Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Laura …congratulations on the 5K. I’m so proud of you for doing that successfully. :flowerforyou:

    @Robin…my birthday is today and I am 41 and proud of it. I don’t mind getting older. I am in better shape (and a lower weight) than I was at my 39th birthday and hope to keep it going. My kids keep me young. Looks like you had a productive Sunday.

    @Jeanette…I wish I had a Meat Farms with a clearance rack like that. While you have to be careful, it sounds like you were and they were great. I’m also not opposed to the day old rack of breads/donuts etc. Usually a 5-10 second zap in the microwave softens things up and day old bread is still good and if it’s a bit hard, use it for other things. I’m very proud of your 5 month progress – you look great!:glasses:

    @Amanda…yes, the yo-yoing (is that a word??) is frustrating but glad you are back at it. If we don’t give up, our bodies have to eventually let go of it right?

    @Kaye…isn’t that the truth. I remember being at 140 when I was in high school and feeling bad about my weight (well, being called Thunder Thighs in HS didn’t help). Oh well, can’t change the past, just can focus on this now and work my way (weigh) down. Hee Hee! :laugh:

    AFM…Friday was an errand day and the worst one was taking my daughter to get a mole removed on her hip. If you’ve had it done, you know the worst part is the numbing process. She needed two needles to get the whole area and I know it stings, but man she had her arms wrapped around my neck and she apparently needed her nails trimmed (I have the marks to prove it) and my right ear may never be the same. While I was holding her head so she wouldn’t look, I was faced toward the process but wasn’t looking. :brokenheart: I opened my eyes at the exact moment that she was transferring the flesh to the container for a biopsy. Gross!!! :sick: She has about a 3 inch stitched line on her leg. Poor baby! She’s mad too because they told her she cannot go to PE class until 4/14 (hopefully she continues to love physical activity her whole life – my goal is to become a good example of that).

    I had a busy, fun weekend. Not the best food/drink choices (I still need to go back and log yesterday as I didn’t get to it at all) but I only turn 41 once, right? I’ve decided that I’m going to give it a try and post a weekly plan. This is going to encompass quite a few things and if I don’t get them done, go ahead and scold me. Doing this personal training has made me realize what a competitive person I am and don’t want to look like a total wimp in front of the trainer. And then when I do the workouts later, I realize I need to bust a move because next week, the session will be even tougher. HA :noway:

    April Goals:
    30 Day Plank – 7/30 (up to 30 seconds)
    Remember why I want to do this!!!
    Drinking my water – 4/30 (gotta bust a move)
    Calorie intake – 5/30

    This week’s activity goals:
    Monday – Cake Decorating class
    Tuesday – Gym with Trainer
    Wednesday – Water Aerobics
    Thursday – Cooking and Serving at The Banquet (I’ll be on my feet from 1-7:30 --- I think that’ll be enough)
    Friday – Gym with sister
    Saturday – Cantata practice, Jacob is at a music festival and then I’m helping with an Easter event at church…no time for a formal workout
    Sunday – gym with sister

    My goals for today:
    Buy water – still can’t stand the taste of Bismarck water (even thru my Brita).
    Drink my water
    Stay in calorie goal
    Put away all the clothes that got cleaned yesterday
    Clean my bathroom
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    rainwood - yeay for your new race goal in 29 weeks - yes you can absolutely lose a LOT of weight by then and gain lots and lots of upper body strength by then. DO overhead presses. They are the best! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Kaye - you've really lived the story of weight loss so sucessfully. I am so proud of you.

    Skinny - my HS reunion is here in Omaha in June. We are a small Catholic class of only 92 graduates. Except through deaths, we are down into our 70's. We've had 2 deaths this month, can you imagine? Heck, I keep waiting to read my OWN Obit :laugh: This will be our 45th reunion. We did a 40th, and decided with so many losses, not to wait til our 50th to get together. We are meeting in a Social Hall on the School Campus. It will be very low key. I imagine the ladys will dress up and the guys will be in polo shirts.:bigsmile: Typical for Omaha :bigsmile:
    Good Luck Weds thru Sat. I hope the food works out for you! That is a long time to be away from the foods you normally eat. Hope you can pack your suitcase with protein bars and maybe dose out protein powder so you can mix it with single serving cartns of milk.

    Riiseli - WOOT for your weight loss! :flowerforyou: Glad your heels are feeling better. Sounds like your combination of rest and slow walking has helped.
    Kah - Oh I have Townhouse envy - hearing about lounging in the backyard sounds wonderful. Not many townhomes in Omaha and when available they go in a day. I'm in a second story condo with deck. It satisfys me just fine as its usually too hot or too breezy to sit out much, and it does afford me a place to express my gardening urges. I have a clematis in a big pot surrounded by hostas and am buying railing planters this year from my tax refund.

    tih - HAPPY 41st BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! I loved my 40th decade. Even tho I carried the extra weight, I made good positive decisions, I felt mature and that I was leading my life correctly for myself. Hope you have a great decade too! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Glad you had a fun celebration. Oh and so sorry about your daughters biopsy. Sorry you caught a glimpse of the offender! :noway:

    AFM: - started this day 2 hours later than I meant to, so behind on meds already! Yesterday I had set them out for 7am, 10 am, noon, 5 pm, and Bedtime. Well, my alarm didn't go off, and I slept til 10 am. So everything is behind schedule. Rats. Frustrated. Still need to get my day in order. Tomorrow -the CT scan - occupies my mind too much.
  • gulfcoastnik
    gulfcoastnik Posts: 19 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!!!

    Hopefully I will eventually associate names with post. :) I did a 24 minute work out this morning which didn't amount to much. I did a lot of cardio boxing and strength training. My work outs at home bore me half to death. So I am going to hopefully do 2 classes a week of dance starting this week with 1 dance class. I also have my bike tires aired up so I will be ready for a bike ride hopefully to start this evening. I stopped smoking 3 years ago and that has helped me tremendously with my breathing during exercise. I did keep my challenge of logging all weekend.

    My major goal this week is to get back into my Salsa Dance class, it is kind of like Zumba I guess but all latin style. It is a good hard work out 40 minutes long with about 10 minutes being stretching and cool down. I sweat in this class it is a hard one, I don't know any of the typical moves either, but I just try to push along... but I look forward to getting back in it with a friend of mine. We used to do it religiously but my hours changed at work and had not been able to make it. I WILL make it this week.. Wednesday is my start day.

    I am pms ing I hope I can at least drop a few lbs by next week! My years of yo-yoing and fad dieting have my metabolism all messed up, then only way to move it is to get moving on a consistent basis.
    Have a great day, I will try to get back as much as I can...
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    On track yesterday and today. Rainy day in Georgia, Did Wii Yoga and balance games w/hubby. Start Wii walking tomorrow. Have my great Granddaughter Mae for two days and she isn't feeling well. Allergies. We bought her a new baseball and bat and she wants to go outside and play but it is too rainy and chilly. She loves baseball.

    Ushkii-Congratulations on staying under all week.

    KAY, My sister told me she came across a picture of her as a size 16 and at that time she thought she was so heavy, but today she would be soooo thrilled to be a size 16. It is all relative but very real.
    That said, your weight loss is so impressive and I really admire how you rarely go over your calorie limit. That is what I am striving for

    Skinny - Thanks for thought of hubby. He has PTSD and get down every Xmas when he lost 16 troops. This year was worse than most. But he is getting aggressive treatment, has retired for the 3rd time and looking now just to work part time. We dont need the money but he needs to work

    Riiseli - Way to go on the weight loss. Shoes do indeed make a difference

    Lives to Travel. I am only about 1/ 4 through with my gardening Hopefully weather will allow my grandson to come over and help. I have a large front yard and garden and a large backyard with a hill. Lots of landscaping left to do. Trying to replace ivy with different plants, concentrating on perennials. Havent even touched the side yards. One side is rose and I am filling in with day lilies. I removed numerous daylilies from a shade spot, threw them in a box and they survived the winter and are thriving. I am going to replant them. Congrats on losing 101 lbs. Seeing that makes it seem possible to me

    Kah - Thanks for the recognition

    TIL Happy Birthday to you!! Congrats of the weight progress

    gulfcoastnik. Salsa sounds fun. And it is fast paced and burns lots of exercise. Used to do it but cant anymore.

    Robin - You are a source of encouragement to us all. Praying for your health to improve. You certainly have a positive attitude
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good Monday morning friends. I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine wasnt to bad. I got in a couple nice low key walks with the dogs. No challenging hikes for a couple more weeks yet. Want to give the ankle plenty of time to heal. I started putting in my garden on Saturday. I put in snap peas, green beans, beets ,greens, carrots, leeks, broccoli, cauliflower, and brussell sprouts so far. The rest cant go in until May according to research mom and I did for our area. I am so excited. Hopefully everything comes up well and I dont kill it all:laugh: Today is extremely nice out sunny and up to 70 but I am stuck doing the housework I put off yesterday because it has reached the cant stand to look at it stage. Oh well all the windows and doors are open so bringing some of the outside inside:happy: My eating over the weekend was kinda hit and miss and I didnt get any of it recorded but I am hoping to do better this week. I am trying something I read and am trying to make sure I pair carbs and proteins together every time I eat. For breakfast I had my fruit and veggie smoothie and a single serving of nuts to go with it. I have to admit I was wasteful with money when I got groceries last time. I picked up some single serving 100 cal packs of nuts. My mom asked why I didnt buy them in a larger container and make my own packs. The truth is when I do it myself I see how small the packs are and then I feel deprived but if I buy them that way I dont think about it. One pack is a serving and thats all I need. Dumb I know but thats the way my brain works:tongue:

    Robin congrats on the nice tax return. My hubby and I are discovering how having the kids grow up puts a serious hurting on the size we are used to getting.
    Ushkii you are doing so great. I wish my hubby was more on board with me though after his last bloodwork he now realizes skinny doesnt necessarily mean healthy and he is paying a little more attention to what he eats.
    Rain super congrats on the 5k. I bet you were fine with waking up sore after such a super accomplishment:bigsmile:

    Well as usual I forgot the rest so everyone else have a great day and dont let anything stand in your way.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    After what felt like a really short weekend, it's back to work, at home and at work. I'm working on my protein goal of 150g per day, and I am amazed that I have been able to reach it. The key has been eating eggs+egg whites (so low cal!) and 2 scoops of protein powder in my yogurt. The only meat I really eat is beef, so I can't eat that every day, however it packs a protein punch on the one or two days of the week I do eat it.

    An NSV on the way home from work today: I had to stop off at the grocery store to get some ingredients for salads... I ended up with vegetables, fruit, protein powder and yogurt in my cart. When I got out to the car I realized that there were no buns, bagels, crackers, minute rice, pasta, desserts or any other things I used to eat. Looks like my carbaholic days are behind me for real! Oh, and I also picked up some yogurt and mango that had 50% off labels on them because they were close to expiry. I saw the labels and thought of what I could do with the discounted food.... I cut up the fruit to freeze for smoothies, and put the yogurt into muffin tins to freeze for the smoothies as well. If there is discounted food/produce and I can figure out how to use it somehow, I'll buy it. I am actually kicking myself for not buying a few more cartons of yogurt.

    Just like e everyone else it seems, I too have a list a mile long to get done at home this week, including taxes. I am on holidays next week and I made a deadline of Friday to get them done. I don't want them in the back of my mind all week that I am supposed to be relaxing. I know I am going to owe a big chunk of money, but I just don't like the actual task of doing them.

    @Rain: congrats on your race! Sounds like you had a blast, and good luck on your training for the next one. I hope you signed up, you can do that one too! My sister is doing a Spartan race in the summer, she is a runner, and has taken up crossfit to help get ready for it.

    @ Ushkii: congrats on staying under all week! That is a great accomplishment. Keep going, it gets easier the more you stick with it.

    @Nettie: Loved your photos, you've made some great progress! And congrats on the dip below 220! I weighed in at 215.5 on my BF's scale both Saturday and Sunday. When I mentioned it on Sunday, he told me that his scale only goes in .5 increments. :huh: This morning I was 217.6 back at home. :cry: I like to weigh daily, but make a note of when I'm not weighing on my own scale.

    @jtconst: I make all my trail mixes in small packs from ingredients bought at the bulk store. I put the same amount of the same nuts/seeds/fruits into my packs so the serving is always the same. I make a bunch up at the same time and grab one each day to go with my lunch.

    @tlh: Happy Birthday! Hope you ate well and enjoyed every bite. :flowerforyou: I think lists are a much needed tool to get things done. And writing them down here should get you motivated to through the list.

    April goals:

    1. planks: 3/30 (30s) (slacked over weekend, not motivated today either :noway: )
    2. 150g protein: 2/26
    3. lose 5 lbs: (start Apr 1-- 219.2) today 217.6
    4. extra activity days: 1/2


    Sunday: hiking/geocaching
    Monday: OFF
    Tues: physio... Cardio day :sad:
    Wed: home DVD
    Thurs: physio... strength circuits
    Friday: physio... strength circuits
    Sat: ?
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good evening everyone. Thank you all for the kind words on my progress pictures. The scale finally moved this morning and I am officially in the teens. I weighed in at 218.8 this morning. Wahoo!!! I feel like I have been waiting forever for this moment.

    I made the gnocchi yesterday and it came out absolutely wonderful! I plan on putting the recipe up on my blog eventually. I made enough for 4 servings. Brian and I both ate all the left overs that were meant for lunch for us this week. :blushing:

    John came today to start on my floors. Right now he is working in the bathroom. Everything has been removed. The toilet bowl is in the bath tub, the sink and vanity are in my foyer. He said this should take 2-3 days to complete. It is coming along though. The bamboo floors have to wait until next week due to them needing to acclimate to the temperature to prevent buckling. In the meantime he will grind down the floors and fix the walls that the plumbers had to cut.

    Riiseli - Welcome. Your dog in your profile picture is beautiful!

    Robin - Thank you so much for your kind words. LOL. I never though of it that way before. I should definitely call food a hobby of mine. I am obsessed with cooking. Glad to hear your migraine went away after a few hours.

    Hansea - Thanks. I am very proud of myself. I was looking at my pictures more closely and compared every line. I am very excited about the changes I see.
    I agree with what you said about WW. It wasn't for me either. I know a lot of people who rave about it. I joined years ago with a friend and for me it wasn't worth it. Years later my bestie told me about MFP and I joined with her. I have been a fan ever since. I think it is so fantastic that it helps you to track what you are eating and is free! It really doesn't get better than that! You are doing such a great job. Keep it up!

    Skinny - ROFLMAO. I love what you said. I told Brian and he laughed too. Wahoo for getting the taxes done. Too bad you were a bit down though. That stinks when that happens. That is great that another coworker wants to get some fitness in during your time at the rally. I hope it works out for you.

    KJefferies - I spent the day in the gardens yesterday. I was amazed at how much more energy I had than last year. Though last night when I finally sat down for the night I felt it in my legs. My muscles were aching from all the crouching to weed. Thankfully it went away rather quickly. Thanks for the kind words on my loss! I am a vegetarian and have my diary open for my friends. Feel free to add me if you want some veggie ideas. Sometimes I post some vegetarian recipes on my blog too.

    Rain - I need clarification, you did the elliptical after your 5K or the following day? The Tough Mudder sounds scary. I give you a lot of credit for wanting to give it a go. I am curious to read your final decision about it when you make up your mind. I finally got the scale moving again. I shrieked when I stepped on the scale this morning!

    Kaye - Sounds like some great walking this weekend! We had a beautiful too. I really enjoyed being out in the fresh air.

    Lives - I love weekends like that when I get a lot accomplished in a short amount of time. I especially love it when I am ahead of schedule and have free weekends due to it!

    Kah -Thanks. The scale is being my friend again. I guess it is a love hate relationship that I have with it. Right now it is in my good graces. I hope yours cooperates with you soon.
    I always send my bestie pictures of my Meat Farms finds. She gets jealous and says the same thing about spending $1.49 for one pepper. You have to see the quality of the stuff too. If you hit it just right the stuff looks really good. There have been occasions though where I see some less than desirable things. My cousin actually turned me onto the rack there. She used to have a tortoise and would buy lettuce and other veggies off there. She would use some for dinner and the rest for her tortoise. You were right to go back into the store and have them correct their error. That is a nice chunk of money that can be used elsewhere. I agree that teenagers don't always have value of money. I think back to when I was that age and I definitely didn't have a good grasp of money compared to now. I treasure that clearance rack and finding great sales.

    WOW to the 30 foot ceilings. We have cathedral ceilings but they are roughly 14-16 feet. It certainly was not fun when we painted. Brian had the job of climbing to paint the higher parts. Being that I am accident prone, I stayed on the ground and was in charge of the lower parts. We both agreed next time we decide to paint we will hire painters. :laugh:

    tlh - Happy Birthday!!!
    They have some baked goods in that area too but I have never bought any though. Usually it is come type of desert that would cause me to over indulge. But I wouldn't be opposed to buying day old sandwich rolls if they ever had them. I like to watch Rachel Ray. She often suggests buying day old loaves of bread, cutting them up, season and bake to make your own croutons. Maybe one day I will do that. I am definitely intrigued by the idea.
    I have never had a mole removed but gosh from what you described it doesn't sound like a pleasurable process. I hope the biopsy comes back fine and your daughter can go back to PE class in no time!

    jtconst - I am jealous that you got some things in your garden. I cannot plant yet because the temperatures are still dropping too low in the evenings. Next week I want to start to work on hardening off my plants. I figured it would be a good time to start the process since I will be on vacation. I am planting brussel sprouts for the first time this year. Have you ever planted them before? If so, do you have any tips for me?

    Tanya - Congrats on the NSV. I am a carb girl, I couldn't imagine not having my pasta Sundays. I have quite a stock of pasta in my cabinet. LOL What a great idea for freezing the yogurt in muffin tins for smoothies. Thanks for the comment on my photos. To make the collage I use a free site, save the photo collage to my computer then upload to photobucket to post here. It's fairly easy to do and fun too. Here is the link if you are interested. Boo to your BFs scale.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: 6 days and counting. . . Cyrus and I are on the red eye Saturday night – Vegas to Atlanta to Ft. Lauderdale. The Royal Princess leaves Sunday afternoon. Woo Hood!!! I’m not sure who’s more excited me or Cyrus. To be honest, I think I am. It’s truly my only way to disconnect from work is going out of the country. How sad is that??!!!

    I just cannot wait to totally relax. It’s been an amazing first year with Capriotti’s and I truly love my job, but it’s been a lot of pressure too. Plus, I’ve been pretty tough on myself with the excuses and this weight loss journey. I want to really use this week to spend some quiet time. Me and my balcony with the ocean in front of me and nothing else. I’m so glad for this group words cannot express. While I’ve not been on track 100%, I haven’t given up either and it’s because of so many of you pushing me along. In the past, I would have completely given up when the weight came back on. I’ve still been able to keep off 40 lbs and I need to keep focused on the positive. I need to keep the negative thoughts away.

    @ Laurie – I loved your Saturday post and all the exercise. Good for you! I haven’t had that bug lately. I think my 8 mile walk last Sunday threw me over the edge. LOL!!! By the way, I’m missing you and hopefully I’ll get to Maryland before our September outing. I really enjoyed spending time with you.

    @ Karen – I’ve heard Wyoming is so beautiful. I really want to take Cyrus on a road trip. This country is truly a beautiful place. Unfortunately, I can’t break myself away from the water. If I was to ever win the lottery (it will never happen since I don’t play), but I buy a place on the ocean for sure.

    @ Rain – I loved reading your post. Stress is a HUGE factor in this journey of ours and I can totally relate. I think we often take on so much it gets so overwhelming. I think it’s so important to reassess your life and find the right balance. Good for you. Also, HUGE congrats on the Warrior Dash! I know Karen has done them before. They look like a blast, but super tough too. So proud of you!!

    @ Nettie – Thanks for sharing your progress pics. I really wish I would have done something similar. I guess it’s not too late since I still have the majority of my weight to lose. So proud of you!!!

    @ Robin – You’ve had quite a year that’s for sure. I’m so glad you’re getting some $$ back because I know it’s been tough. Your list are starting to look like Karen’s. LOL!!!

    @ Amanda – I loved reading your Sunday Share. It was a little reminder, but you’ve been doing GREAT this year and I’m super proud of you.

    @ KJ – Thanks for the encouraging words. I never tried smoking – thank goodness! I know that’s one of the toughest addictions for people to get over. Good for your DH being diligent and not giving up.

    @ Ushkii – Woo Hoo!!! You keep going – you’re doing AWESOME!!!

    @ Riiseli – Welcome!!! I pretty much double with Kelly on the plantar advice. I battled it for a long time as well, but once I got below a certain weight it completely went away – thank goodness!!!!

    @ Kelly – What a productive weekend. It must feel so nice. Yes, I cannot wait until this weekend. I’ve already shot a note to my vendors. They know to reach me and get everything answered before Friday. Plus, I’ll set my Out of Office, voicemail, etc. . . and keep my fingers crossed. Luckily, I have a great lady, Grace, who works with me. She’s been there 5 years and I trust her completely. If she’s not sure, she’ll go to my boss who’s the President. I know things will staying moving as I’m gone, but still a “little” nervous.

    I know I’m missing a few, but my eyes are about to close. Super long day, but I’ll catch the rest of you tomorrow. I’m going to really miss everyone next week!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    tlh- Happy Birthday- Best wishes for the year ahead.

    Nettie- I love your photos. You can really see the difference between the pictures. Congrats on reaching the teens.

    Karen- Have fun at your union meeting. I hope you can find some down time to exercise or at least go for a walk.

    I had an okay workout tonight with my trainer. She had me do my least favorite exercise since it involves jumping up on something. Thank God she did not go supper high but it was high enough. She had a different approach to the jumps but I still DON"T like to JUMP. My new goal is to run every weekend or at least right before my session with her. Yes, I can be sneaky especially since I really don't like jumping. Part of me gets bored, the other part does not want to fall flat on my face. The worst part is that they are suppose to be good for you and help with strengthening leg muscles, endurance, agility and something else. I can do my best to avoid them. YES, I really don't like anything that has to do with jumping and quite frankly I don't see the point in it. At least I was able to row at the end of the workout so that made the workout a little better.

    Tomorrow, I am not suppose to run- All I can say it is a good thing that I am not doing that triathlon at the end of April since I would not be ready to run. Now, I am not sure what I will do instead- either try a different pool or go to the gym. I also want to socialize tomorrow night. Yes, I still need to work on building a social life and establishing local friendships.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    tlh, Happy birthday. Hope you've had great day.
    I had an interesting day. My SIL and her husband came for a short visit. They were very complementary about the weight that I have lost since I saw them in August. This afternoon a good friend asked me how much I have lost. She said, 'Holy cow, girl. People go on Biggest Loser to lose that much weight!'. One of my size 12 capris has a cute wide waistband so I wore my shirt tucked in. Guess it looked okay.
    Had another good walk today. I love that my daughters are willing to walk with me. Nicole said that they are going to figure out a way to celebrate when I reach 100# gone.
    I have to echo Susan. This group really keeps me going. Your efforts and successes inspire me and keep me going.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Guys!! I didn't get on the thread all day b/c I'm so busy at work getting sub plans together for Thurs/Fri. I just caught up on all of the posts. I have a lot of personals in my head, but I really need to get to bed, so just one:

    Happy Birthday, Tracy!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--not sure
    Thurs--not sure
    Fri--not sure
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Wall sit = 45 sec
    Forearm plank = 50 sec
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks for all the congrats, I did have a great week. Started another today Got all my goals and was way under. I do think that my wife changing her eating habits has helped a lot. I hope this keep up for a wile.

    A under cal 4/7 days
    B Walk 30 min 4/7 days
    C Drink 8cups 4/7 days

    Mon: ABC
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    ARGHHH! I hate this laptop. I just lost a long post with all my personals. Will try and get it redone later, but for now, have a good Tuesday!

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 4/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE
    Sunday - Rest Day NOT DONE yard work
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch (Rest day)
    Tuesday - Yoga
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~Hate plyometrics and those jump ups in general – luckily my Achilles and knee issues keep me grounded. :wink: While they are good for improving muscle strength and agility they are terrible for your joints, so my trainer doesn't put me through it. He has me do some step-ups while holding a weight plate instead, same movement just less impact on your joints.

    @Ushkii~Glad your wife is cooking healthier, this process is a whole lot easier when everyone in the household is on board.

    @Tanya~What a great NSV for you at the store. Hooray for kicking those carb cravings to the curb! I never think about adding protein powder to my yogurt – I’ve added it to steel cut oats before.

    @Tammy~Glad you ankle is healing, good to keep with low-impact workouts until you’re completely healed. I can understand where you’re coming from regarding the 100 calorie packs – it’s easy for grab-n-go. Some people just relate better with premeasured packages of snacks, they cost a bit more but if that’s what works for you that’s what you need to do. Many years ago I got this free tin from Blue Diamond, it holds 100 calories of almonds perfectly – so I buy dark chocolate almonds in the bulk packs and measure them into that tin. A co-worker picks on me about that tin – but if I had that 5# bag of almonds in my desk I would NEVER know how much I was actually eating! :laugh:

    @Robin~Hope your CT scan goes well today.

    AFM~Good workout outside last night, walked an hour with a friend and then did some agility type stuff along with strength training. There was a nice breeze and it was cooler, so good for being outside. Logged over 6 miles and 13,000 steps on my Fitbit throughout the day yesterday – so I’m slowly catching up! :wink: I did have a hail storm at my house later in the evening, luckily it didn’t last long and the hail was just pea-sized. I need to make a coffee cake today or tomorrow for a co-workers birthday on Thursday, so cardio at the gym is tentative today – need to run to the grocery store for some sliced almonds and raspberries.

    April Renaissance:

    1. Planks 7/30 days (30s)
    2. Under Calories 6/30 days

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/agility drills outside DONE!
    Tuesday~ Cardio (hopefully)
    Thursday~ Cardio
    Friday~Rest Day
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Tuesday Goals: To get through this renovation without completely losing it. The bathroom floors have been grouted. Now he has moved onto grinding of the floors. I already took an allergy pill and so far so good. But oh my goodness the dust is absolutely insane. I have all the windows opened and it looks like it is foggy inside my house. I suppose I am going to be really busy the next few days cleaning everything...again. :ohwell:

    I am down another pound this morning. I was once again pleasantly surprised. I had a lazy morning this morning. I woke up at 6 but laid in bed watching I Love Lucy until 8. It was rainy and so peaceful lounging while listening to the rain bounce off the window. Shortly after I got up John arrived. I feel awkard working out while he is here so I am going to workout when I get home from work. It is supposed to become sunny and temps go into the 60s today. I think today's workout will be a nice long walk before dinner.

    Susan - You will definitely feel so relaxed on your cruise. Enjoy every minute of it, you deserve it.
    I am with you on buying a place on the water if I win the lottery. It has always been a dream of mine to have a house overlooking the ocean with a lot of property so I could garden, have an artist cottage and easy access to the water. You definitely should start taking progress photos. I didn't do that my first time on here and am really glad I decided to this time around.

    Laurie - Oh my goodness to jumping onto stuff. I am right there with you. I would most likely miss, fall and hurt myself. :laugh:

    Kaye - What a great compliment you received from your friend. That is great that your daughter wants to celebrate when you reach 100 lbs!

    Kah - I better get my tush moving tonight. You have almost caught up to me and RobinB passed me again. Taking yesterday as my rest day really was not good for my numbers. :wink:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Tue goals: Still keeping the same as last week, I was thinking of numbering them and adding them up at the end of the week and see if my number gets higher or lower. Problem is how to weigh them; I am thinking 1 for walk, 2 for water, and 3 for under. So keeping under is the highest 'points'. As I write this I think it is worth a try and changing right now.

    Lovely day today, I did a 15 min walk already and hope to get another this afternoon. Today’s meals should keep me under; on Tuesdays we go to the dollar movie, will it is 3 dollars for a couple. Not first run movies but then I really never kept up with the latest and greatest. There is a subway right outside and we do that but looking at subway nutrition the sodium is very high in many options. The wife has to get rid of cheese, which is ok with me, i really don't notice. We changed to light mayo and pepper, all is good.
    Hope you all have a great day/week.

    3 under cal 4/7 days
    1 Walk 30 min 4/7 days
    2 Drink 8cups 4/7 days

    Mon: 123 = 6
    Weak total: 6
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    ***************************loud screams****************************

    ::sigh:: okay

    Nettie: Your pictures look fantastic! :)
    Kah: WTG on the walk!
    Rain: Yay! I'm so glad you did well at the race! I'm also planning on doing the Warrior Dash in August with a group of friends! :) It'll be awesome!
    Riselli: I had plantar faciitis bad when I was heavier. I got some insoles at WalMart that did wonders, but the best feeling is not needing the insoles anymore! You'll get there.
    Kaye: Way to go on the compliments

    AFM this week sucks...
    Went to the gym sunday yay. went to the gym monday. yay.
    But I felt sick to my stomach yesterday, so I left work early. Stayed in bed all day.
    I am trying to get some color again, so I tanned, and ended up burning my armpits. I forgot they don't see much sun. so now my armpits hurt.
    Then I was late to work this morning.
    Paid my taxes. Stupid Ohio always wants more money. Had to pay more taxes and I'm a State Employee! I'm paying my own wages with my tax dollars and yet I have to use my wages to pay even more in tax dollars. :(
    This is not my week. FML.

    No gym today as I didn't have time to pack my gym bag before I left the house. :(

    :sigh: it'll get better. I'm gonna get something tasty like sushi for lunch or something. I'm going over calories today, and I don't care. >.<

    The end.
  • gulfcoastnik
    gulfcoastnik Posts: 19 Member
    YAY on the down a size, just FYI old Navy online has a great selection 14-and up I buy the wide leg yoga pants in capri style and long style and I love them!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning. So far so good today. I got a short walk with the dogs since my ankle was pretty tender this morning. Now I am sipping a smoothie with lots of fruits and veggies and snacking on almonds. I had to get up and get the puppy a doggie treat because he seemed to really like the smell of the almonds and was in full on begging mode:laugh: These are the vanilla bean ones and they are really yummy. I am going to try the chocolate ones next. I was starving this morning when I went over to get the kids off and they had all kinds of junk in their house including costco muffins the kids were getting for breakfast and instead I cut an apple in half and sliced some for the kids to go with their muffin and I had the other half with a little pb. I was so proud of myself for walking away from the muffins:bigsmile: Today is some more whittling on this big old list I made of all the little cleaning organizing chores that have gone much to long without being done around here. Got a nice bit done yesterday but there is still quite a bit. It will probably take most of the week to get through it all.

    Nettie I dont have any tips on the brussell sprouts. This is my first time with a full garden so most of it is new to me. Just going on a hope and a prayer:happy:
    Susan I am so jealous of you and Kah with your cruises. I cant think of anything better then sitting on a balcony overlooking the ocean. I go to the ocean at least a couple times a year and just spend the day on the beach watching the water roll in and soaking it up.

    Uhoh puppy is back. He really wants these almonds:laugh:

    aimee sorry you are having an fml moment. Those always suck but go get something like the sushi and just focus on enjoying that and moving on:flowerforyou:

    Well everyone I hope you all have a great day. Dont work to hard and do something nice just for you.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, I got everything on my to do list from yesterday done. The water was just done over lunch because we had a homework crisis and I couldn't go to the store after class last night. But the water is in the house and Jacob's assignment (while worked on until midnight last night and then again from 6-7 this morning) was completed and turned in. He had sent me a text during class that he was stuck and needed me to come home soon. I got home and he was crying from frustration and knowing that he wasn't getting it done. I got him settled down, got a game plan and he got going. It was hard to see him so frustrated, but when we talked, I asked him if he had learned anything about how to budget his time and as long as he learned from this, next time will be smoother. Crossing my fingers. It was a bit hard not to do some of it for him...his writing is atrocious (sp?) and he's not winning big points for neatness. But he did the work himself and we'll see how it ends up.

    @Robin...hope the CT scan went well today (when will you get your results?) wii fit is in the garage in one of our many boxes. Can't wait to find a house and get that all set up again. Just no space in my tiny apartment, but your post made me want it. long as you can afford the 100 calorie packs, go for it. It sounds like it helps you at this point. Maybe some day, you won't need it, but for now...
    @Tanya...very savvy with with the yogart.
    @Jeanette...congrats on the teens!!!
    @Susan...I know I just got back a little over a month ago, but I wanna go on a cruise again!! I'm so excited for you to get away and just relax and enjoy. Are you doing this over a break for Cyrus? or will he have a bunch of work to get done like my kids did?
    @Laurie...on Saturday, I watched a lady that did jump ups on to a "stool" that was at least 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall. It is amazing to me. The little ones scare me. Hopefully my trainer doesn't ask me to do those for a while. She had us do step ups the first session with a kettlebell and those were tough enough.
    @Kelley...nice fitbit day! WILL get better, I promise!
    @gulfcoast...congrats on a size change...that's great!

    AFM...I just want to get through this day and go to bed. My late nights have caught up with me and I'm really tired. Unfortunately, I'm one of those that feels tired all day and then after 5:30, my energy level goes way up and then I stay up too late. But then that dumb alarm clock goes off early again. I don't know how you all do it that go to the gym in the morning.

    April Goals:
    30 Day Plank – 6/30 (up to 30 seconds but forgot to do them yesterday)
    Remember why I want to do this!!!
    Drinking my water – 4/30 (gotta bust a move)
    Calorie intake – 6/30

    This week’s activity goals:
    Monday – Cake Decorating class DONE
    Tuesday – Gym with Trainer
    Wednesday – Water Aerobics
    Thursday – Cooking and Serving at The Banquet (I’ll be on my feet from 1-7:30 --- I think that’ll be enough)
    Friday – Gym with sister
    Saturday – Cantata practice, Jacob is at a music festival and then I’m helping with an Easter event at church…no time for a formal workout
    Sunday – gym with sister

    My goals for today:
    **Buy water – DONE
    **Mail my party invites - DONE
    **Drink my water
    **Stay within goal
    **Enjoy some couch time with Emma and Jacob (since that big project is out of his way)

    Have a great day!!!