Those Annoying Little Comments



  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I just hate when anyone comments on my body or food intake at all. Not your body? Not your business. Having said that, the things that annoy me the *most* are people who comment in awe on my portion sizes, like "wow, you have a huge appetite" or "gosh you must be hungry today" when I'm eating four bits of toast or something equally un-noteworthy. I just think in general people should keep to themselves any thoughts and opinions about other people's bodies or food consumption unless specifically asked. And yes, that includes even supposedly positive comments because you don't know how the other person will interpret them.
  • VanderTuig1976
    VanderTuig1976 Posts: 145 Member
    Such a timely post as my mother-in-law made the comment to me this morning, "OMG!!!! Look at those calf muscles!!! You may want to lay-off the strength training." To which I replied, "My muscles aren't're just seeing them from underneath the fat I have/am losing." Her reply, "You don't have any fat!" Well, um, yes I do....and I will never stop strength training. I'm addicted!!!

    I also hate the implications that I'm anorexic simply because I have chosen a health, and, yes, very disciplined diet. Funny how most of these comments are from very overweight women.

    I also get a kick out of how disappointed people are when I tell them how I'm making progress: cutting calories and exercising. It's like they are waiting for the miracle solution that will help them lose weight without any hard work.

    There will always be haters; mostly, I think it's people's way of dealing with their own jealousy and failure to make an effort to change their lifestyle and body.
  • childhoodshour00
    childhoodshour00 Posts: 23 Member
    May most annoying pet peeve comment is "Well what do you eat then?!?!" (I don't eat dairy or land animals--I do eat minimal fish and eggs though) THERE ARE THESE THINGS CALLED GRAINS AND VEGETABLES AND FRUIT YOU KNOW... geez....

    Or if I say I'm an ovo-pescatarian i usually don't get annoying comments, i just get grunts and odd stares I EAT FISH AND EGGS AND THINGS THAT GROW FROM SOIL. UGH. and i also get pissed with the few high and mighty vegans (not all vegans!) :) who yell at me for eating "sea-kittens"... please. we should all be grateful for ANY reduction in animal products. baby steps y'all, baby steps...
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    The worst part for me and that was before I actually changed my diet even further to drop the excess fat and balance my hormones was when I was invited by 2 GOOD friends, unrelated, at different a different time and place, for dinner. I don't eat pork for religious reasons, primarily. In both instances, they cooked pork without my knowledge, telling me it was 100% ground beef. I only found out because they just could not keep their story straight. I am an epicurean and love eating with friends and family. Needless to say, respecting someone's diet has become a big deal criterion for friendship. No longer eating their food. I felt violated but I have a big heart: NOT forgotten but forgiven.*

    Now I am on LCHF, people keep asking me if I am doing it for medical reasons.

    Don't ask what you can do for your country but what's for lunch, right? Other's diet seems to be a big issue for some. Not sure why. Would be interesting to find a research paper out there on the subject.

    All in all, I love how 99,9% have been truly supportive. Loving the attention :blushing:

    EDIT *


    I don't shock easily but they couldn't just cook you anything else? You're very forgiving - it would've been game over for those friendships. How utterly disrespectful. And this coming from an atheist who eats everything (but if she were less lazy would be a vegetarian).
  • childhoodshour00
    childhoodshour00 Posts: 23 Member
    After I became a strict vegetarian my mom keeps telling me how many vitamins I am deficient. Tired? Bored? Sick? Hungry? Want to change your life? I read on line that such and such vitamin deficiency will cause that.

    Pretty much any time someone starts something with "Well I read online that...." you KNOW it's going to make you mad. :laugh:
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    After I became a strict vegetarian my mom keeps telling me how many vitamins I am deficient. Tired? Bored? Sick? Hungry? Want to change your life? I read on line that such and such vitamin deficiency will cause that.
    I hate that! It's such a common misconception that animal products are loaded with nutrients, while plants are somehow devoid of micros. It's the other way around!!!! Veg*ns get more nutrition than most!
  • rachelamber_x
    rachelamber_x Posts: 104 Member
    Is that all you are having? // You don't eat enough
    Don't deprive yourself, have a cookie

    Firstly, I do eat enough, I eat plenty, I just prefer to eat a lot more in the evening, hence why my lunch is fairly small.
    Secondly, refusing a second cookie when I have already had one and I'm not hungry is not depriving myself
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    My friends are quite supportive, but my family not so much. They range from telling me I must be anorexic because I hardly eat anything to saying "It must be nice to eat whatever you want and still be skinny." Well, which is it? Make up your minds, people!! They do normally see me when I'm eating more than usual, because I tend to ease up a little at family gatherings. Still, my portion sizes are generally half of what everyone else in the room has. Coincidentally, I am also about half the size of everyone else in the room.....obesity seems to run in my family.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    1) "Hey, there, Skinny Minnie!" a) My name is not Minnie b) skinny is not a complement. Fit, thinner, healthy/healthier - those are complements. Skinny says you are jealous

    I just got this from a thin coworker who constantly complains about her "muffin top" (and has just done her second week of the cabbage soup diet). It annoyed me because I'm still in the obese category and have about 60 more lbs to lose - so skinny is so far off base and it's condescending. Sometimes I find people equate being fat with being stupid or slow. I'm waiting for someone to pat me on the head and tell me I'm a good girl.

    I also have a few chocolate police at work. The other day it was "is that diet chocolate you're eating?" Oh hell NO. Not ever gonna happen.
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    I started dieting when I was an overweight 12 year old. I have heard it all. My dad and uncles used to say whenever I ate anything that wasn't a carrot that, "watch out, you'll get fat!" I understood that they meant it as a joke but I did end up in tears a few times before I was able to stop letting it hurt my feelings. Nowadays, my friend calls my tuna, "cat food." My family calls my egg whites, "smelly and disgusting." So far though, I've managed to power through. :-)
  • jchadden42
    jchadden42 Posts: 189
    I often get excluded at work when they're giving out chocolate because, I obviously would NEVER eat that!!

    The lady at my gym told me that I used to look good but now I look near anorexic. That' wasn't very nice.
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    My dad and uncles used to say whenever I ate anything that wasn't a carrot that, "watch out, you'll get fat!" I understood that they meant it as a joke but I did end up in tears a few times before I was able to stop letting it hurt my feelings

    OMG my dear old Dad (sadly departed) did that too, while stuffing his face with ice cream. Then again, he was from the generation that thought fat definitely was a feminist issue. While it didn't upset me, me and my Mum did wonder at his intentions. It wasn't funny the first or 17th time so why he said it pretty much all of my life from adolescence onwards is a secret I'll never know. Glad it hasn't warped your attitude to food!
  • Michelle_Padgett13
    Michelle_Padgett13 Posts: 417 Member
    My mom is always the one who gets me...

    "I'm so glad you're losing that weight. Your arms were getting so big. Like my sister Carol. Bless her heart."

    "You had gotten so big. Even ****ie at church was saying how big you'd gotten."

    "Is that a Large? Hm. Those must run small."

    "You're bigger than her." (pointing to random lady in TJMaxx)

    I text my sister when she pops out with these gems and we laugh about it. I really should be saving them for some sort of book. "*kitten* My Mom Says."
  • cwisking
    cwisking Posts: 1
    I intermittent fast, most people don't understand it and they automatically say "oh but you are starving yourself!" you should eat small meals more often, blah blah blah. When I fast i drop weight, when I don't I gain weight - on the same calories p/d.

    And my favorite - "Oh if you want to loose weight, go gluten-free..."
  • Michelle_Padgett13
    Michelle_Padgett13 Posts: 417 Member
    My mom is always the one who gets me...

    "I'm so glad you're losing that weight. Your arms were getting so big. Like my sister Carol. Bless her heart."

    "You had gotten so big. Even ****ie at church was saying how big you'd gotten."

    "Is that a Large? Hm. Those must run small."

    "You're bigger than her." (pointing to random lady in TJMaxx)

    I text my sister when she pops out with these gems and we laugh about it. I really should be saving them for some sort of book. "*kitten* My Mom Says."

    HA HA OMG!! MFP censored the name D.I.C.K.I.E. :laugh:
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    "Who are you? Get out of my house! I'm calling the police."

    Sheesh, lady, calm down, I'm in here all the time when you're not home.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member
    I posted a pic I just found of myself back when I was 19 or so on Facebook... I prob weighed about 115 at the time, maybe 110, I dunno. One of my Aunts posted literally nothing but "Too skinny." Someone else told me they preferred "thicker figure."

    Um, I didn't diet, I was 19!!! It's just how I looked back then. If I had been on the chubby side, how many people would have felt free to say "too fat..." But it seems to be socially acceptable to judge someone's figure otherwise... Or like if you say you like it better now that's supposed to be okay?
  • The ones most recently heard include:

    "You know, you NOT 30 anymore, so why are you trying to look it?"
    Um... I know how flippin old I am, Im 57, since when is there an expiration date of trying to be healthy?

    Your going through menopause, all women gain weight during menopause. (This from a doctor!)
    Uh...actually Doc, I went through surgically induced menopause 19 years ago, so I doubt that's the reason.
    Needless to say I never went back to him.

    "You dont need to loose weight for me" (from the gentleman Ive been seeing recently)
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I not doing it for YOU.... Im doing to for me!
  • morethenjustmum
    morethenjustmum Posts: 170 Member
    My mom is always the one who gets me...

    "I'm so glad you're losing that weight. Your arms were getting so big. Like my sister Carol. Bless her heart."

    "You had gotten so big. Even ****ie at church was saying how big you'd gotten."

    "Is that a Large? Hm. Those must run small."

    "You're bigger than her." (pointing to random lady in TJMaxx)

    I text my sister when she pops out with these gems and we laugh about it. I really should be saving them for some sort of book. "*kitten* My Mom Says."

    my fav from my mom is
    " well you must have gotten those chunky,thighs from your dads side of the family"
    Thanks ma
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    People I haven't seen for a while...

    Them: OMG! Are you sick? -
    Me: humm, no why?
    Them: You're so skinny
    Me: humm, no, I'm just healthy.

    omg! THIS! I saw an overweight friend of mine for the 1st time in almost a year. She actually said she was going to pray for me, because I've lost so much weight I must be unhealthy and ill.
    Yes, I told her all I do is eat healthier and exercise, I'm not starving myself I still eat 3 meals a day just like you do. *rolls eyes*