all flowers and I have 2 planter boxes built around my dead trees filled with flowers and I have a wild flower garden in my front yard. What is the best way to train the puppy to leave the flower stuff alone? He is 7 months old now by spring he will be about 10 months old his breed is german shepard/beagle mix so he has tendencies to sense things and be gone.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    thanks for the welcome! I have a feeling I will need the encouragement... have been losing steady for the past 6 weeks and am now heading into a plateau, which is when I get so discouraged and feel like throwing in the towel!

    MNwalking, I am glad I am not the only one ready for spring! We still have about 4 ft of snow and there is more on the way. And this morning it was 20 below... WHERE IS SPRING????
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Hello everyone!
    For those who don't remember me which I'm sure most of you don't, my name is Doug. I had a pretty good run with weight loss a couple years ago the ran out of steam for some reason. I went from the scale saying E-- to 275 and my weight is back up to E-- which is something over 340 lbs since that's as far as my scale goes. Feel pretty worthless right now and revisiting the feelings of being sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm glad you guys are still encouraging each other and hope to be able to join everyone again.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    I saw the nutritionist on Monday and I was nervous. Thought I was going to get nailed about everything in my log. She looked at it, noticed that I was losing at a steady (healthy) rate. And then asked me a string of questions.
    -my water consumption has increased.
    -I'm now eating breakfast.
    -I'm eating out significantly less than when I started
    -I'm eating within the range she calculated for me. (which is actually a daily range from 1480-1670)
    She said keep doing what I'm doing, until I hit a big stall or plateau and then we'll revisit.

    What I did learn is, to look for a bread with greater or equal to 3gr of fibre and protein. Even if it has more calories, it will be denser and more filling. Hence I probably won't want as many pieces. I'm giving this a try. She said that if I still needed as many pieces as before, I was probably better off with my lower calorie (but still at least 2gr) version. I wanted to share because the bread thing always confuses me. Nutrition vs calorie. :tongue:

    This is not the right forum for this really, but I'm very upset and my husband is no help. When I'm upset my eating suffer, so I need to figure out how to deal with it. There are a lot of teacher's on here maybe you can give me advice. :flowerforyou: I'm having problems with my eldest who's in gr. 3. He's a sweet and good boy in school. However he's getting into the habit of not finishing his work or even starting. I was looking through his schoolwork (just found out I could access it through schoolzone on internet) and found out that he did not start or even mention an at home essay he was supposed to hand in on Jan 22. I had no knowledge of this project. The teacher gave me no indication that it was not done. I have him writing it and an apology for disrespecting his teacher. He knows he will probably not receive a mark for it at this point. It's a big assignment and (thurs and friday are conventions) she won't get it till Monday. Does anyone have any idea how I can spin this so it is less likely to happen again? Is there anyway I can work something out with the teacher to maybe get an email or something? I don't know what I could expect for help from her? I don't want to have to hunt through his work to make him be responsible for it. But I can be over the top when I'm mad and disappointed. :explode:

    Oh and I lost 8lb this month!!! Yay me!
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Thanks for the support. I've decided to do this of 5k training again, starting tomorrow. Hopefully I won't have the shoe issue again, but if I do I suppose I'll have to get someone to drive me to two towns over to talk with the store. The only thing that changed from when I ran the first few weeks was 1. I was running during the day and not at night and 2 I've lost 5 pounds since I bought them (but I really doubt that would effect my feet.) Either way I REALLY hope this problem magically disappears tomorrow because running a 5k has been a huge motivator this time around. I think one reason I'm losing so steadily is because I'm genuinely enjoying building fitness, and use that to gauge my progress instead of just pounds lost.

    My wish for this week is that I get the guts to do weight training. I tried going twice yesterday but both times it was overrun by sports teams and unavailable for general use. I would love to start getting stronger and focusing on my fitness in a functional way, and this is a great next step.

    On a side note, I've made a slightly ambitious goal to be under 200 by my 21st birthday the first week of June. I'm at 227 right now (30 pounds down from my heaviest) so it's doable. Any thoughts? Does this seem to aggressive?
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    revisiting the feelings of being sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    Doug! Welcome back, it's so good to see you here.
    I'm standing right next to you, weight back on, and sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Thursday Truth: I know its Tuesday, but I’m doing a Thursday Truth. I have NO will power whatsoever and I swear I’m addicted to sweets. If it wasn’t for these crazy work outs, I would be gaining a TON of weight seriously. If I can just figure out my eating, I would lose weight and I know it. I have to want this and I keep saying I do, but I keep falling back into old habits. This lifestyle change is going to be an ongoing battle I’m afraid. I know I’ve got ALL of your support, but unless you’re standing beside me and slapping the crap out of my hand it’s all up to me. I need to get my butt in gear and fast!

    @ Kris – Thanks for the update and congrats on the new friend. You know you have to keep us posted that’s for sure. I’m declining a bit too and like you said I will NOT go back to the larger clothes. I went down a size or two and will not go back up. You did this before and you know you can keep doing it. Get a grip!!! I’m saying this for both of us.

    Here's what we do. I'll move to vegas and we'll both wear electric shock collars. If you see me eating crap, shock the beejeezuz out of me and I'll do the same for you!:drinker: :drinker: :laugh:

    Will it work long distance?? i live in about upping the voltage for me?:laugh: :laugh:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Are newbies welcome on this thread? I spent last evening reading every post from start to finish, and thought about how great it would be to be part of such a lovely, supportive group of people. I have been using MFP for several years, but only got up the nerve to check out the community aspect a couple of weeks ago. I'm a bit of a wallflower but would love to become more active in the chats. I feel quite alone in this weight loss journey.

    As a bit of an introduction - I'm a 36 yr old full-time working mom of two special boys (8 and 12) with neurological and developmental issues. I live on the east coast of canada and am really, really tired of winter! Began this 100 lb journey for (hopefully) the last time in January, but have been a life-long yo-yo dieter. I am a race walker and currently training for my second half marathon, and finding the toll it takes on my body to be almost more than I can deal with. While "fat and fit" has worked for years, I am ready to lose the fat part of the equation. Depression and anxiety are constantly nipping at my heels and I work hard to keep them at bay with diet and exercise.

    I would love to make some friends on here! :)

    welcome!! i live on the west coast of canada....about 45 min east of vancouver. My crocuses are up now that the last snowfall has melted. I hope spring comes soon for you. Sounds like you have had a terrible winter this year. Exercise is a great way to keep depression at bay. Come here often and you will be motivated to work hard to reach your goals
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Doug- welcome back!!! So glad to see you here. We can do this together

    Wed wish- that i could get the hang of this again and stay on track. Binged last night again :mad: :mad:
    Going for a walk today. Hope my heart cooperates!!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    JNettie - Getting my mind in a garden frame of mind, going to get seeds this weekend and think about tilling the garden. ALSO so glad to hear the adjuster came and that you were smart enough to take pictures! Great job. Good luck.
    mmwalking - Keep coming back, you never fail if you do not stop trying!
    rainandwood - Great job on trainin for a 5K!
    jtconst - That is a great way to burn some Cals. playing with the kids. Not only good for you but builds memories!
    Lauriek70 - Thanks for your exercise stories so motivating, ball planking!
    hayley- What Alupinsk & others said! When I don't want to log it is becaue I am eating bad.Kudo on the no pop! Awesome!
    Morgori - Get well soon, love the quotes!.
    Helen - Good to hear of the good news of your mother! C25K! good luck.
    Tanya - Thanks for the work out update, i live vicarioulsly through you guys, ha ha ha .

    So one cool thing, went to a retirment party and did not have the cookies that I know are so good. On the vanpool home they had cupcakes and I turned them down too! What is happening to me!

    wed wish, keep on keeping on.

    A: Under Cal. goal 4/7 days
    B: Walk 3/7 days
    C: Drink 8 cups 3/7 days

    Mon: B C
    Tue: A B
    revisiting the feelings of being sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    Doug! Welcome back, it's so good to see you here.
    I'm standing right next to you, weight back
    on, and sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

    Yes welcome back, many have fallen away and returned. You are at a starting point. Good luck and you know this is a great place to get support.
  • adaffern
    adaffern Posts: 161 Member
    New to this thread...I will do my best to do the check ins...

    I've been unemployed for 8 months now got pretty lazy. Reached my highest weight during this period. I've been pretty good keeping up with my diary so far, but it 's only been a week. Visited a gym with my daughter. almost ran away screaming from anxiety ... I don't even exercise in front of my husband...way too embarrassing. I sucked it up...put away my pride and I ended up joining the gym. I'm not going to waste my money by eating bad and I'm going to get my moneys worth out of it by going regularly. Ran/walked my first mile. Cried on the treadmill.. never thought I could do it. Ran my second mile, shaved off 1.5 minutes! :bigsmile: Looking forward to reading other success stories.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies and renewbies! :flowerforyou:

    My Wednesday Wish is for spring to come and for everyone I meet to turn their frown upside-down. Seriously. I feel like the majority of my patients today have been super grumpy or just strange. Cabin fever is hitting this area hard! :grumble: I don't want to talk about how cold it is anymore! And I want to ride my bike outside. :smile:

    @ushkii- Turning down cookies and cupcakes? Willpower Warrior! That's who you are. :happy:

    @karen- Hope today is better than yesterday and that your walk is easy and heart-problem-free!

    @rain- It will be tough, but I think you could get to 199 by June.

    @p1xy- Great job on the loss! And good luck with your son's homework issues.

    @Nettie- Woo hoo for your wish come true! I hope they decide on a decent amount so you can get everything fixed up to your liking.

    @skinnyjeanz- Hope today went well and you were able to keep it within 1536.

    @Kaye- I like that "other people's food"!

    @Alupinsk- I hope you hit those teens at the end of the week!

    @Hayley- Baby steps! Small goals reached lead to big results down the road!

    AFM- I'm excited for homemade pizza tonight! Mmmm....midweek pizza! I prelogged, and it all fits into my calories for today.

    A little less sleep last night than I had planned...watching old episodes of West Wing on Netflix....I wish it wouldn't autoplay three episodes at a time. If I have to push "play", I tend to think twice before watching the next episode. It's harder to push "stop" when it wants to autoplay.

    MONDAY: 8 hours
    TUESDAY: 6 hours
  • blessedwith3boys
    blessedwith3boys Posts: 136 Member
    I am starting over today. I got myself some slim fast and some healthy snacks. I want to really be aware of what i'm putting into my body. I want to either log here or on paper and transfer it here. I've also started a zumba gold class. It's only once a week to start but it is a start.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I’m back at work but real busy.

    GHDC= 2.11 miles 25 out of 26 days > 2 miles

    “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow’.” ~Mary Anne Radmacher
