Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    We went to whole foods yesterday and I got some little clams and made steamahs. I felt like a New Englandah, ayuh! They were wicked good!:happy:

    CherryMonRose520- Good for you for the loss. I had doctors tell me for years that I’m not diabetic but if I continue with my ways I will be. Guess what they were right and now I’m type 2. So I’m thinking since you have a family history of diabetes you should try to cut your sugar and carbs intake which will help with the weight loss and keep your blood sugar down. Hopefully you are not like me and will listen to that advice. Keep up the good fight with the weight loss!

    Jenn- or anyone that has a fitbit and wants to be friends here is my fitbit info.


    You will probably have to copy and paste into your browser.


    “Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death, but to inspire yourself to life.” ~Adele Brookman

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just popping in to report my mileage. Yesterday was a totally lazy day.

    5/1 1.32
    5/2 2.35
    5/3 3.64
    5/4 0.92
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Aleahcim1 - this is a wonderful group of people who have found a place to be encouraged and motivated as well as encourage and motivate others. Everyone is welcome, but to get the most out of it, you have to come here often and participate in the conversation. The first page of the thread gives suggestions on subjects to discuss each day, but you don't have to follow that. Welcome.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    aleahchim- This thread is all about encouragement and accountability. I stumbled onto it back in January, and it has been a great help to keeping me on track! Check out page one for ideas on what to post, but you don't need to stick to those if you don't want to. Come back often and you'll get the hang of it. :flowerforyou:

    Robin- Glad to hear you're able to get back to your pool PT already! I hope the series of Dr appointments go well and that it won't be long before you're able to eat something besides applesauce and omelettes (although they both sound yum to me!). :bigsmile:

    L2T- I love getting things done and getting exercise in at the same time. Love multi-tasking! Congrats on the loss! 105 gone...woo hoo!!

    Kaye- Don't feel bad about the personals. I enjoy reading your posts, regardless. You're doing so well, you give me something to shoot for! I think it's funny that your SIL has jumped on the bandwagon with the May miles! Kick his butt! :laugh:

    Nettie- I read your post and I seriously need to get going on my yardwork! You earned a rest!

    CherryMonRose- Congratulations on the excellent loss!

    Laurie- Don't kick yourself too much on the pace of that 5K....I did the math. If it was actually 3.31 miles and you finished in 41:52, then 3.1 miles was actually a time of 39:13. You rocked it!

    Rain- Everyone's probably right. Stress and water are probably to blame for the 5 lbs. You'll get through finals and it should drop.

    leah_e_84- Welcome! :flowerforyou: Good luck with the C25K!

    Jenn- Glad you are able to get the roof patched. Hope the work gets done quickly! The weather's been great by me over the weekend, so I think we've officially kissed winter goodbye in my area. :bigsmile: Unfortunately, some of the areas in far northern WI still have snow and the lakes up there are still breaking up ice. Hopefully we have a nice long week in the 60s and that will all go away for them.

    AFM- Pizza and chips over the weekend have caught up with me on the scale this morning. Have a plan for the week, so hopefully I stick to it! :happy:

    Will check in later with my miles.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Boy, I’m tired. Weekend was really good. The boys had a blast Saturday night. We had dinner at Nacho Daddy (not the healthiest for me, but it was good), then down to the strip for Recycled Percussion at The Quad. Basically, it’s very similar to the musical Stomp, but these guys were on Americas Got Talent a few years back. It was an awesome show, but sure glad I didn’t pay for the tickets. They were like $80 a piece and the show was only about an hour. While they were really good, the price would have been out of my reach that’s for sure. After the show, they had Sprinkles Cupcakes and then they rode the High Roller, which is the highest ferris wheel (for now). They tried to talk me into a late night movie and I told them they were nuts!!! It was fun to watch them just laugh and laugh at each other. I’m a very lucky lady!!!

    @ Tom – How frustrating!! Where are you guys planning to go? The High Roller was very cool and the view was amazing. We were up there around 9:30 so the nighttime was gorgeous!! I’m going to try and post some pictures, but can’t get my phone to cooperate and my STUPID camera decided to lock up on me. I was so mad.

    @ Nettie – You’re so lucky to have Brian supporting and encouraging you. I would love to have someone because I’m afraid I get home, comfy and don’t go out. I need to get my butt in gear, but do wish I had someone to help push me a bit.

    @ Mel – We’ve all been there quite a few times. Just hang on and take baby steps. I know it’s tough, but you have to keep pushing through. You can do it!!

    @ Damensha – I know the south pretty well. I’ve got friends in Birmingham and Huntsville so we use to visit them often. Yes, I’m really glad we were not around this winter. A good friend of mine works for Honey Baked Ham and he slept at the office because he couldn’t get home. There were so many stories like that. It was nuts!!!

    @ Laurie – Wow!! You were quite the water baby on Saturday. You did a ton in the water. Good for you!! Good job on the 5K! I know you were hoping to get under 40, but so close and with the hills you should be very proud of yourself. Yikes on the Mercedes dealership. Hope they get that fixed immediately. I can’t complain too much, but we have this neighbor behind us whose dog barks non-stop. He was out about 7:30 a.m. and barked for a solid hour. I don’t get it. He has a doggie door, but he just stands outside it and barks. With our neighbors, we’ve gone over twice now to complain. Animal control is next. Some folks work from home and during the day the dog barks literally for hours. If Izzy is out and starts barking, I will tell her to stop and she does. These people never say a word. Grrrr!!!

    @ Hansea – Nice walk!! Doesn’t it feel great to accomplish something you’ve never done before?!! Good for you!!!

    @ Robin – You are too kind!! Thank you. I’m so glad you had a nice weekend. I know it’s been a long time since you’ve had some fun and could really enjoy yourself. Good for you!

    @ Karen – It sounds like you had a nice weekend. I haven’t done a Glow Run yet, but it’s on the list. I’m just waiting for one to come to Vegas. Less than 2 weeks away until we finally get to meet and have some fun together. Can’t wait!

    @ Leah – Welcome!! You’ve found an amazing network here. The thread during the week moves pretty fast, but the weekends are much slower. If you can, try to check in daily. Everyone will support your journey and give some awesome advice along the way too.

    @ Cherry – Nice!!! Keep it up. You’re doing great!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Sorry I didnt make it on this weekend . I got slammed by a freight train named tom. I swear it gets worse every month. I am going to explore self surgery options pretty soon. No just kidding but if you had asked Saturday I might have been serious. Needless to say eating and exercise were mostly derailed. I was over both days and only got in a little workout yesterday but today is a new day and other then being really tired I am feeling much better. So hopefully not to much damage was done and now I should be safe for another month, lol. I was going to do some personals but I really have a ton to get done today so know I am thinking of all of you and rooting you on as you make awesome choices just like always. Have a great day and remember to grab some water:drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:

    OOps forgot May challenge
    5/1: 3
    5/2: 2.5
    5/3: 0
    5/4: 2.4
    5/5: 2.93
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: HAPPY CINCO De MAYO!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I am falling into a funk and I am trying desperately to snap out of it! I find that I have ZERO interest in going to the gym. I haven’t been in 11 days and it won’t be long before the scale will start to reflect that even though my weigh in last Friday showed a loss. Chelsea and I did go for a nice walk on the beach last Friday night. We actually walked in the water, right where the waves were rolling in. It was a little challenging for me. We walked about ¾ of a mile and by the time we were done Chelsea really had her work cut out for her in assisting me back to the sidewalk. My bad leg was very tired and maneuvering through the sand was difficult. After we rinsed off and got our shoes back on, we walked about ¼ mile to a burger place for dinner. (There went the exercise calories! But, boy, what a burger!)

    My Color Run is Saturday so I am really trying to get myself geared up, at least today through Thursday, to get my heiney to the gym or at least do some walking whether through the neighborhood or at the beach.

    I will try to get back later for personals.

    May Goal – 60 miles
    5/1 - 1.64
    5/2 - 4.04
    5/3 - 0.11 (feel free to mark this as a big fat ZERO!)
    5/4 - 0.04 (feel free to SUBTRACT miles!!)

    I need a swift kick in the *kitten* ladies and gents!!

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
    Don’t sweat the small stuff, just SWEAT!!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a mileage update.

    May Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    5/1 - 2 miles (class)
    5/2 - 5 miles (walk)
    5/3 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/4 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/5 - 4.25 miles (class plus 2.25 mile walk)

    Total Miles - 17.25
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @RobinB: sorry you are in such a funk lately. I don't know what your limitations with your bad leg are, but is there any other activity you could do that you would enjoy? Maybe stationary bike at the gym to change things up a bit? I was in a funk last December to late January. I stopped going to physio, didn't walk and just ate whatever I wanted (which is ultimately what led me to MFP). I just remember thinking that I had lost 15 lbs and it would be stupid to let that all go again. And now that the weather is nicer I love being outside so the walking is very easy to get done.

    @Susan: glad you all had a great time on the weekend. I would be very interested in seeing a show like that. When I first saw the commercial for Stomp, I always kept watching to see when it would come on again.

    @Hansea: your post just made my mouth water... salt and vinegar chips... Mmmmm, how I miss thee.

    @LaurieK: congratulations on your 5K. You should be very proud of your time, considering the hills and added mileage. I am amazed that you did that after all that other exercise and then went for a bike ride afterward! You should have no trouble with a triathalon.

    AFM: I finished week one of C25K today. I am very confident going into the next week, which I start on Wednesday. If it is at all possible, I think I am addicted to running already. :tongue: I have not been great with my meal planning/prep lately, I have started making a list of what to make for next week so I can get back on track. I do have a fridge full of veggies but have had no desire to cut them up and cook them. I am forced to do something with them tomorrow before it all goes bad. I've also figured out how to import recipes from a website and tweak it in MFP . I really hate searching for all the ingredients for recipes, this is so much easier.

    Fitbit goals: (12,000/8 km): 5/31

    Goal mileage: (155 km) (96 miles)
    5/1: 11.2 km (6.7 miles)
    5/2: 7.8 km (4.8 miles)
    5/3: 6.2 km (3.9 miles)
    5/4 8.1 km (5 miles)
    5/5 3.5km (2.2 miles)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Susan...I didn't realize that the High Roller was taller than the one in London. It was still being put together when we were there...I'll have to dig around. My friend got a beautiful picture of it out her hotel window. I would love to see something like Stomp == that's awesome that you scored some free tickets.

    @Tom...I got a passport back in 2008 as on our Alaskan cruise, we had an excursion in the Yukon and went through Vancouver on the way home...didn't get a single stamp! Then when we went on the Bahama cruise this February, again, not a single stamp! Dang in anyway!! :angry:

    @Robin...I am jealous of your Saturday -- sounds like absolute bliss!

    @Laurie...glad you got your first 5K of the year under your belt. Hills are killer!! And I agree that extra .2 miles totally puts you under the 40 minute mark for a true 5K. :flowerforyou:

    @Kaye...I'm ready for the lilacs to bloom. We've had such a late spring (we actually had snow flakes on Sunday on my way to church) that it'll be later in May I'm sure. My house in SF had a 1 1/2 story deck and it was lined on 2 sides with lilac bushes. Loved it! You inspire us all and now you've inspired your SIL...whoop whoop! :heart:

    @Robin B...Try just going to the gym. Don't think of it as I'm going to the gym for an hour, or going to walk X amount of minutes or miles. Just make it to the gym and on a machine. Maybe once you get there, you'll find that you get some energy going. Don't let the 11 days go into 20 and so on.

    AFM: We have had two houses slip away. The first one we went in with a full price bid and asked for 2% closing costs. The second one we went in $10,000 above asking and then asked for $7500 closing costs (the mortgage is easy, coming up with the closing costs is hard since we had to pay $26,000 a few months ago to get out of our old house). Someone went in with a full cash offer. That's what we're dealing with folks--- these oil people come in with cash and snag up the lower end price range. I wish I had $260,000 sitting in the bank. :sick:

    Did the workout on Saturday and it was a very leg heavy workout. We did jumping lunges. On the plus side, when my sister showed them to me, my head said "I can't do that" yet when I tried, I got 13 done without a pause and a total of 20. Second time through, I was able to do all 20 without stopping for a breather. My legs felt like jello after the workout and today they are still super sore. We had our trainer session this evening. Lots of versions of planks were included and we did it outside. It's always nice when it's in the high 60s -- not too hot, not too cold.

    Good is going okay but my water intake has been slacking. I guess I'll wrap up and go fill my bottle. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Have a great night!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    This is the picture of the High Roller out my friend's window at Harrah's.

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Can someone shoot me the Photo Bucket again to copy/paste? I lost my personal jump drive (soooo upset) since it had EVERYTHING on it. I don't need the full page, but just those silly [ ] and how it goes to copy from Photo Bucket. Thanks!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    This is the picture of the High Roller out my friend's window at Harrah's.


    Great shot!!! Thanks for sharing!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm going to try this and see if it works. If no picture, I'll give it a shot again.

    Cyrus and his buddies on the High Roller ferris wheel.

    CyrusandfriendsontheHighRoller_zps9db40887.jpgCyrus and his friends before the start to Recycled Percussion.  Silly boys!!![img}
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Second try and I'm determined. LOL!! Cyrus is in the Brooklyn t-shirt. Not the best shots from my camera, but you get the gist.

    Cyrus and his pals before the start of Recycled Percussion. Silly boys!!


    Cyrus and his friends on the High Roller.

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    No joke, but this is what I deal with on a regular basis. This was a presentation last week from Sweet Street Desserts. We're looking at a new dessert program. I did not have ONE of these desserts, but today I gave in to a dang Cannoli. Grrrrr!!!!

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    No joke, but this is what I deal with on a regular basis. This was a presentation last week from Sweet Street Desserts. We're looking at a new dessert program. I did not have ONE of these desserts, but today I gave in to a dang Cannoli.

    Susan, you are 100X the woman I am. If I were alone in that room you'd come back to find me passed out on the table... only the crumbles and dribbles of frosting/cream all over my face and shirt would be proof it all existed.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hansea- Thank you for the conversion of the time for the 3.1 miles. You number shows that I met my goal. 39.13 You made my day!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :heart:

    Karen- Hills are my downfall as well. If we find them in NYC, we will conquer them together.

    Leah- Welcome. Hope you check in often.

    Robin B- I am not subtracting any miles. However, I would encourage you to get back to the gym and work on strengthening the muscles around your ankles and knees. The ab and ad doctor machine is a good one to use. Walking on sand is always more difficult that side walks or trails. Nice job on the walk. :bigsmile:

    Tanya- Great job on the C25K, it is great that you have taken to running already.:drinker:

    TLH- jumping lunges- OH MY---I have enough problems doing the walking lunges- still trying to get lower each time. Great job on the workout. :glasses:

    Susan- Love the pictures of the boy’s and the view from the High Roller must have been wonderful. Yikes to all those treats. You have been doing wonderful with dropping the diet coke so think of the canoli as a reward for your hard work. :bigsmile:

    Robin E- I hope you give yourself a couple of miles from the Renn Fest. I am sure you easily walked 2+ miles that day. Count your swimming PT time as well.:bigsmile:

    I had a great today and a workout that I did not expect tonight with my trainer. We worked on core and then did bike drills instead of the usual post race workout with the yoga moves. Now, I will have more sore muscles tomorrow. My legs are not happy but they keep on going.

    Thanks to everyone who has updated their mileage goals. I will update the status board shortly with the new numbers.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Pictures from our walk on the beach last Friday.

    Chelsea being silly:


    Just the beautiful view as we walked:
