

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Meg:smile: I know things are hard right now...sending you a hug:flowerforyou: !

    Bonnie:smile: Absolutely beautiful:love: !!! I think our mountains are fantastic!!!

    So glad everyone seems to have escaped the awful storms safe!!! We are supposed to have storms today and tomorrow:frown: , not as severe though...springtime in her glory:ohwell: !

    The landscaper will be here today meeting with the patio man, hope it`s not raining for them! My air conditioner died Sunday night:grumble: , they came yesterday and some kind of "wheel" broke, he said it could be a week before the part comes in:noway: :sad: , yesterday was nice and I had the windows and doors open and the ceiling fans going, it was a bit cool in here, today is supposed to be warmer with storms, don`t know if I can have the doors and windows open today:frown: . I had not planned an extra repair in my budget, always seem to happen, especially since I was so happy I am still under budget...was hoping to buy a few pieces of furniture:tongue: !

    Hope everyone has a lovely day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in unsettled NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JaneMartin: I’ll join you in prayer for the folks in the path of tornadoes. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I hear you on the emergency preparedness. We’re working on getting wills done and I’m beginning to realize we’ve been way too loosey-goosey.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: We have some frozen veggies on hand, but mostly buy fresh at the market. I am beginning to see the wisdom of having a supply of frozen veggies in case of emergencies. We froze corn on the cob a couple of summers ago, and won’t be repeating that. There is simply too much loss of texture and flavor to make it worthwhile to use the freezer space that way. Crucifers & green beans are another story. Blueberries also freeze extremely well. DH bought a food dryer last year and we’ve enjoyed drying our own tomatoes and red peppers. I love that all your troubles are trivial! :bigsmile: I love your Happy Dance!

    Bonnie: I am so impressed with your bike ride and route. You must be very fit.:flowerforyou:

    Beth in W NY: Keep at it and remember that each day is a fresh start. Your ticker shows a loss of 71 pounds, and that is amazing evidence of persistence and success.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: Victoria BC is one of the prettiest cities I’ve visited. The surrounding area is lovely. I can see why a person would be happy there. We’re also happy with where we live. That is quite a blessing, and can’t be appreciated too much. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Your poor feet! We “downsized” when we moved to our current home. We went from a three-bedroom ranch house in the burbs to a two-bedroom townhouse next to the water in a small town. The square footage is about the same with a slight nod to the townhouse, which has fewer bedrooms and more bathrooms. I never thought I would like living in a townhome, but I love living here. The view is worth scrounging for bedroom space when the kids are both home. We use the sailboat as a guesthouse. We often choose to go there ourselves and leave the house to the kids. If we lived in your area we'd likely want a bigger house and pool, too. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda: Didn’t you recently have a tube strike? I’m sorry you have such a long walk. Congratulations on your upcoming trip to see your DD and DGD. I hope you enjoy every minute.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I’m keeping my fingers crossed that your air conditioner repair is swift and not too costly. I’m also keeping my fingers crossed that your storms are not severe or dangerous.:flowerforyou:

    Yoga today, plus I’m feeling much better! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have no idea why I was having an off day yesterday but lengthy naps seemed to solve whatever it was. I had great news from DD. She’s been to the doctor and an ultrasound shows that the new baby is a little boy! We’d have been happy with another girl, too, but it will be lovely to have a grandson to go along with our granddaughter.:heart::heart:

    I need to take another lesson from Barbie's book and be grateful for my many blessings. My own troubles have shrunk considerably since last year. DH has recovered from his stroke and is legally able to drive, plus he’s taking meds for his MS that are resulting in huge improvements in his energy and mobility. :heart: I’ve gotten healthier, too, thanks to all of you and MFP. I wonder if all my anxiety about relatively simple things like buying a car are actually delayed stress from last year's serious health issues. :huh: I went through DH's stroke last year cool as a cucumber, and fell apart over buying a car, relatively minor stuff, a year later.:noway: :noway:

    Katla, counting blessings in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training when able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: Pay attention to water intake and drink frequently during the day.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Gray and cloudy
    looks like more rain coming. Went to bed early and got up at 5; doing laundry, then some ironing. Used to send DH's dress shirts for work out, then got the bright idea that I could burn some extra calories standing and ironing them myself now that DD is away and I'm not running around nearly as much during the day. Well, a few weeks of this and I am OVER it. The last time I ironed 16 shirts at one time........enough!!!! Back to the service they go! This time I mean it!!! Not much on tap today. Tai chi and yoga this evening...........hopefully won't fall asleep this week.

    Dee Dee...........Do you still have wisteria in bloom? Ours is about done for this year. I saw some gorgeous iris the other day. Hope you get your a.c. fixed before the heat and humidity makes its arrival.

    Michele..........OUCH!!! Sunburned foot (feet??) tops are the absolute worst!! I'm with you on the constant calling and texting being a bit irritating when I'm at lunch or whatever with friends; I suppose it depends maybe on how you were raised--how your parents related to each other, perhaps????..........but I'd feel like I was on a leash. Of course I let DH know if I'm going to be late and expect the same from him.......I think I've called him at his workplace less than 10 times in the past 16 years.

    Kim...........Good luck on finding a gym that suits both your needs and your wallet!

    I've been mulling over a lot of the input on the husband discussion and my own anger. I think a lot of my reaction had to do with the fact that he agreed to go a week earlier, then reneged when the date was actually set. A lot was the embarrassment of having to back out when we set it up just so the DH's could meet with the idea that both these guys have no male friends and they have so much in common. Both my friend and I have plenty of things we do with others. Also embarrassing because my friendship with her is just months old.

    Also thought about what Katla wrote on the usefullness of pursuing a diagnosis for those not significantly affected. While it doesn't excuse "odd" social behavior or affect teaching to any great extent at grade school level, a diagnosis might explain it......at least to families. In a slightly different scenario: My DD had a terrible time writing numbers and letters backward.........despite my requesting, she was never "evaluated" as the teachers said, "It's not that bad; you don't want her labeled". To this day, she takes much longer with academics.........she's a "plugger"; not naturally gifted and I ache to think that she could have been taught some strategies to make academics even a bit easier for her. But it is what it is and we'll never know; her tenacity has served her well so far.

    That's all I've got...........best to everyone!

    Adding a PS...........Katla..........Great news on the baby!!! Congrats to all!
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!:flowerforyou:

    I promised myself not to get so far behind in reading that it takes all day for a response….. I’m home today because I was wheezing :sad: from the pollen and rainy weather so it’s a good chance to be on top of things. The tornados are really bad! Prayers, hugs, and much love to all in their path.:flowerforyou:

    SO had a rough day yesterday. He started out well at his 5AM workout at the gym and then cut down a tree and it was downhill from there. Went to the bank to cash his check and found out he was overdrawn…proceeded back to the gym and found out there was a past due balance:explode: …went to Sheetz to pickup sandwiches for dinner and their ordering computers were down and there were no food orders being taken….ordered Chinese food and though he was giving the delivery driver a $20 for the food and tip…got in an argument with the deliverer because the man kept trying to give him the money back:mad: …he couldn’t understand that the man was telling him he had given him a 50 dollar bill instead of the 20 dollar bill and he didn’t want to take advantage of him and then barked at me about not having any ice cream. I decided that I had enough and told him that I was going to bed and that I was looking forward to my sweet loving man coming home in the morning and that when my sweet loving man got home I was going to give him a boatload of kisses and hugs! He asked me who he was if he was not my sweet loving man. I told him I thought he was an alien replacement. Then I told my mother on him while he could hear me!:wink: Needless to say this morning he woke up and greeted me with a big smile, hugs, and kisses.:blushing: I just hope the gym hasn’t suspended us due to his blow-out!:grumble:

    Heather: That young lady and her mom are probably going to really enjoy your dinner. They probably need some Mother Daughter time. Plus daughter will have time away from the babies.:smile:

    Carol: Sorry about the prom date…did he have a second choice for a date? Boys really seem to have a hard time with paperwork. Our youngest 20 something DS had an opportunity to do an internship in the Governor’s Office but couldn’t get his paperwork together. :mad: We decided to not do it for him…..now he uses that experience as “lesson learned”! Emerald Isle sounds like a great place. We haven’t been down the coast that far, but it sounds like an Autumn road trip.

    Heather: Absolutely loved the designated driver!:laugh:

    drKatiebug: Congratulations on your reward!:smile:

    Rita: Many hugs to you! The house rental business seems to be brutal! Keep your head up! Carbon monoxide causes many things to happen in your body; depression may also be part of this. Dealing with finances are never easy!

    Meg: Stay calm! It will all work out one way or the other. I’m giving myself the same advice.:grumble:

    Ok Ladies, hope all of you have a great day time for a breathing treatment for me.

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 389 Member
    Hello Lovelies,

    Bumping for now. Busy day. Thank you again for the well wishes during the storms.

    Katia, I believe you can get ideas for your Go Bag' on the internet.

    Hugs to all,

    Cindy in OK:heart:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm a little delayed in leaving the house this morning because the yard crew came to mow and I'll keep the dogs inside till they leave. They are really good at calling before they come to give me time to lock up the dogs.

    Last night we had to attend another banquet on campus. This time they ordered me a special meal. Grilled chicken, seasoned with just pepper, on lettuce and tomato, and no dressing. It was just right! Hubby told them what to order. It was very sweet. The rest had fried chicken, which smelled great. They also put out slices of cake, and I had half of a slice of white cake. Hubby finished it off for me. I left him the part with all the icing, so I don't think I did too badly. After the meal I had to sit through a chemistry lecture on alternative sources of energy and how they compare to petroleum. It was so boring I very nearly fell asleep.

    Someone asked if we have ever considered moving because of the tornadoes, and yes we have. Just about every spring. But we can't think of a place to go that doesn't have it's own variety of natural disasters. Plus, hubby's job is here and he has tenure. He says he's too old to start over somewhere else, and he doesn't want to retire. Kansas used to be the worst for tornadoes but in recent years they have been just about everywhere in the country. They are VERY scary. My heart breaks watching the news and seeing the devestation. I am very glad we got our storm shelter a few years ago. It makes us feel a little safer.

    Sounds like the mowers are finished. Gotta go to work. I hope you all have a great day and stay safe. It looks like another stormy day.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    good morning.
    made appt for ultrasound.Dr doesn`t think the medicine is the cause for the bleeding as the dose isn`t that high.
    Made appt for pt also.
    Have a good day,more rain here.
  • stow62
    stow62 Posts: 11
    Just a quick catch up to say Hi lovely Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    I still need to catch up from Part 2 then catch up with Part 3, been away for Easter and didn't have any internet connection, stayed in the Cotswold in the back of beyond!!

    We have tube strike in London today and tomorrow and this morning I walked for 40 mins to the nearest open tube station overall took me 2 hours to get into work this morning instead of 30 mins :sad: just had to grim and bear it!! now leaving work as it'll take me another 2 hours to get home:grumble: , still will have burn off all of last nights wine calories:drinker: !!! Catch up with you lovely ladies tomorrow
    Val sunny :bigsmile: London UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    Good afternoon !:flowerforyou:

    Feeling very coldy today and tired. Had lots of ideas for replying to you all, but my eyelids are drooping and my face aches.:sad: It's those pesky grandchildren and their bugs, I bet.:laugh: :tongue: Both were under the weather.

    DH came back from cricket early after no play. It's raining now. I went to yoga and had my friend back for coffee, but since then ive been on the sofa quietly suffering and catching up on programmes and a French film. DH did a bit of gardening.

    Ooohhh I ache now! Time for a paracetomol. Talk tomorrow my friends.:love:

    Love Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • annaluna19
    annaluna19 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm 54 and I live in the Virginia suburbs of DC. Looking for some companionship in losing weight and getting fit. I want to lose 12-14 lbs and I'm doing Couch to 5K. I used Weight Watchers to lose weight a couple of years ago but had trouble sticking with it when I tried it again last fall, so I need to try a new approach. I'm hoping the combination of myfitnesspal and the running program will work.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    About the Joke of the Day, remember, I don't write these things, I just pass them along. That last one about the drunk driver decoy made me grimace. I was a cop for 6 years and I can tell you that it wouldn't have been funny. That guy would probably have been charged with interference.

    Here's today's joke:


    Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Officer asked a young Engineer fresh out of MIT, "And what starting salary were you looking for?"

    The Engineer replies, "In the region of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package."

    The interviewer enquires, "Well, what would you say to a package of 5-weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every 2 years say, a red Corvette?"

    The Engineer sits up straight and says, "Wow! Are you kidding?"

    And the interviewer replies, "Yeah, but you started it."

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just a quick check-in!

    Bonnie - Thanks for sharing your route!

    Thanks to everyone for the sympathy re: my son and his prom woes. As far as I know, he did not have a second person in mind for prom. This young lady is a member of our church (they've know each other since elementary school age) and I don't know if there is any real attraction between them or just friendship. Since he hasn't attended school regularly for over a year now, I don't know if he knows any girls that he would like to ask. (Due to his health issues, he has been taking online classes for the most part since last spring.) I'm going to stay out of his (non)dating life and figure he'll find someone else if he's interested.

    I'm in a bit of a snit today because the boy child wouldn't give me an answer about whether or not he could get off work to go to the beach next month and now the opportunity is gone. AND, he is mad at me because he says he told me yes when I know he didn't! In addition, my daughter somehow got the idea that she was included in the trip and now she's mad and upset because it's not happening. I'm disappointed that we're not going, but, honestly, I really didn't need to take the time away from house-selling preparations anyway.

    And, fueling the irritation is the fact that the church organist here is giving piano lessons in the choir room directly beneath my office! I am so sick of hearing the same few measures played over and over and over and over again. ALL MORNING LONG!!! It makes it pretty impossible for me to concentrate. Not to mention that, because they are in the building, it makes it hard for me to get up and move around like I usually do so many fewer steps accomplished.

    So, I will take my grumpy self and go heat up my lunch and chat with y'all later!

    Carol in stormy NC
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: hello ladies

    Hope everyone in storm areas are staying safe

    :flowerforyou: katla congrats on new grandson coming, ours are a boy and a girl now in their early teens, time goes by so fast....
    All your boat talk reminds me of our son he has a small fishing boat that he named "boat"b for bring o for on a for another and t for a thousand, "bring on another thousand" he is always fixing something on it, but enjoys every minute on it as I am sure you and dh do also.

    Have been fighting with spring allergies, hoping they settle down soon, have had a very bad month where portions and treats just got away from me, but have the house full of better selections and a new walking dvd for the start of may, has to be better than april

    Welcome to all the new ladies
    Congrats to all the greats losses and nsv, you are all an inspiration to me

    Well better get some more work done have been in the garden first time this yr but still have some snow in places....

    Best wishes to all

    Juanita in sudbury
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    Oh dear, poor Carol! That would be my worst nightmare! I could not deal with it at all:sad: and don't see why you should have to. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I hope a resolution can be found.:flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,811 Member
    Hope you all are having a good Tuesday from wet and windy Nebraska. My day yesterday did not start out well. Between work and the bank I was ready to run away. At work that morning we were to be able to order a fitbit for a discounted price thru our wellness program. They were to go on line at 5 that morning. So I tried before coming to work and the site was not working. Went to work and had all these people calling because they could not do it. The lady in charge did not come to work until 8. Well come to find out they forgot to turn it on for Nebraska. So I did get one ordered. Then to make sure I did it right I checked our account and saw there was a charge pending for $446.15. Well I know that was not ours and called the bank, they said because it was pending they were not sure they could stop it, they told me who it was and to call them. Well they say it was a mistake and to stop it at the bank and if it would go thru they will refund us. Well what good is that if I end up overdawn. So by that time I had since a headache. I have did deep breathing and starting to relax. Thanks for letting me vent. I started this yesterday and this moring when I checked the bank they did get it stopped. Today is going to be a GREAT day inspite of the weather.
    We rode the motorcycles to Burwell on Saturday for the wedding. It was a nice wedding and the ride was in the wind so not much fun. They had chineese food for the supper. That was a first and I didn't eat only acouple bites, But did have a cup cake. Sunday was DGD's last dance show for the year. Those girls work so hard. I was upset as alot of parents and grandparents were getting up and leaving after there child was done. Because it was in the gym at the HIgh School we were sitting in the bleechers. How rude! My spelling is really bad, sorry!
    Good news this yesterday the scale was down and I am down 150.1 pounds. I will take it as been trying to break the 150 for acouple months. Now my next is 50 more pounds and I will be at my goal. I do believe it is going to happen.

    Cindy--Sounds like you had a great weekend and trip. Thank you for sharing. I do like going to concerts of my OLDIES.
    Sylvia--So sorry to hear about your appointment with the doctor. It never hurts to get a second doctor to take a look. Going to check and see if I can find the book, sounds like a good one. Love the football joke!!! Sometimes I wish we could pick our neighbors. So far we have been lucky here as most been here long as we have, but across the street is a rental and next to that not sure what it is as seems every couple months someone is moving in or out. I just hate this time of year with the storms. Glad you are ok, but sounds like there were alot of danage and deaths.
    Amanda--Hope you are feeling better soon. Hope you enjoy time with DGD. They grow up so fast.
    Kathrine--Hope you and DGS had fun shopping. DGD and I went garge saling last Saturday morning and then to WalMart to get her high heels. She is 6 and keeps me young.
    Joyce--Congrates on the smaller size.
    Allison--Love the you day. Hope you can post the beach garden pictures. Sounds pretty.
    Michelle--you do so much for others, I hope they realize what a Blessing you are.
    Margert--What you said about boundaries has made me think and I do need to set them for myself and remember I am human and do the best I can.
    Kim--I agree this is a life long journey and we have to have things we enjoy. So I try and just be more aware of what I am eating at those times. What a neat project to be a part of.
    Mimi--I also enjoy the grandma days. I just want my grandchildren to have happy memories of grandma. And it gives me a reason to act not my age and we do laugh alot. Glad to have you back. The goats sound like fun. I keep telling DGD I want a horse. I do think my DH and DS are worried as we live in town.
    Heather--Good NSV and always nice to hear. I understand about DH wanting to cut back on meds. I want to stop taking my wellbutrin and when I called the doctor about it he has me coming in this afternoon to talk about it.
    Bonnie--WOW 52 miles. I would be lucky to make the end of the driveway.lol
    Welcome Arlene-You have found a great and supportive group. Come back often and share. We enjoy getting to know each other.
    Tere--Congrates on meeting and going over you goals for April.
    Jill--welcome back. Sounds like you have been busy and lots of good help for DB and DSIL. Families coming together at times of need is one of life Blessings.
    Rita--Hugs. I wish I could go one month without worrying about money and bills. But living paycheck to paycheck is best I can do. Everytime I think we may get ahead something comes up, doctor, car repair, last year we had to replace our funance and siding and roof. Insurance helped with siding and roof, but funance was all us.
    Meg--Hugs and prayers for you and DD.
    Barbie--love the happy dancers.
    Katla--I think you are right. Something big happens and we get thru it, then a simple thing will put me over the edge. Congrates on the new grandson on the way.
    just got home from the doctor. He thinks I have some PTS from the accident last Nov and all that happened with dad before he passed away. So took me off the wellbutrin and starting me on something else. I told him I don't was crazy woman in my medical file. Sorry this is so long, I am caught up with the posts.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    Yesterday, I did strength training, and today I did a core-strengthening class and Bodycombat class. Over 800 punches! I am only three pounds from my goal. (thanks to vegetables!!) Another plus I am enjoying is reduced arthritic inflammation. I find more and more reasons to love those veg.

    The weeds are taunting me, I am going out in this lovely day to dispatch them.
    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yesterday, I did strength training, and today I did a core-strengthening class and Bodycombat class. Over 800 punches! I am only three pounds from my goal. (thanks to vegetables!!) Another plus I am enjoying is reduced arthritic inflammation. I find more and more reasons to love those veg.

    The weeds are taunting me, I am going out in this lovely day to dispatch them.
    Kayzoola (PNW USA)

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Vicki, huge congratulations on hitting 150 pounds! I'm still 50 pounds from my goal too, so I'll be tagging along with you. You are an inspiration to me. Proof it really can be done!

    Tonight when I got home I found that Bruno had been a very busy bee. Apparently I did not get the bedroom door closed before I left, because my brand new $15 flip flops had been on top of his crate and suddenly they were in tiny pieces on the bed and the couch. The biggest piece left was about half the size of a deck of cards. Who knows how much black rubber he actually swallowed. My fault. Should have been more careful, but gee whiz! That dog is a destructive little tornado. He also got the Kleenex box that had been on the headboard. He had fun today!

    My son and grandson came up to the studio to visit me this afternoon. That was a nice surprise. I had just finished painting a Blue Jay on a plate and Ian really liked it. He's easily impressed. Tomorrow night is his last soccer game and my son said that the kids' mother wants to come watch. That should be interesting. I sure hope she's not expecting to see actual soccer. These kids don't even know which goal is theirs, but it's pretty funny to watch.

    Bye again.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We heard the same phrase except it was Break Out Another Thousand. Same idea. LOL. :laugh: I hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou: