The Randoms - December 2010

I'm so excited about starting this thread! I know there are so many different "groups" on here but I wanted to start a thread with people that were all different. Not from a certain age group, a certain weight, a certain height or so on. We all have so much to offer regardless of where we are at in our journey and I just love all of the people I've been blessed to meet on this site!

You may join this thread under the following circumstances:

* You are an age. It doesn't how old!
* You weigh something. It doesn't matter what!
* You are a gender. It doesn't matter which one! (We prefer no alien presence but if you are really excited about joining we will take it to a vote!
* You want to check in every day to every couple of days to vent, encourage and chit chat!

So that's about it! I titled this The Randoms because we will be a bunch of random awesome people all striving towards different goals but still able to hold one another accountable! December is half way through but lets start out by introducing ourselves and listing a goal that we'd like to accomplish by the end of the month, be it big or small! I can make a list and we can refer back to it in January to see how well we did and see what we want to do to start off the new year!!!!


  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I'm Tara! I'm 24...I'm an old married lady to Floyd and have a three year old...Mister Grady Paul! :o)

    My Goals are as follows:

    TaraMaria - No fast food for the month of December, build my running to three miles or 30 minutes straight and work on loosing the last 5
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hummm, interesting. I'll bite....but not too hard :wink:

    Katie. 30. Female. Weighing 194 lbs (give or take). Single mama raising an active 4 1/2 year old, Jake.

    Goal: To keep gainage down to 1 lb or less this holiday season.

    In all honest that's a pretty tough goal for me. I'm stinking at it already....sigh...

  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    I'm Michael. 24 years old. MALE, weighing at 210 (give or take .02lbs) Married to a short, but sexy, girl name Sara.
    Goal: Weigh 200lbs by Jan 3, 2010. Going on a cruise.

    Oh yeah, my wife is prego for my little man!!!
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I'm in!

    34 female about to be divorced with a precocious 3 year old daughter.

    Oops for got to add Started out at 331 and can happily say that I am down to 262!! (this could have been the catalyst for my divorce, but if it was then good riddence!)

    My goal for the Holidays is not to gain any weight at all. Not doing so well on that one, but I am still at it!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Mandi-25. Female
    Weight- 196
    Married with 3 kids: ages 7, 4, and 18 mos.

    Goals: Maintain through the holidays, workout 4-5 times a week, drink my 64 oz of water a day, try to lose 5 pounds a month (however, trying to gauge progress on the scale is incredibly hard not to get disappointed over so I'm going to take it in stride)- more importantly to listen to my body and give myself credit for those Non-Scale Victories! :) Good luck everyone! I'm excited to start a new thread!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Age 24
    Recently started dating a fellow rocket scientist, which has thrown a bit of a wrench in my weight loss plan (we love to eat and drink good beer). Started this whole thing at 215 lbs.
    Currently weight: 152.0 lbs

    Sara - Goal is to be under 150 lbs, even if it's by 0.1, by January 1st. 2 lbs in 2 weeks with the holidays might be asking a lot... haha. I'm still gonna try, and I just joined a gym to help get rid of the last 12-15 lbs. I lost the first 63 lbs never having belonged to a gym.
  • sayuri1
    sayuri1 Posts: 111
    sayuri -22 year old female
    weight 164
    I'm married and no kids yet.

    Goals: Being able to keep up playing with my hyperactive four year old niece. =)
    Try to drink more than 8 cups a water a day.
    Lose a pound at week.
  • marniehodges
    How fun :smile:

    My name is Marnie, I'm 45, happily married to Jerry, mom to three daughters who are 26, 22 and 22 (yes, twins) and ecstatic grandma of 2 adorable boys, 3 and 2 yrs. old.

    My goal the rest of December is to quit making so many goals :tongue: , except to just do the best I can through the holidays and enjoy my family and friends! And no freak outs please, I'm not going to go crazy or anything, but I am going to eat a piece of the fudge we are making on Sunday :bigsmile:

    More seriously, I am going to vow that no matter how hectic this next couple weeks is I WILL make time for the gym!
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    Age: 45 - but behave much younger (maturity is over rated)

    Goal is to maintain over Christmas and New Years. Start exercising again on January 1 (or whenever the hangover is gone). Started at 218, current 206 so would like to be at 206 on New Years Day.

    Long term goal is to lose approx 70 lbs, but I haven't set a deadline because I always lose hope then.

    Feel free to add me as your friend :flowerforyou:
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Somebody left a huge tin of imported Danish Butter Cookies on the counter at work. I love those things, except 4 cookies=140 calories.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I'm Mandie :)
    I love being random!
    I am 22 & married to my favorite person in the world, Andrew!!! We are losing the "happy marriage weight" together!
    I am currently 174lbs...only 14lbs to my ultimate goal!!!

    My Goals For December: to exercise 5-6 days a week at the gym, eat 1200 calories + 1/2 exercise calories, get under 172 by New Years Eve & only weigh myself 2 times per day [morning & night] because a million times per day is destroying me :ohwell:
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Somebody left a huge tin of imported Danish Butter Cookies on the counter at work. I love those things, except 4 cookies=140 calories.

    Right now we're battling brownies with nuts and lemon bundt cake.....Damn holidays!

  • dk82
    dk82 Posts: 142 Member
    CW:180(give or take a few)‎
    Goal for the rest of the month: Keep my motivation up, drink plenty of ‎water, and try not to gain any or get too stressed during the holidays. After ‎the holidays I'm aiming for a 5lb/month loss.‎
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    It seems like every day we get something yummy and sinfully delicious from a vendor here at work, but thankfully thus far, I have resisted the temptation (this week) lol
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Everyone's goals seem awesome and totally obtainable. That is one thing that is so important. You shouldn't kid yourself in either direction: Don't set them too low or too high! Danger Ranger, congrats on going to be a daddy!! YAY! Sara you made me lol...and I didn't know he was a fellow rocket scientist!! That is awesome!!!

    TaraMaria - No fast food for the month of December, build my running to three miles or 30 minutes straight and work on loosing the last 5
    Kekibird - To keep gainage down to 1 lb or less this holiday season.
    DangerRanger - Weigh 200lbs by Jan 3, 2010. Going on a cruise
    kerridodson - Not to gain any weight at all during the Holidays
    mandijo - Maintain through the holidays, workout 4-5 times a week, drink my 64 oz of water a day, try to lose 5 pounds a month
    00trayn - Goal is to be under 150 lbs, even if it's by 0.1, by January 1st
    sayuri1 - Being able to keep up playing with my hyperactive four year old niece, try to drink more than 8 cups a water a day, lose a pound at week
    marniehodges - Quit making so many goals, no freakouts and make time for the gym!!
    jewelchristian - Goal is to maintain over Christmas and New Years. Start exercising again on January 1
    Ding724 - To exercise 5-6 days a week at the gym, eat 1200 calories + 1/2 exercise calories, get under 172 by New Years Eve & only weigh myself 2 times per day
    dk82 - Keep my motivation up, drink plenty of ‎water, and try not to gain any or get too stressed during the holidays. After ‎the holidays I'm aiming for a 5lb/month loss.‎

    Anyone who joins after this, just add your screen name and goals onto this!!!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I'm Mandie :)
    I love being random!
    I am 22 & married to my favorite person in the world, Andrew!!! We are losing the "happy marriage weight" together!
    I am currently 174lbs...only 14lbs to my ultimate goal!!!

    My Goals For December: to exercise 5-6 days a week at the gym, eat 1200 calories + 1/2 exercise calories, get under 172 by New Years Eve & only weigh myself 2 times per day [morning & night] because a million times per day is destroying me :ohwell:

    I totally understand...thank God I have an analog scale that is totally not accurate. HAHA! I can weigh myself on it as much as I want and I will weigh the exact same. Now I just weigh myself at the gym once while I am there.
  • MrsBrosco
    :heart: Melissa:heart:
    I am going to turn 25 in a couple of weeks, I have a wonderful and very supportive husband who has always loved me for me. Together we have a beautiful/crazy/tempermental/loving 18 month old daughter, Ella Mae. She is my everything :love:
    I started my weight loss journey at 230lbs on May 18, 2009- the day my daughter was born :blushing: I am currently at 165lbs with a goal of 145lbs. ONLY 20lbs TO GO :drinker:

    Melissa- My goal is to not binge during the holiday's with candy, bread, pies, and birthday cake. It is VERY unrealistic for me to say I wont eat any of them, however, I will enjoy them in very small moderation. I really want to keep my head on strait for the next couple of weeks!

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    So "Question of the Day" (QOTD) What is a typical day in your life? When does it start? End? When do you fit in your workouts? Do you pack a lunch?
  • marniehodges
    My day begins when I hear my 3 year old grandson get up (he and my daughter live with us). As for workouts, around my daughter's work schedule so I can stay with my grandson, so it can be anywhere from 6:30 to 10:00 in the morn. Always in the morning though...if I exercised at night I would NEVER be able to sleep-gets me way to pumped up. My day ends all over the place. I tend to "wake up" at night. Something in my head just goes "ding" like a doorbell and I'm wide awake and have always been like that. Sleep is highly overrated. :laugh: