Those Annoying Little Comments



  • pettychia
    pettychia Posts: 109 Member
    I think for me it is the people that say "oh you can't have X or Y on your diet."
    I'm not on a diet. I CAN have X or Y when I feel like it, and when it fits within my macros. I just choose not to sometimes.
    YUP. I'm vegan and I have people all the time say, "Oh you can't eat X." I reply, "I can, I just choose not to." We're two peas in a pod :)
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    When someone asks how much you weigh, tell them, "You'll forgive them for asking if they'll forgive you for not answering."
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    my number one pet peeve is when SKINNY GIRLS complain about being "FAT." I know that no one is ever 100% happy with their bodies. but i hate it when i'm sitting there, the heaviest one in the room, and the girls i work with are all talking about going shopping for bathing suits and complaining about how their bikinis don't fit just right. When I've only worn a bikini once in my life and probably never will again. Or when they pull at their microscopic tummy 'roll' and complain about how its getting to look like a 'baby bump.' Those girls have never known the struggle of what it is to shop in only plus sized stores/sections, only be able to wear one piece swimsuits, or how it feels to be the one thats sitting there listening about how they've gained so much weight since high school when theyre still a size 2.

    I hear this so much too. When I hear the skinny girls complaining about being fat I'm all "What does that make me? A freaking whale??" Then they try to 'compliment' me and tell me they didn't mean anything by it. Really? You think being a size 0 is fat? Try being a size 22 surrounded by size 0-8

    Everybody is fighting their own battles. Your being a size 22 has no relevance to someone smaller who wants to lose 5 or 50lbs. You're just looking for a reason to get offended. Worry about yourself.
  • scubaangel
    scubaangel Posts: 41 Member
    My Mum who is on weight watchers when I say I'm going for a run instead of eating a slice of cake with my brew when I'm visiting her* - "Oh but you'll run it off, like I do in the gym"

    No mother you do not run in the gym, you walk on the cross trainer and you sit in the sauna - you won't run, as it might hurt your ankles, knees or hips (because being obese most of your life never damaged them at all!), you don't use weights in case you hurt yourself, you won't use the rowing machines as you have weak wrists and you won't cycle as its not lady like.

    *Baring in mind I live next door to her so I'm at her house pretty much as much as I am my own when I'm awake and not working.

    The other one really getting to me just now is "But if you lose weight you'll get colder in the water" Y'know I can live with that, if I feel cold I'll just swim faster, which actually right now is my entire plan for that particular open water swimming event (it'll be my first in the UK, I usually go to the Middle East or similarly warm regions for events).
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    2) Don't ask me what I'm doing and then get huffy when I tell you all I've done is eat less than I want most of the time.
    Ha. I find that people just look disappointed when I tell them I just eat less and move more. They want to hear about some cool new diet breakthrough.

    Oh, yes. One woman has asked me repeatedly if the eat less/move more is really all I've done. Like I'm going to suddenly remember that I took Dr. Skinny's Special Tonic and that's what REALLY caused the weight loss.
  • Sheilav99
    Sheilav99 Posts: 4 Member
    Not really comments, but I get eye rolls and even laughter from my dad who apparently thinks my trying to eat healthier and exercise more is just hilarious. I have been bothered by comments he's made about other people who are overweight. Like seeing someone in a restaurant who is overweight and commenting on what they're eating or wearing (too tight, etc.) Makes me mad because people could be looking at me and thinking the same thing. Would he think that was ok or funny?
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    When people judge you for eating something unhealthy in public as though that is all you eat all the time at home. They don't see that it is a treat, and how hard you work at home to eat healthily. When they see you with a piece of cake at a cafe that's all they see.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Random Guy: How much weight do you need to lose still?
    Me: I have 100lbs to go to get to my goal weight
    Random Guy: But you can't lose those boobs. I love big boobs

    Really? That is what matters? Whether or not I keep the big boobs that literally cause me pain every single day and make it harder to work out because there is no sports bra big enough that I can afford??? I don't think so. If I lose my boobs then HELL YEAH!!
  • Cathi888
    Cathi888 Posts: 37 Member
    Random Guy: How much weight do you need to lose still?
    Me: I have 100lbs to go to get to my goal weight
    Random Guy: But you can't lose those boobs. I love big boobs

    Really? That is what matters? Whether or not I keep the big boobs that literally cause me pain every single day and make it harder to work out because there is no sports bra big enough that I can afford??? I don't think so. If I lose my boobs then HELL YEAH!!

    I am hoping they are the first to go.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Random Guy: How much weight do you need to lose still?
    Me: I have 100lbs to go to get to my goal weight
    Random Guy: But you can't lose those boobs. I love big boobs

    Really? That is what matters? Whether or not I keep the big boobs that literally cause me pain every single day and make it harder to work out because there is no sports bra big enough that I can afford??? I don't think so. If I lose my boobs then HELL YEAH!!

    I am hoping they are the first to go.

    Oh my God me too! I like having bigger boobs but I would very happily take a full C cup! Not what I have now!! I want them, and my waist line, to be the first things to go bye bye!!
  • kelcheese
    kelcheese Posts: 11 Member
    I have to post on here.. I have been working out in the fitness center at the University where I work. I had a lot of back sweat today and I was walking to the locker room when a student asked me if I just worked out!! HE HE.. I said YES!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    my number one pet peeve is when SKINNY GIRLS complain about being "FAT." I know that no one is ever 100% happy with their bodies. but i hate it when i'm sitting there, the heaviest one in the room, and the girls i work with are all talking about going shopping for bathing suits and complaining about how their bikinis don't fit just right. When I've only worn a bikini once in my life and probably never will again. Or when they pull at their microscopic tummy 'roll' and complain about how its getting to look like a 'baby bump.' Those girls have never known the struggle of what it is to shop in only plus sized stores/sections, only be able to wear one piece swimsuits, or how it feels to be the one thats sitting there listening about how they've gained so much weight since high school when theyre still a size 2.

    I hear this so much too. When I hear the skinny girls complaining about being fat I'm all "What does that make me? A freaking whale??" Then they try to 'compliment' me and tell me they didn't mean anything by it. Really? You think being a size 0 is fat? Try being a size 22 surrounded by size 0-8

    They DIDN'T mean anything by it. Why are some of you in this thread under the impression that every comment is directed at you? How someone views themselves, at whatever weight or whatever size, does not affect how they view you. We're all our own worst critics, and many people hold themselves to much higher standards than others. They might find you beautiful, attractive and fine at your weight; them finding unhappiness with their appearance does not translate to you.

    And, again... how the hell do any of you even know these men or women's sizes? Do you check their pants label when they bend over?

    Assumptions about others can never lead to anything productive. Don't worry about comparing yourself to others or projecting insecurities to others. You do you.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    my number one pet peeve is when SKINNY GIRLS complain about being "FAT." I know that no one is ever 100% happy with their bodies. but i hate it when i'm sitting there, the heaviest one in the room, and the girls i work with are all talking about going shopping for bathing suits and complaining about how their bikinis don't fit just right. When I've only worn a bikini once in my life and probably never will again. Or when they pull at their microscopic tummy 'roll' and complain about how its getting to look like a 'baby bump.' Those girls have never known the struggle of what it is to shop in only plus sized stores/sections, only be able to wear one piece swimsuits, or how it feels to be the one thats sitting there listening about how they've gained so much weight since high school when theyre still a size 2.

    I hear this so much too. When I hear the skinny girls complaining about being fat I'm all "What does that make me? A freaking whale??" Then they try to 'compliment' me and tell me they didn't mean anything by it. Really? You think being a size 0 is fat? Try being a size 22 surrounded by size 0-8

    They DIDN'T mean anything by it. Why are some of you in this thread under the impression that every comment is directed at you? How someone views themselves, at whatever weight or whatever size, does not affect how they view you. We're all our own worst critics, and many people hold themselves to much higher standards than others. They might find you beautiful, attractive and fine at your weight; them finding unhappiness with their appearance does not translate to you.

    And, again... how the hell do any of you even know these men or women's sizes? Do you check their pants label when they bend over?

    Assumptions about others can never lead to anything productive. Don't worry about comparing yourself to others or projecting insecurities to others. You do you.

    I guess I'm the "skinny girl" now and I find that I can not complain about certain things about my body I would like to improve (flabby tummy being number one). It's as if because I'm smaller, I should just be happy with where I am and be done. We're all trying to improve ourselves, yes I've lost over 100lbs, but that doesn't mean I don't want to flatten my tummy or build some muscle or lose the rest of this fat that it hidden under my clothes. Just know, it's not about YOU.
  • primal_cupcakes
    primal_cupcakes Posts: 280 Member
    I work in the Wellness department of a grocery co-op hawking protein powder and supplements to well-heeled hippies (I know, I know). Often when I take my shift meal (usually a giant salad from the salad bar plus meat) to the cashiers up front to ring it up, someone will make a comment about how much I eat. Like, "Wow, you must be really hungry to eat all that!" It's annoying but kind of cute. Little do they know that is "first dinner". I eat "second dinner" when I get home. Not to be confused with "mandatory bedtime snack".
  • Nietzscha
    I have only been a vegetarian for a year now (as of next week!) So my family, including my husband, really doesn't understand yet. I get a lot of people asking me "How did you lose all that weight?" When I tell them I cut out meat and started filling up on fruits and veggies, they get offended, like I'm telling them it's how THEY need to be eating. If you're going to ask, don't be offended if my meal plan isn't what you want! I even try to avoid conversations when people ask me why I think vegetarianism is better than meat-eating because I don't want to feel like my "defending myself" is me "attacking" their lifestyle. Ugh.... I also still get the comments (even from my husband) along the lines of "I'd rather be happy and chunky than miserable and skinny." They say it as if I must be miserable because I'm not eating the way I used to, or the way they want me to eat. I wouldn't just be chunky, I'd be obese by now (and was) if I hadn't stopped the 10 lbs-a-year weight gain I was on the last five years of my life!
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    Random Guy: How much weight do you need to lose still?
    Me: I have 100lbs to go to get to my goal weight
    Random Guy: But you can't lose those boobs. I love big boobs

    Really? That is what matters? Whether or not I keep the big boobs that literally cause me pain every single day and make it harder to work out because there is no sports bra big enough that I can afford??? I don't think so. If I lose my boobs then HELL YEAH!!

    I am hoping they are the first to go.

    Oh my God me too! I like having bigger boobs but I would very happily take a full C cup! Not what I have now!! I want them, and my waist line, to be the first things to go bye bye!!

    I'll take some if you like..I haven't got any! :frown:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    When people judge you for eating something unhealthy in public as though that is all you eat all the time at home. They don't see that it is a treat, and how hard you work at home to eat healthily. When they see you with a piece of cake at a cafe that's all they see.

    Assuming they're a healthy weight and appear as such I think it's ridiculous to judge someone for what they're eating in a restaurant.

    Now... if we're talking about someone morbidly obese or even obese, it's clear that it's not "just a treat" but a serious medical issue.

    No one wants to see an alcoholic drunk.

    No one wants to see drug addict get a fix.

    No one wants to see a morbidly obese person chowing down on a 2,000 kcal plate.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Random Guy: How much weight do you need to lose still?
    Me: I have 100lbs to go to get to my goal weight
    Random Guy: But you can't lose those boobs. I love big boobs

    Really? That is what matters? Whether or not I keep the big boobs that literally cause me pain every single day and make it harder to work out because there is no sports bra big enough that I can afford??? I don't think so. If I lose my boobs then HELL YEAH!!

    I am hoping they are the first to go.

    Oh my God me too! I like having bigger boobs but I would very happily take a full C cup! Not what I have now!! I want them, and my waist line, to be the first things to go bye bye!!

    I'll take some if you like..I haven't got any! :frown:

    lol I will tell you what I told my friends in high school. Pay for the surgery, we will chop one of mine off and you can have it, then I will divide the other one in half :)
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    No one wants to see an alcoholic drunk.

    No one wants to see drug addict get a fix.

    No one wants to see a morbidly obese person chowing down on a 2,000 kcal plate.

    I dislike blanket judgemental more. To be honest, whenever I see these things I just hope that person manages to conquer their daemons. Living your life at the mercy of addiction or compulsion is downright awful. But it doesn't need to be hidden behind closed doors. There's no shame in existing as a morbidly obese person.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    my number one pet peeve is when SKINNY GIRLS complain about being "FAT." I know that no one is ever 100% happy with their bodies. but i hate it when i'm sitting there, the heaviest one in the room, and the girls i work with are all talking about going shopping for bathing suits and complaining about how their bikinis don't fit just right. When I've only worn a bikini once in my life and probably never will again. Or when they pull at their microscopic tummy 'roll' and complain about how its getting to look like a 'baby bump.' Those girls have never known the struggle of what it is to shop in only plus sized stores/sections, only be able to wear one piece swimsuits, or how it feels to be the one thats sitting there listening about how they've gained so much weight since high school when theyre still a size 2.

    I hear this so much too. When I hear the skinny girls complaining about being fat I'm all "What does that make me? A freaking whale??" Then they try to 'compliment' me and tell me they didn't mean anything by it. Really? You think being a size 0 is fat? Try being a size 22 surrounded by size 0-8

    They DIDN'T mean anything by it. Why are some of you in this thread under the impression that every comment is directed at you? How someone views themselves, at whatever weight or whatever size, does not affect how they view you. We're all our own worst critics, and many people hold themselves to much higher standards than others. They might find you beautiful, attractive and fine at your weight; them finding unhappiness with their appearance does not translate to you.

    And, again... how the hell do any of you even know these men or women's sizes? Do you check their pants label when they bend over?

    Assumptions about others can never lead to anything productive. Don't worry about comparing yourself to others or projecting insecurities to others. You do you.

    Maybe they don't mean anything by it but it's still really insensitive to make such comments. There are appropriate times to express your own worries and insecurities but it's not appropriate to do so when you're around people who have bigger concerns. That's just not very thoughtful.