
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    Bonnie ... that joke was hilarious! Gave me good :laugh:

    Well, I ended up getting sick Wed and yesterday. Achy, low grade fever (just enough to knock me though), Eustachian tubes all hurtin', throat sore, swollen glands. Merrrrr. Took yesterday off the books, ate whatever I felt like (was starving for a lot of the day and yes, I was a little piggy and don't care) and slept. Fever is gone but ears/throat still hurt hoping it doesn't go into a sinus infection. Back on track with food today (actually not very hungry) and will attempt to walk the dogs later. No energy for much else. At least the wind has died down and temps going to 60's later.

    I could go for a nap.

    Hope everyone is having a good day and weekend.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to All, TGIF. I am booked this whole week-end but am looking forward to it all. My sister and I are going to see God 's Not Dead.
    My car is in the shop today getting tires, two of them are really bad and I've been pretty nervous about driving it. Hate the cost though.
    It is raining here but will hopefully clear up this afternoon.
    Yesterday we had exercise class outside, we did a lot of lunges and my knee is really sore, I shouldn't have done them I guess. My trainer/boss at the Y yelled at me for it. No lunges or squats. There are other ways to work your hamstrings and quads.

    Sue TX, Congrats on the golf tournament!

    Heather Hampshire UK, your plans sound wonderful , I bet you have a great time.

    Gloria Detroit, I hope you get the school you want for your boy.

    JB Portland, The shake sounds good, I have been making them this week with a container of lite Greek yogurt, strawberries and ½ scoop of protein. My fav so for was strawberry and blood orange yogurt.

    Joyce IN, Sounds very frustrating. I hope all has worked out.

    Sandy ON, I took it hard when my oldest turned 30 and in Sept my youngest will, where does the time go.

    Carol NC, Have a wonderful and relaxing time at the beach.

    Michele NC, I have a Bob Harper yoga dvd I am going to try out. I think I’ll try it tonight as it looks like there are no local yoga classes available in my time slots.

    Saundra, Welcome and Yes you can do it, taking one day at a time.

    Grandmallie, I had a head ache this morning, right between my eyes. I am at work and luckily it has eased up. We have rain here and I think that contributes.

    Bonnie NC, Wishing you the best on your ride. I just got an email this morning about a charity ride here in Cincinnati. I plan to sign up for it, it will be my first.

    I guess I should get back to work, my headache has eased up and I am now listening to classical music. It calms me. I love music of all kinds. Some, of course, more than others, but I can listen to almost anything.

    If I don't get on this week-end everyone have a happy and healthy week-end, take care of yourselves.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :laugh: Bonnie...I read the joke to my husband, and we both laughed so hard. Great start to our Friday.:laugh:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Hi all!
    I am with the grandchildren so can't stop. Gorgeous!:heart::heart: :heart:
    Love Heather in gloomy London UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cyclingbonnie: I loved the Joke and I'm still smiling.

    I'm distracted this morning and don't have much to say. We got DS's truck cleaned on the outside yesterday and I'm planning on leaving the inside to him. It seemed to be in much better shape. I was up two pounds, and focussed on the basics, so I'm back to where I should be this morning. The basics from my POV are measuring my food instead of guestimating, drinking water, and moving more. Cleaning that truck involved lots of movement.:smokin: :flowerforyou:

    We have errands to run today, so my time is short. I hope to be back later.

    Katla in overcast and beautiful NW Oregon
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    CyclingBonnie - Very funny!

    This morning has been spent catching up on drafting work that I didn't do yesterday. Boring! I had a bisque kiln running yesterday so I unloaded it this morning, now need to glaze some stuff and fill the kiln again to run tonight. I only have a week before our group show in Joplin, so I have to get some stuff finished!

    I'm not feeling great this morning. My joints are in total rebellion. It rained yesterday, so that started it, but today is clear and warm. Hopefully that will clear it up soon. Also, I'm getting some hay fever. AAAH, springtime!

    I feel like I'm having a total meltdown. I haven't been to the gym much in the last month, and the last three days haven't even logged my food. Gotta regroup and get back on the horse.

    Speaking of horses, here is the joke of the day: (Remember that an antarian is a clueless person.)


    One day an Antartian decided to face her fears and go riding on a horse.

    It was easy for her to get on and she was doing just fine until the horse started to go faster.

    She started slipping off the saddle. She couldn’t hold on to the horse and her head started hitting the ground.

    She was almost knocked unconscious when the Wal-Mart manager came out and unplugged the machine.


  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member

    Short on time this morning, just thought I'd pop in for a sec to share this...it was on a sign in front of a coffee shop.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    How Do You Feel When There Is No Coffee?


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Have a wonderful Friday!! :bigsmile:

    :smile: jb in cool, sort of sunny, mostly cloudy Portland
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
  • blondelis50
    blondelis50 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Patti...I am a fify years old and wondering if I can "join" this group of ladies with the same goal of weight loss, health and exercise, Having friends that are going through some of the same things at this stage of life would be helpful. I need support as I've never been here before. I am mom to three grown sons, and have lived with the love of my life for 31 years in a country home in upstate New York. I am a piano teacher, and provide daycare for a two year old, while I await grandchildren.:wink: I do freelance writing and am a cerified personal trainer, who is fighting her way back down the scale after two years of immobility due to surgery on a torn rotator cuff. I like to garden, bake and share, watch old movies, and collect linens and lace. I grew up riding motorcycles, love the outdoors. Flowers and sunshine make me really happy:flowerforyou: I would be most pleased if you would add me as your friend. as well as anyone else who would add me. Lis
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Another gorgeous day; I'm thoroughly enjoying eating and sharing the strawberries. Drove Gwen around doing errands; I certainly wouldn't refuse her, but this was all stuff that her sister could have easily done for her when she was here............oh, well. Refilled her med strips and there was a day when 2 of the evening pills were not taken...........but all in all, she's much better with that aminodarone leaving her body; it's just taking forever! That's one drug I'll not be taking!!!

    Meg.........Yay for 12,000 steps! I snorted when I read what you wrote about the BF; I suppose he's never heard of condoms? Why is it always on the female? Nothing changes.

    cyclingbonnie...........Great joke. Been there on the dementia with my mom for 4 yrs; she died 10 yrs. ago........those with "Sundowners" are especially difficult to cope with. Was in Asheville last fall for a long weekend. A branch of my dad's family moved from Pa. to the Asheville/Hendersonville area in (I believe) the 60's...........thought of looking them up, but, wouldn't you know it, the name is Smith. The kids were roughly my age; some older and some younger.

    On the babysitting..............I have quite a few (very worn down) friends who do it every day and weekends; some drive hours weekly
    mainly, as far as I can see, to enable their own children to maintain a "lifestyle" (childcare is expensive).....one (mid-60's) has even moved to another city at her DH's insistence to essentially become an unpaid maid and babysitter for a son with four young kids and a daughter with two. Believe me, this was NOT the retirement she had in mind. I am sure I will love my grandchildren BUT I won't be doing any of that. Ever. Occaisional visits and a few days vacay now and then at nana's will do.

    Going to a Broadway play that's in town this weekend; Sat. night. Tai chi and yoga tomorrow morning. Also need to finalize beach trip plans for next weekend.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for the jokes! I'm sure I looked very bizarre sitting on the porch and snorting with laughter at the condom on the organ.

    Today has been a quiet one for the most part. I walked down to the deli (about two miles round trip) and got fish tacos for lunch, accompanied by marinated coleslaw and a piece of chocolate chess pie. Yum!! I have spent the rest of the day sitting on the screened porch listening to the waves and the birds chirping--mixed in with a literal cat fight just a minute ago. I've realized that I spend very very little time just 'being' recently so I am consciously suppressing the urge to get up and 'do something'! I will go for a walk on the beach later today while the cleaning lady does her thing so I know I will get exercise in later. Now, though, I will enjoy my book and spend some time watching the leaves moving with the wind.

    Carol on the Crystal Coast in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Cadoro03 – welcome

    Anamika – how weird that a hair salon in a humid location would offer a procedure that would be ruined by sweat or dampness:noway: …. Is it possible to stay in air conditioning all the time in Mumbai?

    Yanniejannie – well the new restaurant sounds like it won’t make it if your review is typical.

    Gloria - Hope Aaron can get into the school you like. :smile:

    Eileen – Congrats Grandma!:flowerforyou:

    Meg – great NSV! And it sounds like we will be able to use the big G word (grandma) when the time comes…. Congrats for getting your head around it.

    Barbie - Listening to ll Divo is a great idea; I just turned them on.

    Saundraschult – I have not had the same problem, but I will say that this is a long term journey; and you probably should not judge it for a number of weeks, so much easier to say than to do. Hang in, come in often and we’ll cheer you on! Give yourself credit for all you have done!

    Mimi – excellent job! Nibbles are the hardest for me too…. :wink:

    Alison – enjoy your time with hubby away, and don’t beat yourself about the junk food – you’ll be back on track…

    Bonnie - Wow; MIL and a new puppy - glad you are going out to ride, enjoy!

    Looseseal – hope you feel better.

    Lis – welcome

    Carol - I am so envious.... have a great time. :glasses:

    I had a great time last night at my Gourmet Group; but eat, drink, oh my! I have done pretty good the last few times we have gotten together - but this time was awful - just the drinking alone was crazy - a cocktail (with cream), most of a bottle of wine, and frangelico in my coffee. and the food!!! I can't list it all but it ended with a strawberry rhubarb shortcake with a HUGE amount of whip cream and I ate it allllllllll....... so I did not log - I couldn't even figure out where to start! and I am taking a week off from the scale; this am should have been weigh and measure - I knew that was depression waiting to happen; so I'll have a good week and get on the scale next week.

    It is raining here today - Yeah!! we need it so bad, we start mandatory rationing of 25% below what you used last year... and there are fines and higher pricing out there - and I already think I pay a lot for water. It's about $250 every 2 months.

    Work is calling me... better go!
    Kim in N. Cal.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Last night I thought I had the computer problems resolved. Didn't do anything to resolve them, I just thought it did it on it's own. Some how I deleted my Adblock so I tried to ad it again and my AVG won't let me. So I am getting all these ads on my pages and also I am getting these pages trying to load. I get slotomania a lot. I don't want it but all of a sudden a new tab will open up and something is trying to open up.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • ShenaNL
    ShenaNL Posts: 5 Member
    54 year old mother/grandmother here from Newfoundland, Canada!

    Looking for support buddies that will help kick my behind into gear if they ever see me slack.

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies, I have been busy this week and will bump for later.

    Tigress in GA
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Happy Friday!! :laugh: Going to be another beautiful day! Again I am walking home from work. Yesterday was my day off and I did get alot done, but I overate. Seems lately when I am home all I want to do is eat.:sad: I have to get back on track. DS called this morning as DGD wants to go garage saling. I told him I could go in the morning till noon, We will have a good time and that hopefully will keep me away from food.
    Monday moring starting at 5am the hospital is selling employees fitbits. It is part of our wellness plan and doing different things gets money off our insurance. I work that day and get up at 4:30 so going to order from home. The most I would have to pay is $50. So hoping I can do this before they run out as they have a limited number.

    Patty--sounds like you have a busy weekend planned. Have fun. Congrates to DD.:flowerforyou:
    Sue--Congrates on winning the $80. :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Barbie--Sorry to hear about the dance teacher. I can understand why she is scared. Sometimes I just want to put my foot down and stop the world to give me time to catch up
    Jane--I did and called the doctor and they did a D&C. Have had no problems since.

    Eileen--Congrates on the new grandbaby. Are they not the greatest!!!:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Joyce--I completely understand no wanted to deal with a new computer or the price. I am still trying to figure ours out and sometimes I just lose what I am doing and can not find it again. I play acouple Bingo games on FB and they will just stop and I can not get out of them or anything and then I end up having to shut down the computer. :mad:

    Cindy--enjoy. I love going to live concerts. The energy is fantastic.

    Sandy--hope your mouth feels better soon. I understand how you feel about DS turning 30. My DS will be 40 Nov 24th and I am already depressed about it. I feel like I am not even 40 so how can he be???:sad:

    Meg--congrates on the NSV. We did get alot of rain, but over in Doniphan they got enough hail to cover the ground. Sure has made things green. I know it will take some getting used to being a grand parent. I know when our first GC was due HD kept saying he could not be a grandpa. He was really upset. After Jessica was born she had him wrapped around her finger. To this day she is his favorite. Everytime we have one due I just keep telling myself God knows what he is doing and all children are gifts. Hugs!!:heart:

    Love the jokes. you both have some good ones.:laugh:

    Allison--I know what you mean, I have been down alot lately and eating alot of junk. I called the doctor today about going off my Wellbutin as feel it isn't doing anything. But then I got panicky thinking about it. When the office called me back he wants to see me next week so glad to have an appointment to go in and talk about things. Part of it is me as I do not like having to get meds thru the mail. How dumb is that? Congrates on not eating the chocolate chip cookies. When I have the dough at my house they never get baked. So stopped buying that.

    Bonnie--hugs and prayers for you and all you have going on. Hope you enjoy the ride

    Well DGD and GGS walked home from work with me. It was a nice walk and now have to get myself ready as going to a salad supper with a friend at some church. Kay asked me acouple months ago to go and I had forgotten about it until she reminded me. Not overly thrilled about going, but said I would. Have a nice rest of the day. Remember we are in this together.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, enjoyed sunshine and biking today. Thinking of you all, but am just going to go to bed for now.

    Wishing everyone a good night,
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    I'm home after a lovely day. :love: Too tired to write anything, but will catch up tomorrow.:flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!thought i`d posted,guess not.
    Hubby got new job,doesn`t have his schedule,so have to wait to schedule the ultrasound.Spotting is more like a period,thought I was done with this.
    Have a good one.