Those Annoying Little Comments



  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Mm, I agree with both sides of this. Yes we need to be respectful and mindful of others before we label ourselves 'fat' and throw negativity around us like that.
    It can make someone else feel worse about themselves if they're bigger or having a totally different experience.

    But, theres that component, and then there is facts though right? Someone skinnier than you might not be fat, but they might have fat/things to work on/uphill struggles/moments where they can't do it.

    I don't say I'm fat but I'm on the edge of my healthy weight range for my height and have more body fat than is healthy.
    That's reality and to want to improve upon that and be healthy is a relevant goal, even if someone else has a much harder journey ahead of them than me. The fact someone skinnier can struggle with goals too is also real.

    And I noticed some people get offended or nasty when you mention how things are for you like I think I said that I do go over calories by a bit sometimes, and it was considered nothing and almost an insult by other people who unfortunately go over a lot more than that, or people get upset by the fact that sometimes I can find it a little but of a struggle to make it to my calorie limit in a day.

    It goes both ways. Everyone just needs to stop comparing, ditch labels, and encourage each other to smash their goals no matter what stage they're at :)
  • Carrie210
    Carrie210 Posts: 16 Member
    Glad I found this thread. I just needed someplace to place these words:
    Throughout my childhood I was berated and humiliated by my family (including and mostly by my mom) for being a picky eater. I truly hated food. Almost all foods. It was awful and I was shamed and the butt of so many jokes that I hated holidays because they were torture for me. When I went away to college I started trying lots of new foods. Since no one made fun of me or yelled at me for wasting it was easy and comfortable. I added hundreds of foods to my diet :)
    I have also always been chubby. I was a size 16 when I finished high school. My weight was also a huge sticking point with my family. Once again I wasn't allowed to have clothes I liked, I had to find clothes that would make me look slimmer. Because weight and food go hand in hand it was a daily ritual in my life for there to be comments.

    Before my wedding I lost 50 lbs. I felt great. I kept it off until I had my first baby. I gained 60lbs while pregnant. By the time he was 3 I had lost 50 of those pounds and was on my way to feeling great about myself again. I got pregnant with my 2nd baby and dedicated myself to eating healthfully and I kept my weight gain to only 35lbs. It's still a lot in pregnancy terms but going from a 60 gain to 35 was a huge victory in my book.

    my little one is over 3yo and I haven't lost an ounce.

    I think my demons have finally caught up to me and now when I diet I feel like everyone is eyeing me and my food choices up and down all the time. I feel like a burden on hubby when I won't eat sausage and chicken parm all the time. When he wants to order italian and I had a big breakfast and just don't have the calories left.

    I am working at 1370 calories per day and 100g protein which is working (slowly) but working. I am trying to find time for workouts but they will have to be at 5am and my kids are just starting to sleep through the night so I am trying to enjoy that, it's been a looooong time since I slept all night!

    If you have made it this far, thank you for reading :) I really just needed to put this all out to the universe and where better than someplace where someone might understand.