Walking With Pedometers



  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Bumping for later. I have a pedometer, I just have to figure out how to set it up!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    12/12 3465
    I put my fitbit on the computer to charge and forgot to get it till this morning. I had a light day but I did walk more than that.
    Just have no real clue how much.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    All set to start this week & then noticed that my pedometer is dead. I wish they made a pedometer with an off button because they go thru batteries so quickly!!! Will pick up batteries tonight & start fresh tomorrow.
    I plan on getting a HRM after the 1st of the year. Can I still do this with one of those or will I need to use both??
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    All set to start this week & then noticed that my pedometer is dead. I wish they made a pedometer with an off button because they go thru batteries so quickly!!! Will pick up batteries tonight & start fresh tomorrow.
    I plan on getting a HRM after the 1st of the year. Can I still do this with one of those or will I need to use both??

    My HRM doesn't record steps. I have a Polar F6.
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    I got so excited and motivated when I saw this thread that I went out and bought a pedometer right away - I'm going on vacation in 4 days time and was concerned about not being able to hit the gym while I'm away...but for this challenge: I'm in!! Only thing is - my pedometer seems to be supersensitive and has no setting where I can change the sensitivity so I'm having to get creative in finding a way of wearing it so it reflects my steps most accurately... currently it's tucked into my bra :blushing: hehehe, it seems to like it there and isn't being over-zealous in counting steps at the moment, hahaha!! Two hours into the day, and already I've done 843 - and that was just walking to work this morning :drinker:
  • elvie64
    elvie64 Posts: 32 Member
    12/13 - 17038 steps - busy day at work and a walk at lunch time all adds up.
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    12/13 ~ 18,514 I put Icy Hot on my ankles and then wrapped them with Ace Bandages so I could get my number up there today.
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    currently it's tucked into my bra :blushing: hehehe, it seems to like it there and isn't being over-zealous in counting steps at the moment, hahaha!! Two hours into the day, and already I've done 843 - and that was just walking to work this morning :drinker:

    I love it!!! Very creative:smile: Off to a great start for the day.
  • BoresEasily
    Buttsmom, Alright fair enough that you can't keep off of it due to family obligations but when able to I would avoid any other activity and I would just rest it. Otherwise you risk making it a lot worse. But you could do push-ups/planks and maybe some yoga.

    Barbie, British Columbia, Canada. It's getting dark by 5PM or sooner. When it gets dark the temperature drops quite a bit. Today the weather was great but I was exhausted from staying up all night so that I could get a drive to go pick-up my new HRM(Polar F11) I'm sooooooo in love.
  • BoresEasily
    What is the most anyone's done in a day so far? I'm really interested in shooting for a 30-35K day some time this week.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    12/13 1055
    Still just work steps but hopefuly I will be able to sneak in an exercise walk.
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    Buttsmom, Alright fair enough that you can't keep off of it due to family obligations but when able to I would avoid any other activity and I would just rest it. Otherwise you risk making it a lot worse. But you could do push-ups/planks and maybe some yoga.

    Your right, my ankles are more sore today. I did do a lot of upper body the day before, but last night I really wanted to get a full work out in. Around 3000 of them are from exercise, tonight I will go back to the upper body.
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Hello All! I hit 9800 last night!

    Great job to all of you!
  • sloanjr1
    sloanjr1 Posts: 15 Member
    I may get out today and get a pedometer, been meaning too. With the way this weather is I need to do something productive...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: BoresEasily, my highest total since I got my Omron is 25,752 (I have the computer program that allows me to download the information and it maintains a database and shows averages and high counts).......I live at the top of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State so depending on how far north you are in BC, our darkness and weather may be similar. Our last RV trip was to BC.....we spent a week in Trail and then drove back to the west coast on highway 3 via Oliver.

    :flowerforyou: Buttsmom, take it easy with your ankle.......yoga, crunches, pushups, upper body workouts will keep your body moving without taxing your ankle......I know how frustrating this is because last summer when my knee was injured it :made me crazy to see how low my numbers were on my pedometer. The good thing is that my knee is all healed without drugs, surgery, or any effort except following directions.

    :flowerforyou: kpopa, we have two standard poodles and before that we had a Golden Retriever so I know what you mean about a Golden Doodle
    it's a combination of the two best dogs.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: yesterday I walked just over 11,000 steps......I had to dance and jog while watching TV to get the last 2000 but in the house late at night, that's what works.:bigsmile:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello, I have been walking lots more the last few months since my puppy is now able to go longer distances so I would like to join in with you and aim for 10,000 steps a day (well some days) lol
  • BoresEasily
    barbie, yeah our weather and evenings are probably very similar. I'm in the lower mainland, just outside of Van. 25K is pretty badass. Today I'm doing lousy but I'm seriously considering walking to the store to see if they have any bananas and cucumbers on sale. I'm bursting with energy but I did a HIIT session last night and then a little while later I did more intervals(probably not the best idea) while watching Merlin. So I'm thinking a briskish walk should be alright. Didn't count the second interval set as a workout though even though I was sweating and a little wiped out afterwards, not out of breath or anything just wiped.

    I'm at 7890 now I think I'm going to go for that walk and get a few more aerobic steps in in the process. Walk lots but most importantly have fun and have a great day.
  • BoresEasily
    9937/85min aerobic
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    12/12 No pedometer today. I knew if I didn't wear it today, I wouldn't try to push myself to get high numbers.
  • elvie64
    elvie64 Posts: 32 Member
    12/14 - 15845 steps on the day. Happiness is realizing I didn't wear it this morning when walking dogs (for 2300 steps - it's the same route every workday morning) so I can legitimately add that to the daily total, and I did.