"Eat All The Sweets" - A 30 Day Tale of Love & Happiness



  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    Day 1: Peanut Bismarck, Kroger Cherry Cordial Ice Cream
    Day 2: Three Twins Sea Salt Caramel
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    Day 1 (Sat, May 3): serving of Mike & Ike jelly beans. No, it's not classy or fancy, but I am so in love with Mike & Ike's. what can I say?!
    Day 2 (Sun, May 4): Made a 9x13 pan of some PB Chocolate cookie bar things. AWESOMENESS! Stopped myself at two (about 200 cals each).
    Day 3 (May 5): will be having another homemade PB Chocolate bar after dinner...and I had more Mike & Ike jelly beans!
    Day 4 (May 6): probably a Skinny Cow Snickerdoodle ice cream sandwich. It's what's in the house :P
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Day 1- Chocolove Chilies and Cherries in Dark Chocolate.
    Day 2 - Talenti Raspberries and Cream and Chocolove Raspberries in Dark Chocolate. I wanted ice cream and chocolate and decided to go with a theme. The ice cream was ok, not one of my favorite flavors. I really like the Chocolove chocolate itself, it is very creamy. Didn't get a whole lot of raspberry flavor, which was sad. Would still eat both again.

    Love it. Haven't been able to find that Talenti yet. It's like the only one I haven't had, other than hazelnut

    The Harris Teeter that is a 5 min walk from my house just added new flavors last week, although the hazelnut is still MIA. But they have the hard-to-find raspberry, caramel apple pie, and german chocolate cake flavors. I feel like I should get some dry ice and send to MFPers in need.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Day 1 - 67g of Sweet Freedom vanilla ice cream and a chocolate protein milkshake
    Day 2 - Pancakes and single serving vanilla cake
    Day 3 - Kugel (150g). Man I love the stuff.

    I've found Talenti, but I have my doubts when it comes to moderation with it, so at 240 calories a serving, I'm holding off for now, lol.
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    Day 1: Double fudge cookie dough blizzard in a chocolate-dipped waffle cone
    Day 2: 4 lemon twist Oreos and a small Reeses peanut butter egg :) I almost ate an apple turnover until I bit into it and it was cherry :(

    I'm off work tomorrow and I bought all the ingredients to make chocolate Guinness cupcakes :)

    What time should I coincidentally show up at your house? Lemon twist Oreos??? Were they good?

    I love the lemon oreos! But every time I complete my diary someone gets onto me about wasting my calories. Apparently not very popular, lol. But if you like lemon...
  • SusanBT1954
    SusanBT1954 Posts: 18
    Not sure I get the concept. Is this all you are eating??
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Not sure I get the concept. Is this all you are eating??

    No, this is in conjunction with a balanced diet. It's more or less to show people you don't have to give up things you love ;)
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Day 1-226g of Belgian milk chocolate Talenti.
    Day 2- Pepperidge Farm cinnamon swirl bread toasted with Peanut Butter & co white chocolate peanut butter♡ is my pre training snack of choice
    Day 3- 9 Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies. Forgot I froze some of my cookies!!!
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    *gasp* Who are these Lemon Oreo haters? Lemon Oreos are awesome...and I'm not even a lemon lover!

    I love the lemon oreos! But every time I complete my diary someone gets onto me about wasting my calories. Apparently not very popular, lol. But if you like lemon...
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    I want in...hope it's not too late! I've consumed my daily sweets quota "unofficially", lol.

    Day 1 -- 1 bag each (apprx. 3.5 servings) Haribo Smurfs and Haribo Dinosaurs + 6 Golden Oreo cookies
    Day 2 -- 6 Golden Oreo cookies
    Day 3 (5/6/14, Official start of challenge) -- Watch this space....
  • WJS_jeepster
    WJS_jeepster Posts: 224 Member
    Oh I am in. I followed the Gelato cleanse for recommendations but didn't eat it every day.

    Day 1: chocolate layer cake with fudge inner layer at my parents' 50th wedding anniversary party
    Day 2: Talenti belgian milk chocolate - my favorite flavor

    also - I adore the chocolove ginger and dark chocolate - I can't find it very often but when I do I stock up...
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    *gasp* Who are these Lemon Oreo haters? Lemon Oreos are awesome...and I'm not even a lemon lover!

    I love the lemon oreos! But every time I complete my diary someone gets onto me about wasting my calories. Apparently not very popular, lol. But if you like lemon...

    So glad you feel me, MB :heart:
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    I suppose I'm in even though I eat chocolate about every day anyway. I had taco bell for lunch. It wasn't sweet but MAN it was good.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Day 1 - Chocolate fudge brownie - I did not see the thread in time and already ate it so now picture. Fail on my part.
    Day 2 - Half of a Reeces peanut butter cup cupcake with butter cream and chocolate frosting. Only half because she ate the other half. Also, a serving of Talenti - Sea Salt Caramel gelato.



    That looks awesome.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    It's not in my calorie budget to have more than a weekend fling with sweet goodness, but in a few days, when I dive into my next chocolate cake, I will be sure to convince it I really do have feelings for it. And when I have to abandon the affair on Sunday night, I will also add in my tenderest voice, 'really, it's not you, it's me.' Am I just coldhearted, or is that okay?
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    It's not in my calorie budget to have more than a weekend fling with sweet goodness, but in a few days, when I dive into my next chocolate cake, I will be sure to convince it I really do have feelings for it. And when I have to abandon the affair on Sunday night, I will also add in my tenderest voice, 'really, it's not you, it's me.' Am I just coldhearted, or is that okay?

    That's a horrible way to treat chocolate cake. If it ever wants a rebound who will love it and appreciate it, send it my way.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    It's not in my calorie budget to have more than a weekend fling with sweet goodness, but in a few days, when I dive into my next chocolate cake, I will be sure to convince it I really do have feelings for it. And when I have to abandon the affair on Sunday night, I will also add in my tenderest voice, 'really, it's not you, it's me.' Am I just coldhearted, or is that okay?
    There is no room in this thread for sad emotions.

    It's okay. The leftover cake will be fine, I can send it to Nicole. I didn't deserve it anyway. It was too good for me!
    OMGSugarOHNOS Posts: 204 Member
    Here! I'll start today. Should be good as I don't really got much in the house right now and i'll have to get creative.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Day 1 - May 5: 1 cup of Turkey Hill Frozen Greek Yogurt - Baklava
    Day 2 - May 6: 2.5 tablespoons of Speculoospasta / Cookie Butter on crackers :love: :love:
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Day 1: Double fudge cookie dough blizzard in a chocolate-dipped waffle cone
    Day 2: 4 lemon twist Oreos and a small Reeses peanut butter egg :) I almost ate an apple turnover until I bit into it and it was cherry :(

    I'm off work tomorrow and I bought all the ingredients to make chocolate Guinness cupcakes :)

    What time should I coincidentally show up at your house? Lemon twist Oreos??? Were they good?

    I love the lemon oreos! But every time I complete my diary someone gets onto me about wasting my calories. Apparently not very popular, lol. But if you like lemon...

    Do lemon oreos taste anything like lemon creme quest bars? Because I do love me some oreos, but eating a lemon quest bar was an experience I'd like to forget, lol. I've had other lemon flavored things before that tasted gross... but I don't think they could make an oreo I don't like haha