calories from fruit



  • TheWatchStander
    I don't count calories from fruit, I eat as much as I Like (apart from banana's only 1 a day) I also drink a lot of smoothie's to keep my hunger at bay, and I don't count the calories from that either. what are peoples thoughts ??

    I don't count calories from pizza or burgers also ....

    Don’t stress the sarcastic and uncalled for comments Hannah, those people are probably going through something in their life that is making them treat people poorly to compensate their own inner lacking. A real person tries to bring those around them up to a better place. I think you should count your fruit and smoothies. Its great you eat a lot of fruit but you should apply your diet and nutritional guidelines to everything you eat. Don't make exceptions.
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    I count all of my fruit, even though it is fruit, the fruit still has calories. The fruit is better than chips and sweets, etc., but a calorie is a calorie regardless so I would say that you need to county them.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    you have to count fruit, if only for the sugar it adds.
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    I don't count calories from fruit, I eat as much as I Like (apart from banana's only 1 a day) I also drink a lot of smoothie's to keep my hunger at bay, and I don't count the calories from that either. what are peoples thoughts ??

    I don't count calories from pizza or burgers also ....

    Don’t stress the sarcastic and uncalled for comments Hannah, those people are probably going through something in their life that is making them treat people poorly to compensate their own inner lacking. A real person tries to bring those around them up to a better place. I think you should count your fruit and smoothies. Its great you eat a lot of fruit but you should apply your diet and nutritional guidelines to everything you eat. Don't make exceptions.

    This... :) There are way more supportive posts here than the insensitive/snarky ones. Ignore those. I count fruit, I eat a lot of it! :) Fruit is good for you, but is part of your total calorie intake,and therefore needs to be counted and burned off :)

    Good luck! :)
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I want to know what kind of smoothie has only 112 calories? Is it like a dixie cup sized smoothie?

    Mine usually range from 350-500 depending on what I feel like putting in them.

    Also, I could easily get fat on fruit. I could demolish a 2 pound container of strawberries in a day. I could also eat an entire pineapple at once. I eat at least 2-3 cuties at a time (and that is showing restraint). I love fruit but everything in moderation. I want to have room for ice cream or cheesecake now and then.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I was shocked that a little halo tangerine has 40 calories and 17 grams of sugar. My weight loss has gone much better since I started limiting fruit and working in more vegetables instead. I would log fruit and see how it changes your calorie picture.

    Yeah! When I started to look at the sugar in fruit it was like "WHAT?" I started to eat half bananas and half apples after that. I would love to eat all the fruit I'd like blindly but I can't. YOu can go over your sugar limits with three pieces if you're not careful.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    You guys need to calm down. :/
    The answer is log your fruit.
    So we're all happy.
    No need to be rude or feel attacked.


    however when people are being rude it is hard not to feel attacked. : )

    see now this might be mean but I am so out of this pity party. No one was mean, they told you the truth and you took it as mean, that's on you.

    Welcome to the internet where not everyone will agree with you and there is not specific font for sarcasm, rudeness, or being mean it's all on you and how you interpret it.


    The person who made one of the comments sent me a message and said sorry for being a di** - so clearly I am not just over reacting.

    I am new to forums so I had no idea people where so harsh.

    go and join the mean bus, if being horrible to people brings you so much joy I feel very sorry for you and the people around you.

    In my life I fill it with joy and happiness and nice people.

    you haven't seen harsh...

    and don't feel sorry for me I have more joy in my life than you know and if you think I am mean hold onto your hat, cause if you stay on the forums and react like this everytime people don't agree with you or sugar coat their responses you are gonna get flayed a lot...

    <<<<trounces off to join the rest of the mean people aka those who don't sugar coat stuff....much more informative place to be anyway.

    I am not going to stay on them

    because of people like you.

    **** it.

    People went out of their way to be nice to you. No one was rude. You just got all whiney because you didn't like that you didn't hear, "Oh honey, you don't need to log it. You're doing everything perfectly. Have some cake."

    You got real support. Good advice that you should follow. You called that mean and focused on the one person saying you were right. That's what you were really after.

    Yes, people can be snarky. No one here was. People really tried to be helpful and nice and still you pulled the "Everyone's mean I'm never posting again!" card.

    Hell with it. Unleash the gifs.


    not interested.

    join the que of people who get fun out of negativity.

    Screw it, time for funny gifs!!!! We tried people...we tried...


    "Queue" (DAMMIT!) "Que" means "What" in Spanish.

    Funny gif!
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    OP, you clearly want this drama. You started it by calling people out fr being rude, then said good-bye (like a million times) yet then constantly check back and post again! Don't kid yourself, you like it. If it honestly hurt your feelings you wouldn't be egging people on.

    Pretty sad, really.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Thank you to the people for honest - supportive comments.

    This clearly isn't the place for me.

    To the people who seem to get a pleasure out of being negative and having an argument. goodbye.

    Hope everything goes well for you :smile:
    Oh I see how it goes. Honest and supportive = people who tell you what you wanted to hear.

    I have a bit of advice. Once you are down to your last 20 pounds to lose or so and you aren't losing after consistently logging and weighing everything EXCEPT fruit, don't post on here. You'll get all those unsupportive, dishonest people telling you to log your fruit.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Came here to answer OP's question. Leaving because she only wants to hear that she's right.

    OP, you've been given honest answers and good advice. Take it for what it's worth and move on.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    This is a pretty funny thread. A++.

    I'm usually on board with calling out unnecessarily rude people on here, but there really wasn't anything like that going on.

    Even the teeniest of teeny tiny bananas have (usually) more than 100 calories. Why wouldn't you log everything you eat that has calories?

    Can a moderator please change the thread topic to "Please enable me to lie to myself by agreeing with me."
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The proper way to lose weight is to create a calorie deficiency. Since there aren't any zero calorie foods then everything you eat contain calories at some level and could blow your deficiency. If you don't track your fruits then you won't have any way of finding the root cause of your weight plateau or gain. Even when I was on Weight Watchers, I tracked all fruits and veggies despite the 0 point allocation.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I would also like the recipe for the 112 calories smoothie please!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I would also like the recipe for the 112 calories smoothie please!

    Me too 1 1/2 serving of fruit, flax seed, protien powder, protien shake = 576 calories for me...
  • TheWatchStander
    you have to count fruit, if only for the calories it adds.
    I don't count calories from fruit, I eat as much as I Like (apart from banana's only 1 a day) I also drink a lot of smoothie's to keep my hunger at bay, and I don't count the calories from that either. what are peoples thoughts ??

    I don't count calories from pizza or burgers also ....

    Don’t stress the sarcastic and uncalled for comments Hannah, those people are probably going through something in their life that is making them treat people poorly to compensate their own inner lacking. A real person tries to bring those around them up to a better place. I think you should count your fruit and smoothies. Its great you eat a lot of fruit but you should apply your diet and nutritional guidelines to everything you eat. Don't make exceptions.
    We did try to take her to a better place. A place where you count fruit.

    LMAO well played good sir!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't count calories from fruit, I eat as much as I Like (apart from banana's only 1 a day) I also drink a lot of smoothie's to keep my hunger at bay, and I don't count the calories from that either. what are peoples thoughts ??

    Smoothies can get very high in calories. You are setting yourself up for disappointment if you don't log your fruit!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I log everything but you are probably pretty safe to eat as much veg as you like, but I would watch the fruit. It has a lot of sugar so you can 'crash' or so is my understanding!

    Even Jillian Micheals says 'eat unlimited greens' so there is something to this 'free' type of food, but you just need to be careful!

    Good luck and I hope this was more supportive than some of the other posts!

    i don't think jillian michaels meant to gorge yourself on greens and eat regularly too.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member


    I WANT THOSE PANTS.... where are they from?!?!?!?!?!

    Esty I can get smarty pants, hangry pants, bossy pants, big girl pants or a customer saying or just take a pair of pants to a silk screener...

    Thanks...I need to get me some now!:laugh:
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    Haha calories from anything can make you gain weight. There is no magic food out there that can make you lose weight unfortunately! Log your fruit and eat at a calorie surplus! This app is about counting ALL you eat!