not-that-heavy girls trying to lose weight



  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    Haven't posted in a while but its great to see that people are doing good on sticking with it! I was pleasantly surprised when I did my weigh in monday that I maintained my weight (actually lost like 0.5 lbs or something like that) over the Christmas holiday! I think all the snowboarding I did definitely counteracted any excess calories I was taking in. Getting closer to breaking the 150 barrier! I will be happy to see 14_ again! Still wanting to get down to the 140 mark! Hoping snowboarding season will help out with this!!

    Wish me luck!!
  • Hey Everyone!

    Haven't posted in a while but its great to see that people are doing good on sticking with it! I was pleasantly surprised when I did my weigh in monday that I maintained my weight (actually lost like 0.5 lbs or something like that) over the Christmas holiday! I think all the snowboarding I did definitely counteracted any excess calories I was taking in. Getting closer to breaking the 150 barrier! I will be happy to see 14_ again! Still wanting to get down to the 140 mark! Hoping snowboarding season will help out with this!!

    Wish me luck!!

    Good luck! I know snowboarding can be a really good workout. Wish I hadn't had a bad skiing experience to scare me off.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    hey everyone! Happy New Year! I fell off the wagon mid-december and gained back a few of the lbs I worked so hard to lose! Why is it so hard to lose the lbs but so easy to pack them on!!!! Not Fair! LOL

    So the new year has brought renewed interest in reaching my goal to weigh somewhere between 110 and 115... but first I gotta get back to where I left off - 119.

    I'm so over counting calories and realize that I just cannot count calories for the rest of my life... and if I'm going to maintain 115 or less for life, I need to get to that weight in a way that I can do for life.

    So, my plan right now is to workout every day possible - 4 -5 days minimum.

    I'm going to do the green smoothie challenge - my hubby bought me a Vitamix for Christmas, so it will be getting a ton of use.

    During the week I'll drink only green smoothies all day until dinner. I'll have a healthy, sensible, well-portiioned dinner. I will allow myself a small dessert, but will stop eating by about 8 - 9 pm. No more snacking in bed with hubby (he's such an enabler!!!)

    Weekends will be free though - except I still have to do my green smoothies on a daily basis - this ensures I stay full during the day so that I don't eat the junk.

    I should know pretty quickly if this plan is going to work. I'll probably work in 1 - 2 fasts each week as well (16 - 24 hrs) as I have great success with that.

    During my eating hours, I plan to eat good foods, and not be hungry. This will ensure I am eating enough to counter-balance the fasting hours. I haven't fully decided how I'll be fasting. I fasted for 16 hours today (well from last night 7 pm to 1 pm today). I could do that daily if i want to. Or i could do two 24 hour fasts (6 pm to 6 pm) a week.
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi All.

    This is the thread for me. I am 5ft 7 and after the festive period I am now 159 lbs!! :mad: I have put on about 7lbs over Christmas and I am not happy so looking to lose that and I am aiming for about 140lbs possibly less. I am also looking to get my fitness level back up and tone. From the 03/01/2011 all sweets were thrown in the bin and I'm back in the zone!!

    I have the same issues as some of you guys have raised in here. People saying that I don't need to lose weight but I agree that it's how you feel in your own clothes and in yourself.

    So far this week I have done 45 mins in the gym and 1hr of Zumba which I think is a good start so far!!
    Good Luck to all the other not-that-heavy girls :smile:
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    hey everyone! Happy New Year! I fell off the wagon mid-december and gained back a few of the lbs I worked so hard to lose! Why is it so hard to lose the lbs but so easy to pack them on!!!! Not Fair! LOL

    So the new year has brought renewed interest in reaching my goal to weigh somewhere between 110 and 115... but first I gotta get back to where I left off - 119.

    I'm so over counting calories and realize that I just cannot count calories for the rest of my life... and if I'm going to maintain 115 or less for life, I need to get to that weight in a way that I can do for life.

    So, my plan right now is to workout every day possible - 4 -5 days minimum.

    I'm going to do the green smoothie challenge - my hubby bought me a Vitamix for Christmas, so it will be getting a ton of use.

    During the week I'll drink only green smoothies all day until dinner. I'll have a healthy, sensible, well-portiioned dinner. I will allow myself a small dessert, but will stop eating by about 8 - 9 pm. No more snacking in bed with hubby (he's such an enabler!!!)

    Weekends will be free though - except I still have to do my green smoothies on a daily basis - this ensures I stay full during the day so that I don't eat the junk.

    I should know pretty quickly if this plan is going to work. I'll probably work in 1 - 2 fasts each week as well (16 - 24 hrs) as I have great success with that.

    During my eating hours, I plan to eat good foods, and not be hungry. This will ensure I am eating enough to counter-balance the fasting hours. I haven't fully decided how I'll be fasting. I fasted for 16 hours today (well from last night 7 pm to 1 pm today). I could do that daily if i want to. Or i could do two 24 hour fasts (6 pm to 6 pm) a week.

    Good luck I hope it goes well! However, if you are sick of counting calories and want a solution for life, I have doubts that the plan you described below is a realistic one for the rest of your life. The fasting part scares me a bit as fasting is never a good idea, if you begin to starve your body for long periods of time it will just start to store absolutely everything you eat as fat as it doesn't know when you will be feeding it again. (This happened to me 5 years back and I ended up ballooning to 160 lbs, my all-time heaviest). I think its good to have a cut off time, say not eat after 7pm but smaller meals more often throughout the day will provide much more success than fasting.

    In any case, whatever you decide to do I wish you luck =)
  • Hi everyone! This board is a great idea... I only want to loose like 10-15 pounds and get back to what I was in the past. I used to have an very active lifestyle and now I am teaching full time and going to graduate school and am not doing so well. I think we can all help eachother!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Good luck I hope it goes well! However, if you are sick of counting calories and want a solution for life, I have doubts that the plan you described below is a realistic one for the rest of your life. The fasting part scares me a bit as fasting is never a good idea, if you begin to starve your body for long periods of time it will just start to store absolutely everything you eat as fat as it doesn't know when you will be feeding it again. (This happened to me 5 years back and I ended up ballooning to 160 lbs, my all-time heaviest). I think its good to have a cut off time, say not eat after 7pm but smaller meals more often throughout the day will provide much more success than fasting.

    In any case, whatever you decide to do I wish you luck =)

    Thanks for the concern. Have you heard of intermittent fasting - Eat - Stop Eat? Or the 16-8 fast? It has been quite effective for me. Your body never goes into starvation mode doing these types of fasts because you are eating every day. Even doing a 24 hr fast, you still eat every day. And you still get your normal amount of calories, but by intermittent fasting, your body starts to burn more fat than it would by just doing a calorie restricted diet. There is a huge thread on here (Eat Stop Eat - How it's worked for me) with tons of info. So that's where I'm coming from. If you had issues with it in the past, I can understand how you would be leary of trying a fast again, but so far I've had great results. And fasting like this is something I truly can do for life. Research it and you will find tons of info about how and why it works. :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I got to the gym last night and even got a treadmill with a fan (it's the little things;) but I couldn't remember if I was supposed to sprint for one minute and walk for two, or sprint for two and walk for one, so I sprinted for 1 and walked for two. It was the first exercise I'd really had in almost 3 weeks.
    Also, I got a heart rate monitor but it hasn't arrived yet. I am looking forward to comparing the things I entered here for a year with what the HRM tells me. I just got Ekho Fit9 for women. It is about $50 but I had a gift card for walmart online. It has a chest strap and I heard it is pretty good for what I need.
  • asjerven (Amy) - I was just wondering if you have started your food order program yet? I wrote a post a little while back not sure if you saw it so thought I'd post again :)
    I'm curious to hear how it works and what kinds of foods you get!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    asjerven (Amy) - I was just wondering if you have started your food order program yet? I wrote a post a little while back not sure if you saw it so thought I'd post again :)
    I'm curious to hear how it works and what kinds of foods you get!
    Sorry I didn't see your earlier post! I did start the food delivery service on Monday-they give me breakfast, lunch and dinner but I give the dinner to my DH for his lunch.
    Breakfasts: belgian waffle half with fruit and turkey bacon (Monday) chevre and red pepper scramble with turkey bacon (Tuesday), yogurt with granola and fruit (Wednesday)
    Lunch: greek chicken salad (Monday), curry chicken salad (Tuesday) and Turkey wrap (Wednesday)
    Dinner (DH lunch;): misopork chop with wild rice and roasted peppers, teriyaki chicken, and not sure what was today, he didn't take it since clients were taking him to lunch, maybe it will be my dinner!
    It is pretty good. I can see myself being able to buy breakfast stuff and lunch stuff pretty easily. It's handy and tasty, so I would recommend it!
  • yum!! it sounds really good!! sounds like something that you could definitely buy the items and make yourself.
  • Twig72
    Twig72 Posts: 11
    Love this thread and understand what everyone is talking about. I am 5'4 and weigh 150lbs . I feel very uncomfortable in my own body and would like to get back to 125lbs. It has been hard since I quit smoking a year ago it seems my metabolism has slowed down so much that even looking at food I gain. Everyone can't believe that I weigh 150 when I tell them. they always say, "Really I never would have guessed that. You look good and don't need to lose any weight " Honestly, I am 2 lbs away from the weight I was when I gave birth to both my girls. Like so many of you here I feel it is "I" who wants to lose the weight. I want to feel good in my own body again. I say this is the year I "WILL" do it! Feel free to add me as afriend on here and we could support each other.
    Good Luck to you all.
  • I love this thread! I have twin toddlers and am trying to lose the pounds I gained snacking with them. Well, that and from a few poor diet choices. I am 6'2 inches and weigh 182. My goal is 170.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Finally had some success in my weigh-in this week after two weeks of not losing! It wasn't much but hey, a loss is a loss and it's good to know I'm getting back on track :)

    Welcome to the newbies! Twig72, you're just like me - 5'4 with a starting weight of 150 and goal of 125. I'm currently 137 thanks to MFP, I'm sure you'll do great here!
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    I'm interested! I am 152 lbs at 5'5''... I would like to be 140lbs... Yay for us flabby skinny girls... lol (I don't consider myself skinny at all btw)

    I actually really hate it when people say "Why are you trying to lose weight, why are you dieting? You're so small." Let me go put on a bikini and you'll see why.

    Alright, congrats on being so close to your goal but I have to say...
    I am 5'8" and weigh the same as you do now (147) and I would look NOTHING like that in a me. :laugh: I hope you reach your goal but know that you do look great must carry it alot better than me! Well done
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    asjerven (Amy) - I was just wondering if you have started your food order program yet? I wrote a post a little while back not sure if you saw it so thought I'd post again :)
    I'm curious to hear how it works and what kinds of foods you get!
    Sorry I didn't see your earlier post! I did start the food delivery service on Monday-they give me breakfast, lunch and dinner but I give the dinner to my DH for his lunch.
    Breakfasts: belgian waffle half with fruit and turkey bacon (Monday) chevre and red pepper scramble with turkey bacon (Tuesday), yogurt with granola and fruit (Wednesday)
    Lunch: greek chicken salad (Monday), curry chicken salad (Tuesday) and Turkey wrap (Wednesday)
    Dinner (DH lunch;): misopork chop with wild rice and roasted peppers, teriyaki chicken, and not sure what was today, he didn't take it since clients were taking him to lunch, maybe it will be my dinner!
    It is pretty good. I can see myself being able to buy breakfast stuff and lunch stuff pretty easily. It's handy and tasty, so I would recommend it!

    What company delivers the food? Sounds interesting!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    asjerven (Amy) - I was just wondering if you have started your food order program yet? I wrote a post a little while back not sure if you saw it so thought I'd post again :)
    I'm curious to hear how it works and what kinds of foods you get!
    Sorry I didn't see your earlier post! I did start the food delivery service on Monday-they give me breakfast, lunch and dinner but I give the dinner to my DH for his lunch.
    Breakfasts: belgian waffle half with fruit and turkey bacon (Monday) chevre and red pepper scramble with turkey bacon (Tuesday), yogurt with granola and fruit (Wednesday)
    Lunch: greek chicken salad (Monday), curry chicken salad (Tuesday) and Turkey wrap (Wednesday)
    Dinner (DH lunch;): misopork chop with wild rice and roasted peppers, teriyaki chicken, and not sure what was today, he didn't take it since clients were taking him to lunch, maybe it will be my dinner!
    It is pretty good. I can see myself being able to buy breakfast stuff and lunch stuff pretty easily. It's handy and tasty, so I would recommend it!

    What company delivers the food? Sounds interesting!

    It's Healthy Chef Express and I think it's local to Denver. I got a groupon. I am so addicted to groupons. I got the food delivery service, highlights and a haircut Monday, nails Saturday, massage and facial next week, another massage I haven't scheduled, $25 to spend $50 at runner's roost and $25 to spend $50 at Nordstrom Rack-I got snow boots.
    Check it out if you live in a major urban area, we have "Groupons" and "Living Social" they are nice rewards for exercising, like with massages or mani/pedis. there's a new one everyday!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member

    What company delivers the food? Sounds interesting!

    It's Healthy Chef Express and I think it's local to Denver. I got a groupon. I am so addicted to groupons. I got the food delivery service, highlights and a haircut Monday, nails Saturday, massage and facial next week, another massage I haven't scheduled, $25 to spend $50 at runner's roost and $25 to spend $50 at Nordstrom Rack-I got snow boots.
    Check it out if you live in a major urban area, we have "Groupons" and "Living Social" they are nice rewards for exercising, like with massages or mani/pedis. there's a new one everyday!

    Cool, I check out those groupons ;)
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    Proud to say Im no longer in the overweight range :) 5'7'' and today weighed in at 154.6. My goal is 7 to 10 and then from there I will reevaluate. I have been stuck at about 157 for the past year and hope this site will help me get past this hump. Just got off the phone with a family member who keeps telling me to stop losing. I will... when like others have said ( on this site) I feel good in my bikini! Good luck to all you "not so heavy girls"!!!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Proud to say Im no longer in the overweight range :) 5'7'' and today weighed in at 154.6. My goal is 7 to 10 and then from there I will reevaluate. I have been stuck at about 157 for the past year and hope this site will help me get past this hump. Just got off the phone with a family member who keeps telling me to stop losing. I will... when like others have said ( on this site) I feel good in my bikini! Good luck to all you "not so heavy girls"!!!!

    Congratulations!!! That is so awesome! I am so proud of you! I myself have 1 pound to lose before I am no longer in that range as well!! Way to go!
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