Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Well, my son has left to hit Daytona, then Panama City before heading back to Nashville to finish his Spring term. What he left behind: DOMS!!! :grumble: :angry: :grumble: DOMS is kicking my @$$!!! We never got a chance to do lower body and now I think I am really glad we didn't! Yowza!!

    Too tired and too sore for personals tonight.

    Until next time; wishing you peace, love and weight loss!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :laugh:
  • cjen323
    cjen323 Posts: 20 Member
    I just had 2 pieces of pumpkin pie :sad: :cry: :sick: :frown: :embarassed: :angry:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Little Shadow-Yoga is very good for helping to work on core muscle strength in addition to stretching. If you do those moves correctly, you will use all the different muscle groups especially the abs and back muscles. I know you can get threw this month, just keep focused on eating healthy and exercising.

    Mel- I hope the weather breaks for you soon. Winter has been long this year and I can’t wait for Spring to bloom.

    Kelley- Have a great cruise.

    Humble heart- Congrats on the great test results your hard work has paid off. Vitamin D, a great excuse to get outside in the sunshine every day.

    Holly- (Queen)- The awkward feeling will go away as you get to know the people from meet up groups. It always takes me a little while to get comfortable with new people. You deserve to meet new people who will be supportive and become great friends.

    Helen-Congratulations on your engagement

    Kaye- I hope your stress level decreases and you can find a way to handle everything that is going on in your life. Sometimes, it is difficult not to let the small things overwhelm us. Try to get a new perspective about the situation that might help.

    Hmcilrath-Welcome and like ushkil said you have found a wonderful group of people. Hope you will post often.

    RobinB- A tip for getting rid of sore muscles. Take a hot bath and add a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar to the water. There is something in the vinegar that takes the soreness out of the muscles. I also add bubble bath so it more relaxing. It really does work, my trainer recommended it to me and I have used it many times.

    Karen- I like the challenge you have come up with for the month. It is also a great way to pass the time during this long stretch. How long are your classes each day?

    Karen L- I hope they give you chance to prove yourself at work.

    Truth- I have also been very tired this week so I hope my body adjusts to DST as well. I have also been slack in my exercise this week but it was a planned low-key week. I am looking forward to the weekend and getting back to a normal workout routine.

    Exercise plan
    Sunday- Triathlon--DONE with goals met.
    Monday-Trainer workout DONE
    Tuesday- light workout DONE walking
    Wednesday Rest DONE
    Thursday- Rest DONE
    Friday- Climb
    Saturday- water aerobics
  • apeydawn423
    apeydawn423 Posts: 118 Member
    Truth- I'm in a job that doesn't seem to be going anywhere, I'm so bored with it that it drives me insane. However in today's world if you have a job you hang onto it...... But, some days it just makes me crazy.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Laurie, thanks for caring. It was a long day, but I got some of the problem ironed out. I can't decide why I am so upset. DS is making some changes in our phone and cable service, which is reasonable since he pays the bill, but it looks like I will lose the telephone number that I have had for 40 years. I can't decide if I feel like I'm losing control or losing some independence or maybe a bit of both. In the eternal perspective of things it really doesn't matter, but I sure didn't handle it well.
    After dinner I went for a long walk with DD. She is having some frustrations with foster boys, and needed to vent. It did both of us good to just walk as fast as we could while she vented.
    Tomorrow will be a better day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    Thursday Truth:
    I was so hungry all day today! Not sure why, but I realized after breakfast that the soup I brought for lunch wasn't going to cut it, so I replaced it with a wrap from our cafeteria. Then I ate all of my healthy snacks--yogurt, almonds, kashi bar--but I was still hungry. I had a meeting after work and resorted to eating snacks that our leader brought for the group--doritos, ritz bits peanut butter crackers, sunchips. Came home and thought maybe some protein would help so ate an Italian sausage. Still hungry so I had a salad. No it's after 10 pm and my stomach is still rumbling. :noway:

    I'm not sure what is going on! I think I may need to change the way I figure my zig-zag calories. The calculator I use lets you choose an activity level, so I chose "exercise 3x/week"; however, it says exercise is 20 minutes of elevated heart rate. So if I go to the gym and work out for an hour, did I use up all 3 days at once? I think I may re-calculate choosing "no exercise" and then just eat back my exercise calories each day. That way I'll know they are properly accounted for, and perhaps I won't have these days when I'm ridiculously hungry.

    On a more positive note, I took gunner on a walk when I got home due to my work challenge; this is good b/c normally I would have used the late meeting as an excuse to take a rest day.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick check in to say I hope everyone has a good weekend!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Thursday - Pilates DONE
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I'm sorry that I don't have time this morning for more than just a quick check in, but I'm heading up to my Mom's for the weekend. I'll try to keep up via smartphone, but won't get to do personals till I return on Monday. Even with Swype that's a lot to ask for! :ohwell:
    I feel like this weekend will be stressful and I hope I don't feel like stress eating. Mom's oven shot sparks at her the other day (it wasn't even turned on!) and we are going to be shopping for her a new one. I love her, but shopping with her for big ticket items can be pretty stressful. Let's just say that whoever does the cartoon Maxine must know Mama. LOL! I am taking my stretch bands with me, so hopefully I'll at least get in some walking and some work with those while I'm gone.
    It was so fun to read all the Thursday truths yesterday so I will add my own as well... Truth is that I spent a few hours in front of the computer yesterday playing and not doing the things I really should have. I did get a database of sorts for myself of names and pics for the thread so I could more easily keep up with who's who and who's doing/going through what. I feel that I know y'all a little better now after that. OH! And just a little FYI... Did y'all know that there have been nearly 50 active participants on the thread in this reincarnation of Robin's Thread alone? About 15 of those are also NEW! That's AMAZING!
    I hope everyone that has been suffering with pain, frustration, or set backs are on the mend and that you All have a Fabulous Weekend!

    See ya on the flip side!
    :heart: Jenn :flowerforyou:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone :bigsmile: Weekend plans.....take a walk with my puppy everyday, he is doing much better walking but being part beagle he does pull a lot. Patience for me because he is doing better than last time we walked. If I can find some dry space I will go for a walk everyday too. The only dry space in my neighbor hood are the 4 houses next to me so I walk the puppy back and fourth there. Making homemade pizza for the first time ever tonight hope it turns out. My black bean burgers were good.
    Food scale question- my scale only reads ounces. 8 oz is a cup of liquid but it is the same for like oatmeal or hot dishes. Currently I am using a measuring cup for those things.

    @Helena- What an amazing weight loss
    @Tanya- Seems like people only comment if they don't see you every day. I also hate when people don't shovel properly
    @Laurie- Thanks for encouragement of the meet up groups
    @Apeydawn- I feel like that about my job at times then I remember I am thankful to have one
  • pashunrose39
    pashunrose39 Posts: 319 Member
    WOW!!! This is one very active group! Don't know if I can keep with all the posts. But I'll try. Thank you for the suggestions on how I can get out of my rut. Maybe I should join a 5k. Must look into that and see if there is one in my area coming up soon that I can train for. It would be nice to have an excercise buddy during the day. My hubby exercises at night after he gets out of work. I'm just so exhausted from my day by then that I don't want to do anything but stretching and sit-ups. It frustrates him because I know he'd like for me to join him at the gym. He won't go if I don't go which you would think would be motivation enough for me. Ah well, I will get there.

    My brother is staying with us for awhile and he is nothing but a freaking rail and can eat whatever he wants!! He has been bringing food into the house that is very tempting for me. I've stayed away from it so far, but it sure isn't easy. I wish I could be that skinny and eat what I want. AND HE DOESN'T EXERCISE!!! :angry:

    I do need to up my water intake, I think I will work on that today and make that my goal for this week. As well as going to the gym with my hubby. If I could just get 30 minutes a day of cardio, that would be great. I use to walk so darn much, but after our move to Ocala, Florida, I've had no motivation. Anyone live in or near Ocala that would exercise with me?:flowerforyou:

    Now to introduce myself better, I'm married with 2 adult kids and a grandparent to a 1 year old bundle of joy. I have lost around 35lbs so far. Did lose more than that as of December, but since my lack of motivation, I gained 10lbs back. :sad: I started to have a problem with my weight in my 30's. I used to be as skinny as my brother, even after 2 kids. I miss my body of my youth. One day I will have it back and better than ever. My highest weight was 212lbs. People were asking me when I was due. I was very devastated. My brother, upon seeing my weight gain for the first time, was in utter shock. He use to introduce me to his friends as his beautiful sister. Not anymore. :cry: I don't think he even realizes the change in the way he treats me. All I want is to be able to feel good about myself, healthy, and able to fit into beautiful clothes again. I want to feel beautiful again.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone :bigsmile: Weekend plans.....take a walk with my puppy everyday, he is doing much better walking but being part beagle he does pull a lot. Patience for me because he is doing better than last time we walked. If I can find some dry space I will go for a walk everyday too. The only dry space in my neighbor hood are the 4 houses next to me so I walk the puppy back and fourth there. Making homemade pizza for the first time ever tonight hope it turns out. My black bean burgers were good.
    Food scale question- my scale only reads ounces. 8 oz is a cup of liquid but it is the same for like oatmeal or hot dishes. Currently I am using a measuring cup for those things.

    @Helena- What an amazing weight loss
    @Tanya- Seems like people only comment if they don't see you every day. I also hate when people don't shovel properly
    @Laurie- Thanks for encouragement of the meet up groups
    @Apeydawn- I feel like that about my job at times then I remember I am thankful to have one

    I would think you would need to measure the dry weight of something like oatmeal. For dry measures, 1 ounce = 28 grams. So if the serving size of oatmeal says "112 g" that would mean 4 ounces on the scale. To my knowledge if the box says "1/2 cup" as the serving size, that's not necessarily the equivalent of 4 ounces in weight. Basically, you can't interchange volume measures for weight measures.

    Fortunately, most food items that give measurements in cups, also have the grams in parentheses next to it. I hope this helps.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, I'm finally ready to get started on this journey again. I was knocked out sick for a full two weeks after vacation...three doctor visits, five medications, but all that I have left is a bit of a cough that gets less and less each day. Probably being sick has kept me from gaining weight because it has not been for me working at all. I know so many of you suffer from health issues each day and I know I shouldn't whine, but yuck....glad it's almost over.

    Right now, I am struggling with a couple stressors in my life. My body handles stress by itching EVERYWHERE!! We have found that there is no medicine that relieves it, just the stress has to go away (last time I had this problem was just before I decided to leave my alcoholic husband 4 years ago -- the moment I moved out, never itched again). Any ideas on how to solve these stressors would be much appreciated. :laugh:

    The major stress is Jacob (12 years -- 7th grade). We had a "coming to Jesus" earlier this school year and he seemed to be back on track....he tripped and fell apparently. Lots of not turned in/not completed work, hating school, hating chores (which he is very used to). The teachers have commented that he has a chip on his shoulder. We talk, he seems open with us, but right now he's failing science and close to failing two other classes.

    We are also starting to look at buying a home...the oil country up north has definitely risen prices here in Bismarck. What used to sell for about $150K is now probably priced at around $225 - 250K. Makes me nervous, especially after taking such a beating in Sioux Falls with our old house, but we really are ready to move on to the next stage of our for our family would be nice, but the numbers make me stress. I'm pretty sure this one is just a minor issue for me...pretty sure wanting to help my son through this difficult time is causing the itching. I know we'll get through it, but...

    @Ushkii -- AHHH...I can relate...doritos are my demons (ok, if I'm honest...most chips!)
    @Tanya -- that's about where people started noticing it for me. I know how nice it is to hear people when they notice it, but you're doing this for yourself, stay focussed on that.
    @apeydawn -- yup, know the feeling. I have to focus on the amount I already make versus starting over, the vacation time I acrue versus starting over, the flexibility I have in my job versus starting over...Good luck -- but remember, you can put feelers out without giving up what you currently have..maybe you can find something better before giving up what you already have.
    @Karen -- I think teh "no excercise" might be the way to go and eating back your exercise calories. It won't do any good if you are hungry all the time.
    @Pashunrose -- your brother sounds like my husband. Michael eats 2-3 times as much as I do and at 6 feet tall, he's around 150 pounds...and that's probably his highest! :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
    @Holly -- Karen read my mind...the serving sizes should break down ounces and grams...if not, I ask good old google

    AFM...again, I'm ready to get going. I've logged my food today. Working on getting back in the habit of water and as of next week will be starting with a personal trainer (had to wait for today's payday :bigsmile: ). Another thing that has been bad for me is fast food. I've taken out some hamburger and have all the ingredients for lasagna...not a real low calorie food, but at least homemade (baby steps right?).
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I took a basic cake decorating class this past month and this was my "final" I'm so excited! I start a gum paste and fondant class in another week.

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member

    Thur truth: Lay's Barbeque potatoes chips are evil. If I hear a bag open it is like they possessed me and draw me to them, like an old Dracula movie. I eat them up in a trance and wake up with crumbs down my shirt and sticky fingers. My lips taste like delight and I wonder who ate that whole back of chips.
    Do I log if it was not my fault? :devil:


    i don't think it counts if you were possessed at the
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi all, I am new to the board but I am excited to share and be supportive!

    Thursday Truth:
    Over the past month I have been really stressed out over a move that is coming up and have been pulling away from my friends at home. I have slacked in my exercise just because I have no energy. It has taken all my energy just to get through the day. Yesterday for the first time in weeks I ran. It felt amazing and I hope that I can keep it up. Not many people know the stress and anxiety I have had over the past month but I thought now is a good time to share with people who are supportive. Have a great day!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    And I am on the wrong day!
    Friday -
    Fitness: I am starting back running again and going to do yoga on the balance ball for this month. Next month I may start insanity again.
    How are you preparing for weekend eating: omelet in the mornings (spinach and swiss Saturday and veggie on Sunday) lots of veggies and fruits for snack. Lunch will be tuna salad with greens. I haven't figured out what is for dinner. I have the urge to cook on the pit so maybe I will grill some chicken and corn and make something out of that.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Kaye, I totally understand why you're upset about the phone number. I can't explain it rationally but I would've been too.
    tlh, I'm glad you're feeling better! Did you take the Wilton courses? Your cake looks great!
    Karenleona, do you think you are ready to go back to work? If you do... I hope it works out the way you want it too.
    Helena, congratulations!
    mn, that puppy is great for you! It gets you out walking! Sounds very cute. :)
    skinny, that challenge at work sounds neat.

    Afm: I'm still out for the week. I got a throat infection on top of the headcold. So my energy is at nil. Going to work has been hard, I'm so tired! I can't maintain my normal exercise level and I'm worried about backtracking. GAH!!! So frustrated.
    Anyway hi to all the newbies!!!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Friday Fitness? Well, I am still struggling with DOMS. Actually, I am beginning to think that maybe it’s not normal DOMS as my left arm is fine and has been fine since around Wednesday. My right arm, on the other hand (literally!) is still aching from my shoulder down my arm into my thumb. I am thinking that I may have more of a strain or pull then just soreness. So my fitness will include only walking until my arm feels better.

    @LaurieK – I have actually heard about the vinegar thing for muscle aches before. Thanks for the reminder, I will be trying this!

    @Tanya – thanks for the HIIT DVD info. I like the idea of a 10 minute workout right now until I get to where I can do more.

    @Nettie – you are nearly DOUBLE where I am with Fitbit steps! Keep it up because my goal is to chase you!! :laugh: And my daughter and I LOVE the Insane Inflatable 5K. We have decided to make it a goal for 2015. We will be unable to make it next Fall when it will be in our state. Both weekends it will be here, we will be traveling to Nashville for my son’s football games. Congrats on hitting your, um, first-time-on-MFP-weight! LOL

    @L2T – Funny that you are from Pittsburgh too! I was born and raised in North Hills until I was 13. I am still a diehard Steelers fan, but having left as a baby you probably are not anymore? I don’t know much about the Coral Gable area except that it’s where UM is located. I don’t venture into Miami-Dade County too much.

    @kah – ENJOY your vaca!!!

    @helena – welcome back and congrats on your engagement!

    @tlh – welcome back to you too! BEAUTIFUL cake! :smile:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    TGIF! This week went by fast, but at the same time, I'm glad it's over and we're moving on to the weekend! We received our new power cord for the laptop last night, but I was too tired to play on it.
    I'm just checking in at work.

    I ended up taking a two hour nap yesterday...maybe it wasn't just the chocolate cake that was making me feel blech on Wednesday. I was feeling fine by Thursday night and we went for a walk around the block as a family after dinner.

    It's another busy weekend ahead!

    Today, I went for a run on my lunch hour. I feel pretty strong and awesome when I do that, even though I'm sloooow and I only have time to run for about 15-20 minutes.
    Tonight begins "Cel-O'bration" weekend at our church, so we're going to the fish fry.
    Saturday, the kids have soccer. Afterwards, a friend and I may go hike in a city park and look for bald eagles. (We're bird nerds....I don't really know a lot about birds, but do enjoy watching eagles.) And, of course, I have shopping and errands to run.
    Sunday, we're going to Mass, and then I'm taking the kids to another friend's house for their son's 1st birthday party. It's a two-hour drive, but we don't get to see these friends often, so I'm excited.

    Not been a great couple days for veggie consumption...been pretty fruity!

    2/4 weeks- Try a new veggie or do something new with an old veggie and share recipe.
    10/31- Eat 3-5 servings of veggies per day.
    3/31- Get 8 hrs of sleep each night.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm not sure I won, but I have my own phone number. I just decided to pay for basic phone service with my old company myself. DS can do his own thing. I feel better now I've taken some action. Thanks for understanding, Pixie. (I know that isn't your user name, but that's how I think of you.)
    In honor of pi(e) day, I've made broccoli quiche for dinner, along with coconut cream pie and cherry pie. I will need a long walk tonight.
    Have a great weekend. I have to speak in church on Sunday so I have some studying to do. The sun is shining so I'm going to get in some great walks.
    Onward and downward. Kaye