

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, the wedding was immediately after class…..while I was teaching the class the steps to “Could I Have This Dance for the Rest of my Life”, I could see the minister and family members gathering in the lobby and in the doorway waiting for class to finish…..I like that MFP shows your “log in streak” on your home page. If you miss a day, it starts counting at one the next time you log in….I missed a day when our internet was down last weekend.

    :flowerforyou: Ronnie, even though I’m still wearing many layers along with a wool hat and scarf, I know it’s even more wintery where you are.

    :bigsmile: Joyce, I like your suggestion to “cultivate hope”

    :flowerforyou: Denise, welcome to the most supportive and encouraging group of friends. If you are looking for motivation, just come back every day and read what others have written and join in the conversation.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I love living in the north….I like the vast differences between the seasons and the contrast between the long dark nights in the winter and the long light days in the summer. If we had the money, we would probably move north to Canada….what a thoughtful idea to send flowers to the grieving family member who will be able to enjoy them.

    :flowerforyou: Susan from Ontario, welcome…….I’ve been posting here for a long time and feel like I have found a great group of friends who support me every step of the way.

    :bigsmile: Renny, congrats on giving away your “too big”…….I like the feeling that someone will get them and love them and appreciate them.

    :flowerforyou: This has been another great day that started with sleeping a bit late and taking a very long walk with the dogs followed by an hour of weed pulling in the back yard. Jake went out to breakfast with a friend so I had the house to myself to watch some TV and ride the exercise bike and start the laundry. Jake fixed lunch (leftover chicken made into salad with spinach, tomatoes, and sweet onions). Then we watched the Masters Golf tournament and finished the laundry. It’s a beautiful day so we saw a lot of people during the afternoon dog walk. In between I got to ride the exercise bike and watch synchronized figure skating on TV.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    DH took me out to lunch today for sushi, it took an extra hour to get my blood sugar back to normal, luckily it was low when we ate.

    Tere- great loss this week! Hope mine is ok tomorrow.

    Tigress in GA
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals. Well we have waited all day long for DD#1 to come over and share the news…whatever it is. Well in a series of texts with hubby she claims to be “beyond scared” of what we will think of her and knows that our visit “will not end well”. I cannot even begin to imagine what this drama is all about but it is annoying to say the least. The longer the texting went on, the more I wanted to scream “Just tell us for God’s sake! “ Hubby has way more patience that I do. Finally to break the tension DD#2 said “Maybe they opened their own crack house and killed their first customer”. Honestly, I cannot imagine what the big fear is all about. She did agree to come over tomorrow.

    Carol: what a delicious sounding meal!

    Sue: did you have severe weather?

    Michele: I am another price matcher too…..and coupons. My favorite check out gal just gives me all the price matches without me asking.

    Ronnie: we are quite the chatty group, aren’t we?

    Joyce: have fun at the get together!

    Juanita: we had 1 ½ inches of much needed rain today and some gentle thunder which I love

    CindY: I have seen “Joseph” many times and always enjoy it

    H2O: welcome aboard! I am at a motivational plateau also. I keep plodding along however. I was born in Hawaii.

    Lin: welcome back! I missed you!

    Tere: wow great loss. Congratulations!

    Susan Ontario; welcome!

    Sylvia: so sorry about your hubby! Hope he is on the mend soon

    Cynthia: glad you had a relaxing day!

    Renny: great nsv!!!

    Well this is short, but I am a little befuddled and can’t really think straight. Tomorrow will be better! Take care, meg from Omaha where it is still raining
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Sue just back from my church group’s discussion of Noah. Talked about the themes of good and evil, the ecological message, how some parts were embellished. Some really liked it others were upset by the violence and the license Hollywood took with the story. Overall it was thought provoking banter. I think I enjoyed talking about it more than I liked watching the movie.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Been quite a day! First of all when I got up this morning to go to church, I always budget enough time to get here, start my diary, go to Face Book and complete my Egg buddy mission for the morning and then by that time I am awake enough to take my shower. Well, First of all the only thing that would load on my computer was Face book, no games, no MFP no FitBit, no nothing. But i also knew that as soon as I got home from church I was to go with Charlie to an afternoon get togehter for his Karaoke buddies. It was from noon to when ever people stopped singing or the beer was gone or no more food. BTW, I don't drink beer. I usually don't go to these get togethers but I wanted to see how his tremors did while he sings. So we got home at 5:30, but still had to have supper with daughter. I had eaten enough junk at this house I knew I didn't have the calories to have a good quality supper so we went to Dairy Queen and had a mini blizzard!!!! Makes sense, huh??? But at one point this afternoon several of us wives of the singers took a long walk and we usually go to Walmart on Sundays with Michelle and go grocery shopping with her. so I got a lot of steps in. But my internet is still all messed up. The screen I am typing on is a bout a 3 inch wide by 9 inch long window, peoples names dont' seem like they are with the correct post, no pictures or tickers. It's all weird. I never could get logged onto FitBit, but got it all done on my Ipad. But the cat has chewed through my charge cord AGAIN, third one, so I may not be able to get it charged until I can get a new charger. And I still can't get into my games on Face Book. But it's a beautiful day, a favorite of mine won the Masters, and my all time favorite came in second. I didn't get to watch any of it it though. I have no idea how long this paragraph is so I haven't broke it up.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Heather watched the intro from the web site. From my study of the Viking learned the word berserk came from the word Berserkers. It described how the Vikings attacked. In Sweden where my Nephew lives there is a ruin stone right down the street from his home. They certainly did make their mark. They do believe they came over to the New World long before Columbus. When you learn of their sea faring capabilities it definitely seems possible. I really enjoy learning about history, too.:love::love:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    ronnie - I know when I used to have it turned on it would show on the homepage how many days I'd logged in. If you missed a day for whatever reason, that number would go back to zero. Not sure if it's the same way now. anyway, I found that you can keep your number of days by logging in even one thing on the days when you know that you're not going to be here. MFP recognizes that. To me, that's not really accurate, it's more important to continue if you need to stop for one day and, to me, a bit of a de-motivator if I knew that that number would go back to zero.

    Joyce - have fun with Charlie's karaoke guys. What I would do regarding the food is take some things of my own, some things that are lighter on the calorie side and fill you up (like carrots). Then, have some of his friend's food, but you'll most likely be too full to have a lot

    DeeDee - glue...ROTF. It needs to be edible!!!!!

    Did an hour of hula hoop on the Wii today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do another segment of the pilates DVD that I have, it's about 10 minutes long, then hold my plank and then take the extremepump class

    Juanita - I like to list not only what the DVD covered, but the name of it for the exact reason that someone knows what exactly to look for. I probably could have said "a walking DVD" but then how would you know that I was referring to Leslie Sansone?

    Cindy - I saw Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat last year when our local theater put it on.

    Denise - welcome! Yup the first couple of pounds are easiest to take off, but the last ones are the stubborn ones. Don't give up, keep coming here. They WILL come off. Wonderful goal

    Heather - I will need to put some icing on the cake that I made for Vince yesterday (it's in the freezer right now). Do you think this would work? If I use confectioner's sugar, add some cocoa (since he likes chocolate) and just a bit of water for consistency? I can put that on the cake and use the rest for the Twix bars. Hey, I'm thinking, what about marzipan? Have you ever worked with it? Does it only come in almond flavoring? Do you know?

    I made these chocolate Rice Krispie bars for Vince this morning. Mainly because I see that marshmallows are on sale and I want to use up what I have. One time I thought I was being so smart and put chocolate chips in it, thinking that the chips would be in the Rice Krispies. Why it never occurred to me that the chocolate chips would melt is beyond me. But they did. However, Vince really likes them this way.

    I made a beef and barley stew in the crockpot over night and portioned it out today. I used the hulless barley and it held its shape pretty well. I did make up a few dishes of it without much if any of the beef, I'm just not a big red meat eater.

    Vince is cutting the grass (oh, I should probably be out helping him) because he said its supposed to rain tomorrow. So I put a load of laundry in. I needed to do it anyway, so figured I'd do it today while the weather is pretty nice. I do try to think of the fact that we're on a septic. Now I'm just waiting for it to finishing washing and put it in the dryer.

    I also hard boiled some eggs. Actually, eggs are on sale, too so I'll get some more.

    Lin - welcome back!

    Tere - great loss this week

    Katherine - are you in a grief counseling group? That might help. It must be so hard to lose a spouse, I don't know what I'd do

    susan - welcome! We always say that this group is like one big kitchen table.

    Sylvia - sure do hope your hubby feels better fast! Doesn't it feel so good when people can't get over your loss? How funny that she thought something was different with you but wasn't sure what it was until someone told her.

    Renny - how wonderful that you have so much clothing to get rid of. And you are right, a person who truly needs that dress will get it.

    Meg - how long did you live in Hawaii?

    Michele in NC
  • Flodoe
    Flodoe Posts: 6 Member
    Bump to all. I'm so impressed by all the lbs. people have lost! That's motivational in itself.
  • lindastanley82
    lindastanley82 Posts: 17 Member
    Have you tried melatonin? You can buy it over the counter just about anywhere - grocery stores, drug stores, health food stores. When I need something stronger, I have a prescription for Sonata. Both of these work for me.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Bumping for later
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member

    I had a really nice Sunday but busy. Still warm and pretty in TN but storms are on the way.

    I hope everyone had a great day.

    Sue in TN.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Carol - sounds like yesterday’s dinner was great:smile:

    Sue – Happy Anniversary! :smile:

    Michele – so I am late on reading – but had a cake thought what if the candy was slightly warm and the cake cold so the chocolate coating on the candy would be soft/melty and would stick to the cold cake? :smile: Later: I think that would work, although I usually use milk (even skim) instead of water - that will be more of a drizzly icing than a frosting.

    Ronnie – such a drag about the electrical – we are crazy chatty; I try to log in twice a day just to stay caught up ! :laugh:

    Joyce – sounds like a fun group, except for the food temptations. LATER: Sorry to hear about computer/ internet issues – but I love the one long paragraph! :smile:

    Denise, Susan – welcome!!

    Sylvia – congrats on the NSV (the lady who could not figure out what was different!) :bigsmile:

    Cynthia – Levi wants to know if you’ll adopt him - I never give him people food…. :drinker:

    Sandy – leading by example is the right choice!!! She’ll come around when she is ready.

    Renny – congrats on closet cleaning!!!

    Barbie – sounds like a great day!

    Meg – She has us all on pins and needles - I wonder if all of this is so you and DH are prepared and will give her the understanding and love she is afraid you will not share. :ohwell:

    The weather here continues to be great! Did a morning and afternoon dog walk; planned my meals and went to the market, did 2 hours of gardening, and a bit of sewing. There is more to do - Easter is here; small this year 8-10 only; I do a BBQ potluck, so I BBQ a turkey and smoke a ham, and everyone brings everything else. Always turns out well - I did an evite and I have 16 folks who have not responded - so the number could climb!

    Meal planning week 1: Monday - Saturday I need 6 lunches; and 4 dinners (going out twice). I found packs of lunch meat on sale 50% off and had a coupon so 2 8oz. packages for $1.50 (total!! Score!) had pita and that is lunch with fruit , I also bought a couple of large tomatoes to stuff with tuna salad.. Dinners are a Thai coconut shrimp on brown rice and a whole wheat pasta with a pumpkin sauce, spinach salad and brocolli... I'll mix and match. And of course there is a selection of fruit and green salad fixings..... Next week will be figuring it out based on the leftovers from the turkey and ham and what ever else folks bring....

    Well need to get a cup of tea and close drapes - it got dark while I was reading!

    Kim in N. CAL
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Blue skies over London town today. Gorgeous. Not warm yet though.

    I intend to have an extra mile walk home from work each night this week. This means that I will walk to a further tube station. It has the added advantage of walking through St James's Park, which is lovely right now.

    Yesterday was my one and only day off so I spent the day cooking and cleaning. My freezer is now full to bursting with nourishment. This includes an enormous veggie lasagne that I cooked to take to my daughter for Good Friday. I will also be making a vegetable pie, but will do that on Friday morning as it's so much nice if it is fresh from the oven.

    Even though I am the only full vegetarian in my family (we have a couple of demi-veggies), everyone always enjoys my vegetarian offerings. I made a cheese and fig pie at Christmas and it was devoured in minutes. It's probably because my hands are always cold, but I've always had a light touch with pastry.

    I need to press on with some work now. I've got the door to the gallery open to attract attention, hopefully sell lots of things today.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Ok, I just noticed that this will be my one thousandth post - so here it is!

    “Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.”

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Wow Kim, that sounds like a big party! Especially if some of the others reply. :tongue: Well done for hosting so many. Although I like to entertain I have not had so many in one go for many years. I have a huge family nearby, but have never had them over. I often think I should, but shrink away from the idea. I think it's my control freakery! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Meg - big hugs :flowerforyou: I know you will be wonderful whatever it is.

    Renny - so happy for you. The days are long but the years are short.

    Sylvia - what a fun NSV!

    This Easter we have absolutely nothing on. I have to confess I feel a bit sad about it. DS and family are going to her mum's for the Sunday. :cry: :cry: :cry: Jealous.:embarassed: :ohwell: DH has football on Saturday. I have always hated bank holidays and never feel I am doing the right thing. I feel a sort of panic breaking out at the very thought. It is better now I am with DH as he is happy doing nothing, but I tend to feel excluded. Part of me knows I only have to pick up the phone and I could see people, like my brother, but part of me is sulking.:tongue::embarassed: I guess I like to feel wanted!:blushing: :ohwell: When I was yound my mother slways wanted to go on a trip out for a bank holiday and my father always said "We can't go there, everybody else will be there!" I think I have inherited his aversion to crowds and traffic jams, but, as a child, I found it very annoying.

    Today I really am going to get to grips with all the stuff I have to do on my laptop. I said this last week and have just procrastinated and not done ANY of it. Now I have my tablet I rarely touch the laptop and I get frustrated with the printing process which often fouls up. :explode: But, I must steel myself. Also must get travel insurance for France and NYC. They were meant to call me back on Saturday, but never did.

    Squid stew for dinner. I used to thicken it with rouille, a spicy mayonnaise, but now use skinned and chopped tomatoes and chilli. Spinach and broccoli from the garden.:love:

    Love to all. Tere, congrats on the weight loss. Jane, and others.

    Heather in flowery and sunny Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    morning ladies~
    Well I finally did it, got up at 3 and got my butt to the gym,everyone missed me of course and it felt great to be back.. now I just have to keep it up. made the DH his dinner and lunch and will get my lunch together .. working at 10:30 but we have friday off and always have thursday off, so I am trying to figure out how I will get my 30 hrs this week.. I really dont want to speak with the so called manager, because she can be downright nasty, I will talk to the one that does all the stuff..
    our new car is one of the ones that have been recalled so the DH made an appt for me this morning to take it over and see if it needs the new part. then over to see my DFIL, yesterday we went to see him and he was in bed,seems Annie told him to get lost, so he was depressed and went to bed.. today is another day and we shall see how it goes
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Ok, I tried to go back to page one and catch up but it isn't going to be possible. I did get to page three.

    Gloria Detroit, Good job on those inches, keep it up.

    Margaret, Prayers are with you and your family. My heart goes out to your son.

    Kathrine Kansas, Great start and what an incentive to keep it up. Love your enthusiasm.

    Sandy ON, Drinking a bottle or two of water after an intense work out will help to elevate soreness. I always recommended it to my clients and after classes.

    Kim NCal, I will try the lavender oil, I am trying to meditate and calm a half hour before bed, no food after seven and no action type TV or reading in the evening. I am also drinking Sleepy Time tea. Loved to visit California, have never been and it’s on my bucket list.

    Brenda, Thanks for the idea, it might be something to try.

    1GirlRiot, Welcome

    Barbiecat, What a wonderful experience, I wish them many years of happiness. I hope your friend recovers as well.

    I went to the Christin retreat this week-end at our Y camp and had a wonderful and educational time. The weather was fantastic, I really enjoyed a number of the guest speakers, and learned more about having a purpose here on earth and how to reach out to others. The themewas Make a Ripple Make a Wave and gave me much to think about.
    Yesterday I'd planned to really buckle down and get things done around the house for next week-ends Easter Brunch. Things didn't work out that way, I had a suprise visit from my sister, who brought her new boyfriend. My ds has lots of medical issues and is on disability. She hasn't been doing well and the rest of my family have been pretty frustrated with her. I admit she doesn't manage money well and as her disability is minimal she has really struggled. Siblings are frustrated with bailing her out financially. Anyway, she looks great, has much better color and I swear she looks younger , Joe seems to care about her and fusses over her, he is also on disability and seems to have a umber of health issues. They talked to me about joining the Y and working out, they say that now that they have found each other they have reasons to live and want to make the best of their time. It's sweet. I told them to come on in and I would help them get started at the Y but I still had to have medical releases and back grounds in order to make work outs right for them. My DS has had a broken back, she has COPD and she is a diabetic. I hope Joe is what he seems to be as she has let him move in and they have only known each other since January.
    The rest of yesterday was spent with my dgd, we ended up shopping, filling the eggs with candy and did manage to get the porch swept, but I love spending time with my family and I ended up with all of them last night when I took her home. It was an incredible week-end and I feel truly blessed.

    I'd love to catch up more but have to get going, I am at work. I did weigh in this morning and sadly there is no loss:( but I am going to stay positive and work on the food more.

    God Bless and I wish health and happiness to one and all today.
    Patty, Cincinnati Ohio
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope everyone has a good begin van the week. :flowerforyou:
    Having trouble getting going today, but it's sunny, which always helps.

    Kim: my dog doesn't normally get people food either, so this was an exception because it was getting so late. If I do something like this I do take him a few yards away from the table so he doesn't associate the table with getting food. Anyway, he loved it. Just now we were joking about fastening a note saying "ham sandwich" to the back of his collar and sending him into the café that way next time. :laugh:

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Kim In N. CAL:smile: Sounds like a fun party at your house for Easter! I can be there:bigsmile: , I`ll bring cheese and wine:laugh: ! Your weeks menu sounds delish, especially the Thai coconut shrimp...yummy!!!

    Meg:smile: I`ve been on pins and needles too, I fully expected to pop in this morning and hear the news. I`m so sorry DD#1 is so scared:cry: ! Whatever it is I`m sure you will handle it with grace:flowerforyou: !

    Cindy in OK:smile: I spent almost 4 hours looking at granite over the weekend:noway: ! I am lucky my son in law works for a granite company, I got to go to a place that's not open to the public:bigsmile: . I finally made my decision and I`m very happy, now I`m waiting to hear the price, then I`ll know if I`m really happy:tongue: . I do have to buy a new sink:noway: , that was something I had not planned on doing! My budget is getting smaller by the minute:grumble: !

    Heather:smile: I`m sorry you`re feeling excluded:sad: :flowerforyou: ! I so enjoy my time alone:love: , there are days I just crave nobody around me:laugh: !!! I`m having Easter with daughter, son in law and grandgirls on Saturday, they will be going to his parents on Sunday. Wish you could just hop on a plane and come visit me over Easter, you could give me cooking lessons:tongue: !

    Amanda:smile: Cheese and fig pie sounds delish:love: !!!! I love your 1,000 post!!!

    Sue in TN:smile: Stay safe in the storms!!! We`re supposed to get over 2 inches of rain tomorrow:frown: , but the storms are supposed to miss us!

    If I want to get my walk in, I have to go right now, there will be people in my house working soon! Have a delightful day ladies!!! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in a bit cloudy NC