Snacking too much!



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I eat dirty. I fit it in my macros. I'm doing just fine. :smile:
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member

    Anyways, my two cents is try to eat the best you can. Of course a slip up here and there isn't a big deal, but you'll begin to feel a HUGE difference between eating for nutrients and eating just for taste. :) Caloric deficit is why you lose weight. Although you'll be more energized from nutrient-rich foods and so more likely to burn more calories at the gym and even every day life.

    I just want to add that I eat for nutrients AND for taste. It is possible to do both, and if you've already met your nutritional requirements for the day, you're not going to do your body a disservice by also eating a ding dong. It doesn't have to be quite so black and white as that. Will you feel run down or not at your best if your diet consists entirely of calorie-dense, "processed" food? Eh... maybe, maybe not. Will you suddenly feel like crap because you hit your macro goals and then decided to eat some potato chips? I doubt it.

    It's also not fair to imply that people who eat "dirty" don't have fitness goals along with weight loss goals. There are lots and lots of successful people here who are incredibly fit, lead very active or athletic lives, AND eat "dirty" food. :smile:
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I eat plenty of lean protein, whole grain, dairy, veggie and fruit. But I always plan in snacks that meet my emotional needs. I've eaten ice cream, cookies, pie and all manner of yummy things. I stay in my calorie goal and my health is just fine. I think this plan will be sustainable for life. As good as asparagus is, it doesn't satisfy me when what I really want is a York Peppermint Patty.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    I eat plenty of lean protein, whole grain, dairy, veggie and fruit. But I always plan in snacks that meet my emotional needs. I've eaten ice cream, cookies, pie and all manner of yummy things. I stay in my calorie goal and my health is just fine. I think this plan will be sustainable for life. As good as asparagus is, it doesn't satisfy me when what I really want is a York Peppermint Patty.

    I love Peppermint patties so much!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    Because if you enjoy something, eat it.
    People are classifying foods as 'clean' and 'dirty' which is essentially demonizing food.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a ding dong.

    There are many things wrong with a ding dong starting with the long list of **** in it that I cant pronounce. But anyway, do what you will - I only offer my advice.

    Then you need a bigger vocabulary. :flowerforyou:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    LishieFruit, go eat your freaking cupcake, ding dong, whatever you want to put in your mouth/hands... so you can leave Kady and her healthy foods/life choices be. Just because she suggested you might have to "deprive" yourself of a chemical *kitten* storm of processed non-foods, and even the thought makes you grumpy... doesn't mean you need to jump on her d*ck, alright?
    Good god.

    Anyways, my two cents is try to eat the best you can. Of course a slip up here and there isn't a big deal, but you'll begin to feel a HUGE difference between eating for nutrients and eating just for taste. :) Caloric deficit is why you lose weight. Although you'll be more energized from nutrient-rich foods and so more likely to burn more calories at the gym and even every day life.

    Strong first post.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    Because if you enjoy something, eat it.
    People are classifying foods as 'clean' and 'dirty' which is essentially demonizing food.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a ding dong.

    There are many things wrong with a ding dong starting with the long list of **** in it that I cant pronounce. But anyway, do what you will - I only offer my advice.

    So if you can't pronounce it it's bad?

    What the hell kinda logic is that? Did you have a moral protest in chemistry class because of all the big words?
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    So here's my question, how many of the people who pontificate on here about the scary chemicals and processed foods actually have a degree in chemistry? Heck I'll give you just a flat out science degree of any kind? Have taken organic chemistry? Know a thing past high school education about chemistry? Because I have yet to meet a single person who gets worked up about this topic who actually has the necessary training in chemistry to know what they're talking about.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    eh? What is the long term impact of having one ding dong if you are maintaining a calorie deficit?

    I regularly eat ice cream, cookies, pizza etc, and my blood work always come back near perfect..

    OP - eat the foods you want, hit your macros, work out/move more, maintain your calorie deficit, and this will lead to long term success...
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Out of curiosity. What are your thoughts about eating junk food even though you stay within your daily caloric goal? I have such a hard time getting any control over my snacking habits, but I'm wondering if it will prevent my weight loss progress.

    I suppose I should answer the OP as well.

    I have cookies and ice cream every night. Literally every night. Except for when I have brownies and ice cream or waffles and ice cream or muffins and ice see where I'm going with this? Yeah?

    My progress isn't hindered. My body isn't tired or sluggish (I get no less than 12,000 steps in a day. I run 3 days a week. I strength train 3 days a week. I just ran a mile with my five year old sister on my back just because I could.) I lose weight when I stay within my goals, cookies be damned. End of story.

    Actually, what the hell: <-Success story of someone much more awesome and nicer than me, eats ice cream near nightly. <- I hear this one has graphs and actually gets into how he's literally improved his health markers. <- My story, my ode to cookies and life.
  • KkaySteele
    KkaySteele Posts: 16 Member
    I have the same problem :S My FIL makes the BEST homemade cookies and makes DOZENS and even if I have willpower there is only SO LONG i can stand it!!! I've been so bad, it's discouraging!
  • chagnasty
    chagnasty Posts: 2 Member
    If eating junk food helps you stay on track go for it but if you want to eat clean find alternatives and slowly phase out of your bad habit. If you don't eat to "eat clean" don't necessarily force yourself because that will cause stress and that leads to weight gain

    It seems that you don't really care and are totally ok with how you eat and that it works for you. You seem more worried if it is socially acceptable or if is normal. Don't stress about something you don't need I.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    LOL I can deadlift 375# and I eat ice cream, cookies whatever..

    I think my training is way more intense then don't even try that "my body won't perform at a hight level gargabe" …LOL wow….
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    LOL I can deadlift 375# and I eat ice cream, cookies whatever..

    I think my training is way more intense then don't even try that "my body won't perform at a hight level gargabe" …LOL wow….

    I fuel my squats with donuts, Wendy's frostys, and Thin Mints.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    LOL I can deadlift 375# and I eat ice cream, cookies whatever..

    I think my training is way more intense then don't even try that "my body won't perform at a hight level gargabe" …LOL wow….

    That argument always makes me roll my eyes, it's called a placebo effect, and there's significantly more scientific data for it's existence than for any of the supposedly horrifying things that will happen to your body if you eat "bad" foods.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If eating junk food helps you stay on track go for it but if you want to eat clean find alternatives and slowly phase out of your bad habit. If you don't eat to "eat clean" don't necessarily force yourself because that will cause stress and that leads to weight gain

    It seems that you don't really care and are totally ok with how you eat and that it works for you. You seem more worried if it is socially acceptable or if is normal. Don't stress about something you don't need I.

    why is eating cake, ice cream, cookies, et and maintaining a calorie deficit a "bad habit"???????

    Food is just energy is not bad or good …you don't need a certain type of food ….
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I think it does nothing to satisfy your long term goal assuming those are to be healthier and maintain a healthy weight. Having one ding dong instead of two - will help you lose weight in the short term but where are you going to end up in the long run....Of course, that's just my opinion. Do whatever your heart desires.

    Lemme guess, you eat 'clean' and a ding dong is 'dirty'?

    Do you have a problem with this? As I said - it's just my opinion. When I am hungry - I dont go for a sugary processed food that will leave me feeling unsatisfied, stilll hungry, kind of gross and eventually kind of tired. I work out intensely and I need my body to perform and ding dongs just arent going to hack it.

    LOL I can deadlift 375# and I eat ice cream, cookies whatever..

    I think my training is way more intense then don't even try that "my body won't perform at a hight level gargabe" …LOL wow….

    The first time I squatted my bodyweight was literally after eating a baconator, a medium frosty, and fries. Clearly this means that Wendy's is the secret to squats. And don't even get me started on deadlift days; I suck down Sour Patch kids like they're air when I'm going for a DL PR. Mmmm, sugar straight to the face.

    I actually run with Sour Patch kids in my hoodie pocket. ...Is that weird?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if anyone wants a chuckle checkout Kady's diary …Johnsonville Sausage, chipolte burrito, etc ..< are those clean and non processed?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    if anyone wants a chuckle checkout Kady's diary …Johnsonville Sausage, chipolte burrito, etc ..< are those clean and non processed?

    I'm sure Johnsonville makes organic sausage. Surely she isn't some kind of hypocrite who dared to get angry at being told that restriction isn't something most people need! Because that would be unheard of and has in fact never happened in the history of MFP ever!

    In this subforum.


    In the past ten minutes.