Focus T25 - Summer Slim Down!



  • I have Focus T25 and started it on the 30th but was sick then, so I'm properly starting Monday.

    I just wanna tone up for Summer! Not hugely overweight but going on beach hols with the boyf.. so it'd be nice to look good!

    SW: 10st 2.8lbs
    1st GW: 9st 7lbs
    Final GW: 8st 9lbs
    Height: 5ft 5.5in

    Taking measurements tomorrow :)
  • Sassy9411
    Sassy9411 Posts: 67 Member
    I am going to start it today and I am pretty exctied! I hope to see some results.

    Has anyone paired it with still going to the gym and working out? I don't want to give that up.
  • mp9377
    mp9377 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi how do I join the group. I am hoping to get t25 for Mother's Day
  • moniquec37
    moniquec37 Posts: 39
    i have it and i did only one day. im ready to commit but are the results on television for real? Is anyone really seeing major changes in their appearance or how they are feeling? all comments are welcomed, good and bad.
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    I was doing T25 Alpha religiously for about 6 weeks...yes, it took me at least a week just to get through it. I lost my workout partner and stopped doing the program and want to get back to it. I would love to join a group of people who are using the program regularly. I also hike and really need to keep that up as well but I really liked the way the T25 made me feel when I finished each day. As someone is 25 minutes and you are done and feel great.
  • I completed week 1 day 3 of the beta phase and I love it! Burning 430-500 in each workout in beta!

    How do you know what you burned when I search it comes up empty
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I completed week 1 day 3 of the beta phase and I love it! Burning 430-500 in each workout in beta!

    How do you know what you burned when I search it comes up empty

    Probably using a Heart Rate Monitor.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    i have it and i did only one day. im ready to commit but are the results on television for real? Is anyone really seeing major changes in their appearance or how they are feeling? all comments are welcomed, good and bad.

    I just finished the Alpha phase this weekend and I'm down 13.5 inches and 11 pounds so far. My before/after pictures are incredible! It really works. I'm starting Beta tomorrow.
  • chelsfelt
    chelsfelt Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everybody. I have been on the T25 train for awhile and would love to connect with others doing it. I'm on week 5, Day 1 of Alpha and a little nervous for Beta. I haven't lost or gained a single pound, but even though I don't measure, I know I've lost inches. Each week on Stats day I weigh myself and take a picture and compare it to my first week. I can't wait to finish this week and get my official Alpha results. I'm not stressing about the weight, or at least I"m trying not to. I figure I'm gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time. As long as I continue SEEING the results,

    I do have a question though, for the general T25 users who have been doing it for a few weeks. How do you feel with the workouts? I felt great weeks 2 and 3 once I got past the soreness but last week and this week I have been very VERY tired during the workouts. I still have to modify a lot, almost more than I even had to in the beginning. I'm modifying my diet to include a bit more fat and protein and hoping that helps, as well as planning to drink a lot more water. I'm a vegetarian so even though I'm more than meeting my protein/carb needs with very low sodium and excellent calorie control, I'm wondering if the natural low-fatness of my diet is actually a detriment to my workouts. I bought avocados and will add 1/2 per day to get that really good plant-based fat. But is anyone else struggling towards the end of Alpha or are you feeling better than at the beginning? Just wondering! Thank you and keep going everyone!
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    i have it and i did only one day. im ready to commit but are the results on television for real? Is anyone really seeing major changes in their appearance or how they are feeling? all comments are welcomed, good and bad.

    The workout alone won't give you the TV results. But if you follow their diet plan or even just a decently constructed diet plan with the workouts you should see similar results. Maybe not in pounds but def in inches. I'm only down 11 lbs and I am starting week 9 today but I down alot of inches. All my work pants and jeans feel loose. I'm using new holes on my belt. I'm not following the T25 recommended diet plan though. I am doing a 40/40/20 plan because my intent was muscle gain and strong cardio.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    Whoa...Beta is no joke! But I LOVED it!!!
  • MarliQQ
    MarliQQ Posts: 112 Member
    I actually started W1D1 of Beta today, and yes it is harder than alpha cardio. I think my body is upset about the new moves. I don't care, I am curious about what else is going on in Beta, and I'm extremely happy for a break from TBC. 3 times in week 5 makes you hate that I am thinking about it, Beta probably has a twin for it....:grumble:
  • lhtc123
    lhtc123 Posts: 1 Member
    First day of alpha for me!!! I have to say my thighs are aching. I'm realizing how out of shape I am. But I feel awesome.
  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I actually started W1D1 of Beta today, and yes it is harder than alpha cardio. I think my body is upset about the new moves. I don't care, I am curious about what else is going on in Beta, and I'm extremely happy for a break from TBC. 3 times in week 5 makes you hate that I am thinking about it, Beta probably has a twin for it....:grumble:

    Haha I know, right? When Shaun started right in on split lunge agility with no build up...I was like "Oh, here we go!" It was definitely a welcome change to TBC. I've heard that upper fix and rip't circuit are awesome...guess we'll find out! And I hope Speed 2.0 is as awesome as 1.0!
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    I did Week 1, Day 1 last night. I hate cardio.

    I did the modified version, but I still struggled. The squats were very hard on my knees, even when modified. I had to stop twice for about a minute each to catch my breath. I'm going to keep going though. I want to get through this program.
  • mrschili806
    mrschili806 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there, I"m actually week 3 into Beta and I've lost all of about 4 pounds.. I definitely feel slimmer and tighter, but I did expect to lose a bit more weight.. Not giving up though.. making some more tweaks on the food side... and going to continue beta.. I love it a LOT :)
  • mrschili806
    mrschili806 Posts: 4 Member
    By the way, I like Beta WAY more than Alpha... Speed 2.0 is freakin CRAZY, but I LOVE IT!!
  • sjs227
    sjs227 Posts: 428 Member
    I did W1D1 yesterday (cardio) and had to modify a lot. My question to the group is this: Do you still follow the 30 day schedule, or do you repeat before going to Beta until you don't modify anymore? I do know this - I burned more calories during that 25 min than I did in a 60 min spin class.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I did W1D1 yesterday (cardio) and had to modify a lot. My question to the group is this: Do you still follow the 30 day schedule, or do you repeat before going to Beta until you don't modify anymore? I do know this - I burned more calories during that 25 min than I did in a 60 min spin class.

    Tanya and the modifications are there in Beta too. It's up to you really. Alpha is alot of lower body workouts and Beta is more well rounded lower, core, and upper body. I would say when you get to the first week of Beta give it a shot and see how it goes. If you feel like you have to modify to much there is no harm in doing Alpha for a few more weeks. But I think once you get to Beta you will find it's a little easier then Alpha just because it's not constant abuse on your lower body like Alpha is. At least that's how I felt.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I did Week 1, Day 1 last night. I hate cardio.

    I did the modified version, but I still struggled. The squats were very hard on my knees, even when modified. I had to stop twice for about a minute each to catch my breath. I'm going to keep going though. I want to get through this program.

    The first week is the hardest by far. Your muscles just aren't used to being worked like that. My calfs, thighs, and knees all ached extremely bad the first week. I actually did a zero week to start. Only did the workouts at 70% intensity because I was coming off a long hiatus from working out. Once the initial soreness from that first week passes it gets much easier. Just don't push to hard to early. I tweaked an achilles in my 3rd week of Alpha doing those high kicks in cardio and was on the DL for 2 weeks letting it heal up.