Fat Positivity?



  • ublanchard
    I no longer have respect for obese people. I am not talking the ones in the gym and out walking and eating right and really trying, I LOVE those obese people.

    The ones that continue to stuff their face with garbage repulse me because they have lost respect for themselves and that is what makes them gross to me.

    I will not accept the fat acceptance movement but I will accept trying to turn yourself around. Once you lose sight of yourself you lose my interest. I don't have time to invest in people who don't invest in themselves

    Sooooo I am one of the obese people you say you LOVE but you know what, shove your ersatz false love. I don't want it and it's not worth a darn. You're gross and your judgment is garbage.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    ^ MOAR!

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    i am of the opinion that like oprah says, this argument is not over what it seems to be. i think this argument is really over the intellectual property rights of the dot-dot-dot "..."

    (I'm not entirely convinced that this isn't the real reason for my ire in this thread...that the good and just use of the mighty ellipsis has been besmirched, and I intend to reclaim its honor.)

    I mean the subtext must be supremely itchy.
    Carry on. Fight the good fight.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    they were also some profane and angry responses to the meatless Monday blog. humans react to disappointment in strange ways. I'm nearly 100% certain that NOBODY wants to be obese. but losing the weight can seem impossible, and it is difficult. I have 20 lbs to lose and i struggle most days to stay within reasonable caloric intake parameters. I hope everyone the best in their journey.

    You felt that they tainted the veg out blog? That these people with their China studies blah blah were not respectful of the sanctity of meatless Monday? I agree, it is a shame that the impious polluted such a deep and sensible topic as a Monday sans sausage.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,141 Member
    Thread started out that fat people shouldn't like themselves because they are fat, so I skipped over it. Then it kept popping up on the popular topics, so I checked it out and it got weirder than expected.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    some of you are nothing but hypocrites......one minute you said fat people are delusional because the attacks and bashings are only in their heads.....not 2 minutes later another a&&hole post something to slam fat people.....well which one is it…..are the fat people delusional or are they right in their feelings…..you can't have it both ways….if they were so delusional then why have this thread made it to seven pages and counting…..you c.o.c.k roaches should crawl back into your holes…..society has victimized yes victimized fat people for as long as I can remember and I am 73 years old……fat people have never ask no body to throw them a f&ucking parade…...they want society to respect them and leave them the f&ck alone……I bet many of you don’t clean you dirty houses on a regular basis but have time to bash fat people…....go make sure your kids aren’t doing drugs behind your back…..getting catch up on sniffing glue……or making babies before adulthood……if fat people want to have a group to vent its none of your goddam business……none of you are paying their for it……are you……skinny people have high blood pressure……diabeties…..hooked on cigarettes…..drugs…….lupus…..etc……..but fat people are the problem……..HA….…I bet if all fat people would lost weight then you nasty mother f&ckers would turn your venom on another group of people………who will it be…….blacks again…..mexicans……women…… hispanics……interracial couples………it will be somebody else for sure and you all know it…….you think because you are smaller in size you got some kind of GOD complex....now you can bow beat fat people into submission with your load of bulls.h.i.t and insults....fat chance....you bashers are a bunch of rotten stinky bigot t.w.a.t.s because you can’t burn off enough fat to hide your ugliness

    Strong first post.

    .....and what is your point.....do you think this is the first time i have cross bigots in my life.......for someone to claim fat people are delusional then why are you still posting......since it not real.....only a figment of their imagination

    I don't know you, but based on your five posts so far, I realize there is ZERO chance of you understanding the nuanced topic at hand. I suspect now the only motivation anyone has for even acknowledging you exist on this site is to entice you to make more deranged postings so that your ban will come more swiftly. Your posts are full of hate and vile, and have been direct attacks on users of this site...the kind of activity with which MFP TPTB do not put up.

    So I say to you, good day.

    I said, good day, sir.

    oooooohhhhh.......i am soooooooo scared.........not........but here you are still replying to me......idot much?..................if the moderators haven't had problems with you bigots bashing fat people who chose to be fat then screw them for having issues with me........this thread should have been pulled a long time ago.....do you think i give a rats a&& about being banned from this site.....what kind of moderators allow this s.h.i.t to go on for 7 pages......nuanced topic my a&&......if "nuanced topic" is the new method bigots use to shadow their bigotry then you're right.....i guess it is the "nuanced topic"......you could go ahead with all of your f.u.c.k.e.d up philosphosy all you want........it is still slamming fat people who are fat......go ahead and play with your big words and make me and a few others laugh some more.......

    Please quote a single post of mine that showcases this bigotry you seem so passionate about.

    (...but quickly, please, because I'm afraid your time here is truly short.)

    i am not you goddam secretary....you go find it...........you posted that fat people are basically paranoid because it was all in their mind.....you were more insulting then anyone.....its not in their mind......its what existed in society for years and still exists....if it was in their mind so got damn much then why are you still here defending yourself......afterall they are the crazy ones right.....did you spend your whole life living in a mules *kitten*...you don't see it because you wear rose color glasses.....

    so...No, then?


    - Makes baseless assertion and attacks on my character (riddled with profanity and direct insults).
    - Is challenged to provide support for the assertion.
    - Fails to deliver (and actually doubles down on the attacks).

    Personally, I find ^this kind of behavior reprehensible and indefensible.

    .......oh don't worry dear...its all in your mind.....santa clause does exist.....

    (Your recent posts are making less and less sense to me. I hope it isn't just me. Perhaps everyone else is able to interpret them for the wisdom they no doubt contain.)

    .......well I guess we are even....none of your posts made sense.....not only to me but others who are emailing me as well.....others just don't want to get banned.....so wake me when you have proof that fat peoples' position are only in their minds......otherwise......a big fat yawn.......good day .....(cough, cough) sir.....

    I'm sorry I am going to have to DEMAND that these "others" reply to this topic in this thread. If they fear being banned they may simply and obviously show support for you in here as they are in your emails by simply posting the following:

    I :heart: Wii.

    (^totally non-punishable non-bannable post.)
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    I'm all for fat people being treated like human beings, but yeah, I would never advocate obesity.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    i am of the opinion that like oprah says, this argument is not over what it seems to be. i think this argument is really over the intellectual property rights of the dot-dot-dot "..."

    (I'm not entirely convinced that this isn't the real reason for my ire in this thread...that the good and just use of the mighty ellipsis has been besmirched, and I intend to reclaim its honor.)

    I mean the subtext must be supremely itchy.
    Carry on. Fight the good fight.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Thread started out that fat people shouldn't like themselves because they are fat, so I skipped over it. Then it kept popping up on the popular topics, so I checked it out and it got weirder than expected.

    but not as weird as your profile pic. what in god's name were you doing when this pic was taken?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    some of you are nothing but hypocrites......one minute you said fat people are delusional because the attacks and bashings are only in their heads.....not 2 minutes later another a&&hole post something to slam fat people.....well which one is it…..are the fat people delusional or are they right in their feelings…..you can't have it both ways….if they were so delusional then why have this thread made it to seven pages and counting…..you c.o.c.k roaches should crawl back into your holes…..society has victimized yes victimized fat people for as long as I can remember and I am 73 years old……fat people have never ask no body to throw them a f&ucking parade…...they want society to respect them and leave them the f&ck alone……I bet many of you don’t clean you dirty houses on a regular basis but have time to bash fat people…....go make sure your kids aren’t doing drugs behind your back…..getting catch up on sniffing glue……or making babies before adulthood……if fat people want to have a group to vent its none of your goddam business……none of you are paying their for it……are you……skinny people have high blood pressure……diabeties…..hooked on cigarettes…..drugs…….lupus…..etc……..but fat people are the problem……..HA….…I bet if all fat people would lost weight then you nasty mother f&ckers would turn your venom on another group of people………who will it be…….blacks again…..mexicans……women…… hispanics……interracial couples………it will be somebody else for sure and you all know it…….you think because you are smaller in size you got some kind of GOD complex....now you can bow beat fat people into submission with your load of bulls.h.i.t and insults....fat chance....you bashers are a bunch of rotten stinky bigot t.w.a.t.s because you can’t burn off enough fat to hide your ugliness

    Strong first post.

    .....and what is your point.....do you think this is the first time i have cross bigots in my life.......for someone to claim fat people are delusional then why are you still posting......since it not real.....only a figment of their imagination

    I don't know you, but based on your five posts so far, I realize there is ZERO chance of you understanding the nuanced topic at hand. I suspect now the only motivation anyone has for even acknowledging you exist on this site is to entice you to make more deranged postings so that your ban will come more swiftly. Your posts are full of hate and vile, and have been direct attacks on users of this site...the kind of activity with which MFP TPTB do not put up.

    So I say to you, good day.

    I said, good day, sir.

    oooooohhhhh.......i am soooooooo scared.........not........but here you are still replying to me......idot much?..................if the moderators haven't had problems with you bigots bashing fat people who chose to be fat then screw them for having issues with me........this thread should have been pulled a long time ago.....do you think i give a rats a&& about being banned from this site.....what kind of moderators allow this s.h.i.t to go on for 7 pages......nuanced topic my a&&......if "nuanced topic" is the new method bigots use to shadow their bigotry then you're right.....i guess it is the "nuanced topic"......you could go ahead with all of your f.u.c.k.e.d up philosphosy all you want........it is still slamming fat people who are fat......go ahead and play with your big words and make me and a few others laugh some more.......

    Please quote a single post of mine that showcases this bigotry you seem so passionate about.

    (...but quickly, please, because I'm afraid your time here is truly short.)

    i am not you goddam secretary....you go find it...........you posted that fat people are basically paranoid because it was all in their mind.....you were more insulting then anyone.....its not in their mind......its what existed in society for years and still exists....if it was in their mind so got damn much then why are you still here defending yourself......afterall they are the crazy ones right.....did you spend your whole life living in a mules *kitten*...you don't see it because you wear rose color glasses.....

    so...No, then?


    - Makes baseless assertion and attacks on my character (riddled with profanity and direct insults).
    - Is challenged to provide support for the assertion.
    - Fails to deliver (and actually doubles down on the attacks).

    Personally, I find ^this kind of behavior reprehensible and indefensible.

    .......oh don't worry dear...its all in your mind.....santa clause does exist.....

    (Your recent posts are making less and less sense to me. I hope it isn't just me. Perhaps everyone else is able to interpret them for the wisdom they no doubt contain.)

    .......well I guess we are even....none of your posts made sense.....not only to me but others who are emailing me as well.....others just don't want to get banned.....so wake me when you have proof that fat peoples' position are only in their minds......otherwise......a big fat yawn.......good day .....(cough, cough) sir.....

    I'm sorry I am going to have to DEMAND that these "others" reply to this topic in this thread. If they fear being banned they may simply and obviously show support for you in here as they are in your emails by simply posting the following:

    I :heart: Wii.

    (^totally non-punishable non-bannable post.)

    You'll have to give him/her time to go create all those accounts first.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Wow,I read the first page and then clicked onto page 12 to find posts of 15 quotes arguing, this always happens, mfp madness at its best lol.:drinker:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    some of you are nothing but hypocrites......one minute you said fat people are delusional because the attacks and bashings are only in their heads.....not 2 minutes later another a&&hole post something to slam fat people.....well which one is it…..are the fat people delusional or are they right in their feelings…..you can't have it both ways….if they were so delusional then why have this thread made it to seven pages and counting…..you c.o.c.k roaches should crawl back into your holes…..society has victimized yes victimized fat people for as long as I can remember and I am 73 years old……fat people have never ask no body to throw them a f&ucking parade…...they want society to respect them and leave them the f&ck alone……I bet many of you don’t clean you dirty houses on a regular basis but have time to bash fat people…....go make sure your kids aren’t doing drugs behind your back…..getting catch up on sniffing glue……or making babies before adulthood……if fat people want to have a group to vent its none of your goddam business……none of you are paying their for it……are you……skinny people have high blood pressure……diabeties…..hooked on cigarettes…..drugs…….lupus…..etc……..but fat people are the problem……..HA….…I bet if all fat people would lost weight then you nasty mother f&ckers would turn your venom on another group of people………who will it be…….blacks again…..mexicans……women…… hispanics……interracial couples………it will be somebody else for sure and you all know it…….you think because you are smaller in size you got some kind of GOD complex....now you can bow beat fat people into submission with your load of bulls.h.i.t and insults....fat chance....you bashers are a bunch of rotten stinky bigot t.w.a.t.s because you can’t burn off enough fat to hide your ugliness

    Strong first post.

    .....and what is your point.....do you think this is the first time i have cross bigots in my life.......for someone to claim fat people are delusional then why are you still posting......since it not real.....only a figment of their imagination

    I don't know you, but based on your five posts so far, I realize there is ZERO chance of you understanding the nuanced topic at hand. I suspect now the only motivation anyone has for even acknowledging you exist on this site is to entice you to make more deranged postings so that your ban will come more swiftly. Your posts are full of hate and vile, and have been direct attacks on users of this site...the kind of activity with which MFP TPTB do not put up.

    So I say to you, good day.

    I said, good day, sir.

    oooooohhhhh.......i am soooooooo scared.........not........but here you are still replying to me......idot much?..................if the moderators haven't had problems with you bigots bashing fat people who chose to be fat then screw them for having issues with me........this thread should have been pulled a long time ago.....do you think i give a rats a&& about being banned from this site.....what kind of moderators allow this s.h.i.t to go on for 7 pages......nuanced topic my a&&......if "nuanced topic" is the new method bigots use to shadow their bigotry then you're right.....i guess it is the "nuanced topic"......you could go ahead with all of your f.u.c.k.e.d up philosphosy all you want........it is still slamming fat people who are fat......go ahead and play with your big words and make me and a few others laugh some more.......

    Please quote a single post of mine that showcases this bigotry you seem so passionate about.

    (...but quickly, please, because I'm afraid your time here is truly short.)

    i am not you goddam secretary....you go find it...........you posted that fat people are basically paranoid because it was all in their mind.....you were more insulting then anyone.....its not in their mind......its what existed in society for years and still exists....if it was in their mind so got damn much then why are you still here defending yourself......afterall they are the crazy ones right.....did you spend your whole life living in a mules *kitten*...you don't see it because you wear rose color glasses.....

    so...No, then?


    - Makes baseless assertion and attacks on my character (riddled with profanity and direct insults).
    - Is challenged to provide support for the assertion.
    - Fails to deliver (and actually doubles down on the attacks).

    Personally, I find ^this kind of behavior reprehensible and indefensible.

    .......oh don't worry dear...its all in your mind.....santa clause does exist.....

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    (Your recent posts are making less and less sense to me. I hope it isn't just me. Perhaps everyone else is able to interpret them for the wisdom they no doubt contain.)

    .......well I guess we are even....none of your posts made sense.....not only to me but others who are emailing me as well.....others just don't want to get banned.....so wake me when you have proof that fat peoples' position are only in their minds......otherwise......a big fat yawn.......good day .....(cough, cough) sir.....

    I'm sorry I am going to have to DEMAND that these "others" reply to this topic in this thread. If they fear being banned they may simply and obviously show support for you in here as they are in your emails by simply posting the following:

    I :heart: Wii.

    (^totally non-punishable non-bannable post.)

    You'll have to give him/her time to go create all those accounts first.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    this thread got even more disgusting

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    waiting for WiiFitness112 to show up. :laugh:
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    Yes, but as a medicine student, I know what I'm talking about.

    Yikes, good luck with that and I mean that in all seriousness.

    "To become a practicing physician, more than 40,000 medical school graduates each year compete for nearly 30,000 first and second-year residency slots.

    This year, 29,671 graduates matched into one of 9,600 accredited residency programs, including 16,400 graduates of U.S. schools and 9,287 graduates of international schools, according to the National Residency Matching Program."

    Quoted straight from an article written about my brother who didn't match last year but worked his a** off to match this year. It put an enormous amount of stress on my brother and my family as he is now $200,000 in debt.

    Life is ruff for med students these days.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,141 Member
    Thread started out that fat people shouldn't like themselves because they are fat, so I skipped over it. Then it kept popping up on the popular topics, so I checked it out and it got weirder than expected.

    but not as weird as your profile pic. what in god's name were you doing when this pic was taken?

    Smiling and looking to the right. I'm glad to see you survived your headache and sore throat in yours.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Thread started out that fat people shouldn't like themselves because they are fat, so I skipped over it. Then it kept popping up on the popular topics, so I checked it out and it got weirder than expected.

    but not as weird as your profile pic. what in god's name were you doing when this pic was taken?

    Smiling and looking to the right. I'm glad to see you survived your headache and sore throat in yours.

    no. i'm still sick
  • ghostsnstuff
    ghostsnstuff Posts: 51 Member
    I was on Tumblr before and was looking at the fitspo tag, found some angry "fatspo" bloggers. What do you guys think? Some of them are literally promoting obesity and claiming "thin privilege" even though almost all of their problems could be solved by losing weight. They claim to love their bodies and actively bash thin people, but IMHO if their was a button that they could push that would make them thin, they would push it. Thoughts?

    Why are you reading "fatspo" blogs if they bother you so much? Also, Tumblr is the devil. How do you know that some of these blogs you were looking at weren't real-life thin people posing as fat people and "glorifying obesity" and "claiming thin privilege" to either be ironic or to bash those "fat/happy" people?

    For the record, I'm fat. I really dislike my body. I envy those people who are truly happy with their body at any size. Since they are not constantly uncomfortable in their own skin, they are already one up on me in the health department, since mental health is a huge factor in overall health. However, not being happy with my body doesn't make me unhappy in a general sense. I have a great life, a great husband, a great kid, and most days I don't hate my job. I just wish I wasn't so jiggly, and that's why I'm working on that. So, do I consider myself fat and happy? You bet...I am both fat and happy. But, you were right in one statement...I'm not happy being fat. But that doesn't mean someone else can't be both fat and happy and happy being fat. They're allowed.

    And no, not all people would "push a button" to magically become thin. Why is it so hard to believe that some people are just okay with themselves the way they are? Why do they need to change for you? If it truly bothers you that other people can be happy in a lifestyle/body/what have you than is different than your perspective, perhaps the issue lies with you.

    Oh, and I have switched doctors a couple times due to perceived "fat-shaming". I had one doctor who told me she was "shocked" that I had favorable cholesterol numbers and wasn't diabetic. Like she wanted me to have issues and indicators. Horrible. Please don't become a doctor like that. Please think about the things you say and how you say them and remember that you still need to "first do no harm".

    I wasn't looking at fatspo, I was looking at fitspo but stumbled across some fatspo blogs. I'm sorry about what happened with your doctor, and it's understandable that you want to change after that, but they were talking about changing for things like a doctor telling them they were diabetic and that their weight was a key factor, and them saying it was fat shaming. Somebody actually said this.
  • WiiFitness111
    some of you are nothing but hypocrites......one minute you said fat people are delusional because the attacks and bashings are only in their heads.....not 2 minutes later another a&&hole post something to slam fat people.....well which one is it…..are the fat people delusional or are they right in their feelings…..you can't have it both ways….if they were so delusional then why have this thread made it to seven pages and counting…..you c.o.c.k roaches should crawl back into your holes…..society has victimized yes victimized fat people for as long as I can remember and I am 73 years old……fat people have never ask no body to throw them a f&ucking parade…...they want society to respect them and leave them the f&ck alone……I bet many of you don’t clean you dirty houses on a regular basis but have time to bash fat people…....go make sure your kids aren’t doing drugs behind your back…..getting catch up on sniffing glue……or making babies before adulthood……if fat people want to have a group to vent its none of your goddam business……none of you are paying their for it……are you……skinny people have high blood pressure……diabeties…..hooked on cigarettes…..drugs…….lupus…..etc……..but fat people are the problem……..HA….…I bet if all fat people would lost weight then you nasty mother f&ckers would turn your venom on another group of people………who will it be…….blacks again…..mexicans……women…… hispanics……interracial couples………it will be somebody else for sure and you all know it…….you think because you are smaller in size you got some kind of GOD complex....now you can bow beat fat people into submission with your load of bulls.h.i.t and insults....fat chance....you bashers are a bunch of rotten stinky bigot t.w.a.t.s because you can’t burn off enough fat to hide your ugliness

    Strong first post.

    .....and what is your point.....do you think this is the first time i have cross bigots in my life.......for someone to claim fat people are delusional then why are you still posting......since it not real.....only a figment of their imagination

    I don't know you, but based on your five posts so far, I realize there is ZERO chance of you understanding the nuanced topic at hand. I suspect now the only motivation anyone has for even acknowledging you exist on this site is to entice you to make more deranged postings so that your ban will come more swiftly. Your posts are full of hate and vile, and have been direct attacks on users of this site...the kind of activity with which MFP TPTB do not put up.

    So I say to you, good day.

    I said, good day, sir.

    oooooohhhhh.......i am soooooooo scared.........not........but here you are still replying to me......idot much?..................if the moderators haven't had problems with you bigots bashing fat people who chose to be fat then screw them for having issues with me........this thread should have been pulled a long time ago.....do you think i give a rats a&& about being banned from this site.....what kind of moderators allow this s.h.i.t to go on for 7 pages......nuanced topic my a&&......if "nuanced topic" is the new method bigots use to shadow their bigotry then you're right.....i guess it is the "nuanced topic"......you could go ahead with all of your f.u.c.k.e.d up philosphosy all you want........it is still slamming fat people who are fat......go ahead and play with your big words and make me and a few others laugh some more.......

    Please quote a single post of mine that showcases this bigotry you seem so passionate about.

    (...but quickly, please, because I'm afraid your time here is truly short.)

    i am not you goddam secretary....you go find it...........you posted that fat people are basically paranoid because it was all in their mind.....you were more insulting then anyone.....its not in their mind......its what existed in society for years and still exists....if it was in their mind so got damn much then why are you still here defending yourself......afterall they are the crazy ones right.....did you spend your whole life living in a mules *kitten*...you don't see it because you wear rose color glasses.....

    so...No, then?


    - Makes baseless assertion and attacks on my character (riddled with profanity and direct insults).
    - Is challenged to provide support for the assertion.
    - Fails to deliver (and actually doubles down on the attacks).

    Personally, I find ^this kind of behavior reprehensible and indefensible.

    .......oh don't worry dear...its all in your mind.....santa clause does exist.....

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    (Your recent posts are making less and less sense to me. I hope it isn't just me. Perhaps everyone else is able to interpret them for the wisdom they no doubt contain.)

    .......well I guess we are even....none of your posts made sense.....not only to me but others who are emailing me as well.....others just don't want to get banned.....so wake me when you have proof that fat peoples' position are only in their minds......otherwise......a big fat yawn.......good day .....(cough, cough) sir.....

    I'm sorry I am going to have to DEMAND that these "others" reply to this topic in this thread. If they fear being banned they may simply and obviously show support for you in here as they are in your emails by simply posting the following:

    I :heart: Wii.

    (^totally non-punishable non-bannable post.)

    You'll have to give him/her time to go create all those accounts first.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    .....is that all you have....is that the best you do......wow.....yee of little words when bigots are not hating on fat people....yawn
  • WiiFitness111
    some of you are nothing but hypocrites......one minute you said fat people are delusional because the attacks and bashings are only in their heads.....not 2 minutes later another a&&hole post something to slam fat people.....well which one is it…..are the fat people delusional or are they right in their feelings…..you can't have it both ways….if they were so delusional then why have this thread made it to seven pages and counting…..you c.o.c.k roaches should crawl back into your holes…..society has victimized yes victimized fat people for as long as I can remember and I am 73 years old……fat people have never ask no body to throw them a f&ucking parade…...they want society to respect them and leave them the f&ck alone……I bet many of you don’t clean you dirty houses on a regular basis but have time to bash fat people…....go make sure your kids aren’t doing drugs behind your back…..getting catch up on sniffing glue……or making babies before adulthood……if fat people want to have a group to vent its none of your goddam business……none of you are paying their for it……are you……skinny people have high blood pressure……diabeties…..hooked on cigarettes…..drugs…….lupus…..etc……..but fat people are the problem……..HA….…I bet if all fat people would lost weight then you nasty mother f&ckers would turn your venom on another group of people………who will it be…….blacks again…..mexicans……women…… hispanics……interracial couples………it will be somebody else for sure and you all know it…….you think because you are smaller in size you got some kind of GOD complex....now you can bow beat fat people into submission with your load of bulls.h.i.t and insults....fat chance....you bashers are a bunch of rotten stinky bigot t.w.a.t.s because you can’t burn off enough fat to hide your ugliness

    Strong first post.

    .....and what is your point.....do you think this is the first time i have cross bigots in my life.......for someone to claim fat people are delusional then why are you still posting......since it not real.....only a figment of their imagination

    I don't know you, but based on your five posts so far, I realize there is ZERO chance of you understanding the nuanced topic at hand. I suspect now the only motivation anyone has for even acknowledging you exist on this site is to entice you to make more deranged postings so that your ban will come more swiftly. Your posts are full of hate and vile, and have been direct attacks on users of this site...the kind of activity with which MFP TPTB do not put up.

    So I say to you, good day.

    I said, good day, sir.

    oooooohhhhh.......i am soooooooo scared.........not........but here you are still replying to me......idot much?..................if the moderators haven't had problems with you bigots bashing fat people who chose to be fat then screw them for having issues with me........this thread should have been pulled a long time ago.....do you think i give a rats a&& about being banned from this site.....what kind of moderators allow this s.h.i.t to go on for 7 pages......nuanced topic my a&&......if "nuanced topic" is the new method bigots use to shadow their bigotry then you're right.....i guess it is the "nuanced topic"......you could go ahead with all of your f.u.c.k.e.d up philosphosy all you want........it is still slamming fat people who are fat......go ahead and play with your big words and make me and a few others laugh some more.......

    Please quote a single post of mine that showcases this bigotry you seem so passionate about.

    (...but quickly, please, because I'm afraid your time here is truly short.)

    i am not you goddam secretary....you go find it...........you posted that fat people are basically paranoid because it was all in their mind.....you were more insulting then anyone.....its not in their mind......its what existed in society for years and still exists....if it was in their mind so got damn much then why are you still here defending yourself......afterall they are the crazy ones right.....did you spend your whole life living in a mules *kitten*...you don't see it because you wear rose color glasses.....

    so...No, then?


    - Makes baseless assertion and attacks on my character (riddled with profanity and direct insults).
    - Is challenged to provide support for the assertion.
    - Fails to deliver (and actually doubles down on the attacks).

    Personally, I find ^this kind of behavior reprehensible and indefensible.

    .......oh don't worry dear...its all in your mind.....santa clause does exist.....

    (Your recent posts are making less and less sense to me. I hope it isn't just me. Perhaps everyone else is able to interpret them for the wisdom they no doubt contain.)

    .......well I guess we are even....none of your posts made sense.....not only to me but others who are emailing me as well.....others just don't want to get banned.....so wake me when you have proof that fat peoples' position are only in their minds......otherwise......a big fat yawn.......good day .....(cough, cough) sir.....

    I'm sorry I am going to have to DEMAND that these "others" reply to this topic in this thread. If they fear being banned they may simply and obviously show support for you in here as they are in your emails by simply posting the following:

    I :heart: Wii.

    (^totally non-punishable non-bannable post.)

    ..........you seems to be the first out of the gate......thank you