

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,910 Member
    I will be honest, I have not had time to read since the last time I posted. Busy, depressed, lots of stress, you all know the routine. Found out the furnace is costing $4,500 to replace (I don't know how I am going to pay for this!) but it has to be done if I want to stop inhaling carbon monoxide. I went to Best Buy this weekend and ordered a new washer and dryer (on credit of course). Now I am just worrying about how I am going to pay for these necessities!

    On a good note, I have been able to rent my house in TN for the money I wanted with the deposit I asked for. These people know that I live in CT and my neighbor is going to monitor what goes on and how the property is cared for. I really hope that works out. They are considering buying it. I contacted the 'good for nuthing' realtor and told her I will not be renewing. This after she sent me paperwork for someone else's property to sign as a contract for her! She sent the wrong attachment 3 times! I will definitely not give this person a good rating!

    Well, have to work on my school stuff. Thanks for listening to my rants.

    Rita from CT
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, no offense taken at all. I do know several women who go on holiday trips and weekend trips without their husbands

    I went to sleep last night to the sound of rolling thunder. I guess I just haven't watched the right news today as I haven't seen anything about any damage from yesterdays storms. I have a niece who lives in Jonesboro Ark and she put a pic on face book if a tornado damage.

    Still having computer issues. It is usually if I am on face book or here. When I am on here all sorts of different weight loss sites try to open new tabs. I tired to do a system restore but it told me I had to much memory taken up. So I am going through the uninstall process of several things. I wish I knew what was important that I had to have on my computer.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    11 pounds!?! ! Congrats Tere! :glasses: I guess you "released" my weight too since I still have not lost a pound this month (or the last or the last or the last.....):sad:

    I started my Beta level of T25 this morning and it's indeed a little more intense than Alpha. I did pretty well, however. Also added a little treadmill walking but was limited on time.

    Very stressful, everything I touch goes wrong, sort of day. Have an order to finish up tonight since I'm tied up tomorrow morning with a school activity. Hoping the scent of the honeysuckle and jasmine candles with perk me up a little.

    Trying to stay focused on my accomplishments, looking for my areas of opportunity but pretty much feeling a little hopeless.

    Over and out for now

    Gloria in cold, wet and dreary Metro Detroit
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi all. I have read all the posts but I can't reply to 6 pages of them! Today was a long tiring day, but it's my last day of classroom teaching...four hours over lunch which totally screws up my blood sugar.

    Glad to hear everyone who lives in the tornado zone is ok. It's cloudy and humid here so I'm sure we will get some showers tonight hopefully nothing severe.

    So DD sends DH an email talking about how furious she is about being pregnant and she knows they need to give the baby for adoption but that will make her near-suicidal. She also told DH last night she will refuse to gain weight no matter what. She's a size 2 and thinks she's fat (she says "you know I have a problem with food"). Well that's a good way to get child protective services involved early! Well that's a good way to get child protective services involved early! Actually I wonder if she was sexually abused as a small child; food, toothbrushes, dental floss...anything that goes in her mouth literally makes her gag. I can't manage the drama so I have to step back. I want to smack some sense into her, but I need to keep my own sanity, so I am going to stay un-involved unless she asks me to do something with her. Oh, and no maternity clothes or new bras...ever. Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

    Need to spend time on the book tonight, so I'm off to get something accomplished. See you all tomorrow. Take care, Meg from cloudy Omaha
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 389 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just stopping by to thank everyone for the well wishes regarding the storms. I am watching the news and want to send prayers and well wishes to anyone in Mississippi, or has loved ones there.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia, thank you and I am glad for you as well. It is scary that your sirens didn't go off. We have all of our important papers in our safe deposit box. Was just telling Hubby that we need to get our go bag updated and ready with meds, water, pup's Medes, etc. Stay safe.:heart:


    Cindy in OK:heart:
  • Debjaa
    Debjaa Posts: 10 Member
    Dreary, dreary weather today... cold & wet outside... and it looks like it will be that way for the next 10 days.... yuk... Makes it hard to get outside and walk (my favorite exercise) so I may need to go to the fitness center nearby. Not my favorite, but if I take my headphones, I can watch HGTV while I'm on the elliptical machine.

    Not getting enough sleep... really need to go to bed earlier. I may add that to my goals for May.

    Grateful today for:
    * seeing my daughter so happy (possible first boyfriend in her life & feeling positive about college next year)
    * our basement bathroom is going to be functional soon
    * I've exercised every day since Easter.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Designated Decoy!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Dr.Katie: I’m also sad about the tornado devastation. :cry: Someone needs to design tornado proof schools and hospitals. Perhaps they need to be underground with a nice berm with a flagpole and sign on top of the ground. Schools could save some space by putting the athletic fields and playgrounds on the roof, along with the flagpole. I’m not really kidding about this idea. :noway: Where we live, earthquakes are a bigger threat than tornadoes. I don’t think underground construction would be very helpful for safety around here. :tongue: Re autism: As a teacher I never really found the diagnosis helpful in planning how to teach the child. The kids who are “on the spectrum” but not debilitated are getting what value from the label? I frankly wonder why nerds can’t just be nerds and accepted for who they are. Everyone has issues of one sort or another. I do realize there are autistic individuals with a significant level of disability and they do need special support.:flowerforyou:

    Rita: Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Hang in there. Reality is about to pay a housecall on your DD. It might be bumpy for a time. I’m keeping all of you in my prayers and hoping for a good outcome that everyone can live with.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy in OK: Your “go bag” is something we need to develop. Our biggest threat is flooding and we have no worries at he moment. We do have emergency supplies and are physically ready for floods, but the document situation is imperfect. Most really important papers are in the safe deposit box in the bank, which is not in a flood prone area. Tornadoes are not impossible here, but they are very rare.:flowerforyou:

    I’m having a low energy day. DH went to the storage unit and did some major reorganization while I took a nap. I’m better than I was, but still not all the way up to par.:ohwell:

    Wishing a safe evening for each of you.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training when able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: Pay attention to water intake and drink frequently during the day.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    Made it to the gym for ladies exercise this am. Movie with a friend, "The Other Woman"...........had some really good laughs; better than I expected......Cameron Diaz is quite funny!!

    Glad everyone from the mid-West and NC is OK.......DH came home with tornado damage stories from people he works with from NC.

    I have to say I was amazed at the number of others who have husbands with "social issues".........I never thought of anyone else as having this situation; at least not to this extent. Wow.......y'all have truly stunned me and I'd like to say a huge THANKS for sharing you own situations along with your good advice, thoughts, and ideas (and hugs!!!). Your presence in my life is certainly a big plus and I appreciate all of you smart and caring women. DH does have some medical problems........the usual trinity: diabetes, high BP, and cholesterol. He wasn't raised in this country; grew up mainly between France and Germany (the oldest of four) as his dad was DOD........from what I've seen and heard over the years, I don't think his parents were exactly superstars at parenting..............lots of parties, lots of drinking. Then in high school he had to deal with the culture shock of coming back to the US........to Utah, no less........from France to conservative Utah in the 60's????? Anyway, I'm speaking to him again and we'll get through........and he's on his best behavior. He is a good guy in so many ways. The autism comment really got my attention and does make sense, his behavior socially has been so painfully uncomfortable at times even inexplicable and could be described as leaning toward Aspergers. I think there must have been some degree of comfort in the military as required behavior was standard and he knew how to handle life there. Thanks again, everyone.

    Heather .........I totally agree with your love of red pepper soup, I adore it! Found your growing/shrinking comment intriguing and true.

    Bonnie.............52 miles!!! WOW!! Will try video again; it wouldn't work for me.

    Tere........LOL........when I wrote about "glued together", I meant couples you never ever see apart, you just sound close---which is a good thing. I'm happy for you that you have such a great relationship!!! Sounds like you are very well suited for each other. I let my hair go to salt and pepper years ago; letting it grow out was a pain. AND congrats on that super loss!!!

    Cindy..........Your trip was fun for all, even your dog!

    Mimi........My DD worked for a kids party company that featured a petting zoo..........found out I am quite fond of goats too. They are really sweet creatures.

    Carol..........I feel bad for your son........about the prom date and for messing up the paperwork
    I remember only too well all that was involved in the college application process.........what a nightmare! I would be upset about the missed out on money too.

    Gloria.............Hope your day got better!!!

    Kim...........I bet we could certainly have some fun and find a bit of trouble together!!!

    All for now,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm another that hasn't done much about disaster preparedness. The only thing i have done is regarding medications. I don't know about everyone elses insurance but mine lets me reorder at 3 weeks so I try top do that and then put the rest of the bottle away. When I think about it I go through my bag and combine my bottles so that I don't have 3 bottles of the some medicine in this bag. Only thing I can't reorder is my Klonepin so I out of luck if we were ever in a disaster and no access to a pharmacy. We have 2 file cabinets filled to the brim that need to be gone through and put things in order. In the meantime we would put our important papers together. My parents did us a favor in that when Dad died he had a locked fireproof box that had all his papers, granted some of the policies were cancelled but Mom knew which ones were. I know that with my health problems that I need to leave passwords in a place my daughter will be able to cancel online things and continue online banking etc. Right now they are just in a pile on my desk that may look disorganized but I know where everything is. My husband would know nothing about the computer if I died. He would take his life back to the noncomputer age
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I do the same.When fresh,local veggies come in,I buy them,but normally,buy frozen. So handy,no excuses for not eating my veggies.:noway:
    :flowerforyou: I keep my freezer full of frozen veggies (green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, squash) so I always have plenty of veggies on hand for my meals.....I like fresh veggies, but they are often challenging to buy and eat before they spoil.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie

  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    Carol - I was on Hwy 226 - south, but north of Marion. Rode from Red Hill to Bakersville on Hwy 226.

    The route Started on Burnsville's Town Square, headed west down Hwy 19-E, then down Hwy 19-W to Huntdale Road through Huntdale taking Hwy 197 through Green Mountain up to Red Hill taking Hwy 226 South through Bakersville then down Duck Branch to Hwy 80 heading south to New Dale and Hwy 19-E heading west till reaching Burnsville Town Square.

    Bonnie in the Mountains of NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    Hi ladies!

    The stomach flu is hitting our community ... my son, hoping to "focus on his grades" has had to focus on something entirely different. :frown:

    Glad to hear all of you are staying out of harm's way with this terrible weather system. Talk about disaster preparedness always gets me thinking. Our greatest weather risk is blizzards... although tornadoes are not entirely unheard of. Supposedly our community sits on a northeastern fault line, but people in the insurance industry laugh when they hear I have an earthquake rider! :huh: As our home sits on a significant hill, flooding is not an issue. I know I could do better with our important papers ... settling the in-laws estate has shown me that. Have no good excuse why my husband and I keep putting these things off. We have a friend who is a "prepper" ... he's so extreme! I am prepared for about 3 days of no electricity, water, etc. But that's about it!

    The end of the month is coming and I am nowhere near my goals ... very discouraged but not defeated.

    Have a good evening.
    Beth in Western New York
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: finished organizing the home office today. Took 2 days of intense / hard work. Tomorrow back to the office (i.e. the one I earn a living with). May 4th hosting a wedding shower, so will need to get the patio chairs cleaned and ready.

    Went to see the doc today. Biopsy for some odd blotches on the old bod is planned next week. I am sure nothing serious and will just have them removed.

    DH and I sat out on the front veranda tonight before dinner. We are so lucky to live where we live. Yes, it is a lot of work, yes we have aches and pains, but frankly, where could we have a better place than where we are right now.

    My thoughts are with those who have been going through deadly tornadoes. What a frightening thing. I sure hope all our friends are safe.

    Love to all:heart::heart:

    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member
    Sylvia - that's just horrible for those people! Stay safe! Say...have you ever considered moving....???????

    Renny - friends of ours make their own wine. I'm sure you can give the bottles away. Talk about getting rid of clutter - I wish Vince would get moving. He needs to take pics of Brayn's bicycle, my Keurig, a Mister Coffee, speakers that he has and post them. He also has a filing cabinet in the garage that he needs to go thru. Also, Bryan's kayak. I was able to get rid of our old recyclable container and not one week later did Vince find something that can go on the shelf where it had been!

    Heather - I, too, love goat cheese. We sold the refrigerator that Jessica had at college to a lady who made goat cheese for her to keep it refrigerated. I hear ya about the downsizing. When Vince retired, we bought a 5 bedroom house. I remember Bryan saying "why did you get such a big house? You should be downsizing". Within 4 weeks all 3 kids were back home for one reason or another. Not permanently.

    After falling in the pool yesterday and then having to lay out in the sun to dry off, I learned something. I put sunscreen on my legs, arms, face, etc. But I didn't put any on the tops of my feet! I felt it this a.m. when I was doing lunges. Note to self -- put sunscreen on the tops of your feet

    Patty - sounds like you have a good plan for eating. I, too, like to do the cooking for the week. For one thing, saves time (all I need do is heat it up) but it also helps with not snacking on "yukky" food

    Cindy - I try to bring into the home snacks that Vince likes that I don't. Like I don't really care for Doritos but he loves them. Guess what he gets a lot of?

    Made some baked cod tonight mainly because I'd defrosted cod and needed to use it up. We'll have it sometime next week. I just don't like wasting food. Earlier today I made a lasagna for Vince to have later this week. It's in the refrig right now, maybe tomorrow I'll cut it up.

    Went to mahjongg tonight.

    Cindy - so glad you're OK

    Sylvia - when we were in PA there was a tornado right near us, I didn't know anything about it, Vince got us all in the basement. Seems like we're supposed to get that storm tomorrow. According to weather.com it looks like thunderstorms, at times severe

    Did 10 minutes of this "Ten Minute Pilates" DVD tape then held my plank for 2 min 20 sec and then took the extreme pump class. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a workout on the treadmill. I know that this one has slight increases in inclines. Afterwards, I took the food donations to the soup kitchen (I forgot to give them a donation someone had put in the bag), then went to WalMart to get the things for the lasagna then to Target to return a shirt I got. I'd bought it thinking "that'll do the job" but then I found exactly what I wanted. Well, I didn't realize it was so expensive so I used the money to buy more cat little, plus I used coupons. In the end for two 35 lb containers of litter I paid something like $3.

    katla - you are so right, use something for a while before you make drastic changes to find out what it is you'd like to have

    tere - that's so cute about bieng a "grown *kitten* man". Once when our kids were little, Jessica and Bryan showed Denise how to pull a chair by the counter, get on the counter and reach on top of the refrigerator for a cookie. As soon as her hand was in the cookiejar, they called Vince "daddy, daddy, look what Denise is doing". Were they ever surprised to find out that he'd heard them all along telling her how to do it. They got punished and Denise didn't. They didn't try that again!

    Heather - no vegetables???? I'd go crazy! I know you'll have a great dinner for them.

    I don't think I could stand a man who insisted I go everywhere with him. Ken and Lynette have a "weird" relationship. she has to text him all the time when she's going somewhere "on xxx road right now" "entering xxx" "leaving xxx" He doesn't like her to drive by herself (yes, even during the daytime). One time she was going somewhere with me (I even forget where), it was raining, Ken said to Vince "can't you just forbid Michele from going". Yea, like that'd ever happen!!!

    drkatiebug - great goal, congrats on the weight loss challenge and earning that money.

    Rita - I do hope that rental works out for you. Sounds like a win-win situation if everything works out.

    Meg - you sure have a lot on your mind with dd. Yea, you always wonder what their past was like and how it influences their decisions right now. Boy, you are a wonder-woman.

    Renny - good luck at the doctor's

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :bigsmile: all my troubles today are trivial.....I am grateful for my health and the health of my beloved husband.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    Barbie love the happy dance!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,646 Member
    Mimi – I love lupine how great to have a “factory” in your yard!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Patty – congrats on doing well at the amusement park; there is often tons of tempting items.

    Barbie – buying frozen veggies is something I need to do more of.:smile:

    Renny – decluttering always makes me feel good:smile::smile:

    Heather – baked fish with pesto crust!!! Yummmmmmmm

    Cindy & Sylvia – glad you both are safe!

    Carol – so sorry to hear of the Prom fiasco….

    Gloria – hope your day got better.

    Good day here; stayed on target food and exercise wise, I think I need to add an exercise class - I don't think the DVD would work for me; I only have a TV in the living room and it is small (both the TV and the room), not much space to move around. I would probably have to move furniture to do a work out. (my whole 3 bedroom house is just 1013 sq. feet. ) So I started looking on line; and the classes I think I would like at our community center are going to be around $100 a month... which is a lot for me. I was hoping for 2 or 3 times a week. I may look into a gym - rumor has it that there is one nearby that is just $15 a month and that includes classes- I'll have to check to see.

    Supposed to be 92 degrees here wedensday... yesterday I was in fleece....

    Kim in N. California
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, have read everyone and am glad that everyone's safe - hope it stays that way!

    Meg: thinking of you; sending you as much patience as I can! :flowerforyou:

    The "husband issue": I can't imagine being forbidden to do something or feeling pressure not to go out with friends, just as I don't expect my guy to stay home from his chess night out or whatever. But I realize every relationship is different. As long as people respect each other....

    Had a kind of stomach bug yesterday; don't really know what that was, but I did manage to go to the gym and eat a reasonable amount. Did stay under my calories for the day, so that was good. :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

    P.S. Thanks to those doing reorganizing etc. for the inspiration. I'm going to do some today.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my lovelies.

    It's grey and damp in London town. Not a good day for a tube strike! I did manage to get a train part of the way, but still had to walk for about an hour. Not looking forward to going home. Need to go straight from home to my DD#1 house as she lives closer to Heathrow airport - ready for our flight to Germany tomorrow. So excited to be seeing DD#2 and the lovely new GD. Elli is 8 weeks old already!

    Drinking coffee, working and getting ready to go over to Sotheby's for their auction this morning.

    Have a good day. Please stay safe.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    a quick good morning ladies...
    did fine up until I inhaled 6 rice krispie treats last night:grumble:
    I havent been doing any formal exercise this week because I am trying to take care of all the stuff my DH does plus my stuff while he is away..
    I am thinking and praying for everyone who is in harms way with those tornado's
    off to the shower and throw some stuff together for lunch..