Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all on Friday! :ohwell: Last week was a “busier than normal” because I was filling in for someone on vacation + my job and Friday I stayed late trying to get everything wrapped up. At any rate, good weekend! Let me first tell you guys about Thurs evening Insanity since you asked. :wink: It was good but there weren’t a lot of people there so she changed it up right when we started and kind of “winged it” – which she apologized later for not feeling prepared. We were on an outside tennis court and she had us run full court, do 20 burpees, run back 40 mtn climber, run back 20 burpees, etc. for 5 min. So then she would change up each round. One time we did wide leg burpees, mtn climbers and tire jumps. In, out, in & out of two HUGE tractor tires. So it was a lot of running (but short distances) and then all those Insane moves we do. At the end we did abwork on some mats that we had outside. This week should be better she said because she will be prepared for a format with a lot of people or not so many. :smile:
    Weekend was good ~ Sat. a.m. I did a double-round (which I love to do) and it was Cathe’s Athletic Training followed by KCM Shape Up workout. Loved the combo of these two, lots of variety! Ended up taking yesterday as a REST day. . . hadn’t planned on that but got busy in the house (again) and took the kids for a nice walk. It was really nice weather yesterday. They loved it and the harness worked beautifully! No limping at all. :drinker:
    Headed to BootCamp tonight after work! Tomorrow a.m. starts my XT rotation. Looking forward to it. :bigsmile:

    Thelma: Looks like you got in some nice workouts over the weekend! :smile: Your foam rolling must have helped on Friday ~ nice work!!! Love it that you did some attic shopping and now you have some new clothes to wear. So great.

    Laurel: Sorry to hear you are sad about XT ending . .. :ohwell: but good news for me ~ inspiring since I will be starting one tomorrow. :wink: I’m looking forward to that combo of strength and endurance/cardio. I really need to make a note of that in my notebook for the combo so I could do that on Sat or Sun, sounds fun! HS + RK. Are you starting into a Gym Style series now? The weather did hold for us Thurs evening. It was windy but since we were running so much it felt good. Congrats on Florida! :drinker: That is a spot you were hoping for right?!? Is DH excited about that job there? So great you guys are getting all prepared for the move. Yahoo for Insanity!
    p.s. katy was talking about T25 in our workout the other night and said she takes some moves from it but the workouts themselves are pretty basic/beginner. She said maybe the more advanced DVDs are better. Just didn't want to forget to tell you that. :wink:

    Laurie: Great to hear from you again! :happy: When I see you on the MFP thread there looks like you are doing a lot of different style workouts! Nice job changing it up & seeing results too!. I’m getting ready to start another XT rotation and for now I’m hoping to mix in a total body/circuit at least once during the week. I have a couple wrote down and starting with a traditional XT strength + cardio. What is Met-Rx 180? Do you like it? Great to hear the girls are doing well! Congrats on her track meet!

    Kira: Congrats on finishing up week 3 of Meso 3!!!!! :drinker: Sounds like you are working hard, that’s fantastic! Love that you are seeing the results of your hard work as well. You know for me, so many years that I have worked out at home with various programs and just kept at it, kept at it I didn’t really notice a difference in the mirror because I don’t work out in front of a mirror. Then I was in front of a mirror at a local gym a few years back and I was like. Wow! I guess I do have some muscles there? So I understand your “ah ha” moment. Thanks for the kudos ~ keep up the great work!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, glad you all had a great weekend. I had a great weekend BUT was a bad girl on Saturday and used my arms on Saturday while working out. I'm good now so it was a big shock. I had a PT session today for some reason my left tricep hurts like crazy since I did a couple of pushups last week. It only hurts when I try to do a tricep stretch or I touch it. The therapist told me on Friday that it was really tight there so she proceeded to dig into the muscle and OUCH! It hurt like crazy but I just let her do her job. I know that tightness needs to be kneaded out. I have bruises right where she was digging into the tricep. Today more of the painful digging took place. The therapist thinks that there may be so scar tissue so for now the therapy will consist of seriously deep massage. It hurts but that's OK. Whatever it takes so I can start using my arms again during workouts again.
    Friday I did Cathe's Cardio Hits' Step Works, Saturday XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact HiiT, Sunday Spinning and tonight I had to keep it short because I had to go to PT so I did X10 premix 41. I have my personal training session tomorrow.
    I hope to find out tomorrow at the gym which team won the challenge!
    We had a very busy weekend and more rain which made its way into a corner of my workout area AGAIN! More rain tonight and tomorrow so DH already cleared up the area and put towels all over that corner. Our handy guy is going to do some digging on the outside of the house and will install a french drain system. I hope that is the solution to our problems!

    Hi Kira, Way to go girl!!! :flowerforyou: I'm so happy for you and your muscle "there you are" moment! This is so exciting!!! :drinker: :drinker: I can't wait to have that moment too but have to wait for now. At least I can see my thunder thighs toning up. It's subtle but I can see something happening there.
    I agree with you about the conversation in this group being very inspirational!

    Laurel, I'm so happy your husband already has a job offer and that you will be staying in the US! I hope the offer is signed soon! Florida sounds wonderful!
    Great workouts! I'm afraid to try Insanity due to all the jumping involved but I can see why you would love this program.
    Step Works is really good. I'll get the step choreography some day! :laugh:
    I'm sure your arms are looking pretty muscular by now! No picture needed!
    Feeling good about yourself which comes with being in good physical shape sure makes a person look a lot younger than they are.

    Tami, you sure had a busy Friday! Sounds like a lot of people are not ready to be working out outdoors just yet! I'm sure Katy will deliver an awesome class this week! It sounds like the class was challenging enough but maybe not enough for someone in this group who shall remain nameless! :wink:
    I love that Athletic training workout! OMG! i ordered more Cathe DVD's! I made the mistake of looking at her daily deal one night last week! One of the DVD's I ordered is called Lower Body Blast and I'm sure you and Laurel have it because the name sounded familiar when I saw it. It looks like an awesome workout. I can't wait to get it. I know I ordered 3 more but I can't even remember what they were! LOL
    I'm so glad the harness is working out for your babies! I assume both are on harnesses now?
    I hope BC is a lot of fun and I'm sure you're going to love the XT rotation!
    Good night!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Just got back from getting pictures taken for the youngest dance class, glad that I had gotten dinner ready before we left. Just had to heat it up when we got home. I was able to get in a short workout with Low Max Premix 1 (Intervals 1-4). I have not done that workout in quite a while, and was still able to remember the steps. :noway: I'm not a huge fan of step workouts, but it was fun.

    Kira, WTG on the PR's in Meso 3.

    Laurel, I want to do this current rotation until after the youngest dance classes are finished. Then I can devote a little more time to my workouts. The XTrain strength rotation doesn't include cardio, cut I'm thinking of adding in some 20-40 min. workouts. DH and I where in FL recently for the Daytona 500, but the weather wasn't as nice as it probably is now. Glad that it is one destination that you both wanted. Captain America was a great movie, they can keep making those Avenger movies as far as I'm concerned.

    Tami, Sounds like a tough workout you had, don't know that I could have finished it myself. The Met-Rx workouts are actually fairly good workouts. The first month is all total body, but are done one exercise per body part three times. Then the next two months are done in 4 day splits. The instructor talks ALOT during the workouts, and the exercisers are using wimpy weights so that makes them go faster than they really should. The set also includes three 30-35 min. cardio workouts, a stretch and abs. They are very basic, but you can go heavy. I have been having a lot of fun mixing up my instructors lately, and doing workouts that I enjoy or have not done in a long time. I think that has been helping me to stay consistent. Still avoiding Cardio Core Circuits. :laugh:

    Thelma, Ouch is right, sounds painful. Sounds like some great workouts you had this weekend. There are a few of the new ones that I'm looking at purchasing also. I see on Amazon that you can stream some of the new ones for $1.99, and I think that I might do something like that to see if I will like them.

    Have a great evening,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today started with Gym Style legs, and I added on the 100 hip thrust challenge from XTrain on the end. Then I did an oldie....Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio. It made for a good combo today.

    Tami, sounds like an interesting class. I don't know why, but I think it would be hard to workout on a tennis court. Is it? I hope not! I am glad you were enjoying some nice weather this weekend and the pup is healing nicely. I think my DH is excited about the job. I know he still really wishes we were going to England, but this opportunity was too good to pass up on a hope for that other job. Me.....I would much rather be in Florida than England. So I am happy! I am on day 2 of my Gym Style rotation. I am thinking I won't get a full four week rotation, though, since chances are we are going to be going to Florida to house hunt. But I am enjoying it so far. It is different enough from XTrain that it feels like a good challenge. In fact, my chest muscles are a bit tight right now from those push-up drop sets! Thanks for the info on T25. I will definitely have to look at them before coming up with a plan. I want something that challenges me in short period of time.....not something that is just short in duration.

    Thelma, great workouts over the weekend. Sorry to hear you are still hurting, though. Hopefully things will get better soon. I love Lower Body Blast!! May be my favorite Cathe lower body workout. I hope you enjoy it! Try to stay dry.

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed Captain America. I completely agree on the Avenger movies. Both DH and I are looking for a change in climate from here in Colorado. And it isn't the temperatures that are the problem. It is the dryness. At times, it is just painfully dry. And I know I will never say that about Florida! I wonder what I will be saying when the first hurricane hits though. :laugh:

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was pretty good last night :wink: We did run sprints outside a couple times but it was fine. Kind of felt good because the weather was so nice. The “runners” of the bunch were wanting more outside :grumble: but she had us do our stations, so I was happy with that! This a.m. was my first XT workout Chest/Back/Shoulders ~ felt great! I am hoping to do double trouble next time, allow the extra 30 min if I can. Tonight will be Insane-X (inside version) :bigsmile:

    Thelma: Bad Thelma! (joking) sorry your arm is hurting and I can imagine with all that kneading/digging it is sore and bruised ….. you almost want to say hurts so good but not quite, right!??! :ohwell: :wink: Good on ya for understanding this is the process until it’s better though. You will be good as new sooner than you think and be thankful I just know it! :flowerforyou: Great job with the workouts ~ lots of good ones there! Lower Body Blast is a fantastic workout ~ yahoo on you ordering it and “others” :drinker: Don’t worry, your new addiction to DVDs goes without any judgment! :laugh: I think it is so great that you are on fire about your workouts and getting new programs to try! :bigsmile: Can’ wait to hear what you think.
    Funny you should ask about both of them being in harnesses . . . Emma’s works so well I decided to order Bernie one. He is the true “puller” of the two so here’s hoping it does it’s magic as well! IT will be nice to not look like I’m skiing behind two dogs until they get tired. :laugh: Good luck tonight hearing about your team’s success.

    Laurie: I seriously think of you EVERY time I do Cardio Core Circuit and our conversations about some of those moves; particularly the one at the end and our laughter about it. :laugh: Great job mixing it up for yourself to keep motivated! Sometimes that’s what it takes. Thanks for the info on MetRx. Nice work with LowMax . . . If I’m thinking of the right one it is one I have a note to myself that says “NO” on choreography! Meaning I’ve tried and failed therefore warning myself not to just expect I will know that one:blushing: :laugh: The XT rotation I am doing is a mixture of cardio and strength. I like rotations with a mixture of both + as I mentioned yesterday I will add on a total body each week too ~

    Laurel: Fantastic job today with the workouts! :drinker: :bigsmile: Good to hear you are already enjoying your transition into the GS series. It is “different” forsure on a tennis court. The ground seems a little slick and of course hard so luckily on all the push-ups/burpees we put our hands down on the mats she brought out. But for walking push-ups you end up on the pavement; needless to say it’s an adjustment and your hands are pretty dirty when it’s all said & done. I know what you mean about if you’re going to do a shorter workout you want it to count! That’s why I mentioned it yesterday. I was surprised but she did admit she hasn’t looked into all of the workouts. Luckily you have them to preview a bit beforehand. I’m sure you are excited to go to Florida and check out homes there . . . fun times ahead with your new homefront and DH’s job! Very exciting. I think I would be more excited about Florida vs. England too. I’m sure a bit stressful too (no matter how many times you’ve done it) Have you been online looking already?

    Hi Erika :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, My team won the challenge!! We kicked serious booty!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: Our score was 66% and the second place team was at 30 + % improvement.
    I started this challenge with a fitness score of 43 and ended up with 58! 12% lower body fat. I lost a total of 7.25 inches.
    I had my personal training session tonight and it was all about legs and abs but I also did 2 sets of 10 inverted rows using a TRX strap. That felt good and thankfully I didn't hurt myself!
    OMG ladies the pollen is killing me! I haven't had allergy symptoms in years! I take daily allergy meds and they don't seem to be working. I'm sneezing all day long and my nose is sooooo itchy!
    I don't know if you subscribe to Cathe's e-newsletter but she must've been thinking about Michelle because she has an article about the benefits of foam rollers!
    Since I hit my 15lb weight loss goal last week I decided to up my goal to 20 lbs. I hope I can do it!
    We got a little water in the basement AGAIN! DH told me the handyman will be here next week to work on the drain thing. I hope we have a dry week!

    Laurel - what a great workout combo today! Outstanding! :flowerforyou: My arm feels good today but I can tell there is still some tightness. I feel great after the inverted rows. I knew you and Tami loved that Lower Body Blast DVD. I'm sure I'll like it too. I already love it just from watching the video clip.

    Tami, glad you liked the BootCamp class. I didn't realize you went outside for portion of this class too! I hope it doesn't turn into running camp! Congrats on starting your XT rotation! Have fun tonight withe Insane-X class!

    I really was a bad girl on Saturday. The arm feels good today but I can tell the rotator cuff is still not where it needs to be. It seems that my pec is still tight. I survived the painful massage by reminding myself that I had to do whatever it took to get better. I'm starting to feel like I'm not making any progress. I know I'm being too impatient! :ohwell:
    I've been addicted to workout DVDs for a long time but now I'm going full force! LOL I know my addiction won't be judged in this group. I wonder what DH is thinking when she sees the DVD stacks getting higher and higher! HAHAHA!
    I can't wait to try the Lower Body Blast workout. I just wish I had more time to be able to do longer workouts.

    I just thought you'd have both your kids on harnesses! I hope Bernie does as well as Emma has done with her harness. Now that picture of you skiing behind the two dogs is FUNNY!!! :laugh: I always think of people being walked by their dogs! :laugh: I like the skiing version better!

    Good night!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Today was day 1 of switching back to morning workouts. Overall, it went well, but I took it easy. I don't have much energy in the morning so I have to take it least to start. So, it was CLX Burn Intervals. I had one dog attacking the DVD remote the whole time, another running under me any laying down whenever I'd do a pushup and the third was batting his paw at me to scratch his back. Ugh! :laugh:

    I'm feeling some relief at work, so I'm able to help out some with the rescue. They have given me a project that can be done when I have free time, so I can still stay involved. :bigsmile: The boys are both in 2 sports right now, but so far we're averaging 1 night/day off per week, so it's better than it way. I'm fully enjoying those times! :happy:

    Thelma--Awesome news on winning the team challenge!! Sounds like therapy is going well, and workouts are too. Great job on bumping the goal up to keep you challenged! :bigsmile:

    Tami--So, remember when I thought your sprints in class sounded fun??!? I'm not thinking so anymore...WOWSA! I'm all for a good sprint, but that paired with killer moves, just leaves me exhausted hearing about it! :laugh: I'm glad your most recent class was a bit less running!

    Laurel--Done with your rotation already? I'm glad you have a plan in place for during the transition to Florida. That will definitely be a fun transition. Where abouts?

    Kira--Congrats on completing STS! :drinker:

    Laurie--SO good to hear from you! Sounds like you are staying busy, and productive! Way to go! :happy:

    Michelle--I hope you are keeping up with the new contract and juggling home life. Oh, and getting some warmer weather...I heard it was COLD there the other day!

    Back to work. Talk to you all later!

  • sjdavis15
    sjdavis15 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Can't believe that this is not blocked! I just have a quick question for those of you that have To The Max and Cross Fire. Cathe has these on the deal of the day. They look good, but wanted some opinions from ladies that have tried them. I will try to get on line more, it just has been so dang busy. Everyone is doing great in our house, and I'm feeling super tough! :laugh:


    I have them both and LOVE them. They are tough, but doable. I would recommend highly.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Tough workout today. I am surprised I am able to type. :laugh: I started with GS Back, Shoulders and Biceps, and added on the read delt bonus and 100 reps of scarecrows, side lateral raises and bicep curls from XTrain. Killer! For cardio, I did To The Max Extreme. Those final push-ups and the weight work on the core just about did me in! My arms are fried. But it's a good fried. :tongue:

    Tami, sounds like Bootcamp wasn't too bad, which is good. At least there was some variety. I was wondering if you needed different shoes to workout on the tennis court since, as you said, it felt slick. Maybe as it gets more dry outside, that will go away and the footing and hand placement will feel more secure. I hope so! We are excited to go house hunting!! Our biggest debate is new vs. not new. We are going to have to see the neighborhoods to make that decision wisely. But it blows my mind to think we could be home owners in a few months....for the first time! The really stressful part about this move is that DH is convinced we need to move ourselves (as opposed to having the Air Force move us). My back already hurts with the thought! And that's a long drive across the country in a UHaul! :noway:

    Thelma, huge congratulations to your team!!! You aren't joking you kicked some booty! And great personal achievements. 12% lower in body fat???? Incredible! I had to laugh when you said you wonder what your DH is thinking when he sees the stack of DVDs growing. A couple of years ago--right after we got to Colorado--we were evacuated from our home with about 30 minutes of warning because of an approaching forest fire. You wouldn't believe the look on my husband's face when the house was totally engulfed in smoke, and I told him to pack up all my workout DVDs to 'rescue'. :laugh: But he did it! The DVD addiction is pretty bad. :blushing:

    Erika, I remember you had a good time and good results with CLX last time you did those workouts so I think that's a great place to start back in the morning. I am so happy to hear you are able to do some work for the rescue again. That has to feed your passion a bit, which is great. DH is going to be working in Satellite Beach, Florida which is on the east coast of the state and next to Cape Canaveral. It should be fun, though DH had the brilliant idea to look up hurricane info last night. They average a direct hit every 7+ years, which had him joking about only having to rebuild our house four time over the course of the 30 year loan. :happy: It got worse when he learned that area is '2 years late' on the next direct hit!! Could be an interesting summer to buy a house. :laugh:

    I will be really busy over the next couple of days, so if I don't check in.....I will be thinking about you all!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Well to my surprise last night we were outside again on the tennis court for Insane-X. The weather was nice but really windy! My mat kept blowing up and rolling unless I stood on it; which wasn’t possible all the time. I guess we will be out there of course this Thurs again and then next week during some remodeling that’s happening inside the gym vs. cxlng the class. At any rate it was a format that was pretty tough stuff, done in 5 min increments ~ then 15 second rest and repeat. I felt doing some challenging moves while fighting the wind made it even more challenging :huh: But “change is good” as Cathe says! :laugh: :wink: This a.m. was XT Cardio Leg Blast followed by 100 Hip Thrust challenge! Yes, my hamstrings were feeling it, good stuff there! Tonight is Spinning.

    Thelma: I had a great feeling your team was going to do well! :drinker: :bigsmile: Because of your success alone I knew that had to bring in some high numbers! WooHOO congratulations :drinker: I bet it felt so great to hear that. I do get Cathe’s newsletters ~ they are great! I saw that on there this week and though of you actually. You can do 20 LBS girl!! :flowerforyou: You got this ~ way to go upping your goal. Darn it on the water in the basement again. Praying for dry weather for you. My in-laws deal with that where they are located whenever we get a lot of rain. Not fun :grumble:
    Yes, the BC class is the one that slowly turns into Running Camp ….. I think she’s just getting us all ready for it by our little sprints outside here & there. That’s how it went last year :frown: I love that we all share in that addiction! :bigsmile: So fun and it’s great to laugh about it and enable one another! Not a bad addiction to have I say. I know what you mean on more time . . . so many workouts ~ so little time. Yes, the skiing action is what I think of – I’m not skidding my feet but I’m definitely behind both of them with arms extended straight out most of the time. I know, I should have trained them both better. :blushing: If I can get them both on one side of me, they don't pull, but that doesn't last the whole walk.

    Erika: Great job trying out the a.m. workouts again and CLX Intervals!! :bigsmile: I can picture your 4-legged pals trying to help. So happy to hear you are going to be able to do some rescue work again. :drinker: Always good for the soul to include those things we are passionate for. BootCamp ~ Thanks for feeling the pain with me! Yes, this is the class that often turns into an entire hour of running. I’ve warned some of my gym friends that if I see the class turning that direction I may be taking a "miss" on Monday's. How do you like the FitBit compared to when you used your BodyBugg?

    Laurel: Amazing job again today! :drinker: I’m sure your arms were fried beyond fried! Way to go. I did actually wear my “normal” indoor shoes last night since I had them on prepared for the gym. They felt a little better than the ones I wore last Thurs. So I will probably stick with those but I’m sure before too long between BC and this class being outside I’ll wear out the comfy cushion and traction of any kind. I bet you are so excited to go house hunting. :smile: Truly the first time ever and I’m sure you will have a lot to choose from. Out of curiosity, why would he not want the AF to move you guys if that is an option?!? So much nicer I would think and a little less stress. I LOVE that about you asking DH to grab the DVDs during the fire you had. I remember you guys being evacuated but I don’t know that I knew that part of the story (or forgot) I would probably do the same thing! Those babies are priceless – replaceable but priceless!:wink: I’ve often thought too, would I have time to grab my SelectTechs as well? Probably not. Good luck with the rest of your week! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~:smile: Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Yesterday was busy, but got in my workout Kelly Coffey-Meyers 30Min. to Fitness Trim Down Premix 1. That is both workouts together, and have to say it was fun. First time doing that one. Then I followed that up with the Bonus Stretch from her Bootcamp DVD. Just got done with Kick Max, and will admit that I had to dust that one off. :blushing: I'm pleased with my endurance though, since I got through all of the intensity drills.

    Thelma, Congrats on the win! You did a great job. My DH doesn't even question my growing stack of DVD's anymore, he knows that I use them. I'm glad he doesn't get upset, then the workouts wouldn't be as fun.

    Erika, You are one busy lady, I know how all these activities can get to you. I went right to bed last night as soon as we got home from youngest dance class. :laugh: I don't know if I could get up and do a morning workout anymore. I have gotten used to the after work mode.

    Laurel, That does sound like one tough upper torture today. I really like the XTrain workouts, they are all a lot of fun and have so much variety. One more time packing up and moving, I sure don't envy you at all. I'm sure that you could give professional moves tips.

    Tami, Is it warm enough to be outside like that? We have just started getting up to 60 deg around here. But I suppose if you are working out you will be warm enough.

    Well the stove is beeping to tell me that my dinner is ready.

    Have a great evening!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, I decided to take it easy tonight and did the spinning bike while I was watching my soaps in Spanish. I'm only about 40 episodes behind! LOL
    Three of my new DVD's arrived while I was in the basement working out! They are Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks, Imax 3 and After Burn. I would LOVE to try the Cardio Kicks workout but I'm sure it will be too much for my shoulder :sad:
    At least I'm doing well after the inverted rows I did yesterday!

    Laurel, "tough workout today" I would say that is the understatement of the year!!! :laugh: OMG! You're amazing with your killer workouts!
    I hope you start house hunting online NOW! It is so exciting to go looking at houses! The house we bought in NC years ago I actually found online! We made an appointment to go see it on a Saturday and we flew to NC on a Friday night! By Saturday night our offer had been accepted!
    I can't believe your husband wants you guys to move yourselves! When was the last time you moved yourselves? That is HARD work and not fun at all! I hope you're able to convince him to let the Air Force move you Laurel.

    Thanks so much on the win at the gym! It really is a HUGE personal accomplishment. I asked Sarah to find out how I ranked in the team. She can't give me anyone else's info but who cares. I just want to know how I did in comparison to the other team members. OMG! I am still laughing at you and your DVD's! Who cares about the stuff in the house just save my DVD's! LMAOF!!! :laugh: :laugh: Have a great weekend in case we don't get a chance to check in tomorrow.

    Laurie, thanks so much! We started this fitness challenge at the gym in January which is when I joined MFP and found this wonderful group. I've always loved Cathe and now I'm totally addicted. DH doesn't get upset about my DVD's but I sure wish I could read minds to find out what he thinks. At least he knows this time I'd kicking my own butt working out! LOL
    Excellent job on those workouts! I love those kickboxing workouts! I don't have Kick Max though but I'm sure it's a lot of fun.

    Tami, you better get used to working out outside!! Don't your hands hurt when you do pushups and things like that on the tennis court? I know you have your mat there but on that surface I would have to have a very thick mat.
    Sounds Insane-X was really challenging! Good job with that XT rotation Tami! Spinning tonight? I thought tonight was your other outdoor class?
    Thank you so much about the gym challenge win! Sarah didn't even know we had won. I just happened to see the board where they had posted it! Sounds like the announcement was posted a little too soon because there was still one person from another team that hadn't done the assessment yet. I don't think one person on the other team can make a team go up from 30% to above 66% which was our score.
    I am pretty sure I can lose another 5 lbs. As always I'm concerned about my at home weigh in tomorrow. I'm afraid I got carried away with the peanut butter this week! I eat 2 tablespoons every day as part of my fat intake but I'm pretty sure I did about 3 tbps. Needless to say I'm feeling fat!
    I love Cathe's newsletters. They really are super informative and encouraging.
    The workout DVD addiction is a good addiction for sure.
    The water in the basement is a pain. I hope we don't get heavy rains next week so that the handy guy can do his job. I also hope that his drain thing is the solution to our problems and that also that the drain location is the area where the water is coming from! It's not easy to tell where the water is penetrating from.
    I'm sure the dogs get so excited to go out on walks that they just want to run and explore their surroundings. Do you ever watch the Dog Whisperer?
    I'm sure you've trained the kids just fine. It will be interesting to see how Bernie reacts to the harness. I often see either a man or a woman in my neighborhood walking 4-5 dogs at the same time. They're all different sizes too and they seem so good about walking. It never looks like the human is getting pulled.

    Good night!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was great last night. :bigsmile: Another full class! Today’s workout(s) are Insane Abs and Insane-X! My double duty Insanity day. The abs class was tough today in parts and she mentioned we would be doing those same moves tonight. . . which will be outside. Luckily its nice again today. But only like 52 degrees.

    Laurie: Fabulous workouts! :smile: Good on ya for getting in that stretch. I still struggle with “wanting” to do more :blushing: but don’t. I purchased KCM’s Shape UP DVD & I really like it. HiiT/Tabata style training. It’s only in the 50’s, high would be 60 degrees! So not really that warm, especially with the wind . . . but I’m toughing it out until it’s a miserable day, then I will most likely take a miss.

    Thelma: Congrats on your new DVDs arriving! :bigsmile: You have some great ones there that you’ve added to your collection ~ nice job! :wink: I know, right?!!? The ground is very hard and small little rocks if you get off your mat. It’s not so much they hurt because of the mats but say during traveling push-ups you go off your mat. Needless to say my hands are black when we are done. Right now it’s the nice days but cold wind that is challenging forsure. Thurs night is the “new” outdoor Insane-X so Thursday’s are my “double duty on Insanity” days. :laugh:
    I bet you will do fine on your weigh in despite the indulgences of PB! It’s funny how sometimes when you think you have over done it and your body will show something different.
    Yes, I love the Dog Whisperer. Haven’t watched it in a long time but it’s a great show. He just makes a “psssst” sound or points and they do what he wants.:huh: I always think, ummmmm please come to my house Ceasar. :laugh: They are both more obedient when I have them by themselves; it’s the competition they have when they are together that create the pulling action. There is a guy I see once and a while that rides his bike and the dog runs beside … obeying his hand signals as they go:huh: Stops on a dime when he gets to an intersection, etc….. So awesome to watch them.
    Good Luck on the weigh in! :flowerforyou:

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well this time I guess correctly about my weight. I didn't gain but I didn't lose either. I did over indulge on the PB!!! This shows me that just because I lost the first 15 doesn't mean that I can relax about my diet. I need to keep my food journal and always count calories!
    At least I'm not being hard on myself. I knew I'd been bad. The other thing is that I'm always tired. Since I hurt my shoulder I can't sleep on my side and I never have a good night sleep when I sleep propped up with pillows. It takes me forever to fall asleep because I can't get comfortable.

    Tonight I had my personal training session. As always I did the elliptical as a warmup and we worked on legs, abs and I did two sets of reverse rows again.

    Tami, great workouts as always!!! I hope ab class doesn't move outdoors on you! The temp sounds perfect for an outdoor workout! I could never workout outside if the temps were too hot and humid! I would just die!
    I got my days mixed up last night! I knew your outdoors class was on Thursday and I guess I was thinking yesterday WAS Thursday!
    Thanks on the new DVD's I'm excited to try them. Of course you'd know I've been building a nice collection!:bigsmile:
    Can you wear weight lifting gloves when you're working out on that tennis court? Maybe you can protect your hands a little that way. I didn't realize Thursday was a double dose of Insanity for you! You're incredible!!!:flowerforyou:
    The Dog Whisperer is a great show. I love the shows when he trains the dogs to walk on a treadmill! I'm sure a lot of people wish Ceasar would show up at their door! Wow I can't believe that guy on the bicycle has his dog so well trained! That is awesome!
    Good night!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    TGIF Ladies! Last night’s Insane-X was good :smile: A more traditional format and she did use some moves from the abs class “again” as promised. The challenging stuff of course. Windy but not too cold. This a.m. was XT: Bi’s/Tri’s + 100 Rep Bicep Challeng & 100 Rep Tricep Challenge! Thanks Laurel for mentioning those recently :wink: Great addition to those workouts. I’m planning on going to Spinning tonight.

    Thelma: Good news on the weight maintenance! :wink: No worries there. You know you maybe had a few extra calories and maybe slacked a little but it’s a good reminder on the food journaling. :bigsmile: All good stuff, you didn't gain. Great job with your PT session! Darn it on the sleep not being there for you :frown: Nothing worse than a bad night’s sleep but when it becomes an ongoing situation it does make you tired. Can you take a sleep aid of any kind – maybe an over the counter more natural one? I suppose I could wear gloves outside, that’s a good idea. I’ll see how it goes!
    I have seen him train those dogs on the treadmill ~ so awesome! Planning on getting in some good workouts this weekend and also meeting a friend of mine at the dog park tomorrow! I’m excited for the dogs already because I know they will enjoy it.

    Hope you all have a good weekend ~ :flowerforyou: Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! TGIF!!! :drinker: :drinker:
    I went for physical therapy today and I was in pain. Even though I like the lady she was not using any of the usual methods to treat tendinitis which are ultrasound and electric muscle stimulation. In the beginning when she realigned my vertebrae I felt huge improvement but now I'm feeling like I'm not improving and things are getting worse again. So I went determined to have her do the ultrasound and EMS but as soon as I told her I had a little pain she grabbed the machines and it felt SOOO GOOD! I left there in pain though. I think it's because those devices penetrate deeply and things are probably starting to relax but are also still injured. My shoulder blades are hurting. I was not allowed to workout because we need to have the injured areas calm down.
    I'm also not to do the planks she had me doing or too much with my arms until I go back on Monday to see how I'm doing.

    So tonight I rode the spinning bike for 55 minutes. I had to take it easy because I tried not to use the handlebars too much.
    My Lower Body Blast DVD arrived today. I hope to be able to do at least one of the new DVD's this weekend! It really all depends on how my upper body is feeling.
    I'm going for pedicure tomorrow morning at this new place which has gotten incredibly good reviews. Can't wait! I am planing to wear open toe shoes to work next week even if my toes are cold when I leave the house at 6AM. We are going to be in the mid 70's on Monday! AMAZING!
    DH wants to go see Captain America. Not my kind of movie but I'll go with him. I'm sure I will like this movie. It has to be better than Noah! :laugh:

    Tami, I'm glad your Insane-X class was good! I hope more people showed up last night! Excellent job with that XT workout! WOW! Both 100 rep challenges! WAY TO GO!!! :drinker:
    Every time I think of you doing push ups on the tennis court I think that your hands must hurt. With my luck my hands would always land on a stone and it would hurt. I think you should try a some leather gloves. The nicely padded kind!

    I was happy that I didn't gain weight but it was a close call! A scary close call! The sleep part is killing me. I don't like to take anything to help me sleep. DH has some natural stuff but I'm afraid to take that stuff. I suppose I can try them over the weekend but I'm afraid to become dependent on them. I know DH takes them every once in a while but I don't like the idea of relying on those methods.
    I've been on a quest for a reduced fat, natural PB and finally found it today! Laurel is going to be so proud of me for making the switch! :bigsmile: I found reduced fat Smucker's natural peanut butter. It tastes just like peanuts. No corn syrup like the one DH and I love! It was like wet cement! HAHAHA! What a different flavor but I'll get used to it. I also had a measuring tablespoon so I wouldn't indulge. The only sort bad thing is that my salt free rice cake didn't taste as yummy with this PB but I'll get used to it.

    I love to see those dogs walking on the treadmill! I had a cat that walked on the treadmill a couple of times. It was the funniest thing!
    I'm sure the dogs are going to have a blast at the dog park tomorrow. Did you get Bernie's harness yet?
    Enjoy your workouts Tami! I wanted to do some hard work this weekend but I guess I need to dial the patience meter to the max for now.
    Have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was unable to get on the computer last night, youngest was hogging the laptop. :wink: Thursday was dance class day, so it is my usual rest day, yesterday I did Met-Rx 180 Conditioning workout 2 and Cathe's Shock Cardio HiiT Double Wave Pyramid (my favorite of the three). :wink: Today I have Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn on the schedule.

    Youngest has her prom tonight, so I'm sure that the day will be full of getting ready for that. Just wish that it was a little warmer out. 40 deg isn't all that great to be standing outside in a sleeveless dress. Since Dh is in New Mexico, and oldest will be working... I'm going to be all on my own. :drinker: :laugh: That doesn't happen very often.

    Tami, I was looking at that KCM workout also, but she does use the step in that one. Does she do any crazy moves on the step? I can't take to many fancy moves. I'm going to guess that most of them are athletic. Did you look at her new heavy lifting one? The other one that uses equipment isn't something that I will purchase, but the weight one might be a winner. I'm waiting for some reviews on that one. Great job on the workouts, you and Laurel really do some tough ones. I hope you don't here me complain about the heat at all (well if it actually gets warm around here:grumble: )

    Thelma, Those therapy sessions sound brutal, and you are really one tough cookie to get through those. I have to say that Cathe is the master at getting your lower body sculpted. I did a Peak 10 rotation, and I swear I lost way to much of my butt. I loved the workouts, but it wasn't working for my lower half as much as I wanted. I started incorporating Cathe's weight workouts into my rotation, and I can see the difference. I have not taken measurements yet, but I can see it working. That LBB workout is a killer. :wink: Hope you had a good time at the movie, I sure loved it. I have a problem with peanuts, have to make sure that I don't get a handful every time I enter the kitchen. :blushing:

    Have a wonderful weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you all on Thursday and Friday. It was Volunteer Appreciation Week here in base, and I was busy doing things to thank our volunteers. It was fun. And I got my workouts in to end week one of Gym Style/Pure Strength.

    Saturday was my rest day, but yesterday was back at it with STS Meso 2 legs (which compliments these series nicely) and Insanity's Plyo Cardio Circuit. Today was Cathe's Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and I added on the 100 rep challenges for those body parts. I finished it off with Intensity. :heart:

    Laurie, I hope your youngest enjoyed her prom. It seems early for prom, but I guess it really isn't. Hope she stayed warm. We had more snow yesterday and more projected for Thursday. Winter is just hanging on tightly!

    Tami, I don't think I would enjoy working out in the wind. I hope your weather improves soon.....or you get back inside. I love that they are 'making it work', but it doesn't sound like much fun on the tennis court. I am glad you are enjoying the 100 rep challenges. They just add a little 'something', don't they? You asked why my DH wants to move ourselves. One reason is we would make some money doing it. But, honestly, the primary reason is because we can.....unlike any other move we've had. And that means we would know how things are packed, where they are packed, how the truck is loaded, etc. I can't express how frustrating some of our moves have been. For instance, first night in a house and trying to find sheets. Nowhere to be found. Until I found them packed with my shoes. Really? Or the time I couldn't find my shoes.....because they were packed in with a dining room chair. Or the time they wrapped each shoe individually and trying to unpack them took forever. I could go on and on and on. So, really, it is just about controlling what happens....for once. But, physically, it will be brutal.

    Thelma, don't worry too much about the lack of weight loss for a week. Your body probably really enjoyed a little break from the strict diet and may respond better now that you've given it a little break without going overboard. I am so sorry to hear you seem to be going backwards in your recovery. Hopefully your PT can reverse that. Congrats on the new workouts!! You got some good ones!! We have been doing a lot of house hunting on-line and have been in contact with a real estate agent (who isn't impressing us much). Because of that latter fact, DH and I are considering renting for a bit before buying....just because things are getting tough here for DH to be able to get to Florida and allow us time for a proper search. So...we will see. I am good either way. I just want to move! :smile:

    See you tomorrow!

  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Did I just stumble onto a private group message board?
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Just got finished with the Kelly Coffey-Meyer Kickboxing Premix 1. Yesterday was Cathe's Supersets.

    Youngest had a great time at her prom, and she looked elegant in her dress. She isn't one for the "cupcake" dress, so hers was way different than all the girls there. I went to the grand march, so I got to see all the dresses and tuxes. Really funny to see the colored tuxes, because I have not seen those since I was in high school. The only thing they didn't have was the ruffled shirts. :laugh: I don't remember if the guys had the option for the mint green tux though. :huh: That was not a good color.

    DH just called that he has landed. I'm just glad that he is finally getting home. :drinker: Going through all the running around with prom was enough for this girl. :wink:

    Laurel, Great combination of workouts. I know how much you love that Intensity workout. I have not pulled out and Insanity workout for quite a while, I really have thought about pulling those out again. :noway: I'm just feeling so much better about my endurance, since I was sick last year. Sounds like moving yourselves is the best option, if they pack your things like that. I can't imagine having my shoes individually wrapped.

    Have a great day!