Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • apeydawn423
    apeydawn423 Posts: 118 Member
    So, I've tried doing the weight loss thing many times but I get easily distracted and I give up.... However, next Monday will be two years since my father died. He had over 25 mini strokes and a Massive heart attack finally ended his suffering. I knew at that moment I had to change my life. I stopped smoking right after he started having these strokes but after he died I fell into a bit of a depression.... Here lately though I feel motivated all of a sudden. I'm still having issues with my Food. I admit that! A few months back I started wearing a pedometer daily. I noticed I was only getting in about 7,000 steps a day... So I was determined to improve and I have slowly built it up. I have really bad hips and some days it's difficult. Since it's warming up a bit my daughter and I have started taking walks in the evening and today I hit a High and I was so excited I think i'm even more motivated now.... I walked 15,510 steps today. 11. 75 miles... I'm looking forward to getting to know the people here and I'm always looking for new friends who will keep me in line!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    rain-Are you running a 5K everyday? If you are then you will want to take a few days offs to recover and give your muscles time to heal. Are you using a training program? On days you are not running, then you can do a cross training exercise to help build muscle strength and endurance. Not sure if I read your post correctly. An exercise for the back, lay on your back and pull your legs up and wrap your arms around them. Then you can roll side to side to help work out the stiffness in your lower back. You can also try rolling back and forth to see if that helps.

    Karen- A dressy night out in NYC would be fun.

    Welcome back hazel. Are you still doing curling?

    Welcome to the new people.

    Well the winter weather has returned to my area as well. It was almost 70 degrees today and now the temps are dropping into the low 20's with wind chill's in the teens to single's numbers for feel like temp. There is a chance of snow tonight as well in addition to heavy down pours of rain. The winds are blowing with gusts in the 50 mph and higher range.

    The second round of testing is done and it went pretty well today. The worst part was the afternoon of teaching without any breaks. Tomorrow, will be a normal day. I ended up working late today but at least my lesson plans for the next three days are done and papers are copied. Tomorrow, I can focus on 7th grade and a few other things so that is a relief.

    Wish- All of us that are dealing with lack of sleep due to Daylight Saving's time, are able to adjust quickly. I am looking forward to getting caught up on sleep or at least back to a normal schedule.

    Good night everyone.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--glad you made it through testing. Ours is coming up in April. We are getting the same roller-coaster ride with the weather. It was gorgeous on Monday and then we got a snowstorm last night with very cold temps tonight. It will be up and down for the next week, but at least we are getting some days around 50 F.

    @dawn--welcome! :flowerforyou: Great job increasing your steps! :drinker:

    @tanya--we also decided not to shovel this round of snow--good thing too, as most of the new stuff was melted by the afternoon sunshine.

    @hansea--Ugh--I've had those days--on the bright side it shows how much healthier you've been that the junk food makes you feel blech.

    @rain--I agree with laurie that running a 5k every day is quite stressful as you are still building your running muscles. Even marathoners take rest days. Take a day or 2 off in between your runs and I bet you will see much bigger gains in endurance and speed. Great job keeping the food under control while your friend visits! :drinker:

    @tammy--glad someone got some nice weather today! :laugh:

    @heidi--I hope the rest day helps ease your pain. :flowerforyou:

    @damensha--that's great that you impressed your doctor with your dedication to be healthier--you should be proud of yourself. :smile:

    @ushkii--I go my Zig back today--I'm exactly 1 calorie over my allowance. :bigsmile:

    @karenleona--I don't envy your decision--that's really tough. I hope it all works out for you. :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--we are supposed to hit 50 again on Friday, so at least we are now getting some glimpses of Spring.

    @tom--sorry you are sore--your plan to ease in more slowly makes sense.

    @mel--I forget where you are, but my husband commented earlier this week that he now hates Wednesdays b/c we keep getting the heavy snows on Wednesdays. It is a bit weird. :laugh:

    @holly--I hope the burgers were yummy!

    @hazel--Welcome back!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--I agree that DST is probably the main reason I've felt headachy and tired all week. Just one more day of work for you!!

    @L2T--thanks, the headache seems to have finally subsided. I've always loved my shoes. The funny thing is that now even when I go shopping for other types of shoes, I always want runners! My husband laughs, and somehow he seems more accepting of my need to spend money on running shoes vs. "another" pair of cute sandals. :laugh:

    @nettie--The Dirty Girl Mud Run which I did the past 2 years had a couple of those inflatable obstacles last year, and they were really fun! It's not coming to my area, but I would say go for it, if will be near you. I found myself taking my own advice as I was running outside today. I kept stopping to walk where it was snowy or icy, but then I realized it was just as safe to run slowly, so I made myself keep running. :laugh:

    @cindy--welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    Wednesday Wish:
    My colleagues and I started a 30-day challenge today. We each pick a behavior to do every day for 30 days (sound familiar? :wink: ) and we will help keep each other accountable. I decided to make mine a running challenge since I've been inconsistent lately. My goal is to do a minimum 20-minute run or brisk walk every day with a minimum of 3 runs/week. We are wearing those colored bracelets (think Livestrong) as a visual motivator/reward. We start with it on our left wrist and keep it there everyday we meet the goal. If we miss a day, we move it to our right wrist for the next day. After 10 days straight on the left wrist we get to switch to a new color, and after 20 days a 3rd color. So my wish is to meet this new challenge. I'm off to a good start having run for 25 minutes outside with gunner this afternoon.

    Tomorrow I have another late meeting, so I plan to walk some circuits around the HS for 20 minutes during my 9th period open.

    March Challenge:
    1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 10/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 12/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day (late meeting)
    Wed--run outside w/ gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk at school (late meeting)
    Fri--walk gunner (maybe even run--it's supposed to be warm)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    My wish is that my Mom gets stronger and is able to get around better. She had knee surgery in January and had been at a nursing rehab center for the last 6 weeks. She is now home ( alone). She only lives a mile away so it is easy to check on her. I wish I could get her to eat. She hardly eats anything because she doesn't feel hungry (I should be so lucky). Physical therapist comes tomorrow and gardeners and pay her bills. I will probably be there most of the day

    I've been doing OK with my calorie intake. Not necessarily good food choices. I don't do well with all this stress. I was able to garden for a couple hours. It is my salvation.

    I wish everyone would get well. I wish everyone's winter would be over.

    I wish I was better at responding to everyone's comments. I do read and catch up every night even if I don't write.

    Thank you for helping with my sanity. Ell
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    @ischial - consistent motivation can be a tough one! I find that the longer I do something, the easier it is to stay motivated to do it. I guess it's the whole "it takes 21 days to make a habit" thing. I feel ya, it can be really hard and I have done my fair share of giving up and starting over months later!

    @jtconst - good weather makes such a difference, doesn't it? Says the one in the middle of yet another winter storm! :p I find hills very difficult, lung wise. Even when the rest of my body is very strong and my legs don't even feel the hills, my lungs are the first to crap out on me every time!

    @rainandwood - definitely ok to eat some of your exercise calories! Well done at staying on track while your friend is visiting.

    @hansea - I won't lie, I drooled at the mention of german chocolate cake! :laugh:

    @tanya - sounds like we're in a similar boat right now... tired, sore and ready for spring! Hang in there!

    @apeydawn - I understand about your dad, Tuesday will be 4 years since mine passed away, also from heart-related issues. He's my motivation for getting healthy. I also know how difficult these anniversaries can be.

    @lauriek - that stretch sounds good, I'll have to try it too!

    @skinnyjeanz - good luck with your running challenge! I love those 30 day challenges, they're so motivating and help keep things fresh.

    @tigedria - I'm really sorry your mom is not doing well. I know how stressful it is to have a sick parent, and how hard it can be to keep yourself healthy under stress. Good job keeping within your calories, even if you feel like your choices are not the best!
    It's wonderful that you have gardening to calm you and also keep you active.

    Thursday Truth - well, my confession is that my "rest" day started with Jillian Michaels' yoga meltdown. :tongue: I was careful, though, and didn't do anything that hurt a lot. I just couldn't stand not burning a few calories in some way. Staying away from the kettlebell and walking today though, so hopefully by tonight I'll see a difference in my pain level. Also, confession that with my weight loss going so slowly, it is really hard to keep my committment to not drink my way through this difficult time of year. I have done well so far, but it's getting harder by the day. Trying to focus on my trip next Thursday, which helps some.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Not much to report today other than a continued lack of sleep (thanks daylight saving time). I wish my body clock would hurry up and adjust! The weather has returned to winter, but I think the weekend will be warmer. To be honest, I'm not looking forward to the weekend. DH and I will be doing our taxes. Yuck. I dread it and am hoping we at least break even and don't have a big tax bill due. I know I'll feel better when it's done. I hate living with the dread.

    Hope everyone has a good day and have weekend plans more appealing than mine!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Thursday truth: today is FREEZING (-30 with wind chill) . Our snow is renewed and looks beautiful! I believe we got about 30 cm., and with the weather like it is, I don't see it melting any time soon. It's pretty, but wish I was somewhere Florida!
    This reminds me of the winters I had as a kid...they were long.
    Having trouble staying on track. I think it's because I'm not as prepared for meal preparation as I should be. I plan on getting some groceries today. Not giving up the fight.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Thursday truth. I really like Gordon Ramsey and am super excited for the new season of Hell's Kitchen to begin tonight. I love all the drama and yelling on the show. For some reason I find it very entertaining. :blushing:

    It's official, I have now lost the same amount of weight as I lost my first time on MFP!!! I weighed in at 222.2. I did see a lower weight yesterday by a little less than a pound. I know good things are coming! So far March is turning out to be a good month. I went for my last run of the. Week yesterday morning. It was tough but I did it. I decided I am going to keep repeating week 1 until I am able to run the entire 60 seconds for every interval. I felt really good after completing it yesterday. My legs aren't as sore anymore!

    Welcome newbies. Jump right in and join us. Be sure to check back regularly.

    Kah - I have not seen an update for c25K yet. I keep looking though. To answer your question, I do not have it set to update automatically.

    Have to switch to a computer. This tablet is taking too long to respond making typing difficult.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    kAH - Yesterday, the app was acting a bit weird. I don't know if it was because my music was playing through the app or what but I didn't hear it signal to run and walk 1x. Then at the end it didn't give me the option to sync with MFP. But at least I didn't have any issues with it shutting down my phone. :wink: \
    Are you getting excited for your cruise? You are going to have such a great time!

    Hyzzarc - welcome back! I left MFP for a while then returned. I found it was easier my second time here. I attribute this to already knowing what I needed to do.

    Mnwalking - Thanks. I am going to ask my doctor about it next time I go to him.

    Karen - That is insane that you have to guarantee not needing any time off for the next 7 years. Why is that? That seems very unrealistic of them to ask that kind of commitment of you. \

    Skinny - I sent that link to my cousin. She has recently gotten back into running and we plan on eventually doing a 5K together. I am not sure if we will do that one or not but it looked really fun! I am glad to hear that you took your own advice and went outside for a run. Two thumbs up for you!

    Sending happy vibes to everyone who is struggling, feeling aches and pains and/or dealing with bad weather. Hang in there. It may not seem like it right now but things do and will get better. :flowerforyou:
  • hmcilrath
    hmcilrath Posts: 1 Member
    Am I too late to join? I so want to lose weight. I turned 40 three weeks ago, was just diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and need to lose 75 lbs. I am mother of 4 (10 year old daughter is a cancer survivor--can you say stress?), Substitute teacher, full time grad school student, and pastor's wife. I have lots on my plate, but definitely need to lose the weight.
    I've lost 4 lbs. since I started this journey, but really would love to have some place to check in and get some encouragement. I love the idea of checking in every day with something different.

    My THURSDAY TRUTH would be that I really love food and really don't want to do any work to lose the weight. I just want it to magically disappear.

    I'd love to get to know you all better and applaud your successes in this journey.


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Whew, what a week – so many long days, but I made it!

    @Dawn~Welcome. Wow, what amazing steps and mileage!

    @Holly~LOL Sorry, they are all 10s – I’m trying to downsize the number of shoes I’m packing for vacation, I sat on the floor of my closet and tossed them into a suitcase. When I got done I realized I could need a 3rd suitcase! :laugh:

    @Tom~I’m sorry you were so sore from your strength training the other night, sounds like you may have overdone it a little. I hope your muscles feel better soon.

    @Tanya~I think it takes me a week or two to become acclimated to DST also, I’ve had a headache all week and am just super tired. I’m sorry you're sore too.

    @Karen~Great idea for the 30-day challenge at work, I love the reward system (leave it to a bunch of teachers to come up with something clever). :wink:

    @Nettie~Hooray for completing your first week of c25k, great job! Don’t worry about repeating weeks, lots of people do it – with every run you’ll get better, faster, and stronger. Yes, so excited for the cruise. Although, I’m probably going to regret my lax approach to packing – haven’t even started! :embarassed:

    AFM~I did make it out of work on time to meet my trainer, I was having some back spasms so he rubbed that knot out for a while – then we just did weights, nothing new or challenging. Sometimes it’s good to have a session like that though. Thursday truth – it’s just been a hard week. I’m tired from working crazy hours, so not much cardio – I’d like to say I’d get up tomorrow for quick cardio at the gym but like I said to Jeanette, I haven’t begun to pack. I’ve thought about and gone thru clothes, does that count?! :wink: A friend of mine offered today too, to go play with Zoe some while I'm gone - she loves him, so she'll really appreciate the extra attention - even though I have a pet sitter to take care of her daily, this makes me feel less guilty about leaving her for so long.

    To my Fitbit friends, I won’t have mine with me while on vacation since I won’t be able to upload it and it only holds a week’s worth of data – so enjoy being ahead of me for a while! :wink: :laugh:

    I don’t know if I will have time to check in again today or tomorrow. I will miss all of you a lot, have a good couple of weeks - keep challenging yourselves and keep trucking along.
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Hi guys, haven't checked in in a while! Thursday Truth: I feel good, I've been challenging myself lately and stepping outside of my comfort zone!!!! I really want to LIVE this life and not just exist and I'm doing it! I usually work out alone and went to a class Saturday and it was awesome sauce!!!! Really want to continue to feel good and most importantly get and stay healthy! Persistence is key!
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    I am so excited and happy! I got results of my bloodwork back and everything is great except for Vitamin D!
    I shall begin to take care of that today! Sugar 89 chol 154 Iron good........... I take meds for thyroid and it is good!
    I have never had high sugar or cholesterol but sometimes people assume since I am fat that it I am always
    a bit anxious about it.

    I've been catching up on posts!
    Wishing health and happiness for those with sickness and troubles .
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday Truth- I have been completely lazy this week once home from work. I lay on the couch watching tv after playing with and walking my puppy. I am on spring break from classes but I am 3 chapters behind so I should be reading nightly but not motivated to do so. I will also say I have people in my life as friends that probably shouldn't be there but if I let them go I will be completely alone not a good feeling. I am a social person in the sense that I love to get out the house and do things but not by myself. I did try some meet up groups for some of my interests but I felt awkward.

    @kah- enjoy your vacation
    @humbleheart- Great test results!
    @New People-Welcome
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Hello All!

    Thursday truth: I have been slacking lately. Time to get back on that horse and keep on riding. My bf (well fiance as of Saturday) was giving me some tough love last night and I knew he was right I just didn't like the way he said it. His tough love is sometimes a little more harsh because he is terrible at wording things. I have come a long way. I'm 1lb from being 30lbs down since the beginning of the year and I'm 1lb from being 60lbs down from my highest weight. Do I have a lot more to lose? Yes, I do. But I can't let how far I have to go discourage me. I can do this!

    Catching up on posts now! Have a great day!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: My stress level is off the charts today! I don't know how I am going to handle it. Part of the problem is that if I look at the problem from a distance, it looks really trivial, but it doesn't feel trivial, and I am having a hard time coping!
    Hope you are all having a better day than I am. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    thursday truth- I am tired of people not giving me a chance to prove that i can return to work. Seems like they are writing me off without even letting me prove i can do it. :cry:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    jtconst - It is great that your week is getting better and a walk, nice.
    apeydawn - I get distracted too and
    skinny - Good luck on the changllage, nice that your works gets involved.
    Tigredia - I hope your mom and you feel better soon and get on with life.
    hmcilrath - Welcome, This is a great Group that can provide tons of support! Let get at it!
    humbleheart - Good to hear your results were in the green, WTG! That is all you!
    Helenavee - You are making good progress, keep it up. Get back on that horse.
    apeydawn - Sorry about your father. It is great you are walking and with your daughter! This is a great group, use it.

    Thur truth: Lay's Barbeque potatoes chips are evil. If I hear a bag open it is like they possessed me and draw me to them, like an old Dracula movie. I eat them up in a trance and wake up with crumbs down my shirt and sticky fingers. My lips taste like delight and I wonder who ate that whole back of chips.
    Do I log if it was not my fault? :devil:

    A: Under for Calories 4/7 days a week
    B: Walk 3/7 days a week
    C: 8 cups of water a day 3/7

    Mon: A C
    Tue: A C
    Wed: A B C!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    thursday truth- I am tired of people not giving me a chance to prove that i can return to work. Seems like they are writing me off without even letting me prove i can do it. :cry:

    I will pray for you this whole situation seem so not right.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Thursday truth: I wish more people would comment on my weight loss... friends, family, work... I'm not being self-centered or shallow, but I find it a real motivator to continue (and confidence booster) when someone tells me I've lost weight. After losing 27 lbs since last June, I figured by now that it would show.

    On a happy note, I had a FANTASTIC workout today at physio. My trainer knows I am usually dragged down and need to be kicked in the butt on Thursdays, but today although tired, I had a ton of stamina. I usually do 20 min on the stationary bike, then back exercises, then my trainer picks a body part and I do sets or circuits. Today the music was trance-y, and is my favourite music to bike to, so I stayed on for 30 min at a fat burning pace as opposed to my usual quicker cardio pace. Then after my back work, I did this amazing full body exercise for almost 20 min. I was drenched in sweat by the end and I didn't feel a sore muscle in my body. I don't know what they are called, basically a weighted stand-sit up-to stand up using the pulley weights. Awesome exercise, I will make sure I get to do those more often.

    Work was pretty brutal again today, as I had to climb about 30 snowbanks with mail in my arms to reach the mail boxes at each stop. The snow removal contractors are lazy *kitten*, all the sites should have been shoveled out by the time we went out to deliver today. Between that, an extra hour drive home yesterday, and an extra hour drive in this morning, I decided to take a personal day tomorrow to relax. An extra long weekend for me! And as a treat, I'm going to find myself a heart rate monitor. I'd like to more accurately measure my exercise.