News - woman asked to cover her toned body in the gym?



  • s4naz
    s4naz Posts: 86 Member
    Planet Fitness is a joke. I'm glad I never signed up for that gym. I will never sign up for a gym that tells me I can't wear tank tops.

    I *like* seeing people's muscles and midriffs at the gym. I'm at the gym for a reason! To get muscles and midriffs just like the people that work out there!

    Oy vey.

    But would you feel the same way if the bare midriffs and muscles were buried deep under a thick layer of fat? As long as the dress code is clearly set out and uniformly applied, I don't have an issue with it. If I don't like the policy, I would simply choose to take my business elsewhere.

    there are fit people and obese people at my gym..I am usually too busy - you know - working out and what not to give it that much thought I don't give a damn what anyone wears...

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    In the deposition, Anderson asked if McDaniel recalled a sign posted at Planet Fitness that said "no jeans, work boots, bandanas, skull caps or revealing apparel."

    According to the transcript, McDaniel acknowledged seeing the sign, but added, "I already (had) made it known before I signed the contract that I covered my hair. I had on (what) I call a head covering. I guess for the sake of the record, they're referring to it as a head covering."
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    yes but that is planet fitness's business motto: they also don't let people throw weights or grunt while lifting. its the appeal of the gym to target the other 80% of the population unlike most other gyms who cater to the 20% of the population who are already fitness focused. I just read a whole thing about it and this is what the CEO: says. I personally don't think you should have tits and *kitten* on display in public no matter who you are or what you look like, but that is just me. I never dressed like that before I had kids and don't plan on it once I hit goal :drinker:

    The woman in question was wearing crop sweat pants (So about calf length) and a cami that showed her midriff.

    That's how you define *kitten* and tits on display? Or is that just some separate rant?


    Yeahh. Look at her with her....ankles and shoulders showing THE SHAME! That's harlot! Think of the children!

    thank you master snarky: I was actually coming back on here to edit my comment to say that her outfit is cute and I don't see anything wrong with it and she is most definitely not "toned" ... she is thin and you can tell she hasn't had three kids but not toned. and I was referring to those who think its appropriate to wear sports bras and tiny booty shorts only at a gym.. ummm thanks but no thanks for sarcasticly pointing that out. she knew dam well that the outfit she wore was against the policy. that's what she gets for not reading fine print.

    I'm sorry you were bringing an unrelated issue into this thread and I commented on it. Next time you go off on a tangent I won't address it and just let you ramble about booty shorts ad sports bras while everyone else is talking camis and sweats. My B. Won't happen again.

    And, just so we're clear, how do you know she hasn't had kids? Because she's thin? Because I don't know if you've meet BinaryPulsar but uh...thin don't mean you haven't had kids.
  • Penfoldsplace
    The derogatory way some have talked about PF members on here kind of illustrates why some people may feel more comfortable starting out in that environment.

    I have no gripe with PF members, unless they share the same mindset as PF marketing.

    My issue is entirely with the company itself.

    Why the gripe when it's obviously not catered towards you? For example I'm vegetarian so I am not going to go to KFC and tell them I dislike their chicken serving policy. They are not designed for me and my life style choices, I just don't go there.

    Vegetarians go to KFC and picket pretty often, actually, on ethical and moral grounds.

    So, actually, great analogy.

    I was referring to myself hence the "I'm"

    If you would like to picket Planet fitness I'm sure they would like the publicity :laugh:

    I probably mostly agree with you on the policy actually, :flowerforyou: and I don't see the problem with what she's wearing but I just don't see why you would sign up to somewhere with rules then get angry when they enforce them

    I'm thinking she wasn't aware of the rules and isn't so much angry about being told to cover up (as she actually put on the T-shirt the first staff member gave her) but at the way she was told to do so ("Your body is intimidating to other people"). I could care less about PF and their stupid dress code but the way they treated this woman was just beyond what I consider acceptable.

    If it was done disrespectfully then I agree it was out of order. We don't have PF where I live so I don't know how it markets itself. Reading this thread it sounded like it actively markets itself to a certain clientele. They need to make that clear before signing people up otherwise it's unfair.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    This lady got kicked out for a 1" sweaty band.
  • zoquo
    zoquo Posts: 75
    I would love to have a nice fat free stomach and abdominal definition - when i see a woman like this it makes me work harder to obtain it! Besides sometimes it is just too hot when you work out hard to have layers of clothes. When i am at home i work out to Sean Ts Insanity in just a pair of panties and a sports bra. If the gym has a strict dress code they need to make it clear to EVERY new member BEFORE they sign. Personally i think the code should be the other way around! If you dont yet have a nice toned body keep it covered in the gym until you do! I have no problem with seeing toned guys and girls working out, but if i had to look at someone with the equivalent of my fat giggling about all over the place while they run the mill i think it would put me off!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    In the deposition, Anderson asked if McDaniel recalled a sign posted at Planet Fitness that said "no jeans, work boots, bandanas, skull caps or revealing apparel."

    According to the transcript, McDaniel acknowledged seeing the sign, but added, "I already (had) made it known before I signed the contract that I covered my hair. I had on (what) I call a head covering. I guess for the sake of the record, they're referring to it as a head covering."

    What amuses is that the woman offered to put on her hajib and was told no/told to leave but PF is going with the "We didn't realize it was religious headwear" defense. Further more wasn't she wearing a head covering when she signed up for the gym, what with her belief that women should keep their hair covered and all. No one said to her "Oh, btw, that thing on your head right now? You can't wear that here."
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I totally agree with Planet Fitness and the rules for gym attire. I do not want to sit or lean on a machine that has bare skin touch it. If this woman has any kind of dermis problems it could infect me and in turn I could carry it somewhere else. Even though Planet Fitness wants you to sanitize the equipment after use how do I know this woman or anyone else does. A layer of material at least is a barrier. Planet Fitness was very diplomatic in the way they handeled this. They made her think she was so fit and georgeous that others were jealous. This is pure nonsense, and this woman is looking for attention.

    Planet Fitness caters to everyone, is inexpensive and a place where someone like me, 60 years old, fat and out of shape to go as well as those who are looking to bulk up muscles, 20 somethings, etc.

    It really ticks me off that this is getting so much coverage in the media and that people just don't get it that it is a hygiene issue not a "sexy" clothes issue!

    I think the gym could have handled it better. I saw some news coverage on this matter and they told the lady that she was "intimidating" other gym members and offered her another shirt to "cover up".

    It would've been MUCH better customer service if they had reminded her of their dress code. When they would have realized she was a very NEW member could have coached her in a nice manner. When this lady was interviewed she indicated it was her FIRST visit since she joined (she was in a car accident trying to get back into a fitness routine). me, it kinda sounds like a customer service issue and probably could have been handled better.

    *preparing to be flamed* lol

    My understanding is that two employees encountered her. The first did what you suggested. In the middle of that, she was approached by the second employee and was told off for being intimidating. I can see why she felt that was over the top. There is a way to guide people into complying with your rules and there is making them feel bullied. PF chose option #2.

    One might even call the gym staffs' behavior...

  • Penfoldsplace
    The derogatory way some have talked about PF members on here kind of illustrates why some people may feel more comfortable starting out in that environment.

    I believe the critique has been of PF's corporate policy not the actual members ….

    They have a corporate policy for a reason and I'm assuming it's successful. The policy is therefore what the majority of members want, otherwise it would be an awful business model. The implication that some people don't have goals that push themselves to the max doesn't make their goals any less valid. I lost a lot of weight just watching my diet and walking. Now I have changed my goals and push myself harder, but we all have to start somewhere and maybe PF is geared towards people starting out.

    Personally I don't mind what people wear at the gym, I never really notice to be honest. I just have sympathy with people who may find that environment a good starting point. It's the same reason you have women only gyms I guess, I couldn't care less myself but I can see why some women might want that.
  • Daisyisacat
    I would love to have a nice fat free stomach and abdominal definition - when i see a woman like this it makes me work harder to obtain it! Besides sometimes it is just too hot when you work out hard to have layers of clothes. When i am at home i work out to Sean Ts Insanity in just a pair of panties and a sports bra. If the gym has a strict dress code they need to make it clear to EVERY new member BEFORE they sign. Personally i think the code should be the other way around! If you dont yet have a nice toned body keep it covered in the gym until you do! I have no problem with seeing toned guys and girls working out, but if i had to look at someone with the equivalent of my fat giggling about all over the place while they run the mill i think it would put me off!

    If a gym instituted such a policy they would be sued for discrimination.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The derogatory way some have talked about PF members on here kind of illustrates why some people may feel more comfortable starting out in that environment.

    I believe the critique has been of PF's corporate policy not the actual members ….

    They have a corporate policy for a reason and I'm assuming it's successful. The policy is therefore what the majority of members want, otherwise it would be an awful business model. The implication that some people don't have goals that push themselves to the max doesn't make their goals any less valid. I lost a lot of weight just watching my diet and walking. Now I have changed my goals and push myself harder, but we all have to start somewhere and maybe PF is geared towards people starting out.

    Personally I don't mind what people wear at the gym, I never really notice to be honest. I just have sympathy with people who may find that environment a good starting point. It's the same reason you have women only gyms I guess, I couldn't care less myself but I can see why some women might want that.

    They DONT seem to have a clearly defined corporate policy though.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    In the deposition, Anderson asked if McDaniel recalled a sign posted at Planet Fitness that said "no jeans, work boots, bandanas, skull caps or revealing apparel."

    According to the transcript, McDaniel acknowledged seeing the sign, but added, "I already (had) made it known before I signed the contract that I covered my hair. I had on (what) I call a head covering. I guess for the sake of the record, they're referring to it as a head covering."

    What amuses is that the woman offered to put on her hajib and was told no/told to leave but PF is going with the "We didn't realize it was religious headwear" defense. Further more wasn't she wearing a head covering when she signed up for the gym, what with her belief that women should keep their hair covered and all. No one said to her "Oh, btw, that thing on your head right now? You can't wear that here."

    She TOLD them she covered her hair when she signed up.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The derogatory way some have talked about PF members on here kind of illustrates why some people may feel more comfortable starting out in that environment.

    I believe the critique has been of PF's corporate policy not the actual members ….

    They have a corporate policy for a reason and I'm assuming it's successful. The policy is therefore what the majority of members want, otherwise it would be an awful business model. The implication that some people don't have goals that push themselves to the max doesn't make their goals any less valid. I lost a lot of weight just watching my diet and walking. Now I have changed my goals and push myself harder, but we all have to start somewhere and maybe PF is geared towards people starting out.

    Personally I don't mind what people wear at the gym, I never really notice to be honest. I just have sympathy with people who may find that environment a good starting point. It's the same reason you have women only gyms I guess, I couldn't care less myself but I can see why some women might want that.

    They DONT seem to have a clearly defined corporate policy though.

    I suspect their corporate policy is clearly defined, but inconsistently enforced.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The derogatory way some have talked about PF members on here kind of illustrates why some people may feel more comfortable starting out in that environment.

    I believe the critique has been of PF's corporate policy not the actual members ….

    They have a corporate policy for a reason and I'm assuming it's successful. The policy is therefore what the majority of members want, otherwise it would be an awful business model. The implication that some people don't have goals that push themselves to the max doesn't make their goals any less valid. I lost a lot of weight just watching my diet and walking. Now I have changed my goals and push myself harder, but we all have to start somewhere and maybe PF is geared towards people starting out.

    Personally I don't mind what people wear at the gym, I never really notice to be honest. I just have sympathy with people who may find that environment a good starting point. It's the same reason you have women only gyms I guess, I couldn't care less myself but I can see why some women might want that.

    eh - my main complaint with PF is that the no squatting, deadlifting, lifting heavy, etc is setting people up for failure ….but I guess if you want an environment that coddles you and provides free pizza, bagels, and candy so that you eat back all your exercise calories and never seem to progress AND want to pay for that ..then more power to them….

    I like going to my gym and seeing a bunch of shredded dudes/females killing motivates me
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The derogatory way some have talked about PF members on here kind of illustrates why some people may feel more comfortable starting out in that environment.

    I believe the critique has been of PF's corporate policy not the actual members ….

    They have a corporate policy for a reason and I'm assuming it's successful. The policy is therefore what the majority of members want, otherwise it would be an awful business model. The implication that some people don't have goals that push themselves to the max doesn't make their goals any less valid. I lost a lot of weight just watching my diet and walking. Now I have changed my goals and push myself harder, but we all have to start somewhere and maybe PF is geared towards people starting out.

    Personally I don't mind what people wear at the gym, I never really notice to be honest. I just have sympathy with people who may find that environment a good starting point. It's the same reason you have women only gyms I guess, I couldn't care less myself but I can see why some women might want that.

    They DONT seem to have a clearly defined corporate policy though.

    yes they do "never progress"
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    In the deposition, Anderson asked if McDaniel recalled a sign posted at Planet Fitness that said "no jeans, work boots, bandanas, skull caps or revealing apparel."

    According to the transcript, McDaniel acknowledged seeing the sign, but added, "I already (had) made it known before I signed the contract that I covered my hair. I had on (what) I call a head covering. I guess for the sake of the record, they're referring to it as a head covering."

    What amuses is that the woman offered to put on her hajib and was told no/told to leave but PF is going with the "We didn't realize it was religious headwear" defense. Further more wasn't she wearing a head covering when she signed up for the gym, what with her belief that women should keep their hair covered and all. No one said to her "Oh, btw, that thing on your head right now? You can't wear that here."

    She TOLD them she covered her hair when she signed up.

    And they signed her on up anyway.


    Okay then.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I think I have a solution that will allow both parties (the gym not wanting to overly intimidate its patrons and the tank-top wearing fit people) have their way.

    The gym should just hire on-staff overweight people in overly tight tanktops and whenever a fit person comes in in a tank top that overweight tank-top wearing employee just goes over and stands near them to balance things out.
  • Penfoldsplace
    The derogatory way some have talked about PF members on here kind of illustrates why some people may feel more comfortable starting out in that environment.

    I believe the critique has been of PF's corporate policy not the actual members ….

    They have a corporate policy for a reason and I'm assuming it's successful. The policy is therefore what the majority of members want, otherwise it would be an awful business model. The implication that some people don't have goals that push themselves to the max doesn't make their goals any less valid. I lost a lot of weight just watching my diet and walking. Now I have changed my goals and push myself harder, but we all have to start somewhere and maybe PF is geared towards people starting out.

    Personally I don't mind what people wear at the gym, I never really notice to be honest. I just have sympathy with people who may find that environment a good starting point. It's the same reason you have women only gyms I guess, I couldn't care less myself but I can see why some women might want that.

    They DONT seem to have a clearly defined corporate policy though.

    If they don't then I can see where the confusion comes in. They need to make that clear on sign up.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    yes but that is planet fitness's business motto: they also don't let people throw weights or grunt while lifting. its the appeal of the gym to target the other 80% of the population unlike most other gyms who cater to the 20% of the population who are already fitness focused. I just read a whole thing about it and this is what the CEO: says. I personally don't think you should have tits and *kitten* on display in public no matter who you are or what you look like, but that is just me. I never dressed like that before I had kids and don't plan on it once I hit goal :drinker:

    The woman in question was wearing crop sweat pants (So about calf length) and a cami that showed her midriff.

    That's how you define *kitten* and tits on display? Or is that just some separate rant?


    Yeahh. Look at her with her....ankles and shoulders showing THE SHAME! That's harlot! Think of the children!

    thank you master snarky: I was actually coming back on here to edit my comment to say that her outfit is cute and I don't see anything wrong with it and she is most definitely not "toned" ... she is thin and you can tell she hasn't had three kids but not toned. and I was referring to those who think its appropriate to wear sports bras and tiny booty shorts only at a gym.. ummm thanks but no thanks for sarcasticly pointing that out. she knew dam well that the outfit she wore was against the policy. that's what she gets for not reading fine print.

    I'm sorry you were bringing an unrelated issue into this thread and I commented on it. Next time you go off on a tangent I won't address it and just let you ramble about booty shorts ad sports bras while everyone else is talking camis and sweats. My B. Won't happen again.

    And, just so we're clear, how do you know she hasn't had kids? Because she's thin? Because I don't know if you've meet BinaryPulsar but uh...thin don't mean you haven't had kids.

    Thanks Achrya!

    It's rude how people are picking this lady's body and life apart.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    The derogatory way some have talked about PF members on here kind of illustrates why some people may feel more comfortable starting out in that environment.

    I have no gripe with PF members, unless they share the same mindset as PF marketing.

    My issue is entirely with the company itself.


    And PF's motto should be: "We say we don't judge...but we do."
