*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* : Discussion Week #1



  • MY DH leaves today for another 5-6 months (he's been gone since July 2010) so I'm pretty motivated. :smile:

    Weighed in at 196.0lbs even today, down 31.6lbs in 20 days.

    What helps me the most is drinking 10+ glasses of water a day. I have yet to have a gain the day after I drank my water.
  • Mal25
    Mal25 Posts: 5
    I was the person who would always say "I will start my diet tomorrow" but would never stay true to my word. This challenge is really keeping me motivated to stay focused on my goals! I find the hardest part is sticking to a healthy diet! So far so good, but I need to find some healthy as well as filling meals so I don’t cheat on my diet, let me know if anyone has any suggestions!
    I also really want to try zumba for the wii after hearing all the good things about it.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    I am more motivated to lose weight being in this challenge. I think the amount of people involved is good and bad. We cant get to know eachother as well but we have alot of support to keep us going!!!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I'm great this morning! 1.5 lbs of the 3 I gained over the holidays are gone this AM, YAY! Good day so far. Trying desperately to break the after dinner munching habit. I was doing well not munching til the Christmas junk rolled into this house! It's all gone now so I'm reeling myself in. Have a great week everyone!
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    so far knowing there is many other people in for the same challenge is motivating.
    The last three days i couldnt wait to get my workout in.
    For the longest time during my gym membership , I have always had a fear of running on the treadmill. Yeserday i conquered that fear and ran a mile and a half on the treadmill, I was so proud of myself!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Well this weekend was rough for me and today I am on point. Weekends I find are always challenging no matter what. I did exercise both days so that was good....:-)

    I took my before picture and wow! They say a picture is worth a thousand words and there has never been a more truer saying!! I know the scale had said I had gained but seeing it was defintiely enlighting for me! I need to print it out really to put somewhere in the house as a reminder.

    I have a before picture from when I was much bigger but this one is from when I had gained back about 60 pounds of orginal weight lost of 300 pounds. I started not to join this challenge becasue I did not want do the before picture but I said nope I am going to make this picture and I am so glad I did it now. I needed to make that picture on Saturday.

    I saved the before picture for whenever we need to unveil but I did make me a head shot for my avatar picture. Did any of you have the same experience with the before pictures?
  • LADYT74
    LADYT74 Posts: 21
    Everything going great !! I wanted to know if anyone know what I can do to curve my appetite? OTHER THAN taking a pill.
  • The last two days I was so sore. I'm still doing the 30 Day Shred, but I'm feeling a little better today. Hoping this works. The pain is making me think it will. Plus I am doing really well on eating the right amount of calories. Good luck on the rest of the week everyone. Can't wait to weigh in at the end of the week and see how much my total loss for this week is going to be. I'm already at a loss of 2lbs.
  • gwen933
    gwen933 Posts: 79 Member
    I am feeling positive about this challenge. I can't wait for my first weigh in. I hope the numbers keep me motivated.
  • everything is going good with the holidays just over its been sorta hectic and i am getting ready to go back to school so i hope i stay on track i just get so stressed but exercise always help i want the turbo jam!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Everything going great !! I wanted to know if anyone know what I can do to curve my appetite? OTHER THAN taking a pill.

    Drink LOTS of water throughout the day and ear snacks that are high in fiber. Works well for me...especially the water!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hope everyone is still doing well today! I am going to take a little nap and then wake up to make dinner, finish cleaning, and do some 30 Day shred...so with doing that and cleaning I should burn some good calories!

    Going to the store tomorrow morning to pick up a gallon jug of water. I'm just going to keep it at my desk a long with my carrots and yogurt for my snack and chug away.

    I will say I'm a lot better at work than home, which I think some of the other ladies touched on earlier. Something about that structure of a work day and the fact that I don't have a refrigerator worth of food.

    Everyday...let's push!
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    2 days in! I am excited and motivated by everyone that is doing this challenge. It is a lot of people to keep track of, but I have become friends with a couple of ladies that are also doing this challenge and the support is wonderful.

    I think were we to do this challenge again, it might be fun to divide us into groups and then the groups can compete against each other or something... just ideas. It might make it harder to keep track of everyone though. Or you could have one person over everything (Krys_T) and then other individuals keeping track of the individual groups.

    Anyway... spent new years day sick (boo!) so didn't do anything but lay in bed. Yesterday I will still feeling icky but was able to walk on my treadmill at least. Today I am back into my regular routine and work week.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    I got in a great workout first thing this morning doing week 3 day 1 of c25k along with arm weights. My work has a really nice gym so I am able to shower and head up to my desk when I'm finished which helps motivate me. Even though we started on Saturday, today is the first day that I really watched my food. I went and bought a lot of delicious fresh produce that will help fill me up. I am so impressed by how few calories fresh food has. It really is amazing to me how much better it is for you, not to mention I had to force myself to eat lunch today because i wasn't even hungry after breakfast and a snack. I'm sure that will change as my body/metabolism adjusts to having breakfast snack lunch snack and then dinner. I am trying to be super strict these first two weeks to give my body a jump start and then move back towards regular menus with close calorie counting.

    I am so excited to have some many other people to help push me towards my goals! Here is to 40 less pounds in no time flat!!!
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    i just had my *kitten* handed to me! today i started Insanity month 2, with a fit test and max interval circuit.

    after not working out at all during the holiday, it was definitely a rude awakening today! i had to take tons of breaks but i still did it! i'm excited to get through the last month and see some real results!!! i did get some decent results in the first month but i hear it all goes down in month 2!!

    really goes to show how important it is to keep up with the exercise! i could already tell there was a decrease in flexibility, which i'm sure will go back to normal in a couple days :)
  • eff8710
    eff8710 Posts: 14 Member
    My biggest issue so far has been getting more active; I know that i need to push myself more with my workouts, but the last few days I was still on vacation (I'm a teacher)...so I was more lazy. Now that I was back to work today I am feeling great and motivated to get my workout in tonight!! It felt really good to have a healthy lunch and to actually eat breakfast (something I rarely do!). I've got a healthy dinner in the oven and am going to get my workout in after I eat...and digest!

    I've got a couple local friends joining me in striving to get more fit, we're starting to walk after work beginning Wednesday! I'm so excited...I feel like this time I really will reach my goals!! I can't even imagine how great that will feel!!!

    We can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    Is it too late to join? I have been on vacation and have been logging in with my iPhone.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
  • So far so good. I was actually glad to be going back to work today (I teach) so that I could stay focused on something other than food. My inlaws were in town for New Year's and she likes to cook, so I had a hard time making the best choices. But, today, I ROCK!!!
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