Those Annoying Little Comments

This is a takeoff on a thread from a different board I frequent. It’s really interesting to see what people have to say. Whether you are male, female, skinny, athletic, overweight, vegan, vegetarian, on the paleo diet, no diet, whatever we all have those frustrating comments we hear over and over again while we are on our path to a healthier life.... So I ask you… what annoying comments do you always seem to hear?

Note: This thread is NOT meant to be an attack thread. PURELY a venting/relating thread, since we’ve all been there. We can’t change the world, we can only change ourselves ;)

Here are a couple of mine:

-“You’re skinny enough already!” Uhm, thanks… I wasn’t trying to get skinny. I was trying to get fit.

-“I didn’t invite you out to ____ restaurant because I know you’ve been trying to eat better.” Gee, thanks for excluding me. I am totally able to control myself when at a restaurant.


  • alyssa42012
    I couldn't tell you how many times I have heard "You know you would be taller if you ate meat" . I guess its an easy joke when you are a 4'9 vegetarian. I dont take these comments to heart, I became vegetarian at the age of 11 so I've heard it all.

    However I become very uncomfortable when people try to make me sound like an idiot, or find flaws in my reasoning. I don't try to force my beliefs on others, please don't force yours on me. And PLEASE do NOT shove a your plate of food in my face as to "tempt" me.
  • nad825
    nad825 Posts: 14 Member
    Okay, people are just rude, but I still try to find something to love/appreciate about them, which at times can seem impossible. I'm sorry that people are saying those things to both of you! :( At least we know better - just ignore them and keep doing our own thing.

    Here's what I hear when I talk about having to do the modifications during T25 workouts because of my bad wrist that I've had multiple surgeries on: "Well, you're not really doing the workout if you're modifying, so what's the point?"

    And after I recently posted a progress picture of myself on FB, one of my friends saw me in person the next day and said: "You look great, but you can totally tell you're sucking in your stomach in the picture." Um, no I wasn't. I'm just bloated right now, thank you very much.
  • yasudarshan
    yasudarshan Posts: 8 Member
    I always like to keep my weight loss plans to myself. Then I don't get as many helpful or non-helpful suggestions! I have gone on diets with my husband before, and we ended up talking about food way too much which only made us hungry! It would be nice to be able to share info with someone, though.
  • mbitely2004
    mbitely2004 Posts: 66 Member
    Today my mom and my sister were "trying to build my confidence" by talking about how great im doing.... umm ladies, its been a week, and your talking about me like I'm not there. Its not at all a confidence builder.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    For me its the eye roll when I go to input my calories on MFP or when I say I am going to go run.
  • booksgiver
    booksgiver Posts: 149 Member
    Well actually two things are annoying. One is when despite having lost 118 pounds no one comments at all and the second is when someone notices you've lost weight and asks how much you weigh currently. After giving a truthful answer then the comment is, " Oh, well I weigh 125 and I'm the same height, so let's see, you still need to lose what...100 pounds?" This has happened to me or a similar conversation twice now. I'd be in heaven if I ever make it to 175!
  • jerzeygirl619
    jerzeygirl619 Posts: 17 Member
    Tell those people to take a hike. This is not a competition. Good for you on your weight loss. That is inspiration to me.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I get annoyed by my friends who make comments about me not being able to go out last minute if I didn't workout that morning and I want to work out at night. Or when I'm training for a marathon so I can't go drink 1,000,000,000 margaritas on Friday night. Always hearing sarcastic comments about my workout schedule.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    "Muscle weighs more than fat."


    "Calories in Vs Calories out"

  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    I've been vegetarian for most of my life but whenever I am with others I try my best not to be a burden. I will eat a roll of bread and nothing else happily if need be.

    Anyway, I often end up in the uncomfortable situation where there is literally nothing available that doesn't contain meat and they tell me to just pick out the meat. can't do that...i would literally get sick everywhere just thinking about it.

    Idk, I try as hard as possible not to burden anyone but inevitably it leads to a big to do regardless.

    Now that people are noticing I am losing weight I keep getting "helpful tips" which obviously I don't need since what I am already doing is working amazingly.
  • apriljackss
    apriljackss Posts: 96 Member
    Because I don't eat gluten or dairy people always want to offer their opinions on that fact. They usually tell me that it's a fad... that I can eat all the gluten and dairy I want and when it comes time to try to get pregnant (I have PCOS, and due to the EXTENSIVE research I've done I cut out gluten and dairy because I want to have children naturall some day) to just go do IVF.

    Also, when I eat "healthy", for instance the other day I was eating an apple and some almonds at my desk around 3:30 for a snack and someone felt the need to comment "oh, that's healthy". Why did you need to comment at all? Because you feel guilty about the 4 cupcakes I just saw you eating? I didn't go by and say "oh, that's unhealthy". It doesn't matter, but it's still just really strange to me.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    "You're cold all the time because you're skinny," is the one I hear constantly from my boyfriend, roommates, coworkers...dude. I was cold all the time when I was 25 lbs heavier. I'm just cold. Sorry seeing me all bundled up makes you feel like you need to comment constantly.

    It's such a stupid thing but it's like every day from someone. I'm just a cold person! I have bad circulation!
  • Irenaekl
    Irenaekl Posts: 116 Member
    My pet hates?

    'Your body will go into starvation mode if you fast 2 days a week' - RUBBISH ! It will NOT.

    'Muscle weighs more than fat' - NO IT DOESN'T!! 1 lb of muscle weighs exactly the same as 1 lb of fat - it is just less bulky and takes up less room.

    And from overweight friends who, basically, eat too much - 'it's ok for you, I'm just not able to lose weight' - YES YOU ARE! Stop stuffing your face!
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    When people offer me meat, or processed food, and look shocked when i don't want it, when they KNEW i don't eat that anymore. "Oh, are you STILL on a DIET!?!?!?" - I'm not on a diet, that's the way i eat!

    Or when some bro guy says something like, "Oh, you don't have huge muscles, even though you don't lift? Your diet must be lacking nutrients..." As if eating alone will build huge muscles.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I get from the husband often "I don't want you becoming anorexic". The other day I had snacked on chips and dip so didn't have the greasy pizza he ordered and got "you are so weird, just eat something". Why would I eat when I'm already full?

    And my parents my dad will say "you can stop losing weight" and then my mom "are you really going to eat that".
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    No one annoys me twice. I'm usually a nice guy but my tongue is pretty acidic when talked to rudely. I had a boss once who said I was "indelicate" because of the way I talk to jerks. I guess that's why I'm self-employed now. :ohwell:
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    People I haven't seen for a while...

    Them: OMG! Are you sick? -
    Me: humm, no why?
    Them: You're so skinny
    Me: humm, no, I'm just healthy.
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    It's really discouraging to me when someone looks at me incredulously and says something along the lines of "you're losing weight"

    Yeahhhhh.....I know I have a lot to lose and you might not notice it, but you know what?? I am not trying, I am succeeding!!! Lay off.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    'I hope the nurse at the gym told you to stop losing weight', from my mom. Sigh.
  • "Lose weight or you're fired. No one will tell you this but no one trusts fat people"