Ketosis/High Fat Diet



  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I didn't ask you or anyone else to look through my diary and scrutinize what I'm doing... I asked to see examples of ketogenic meal plans. I frequently see the two of you doing the same thing to other posts so at least I know I'm not the only one.

    I wish people who have no clue nor use for certain things, just kept quiet instead of trolling.

    so it is trolling to tell someone that they are not logging accurately and that is why they are not meeting their goals...really???

    get over yourself...

    You get over yourself.
    Trolling is posting something you have no clue about or making assumptions. OP didn't ask for a dairy review. You have no use for low carb diets, yet you are there in every thread trolling.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I didn't ask you or anyone else to look through my diary and scrutinize what I'm doing... I asked to see examples of ketogenic meal plans. I frequently see the two of you doing the same thing to other posts so at least I know I'm not the only one.

    I wish people who have no clue nor use for certain things, just kept quiet instead of trolling.

    so it is trolling to tell someone that they are not logging accurately and that is why they are not meeting their goals...really???

    get over yourself...

    You get over yourself.
    Trolling is posting something you have no clue about or making assumptions. OP didn't ask for a dairy review.
    I did not make any assumptions about her diary, I went in and looked at it.

    and if she switches to Keto and keeps logging inaccurately..what do you think is going to happen? She is going to be on here in three months asking why it is not working...when she could of changed up now and starting accurately logging and go to whatever program she likes and have success..rather then having it delayed for three months due to inaccurate logging..

    Last time I checked this is not in a private group, and her diary is public...
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I didn't ask you or anyone else to look through my diary and scrutinize what I'm doing... I asked to see examples of ketogenic meal plans. I frequently see the two of you doing the same thing to other posts so at least I know I'm not the only one.

    I wish people who have no clue nor use for certain things, just kept quiet instead of trolling.

    Indeed. Unfortunately hell will freeze over before that day comes on MFP.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I didn't ask you or anyone else to look through my diary and scrutinize what I'm doing... I asked to see examples of ketogenic meal plans. I frequently see the two of you doing the same thing to other posts so at least I know I'm not the only one.

    I wish people who have no clue nor use for certain things, just kept quiet instead of trolling.

    so it is trolling to tell someone that they are not logging accurately and that is why they are not meeting their goals...really???

    get over yourself...

    You get over yourself.
    Trolling is posting something you have no clue about or making assumptions. OP didn't ask for a dairy review. You have no use for low carb diets, yet you are there in every thread trolling.

    Ah general forum allows whomever wants to post to post

    If the OP was so keen on Keto she would have searched out a Keto group and asked...OP has been here long enough to know that.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I didn't ask you or anyone else to look through my diary and scrutinize what I'm doing... I asked to see examples of ketogenic meal plans. I frequently see the two of you doing the same thing to other posts so at least I know I'm not the only one.

    I wish people who have no clue nor use for certain things, just kept quiet instead of trolling.

    so it is trolling to tell someone that they are not logging accurately and that is why they are not meeting their goals...really???

    get over yourself...

    You get over yourself.
    Trolling is posting something you have no clue about or making assumptions. OP didn't ask for a dairy review.
    I did not make any assumptions about her diary, I went in and looked at it.

    and if she switches to Keto and keeps logging inaccurately..what do you think is going to happen? She is going to be on here in three months asking why it is not working...when she could of changed up now and starting accurately logging and go to whatever program she likes and have success..rather then having it delayed for three months due to inaccurate logging..

    Last time I checked this is not in a private group, and her diary is public...

  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I didn't ask you or anyone else to look through my diary and scrutinize what I'm doing... I asked to see examples of ketogenic meal plans. I frequently see the two of you doing the same thing to other posts so at least I know I'm not the only one.

    I wish people who have no clue nor use for certain things, just kept quiet instead of trolling.

    so it is trolling to tell someone that they are not logging accurately and that is why they are not meeting their goals...really???

    get over yourself...

    You get over yourself.
    Trolling is posting something you have no clue about or making assumptions. OP didn't ask for a dairy review. You have no use for low carb diets, yet you are there in every thread trolling.

    Ah general forum allows whomever wants to post to post

    If the OP was so keen on Keto she would have searched out a Keto group and asked...OP has been here long enough to know that.

    Agreed. Sure the general forums are open for trolls and spreading rumors.
  • Lizabelle1212
    Lizabelle1212 Posts: 252 Member
    I'm not doing ketogenic specifically, but because I have PCOS (which has related insulin resistance), I have recently started focusing on lower carb/higher healthy fat/moderate protein. I currently have my macros set to 20%carbs/45%fat/35% protein. I'm still playing with the fat & protein macros to find the right balance, but I plan on keeping my carb% at 20. It does help tremendously with cravings. Like I said, I only recently started, so I don't have a lot of backlog of diary entries for you to look at my meal plan or anything, and hitting my macro goals is still a work in progress but I'm learning - but without having changed anything except my macros (calorie goal is the same), I haven't felt hungry at all the past couple days, whereas last week, I would just feel like I was starving throughout the day, no matter how much I ate. It's not going to hurt anything, and as you said, you are typically an accurate logger, so I would say give it a try if you are wanting to change it up. I would, however, suggest increasing from 1200 calories back to maybe 1400-1600, especially since you only have 10lbs to lose. My diary isn't public, but it's open to my friends, so feel free to add me if you want. Good luck.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I didn't ask you or anyone else to look through my diary and scrutinize what I'm doing... I asked to see examples of ketogenic meal plans. I frequently see the two of you doing the same thing to other posts so at least I know I'm not the only one.

    I wish people who have no clue nor use for certain things, just kept quiet instead of trolling.

    so it is trolling to tell someone that they are not logging accurately and that is why they are not meeting their goals...really???

    get over yourself...

    You get over yourself.
    Trolling is posting something you have no clue about or making assumptions. OP didn't ask for a dairy review. You have no use for low carb diets, yet you are there in every thread trolling.

    Ah general forum allows whomever wants to post to post

    If the OP was so keen on Keto she would have searched out a Keto group and asked...OP has been here long enough to know that.

    Agreed. Sure the general forums are open for trolls and spreading rumors.

    ironic post is ironic..

    *god I love that phrase it has so many opps to use it*
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    OP~ If you are not losing at 1400 calories, more than likely you are not in a deficit. Which means as everyone has said weigh all your food and tighten up your diary, no need to use some magical diet to lose the last 10 pounds, calories in calories out. Good luck.
  • grintar
    grintar Posts: 7
    If your serious about Keto, head over to they have a great FAQ section and lots of before/after success stories. It is a life style change though not so much a diet. Check it out.
  • bebrooksie
    I was hoping maybe to contribute some useful information :)

    I follow a low carb plan that falls under the keto guidelines! I've been doing it since July of last year and have successfully dropped 34 lbs. I do find that I am considerably less hungry than I am when I used to eat a low fat diet. I follow a caloric breakdown of 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbs. I actually find that I have a hard time hitting my calorie goal every day because I feel satiated constantly.

    I highly suggest going on amazon and google and reading up on ketosis. It is super enlightening and helps you understand the process and why you're doing it. It also really helps boost motivation.

    The only thing I recommend about the ketosis diet is to stick to it. It's more beneficial committing to a lifestyle than changing diet plans regularly - and that can be said for whichever plan you go with.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    NDJ is right - the problem here is inaccurate logging, and going keto (or anything else, really) won't fix that.
  • kittylovesmangoes
    Getting back to OP's original question...

    I am currently doing keto and have found it the easiest diet ever. I don't even miss bread and pasta anymore; now that I'm eating flavorful fatty foods I realize how tasteless carbs were. I second grintar's advice here--definitely head over to r/keto, it's a fantastic, supportive community of keto-ers. I think my diary is public so feel free to take a look, but I often don't finish adding everything because I already know the macros of most of what I eat. Add me too if you're going to start keto. :) Good luck!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Yup, as others are trying to say, inaccurate logging is your problem

    You can overhaul your entire lifestyle, but wouldn't it be easier to just accurately log your food? People can gain weight on keto too. It all comes down to the calories you are consuming.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    NDJ is right - the problem here is inaccurate logging, and going keto (or anything else, really) won't fix that.

    Except for all the talk about the OP frequently being hungry and slipping up and binging as a result. To turn that around, one could say that accurate logging won't fix that. :wink:
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    NDJ is right - the problem here is inaccurate logging, and going keto (or anything else, really) won't fix that.

    He might be right about logging but Keto does fix the cravings for lot of people. I didn't even log my food till end of january. I had no problem with cravings. The OP asked if Keto helps with cravings, yes it does. Will it help her? who knows.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    I say go for it. I've heard it works really well for some as is, others need to do one day a week of adding carbs back in (otherwise energy goes down, sleep sucks etc). For me, it was a total and complete fail. For whatever reason it ended up causing binges of coconut oil, nuts, butter etc. Anything fatty that I was "allowed" to eat. It also caused me to crave sugar. Long story short, I do much better with carbs in my diet, but that could change down the road.

    Self-experimentation is where it's at! Good luck!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    He might be right about logging but Keto does fix the cravings for lot of people.

    Keto forums are full of non-calorie-counting people complaining about lack of weight loss.

    Keto isn't any better than anything else at fixing "cravings".

    If people want to eat that way (and I did, for a long time) it's totally fine - there's nothing "wrong" with keto. But the health benefits often claimed for it are complete bunk.

    Good luck to the OP!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    its not sustainable
    carbs aren't evil
    unless you have a medical reason for eating high carb low fat don't do it

    You should probably tell that to the people suffering from epilepsy who are on high fat diets to keep the seizures at bay that it's "not sustainable".

    Or myself, who did the high fat diet for years and loved it.

    Or address the fact that IIFYM/Calorie Counting/Moderate Eating has the exact same long term failure rate as keto, or any other weight loss/management plan.

    Or you could just, I don't know, realize that what's sustainable for you doesn't equal what's unsustainable for others.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    NDJ is right - the problem here is inaccurate logging, and going keto (or anything else, really) won't fix that.

    Except for all the talk about the OP frequently being hungry and slipping up and binging as a result. To turn that around, one could say that accurate logging won't fix that. :wink:

    OP has also played with her calories going down as low as 1200 and working out...

    Inaccurate logging results in slow weight loss and perhaps weight gain in worst case...OP's goal are the last 10lbs which aren't falling off and thinks Keto will do it.

    Keto is not a "diet" for the last's a lifestyle as others have mentioned...and until that is understood by the OP they will continue with the same problems they have now...except binging on carbs instead of other stuff...