Snacking too much!

Out of curiosity. What are your thoughts about eating junk food even though you stay within your daily caloric goal? I have such a hard time getting any control over my snacking habits, but I'm wondering if it will prevent my weight loss progress.


  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Calorie deficit causes weight loss.

    If you want a ding dong, eat it. Make it fit within your calorie goal and you're good to go
  • I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.
  • Calorie deficit causes weight loss.

    If you want a ding dong, eat it. Make it fit within your calorie goal and you're good to go

    Thats great advice. I also found that drinking water with lemon will help me to keep from snacking.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    calorie deficit = weight loss.

    If you're hitting the rest of your macro goals, it won't matter what else you eat.
  • crystal075
    crystal075 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks guys for your thoughts. I can eat pretty clean for my meals, but my snacking is definitely not clean.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thanks guys for your thoughts. I can eat pretty clean for my meals, but my snacking is definitely not clean.
    doesn't have to be to lose, either. All good.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I had some candy last week for snacks. And I lost.
  • I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I've ate 1,000 calories of ice cream before for dinner & lost weight.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    Because if you enjoy something, eat it.
    People are classifying foods as 'clean' and 'dirty' which is essentially demonizing food.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a ding dong.
  • I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    Because if you enjoy something, eat it.
    People are classifying foods as 'clean' and 'dirty' which is essentially demonizing food.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a ding dong.

    There are many things wrong with a ding dong starting with the long list of **** in it that I cant pronounce. But anyway, do what you will - I only offer my advice.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    Shame on you Kadybaby for trying to give some advice that will help her not only with her goals but her long term health as well. Dont you know that you are only allowed to tell people that they should eat what ever they want, when ever they want, ESPECIALLY if it is fast food and processed?

    My goodness who would guess on a fitness site that someone would actually give advice to some one to eat more nutrient dense food so they not only look great, they feel great too. :wink:
  • I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    Because if you enjoy something, eat it.
    People are classifying foods as 'clean' and 'dirty' which is essentially demonizing food.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a ding dong.

    Ps - this whole thing where people ask questions and others give advice, does not mean it is a forum for your snide remarks, ok? ADVICE, OPINIONS, ETC they are all different - do what works for you but dont bash what works for me. ok cupcake?
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    Because if you enjoy something, eat it.
    People are classifying foods as 'clean' and 'dirty' which is essentially demonizing food.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a ding dong.

    Ps - this whole thing where people ask questions and others give advice, does not mean it is a forum for your snide remarks, ok? ADVICE, OPINIONS, ETC they are all different - do what works for you but dont bash what works for me. ok cupcake?

    But a cupcake is 'dirty'!!
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    If you want it and it fits into your calories, go for it!

    Nothing wrong with eating clean if you enjoy it - I eat my fair share of "whole" or "clean" foods, and I try to make sure I'm fulfilling my nutritional requirements - but my personal plan of attack is to eat in a way that I can maintain for the rest of my life. So that includes lots of steamed broccoli... and brownies! :smile:
  • crystal075
    crystal075 Posts: 33 Member
    Everyone has great thoughts. Its okay to disagree, and be supportive :smile:
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Out of curiosity. What are your thoughts about eating junk food even though you stay within your daily caloric goal? I have such a hard time getting any control over my snacking habits, but I'm wondering if it will prevent my weight loss progress.

    The only thing that will hinder your weightloss progress is overeating - afterall, a pound is 3500 calories. Doesn't really matter the food. I find that I snack less when I eat foods that have a lot of fiber and protein, because I'm usually still full. Here's a helpful link someone posted earlier about good sources of protein:

    I personally don't believe that being a flexible dieter hinders weightloss. I'll indulge in some Twinkies for that sugar rush, and chocolate of course. If it fits into your calories and macros, I say go for it!

    If you want to cut out certain foods, it's your prerogative to do so. But it isn't necessary to cut out certain foods to promote good health and weightloss. Moderation of your caloric intake is the key! :smile:

    P.S. I discovered these Belgian chocolate seashells..........HNNnnnnng soooo good! :love: :love:
  • LishieFruit, go eat your freaking cupcake, ding dong, whatever you want to put in your mouth/hands... so you can leave Kady and her healthy foods/life choices be. Just because she suggested you might have to "deprive" yourself of a chemical *kitten* storm of processed non-foods, and even the thought makes you grumpy... doesn't mean you need to jump on her d*ck, alright?
    Good god.

    Anyways, my two cents is try to eat the best you can. Of course a slip up here and there isn't a big deal, but you'll begin to feel a HUGE difference between eating for nutrients and eating just for taste. :) Caloric deficit is why you lose weight. Although you'll be more energized from nutrient-rich foods and so more likely to burn more calories at the gym and even every day life.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member

    P.S. I discovered these Belgian chocolate seashells..........HNNnnnnng soooo good! :love: :love:

    Yum! I have a box of those as well. :heart: