Is losing weight supposed to be hard?



  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Keep making excuses, I'll keep making progress.

    Oh but you're so smart. You're 18 and an adult. You should be living on your own, working and already graduated high school going to college. We have to assume you are still in high school because you got held back, playing video games during your free time becuase you're too lazy to work and still mooching off your parents for that same reason. Yeah, I see your progress there buddy. At this rate you'll never be the man your girlfriend deserves. You should cut her loose now and save her the pain. Oh wait I'm assuming I know everything about you and your life.

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    This person doesn't seem like an eighteen year old by the way he/she writes.

    Well Neutellabra was 26 or something.
  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    Keep making excuses, I'll keep making progress.
    All I know, is when I was 18 I didn't have 30 Lbs to lose to give my SO the partner they deserved (as per your profile) So what is YOUR excuse?? If you have a tendancy to be overweight now, just wait 'till you grow up!
    My excuse is that I was lazy for the first 17 years of my life, and that needed to change
    She deserves nothing but the best, and I'll keep striving to reach that for her, and for me
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    lack of willpower
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Shouldn't you be off being the man your girlfriend deserves?

    Let the old people struggle in peace.

  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    If it's easy you wouldn't of had to lose 30lbs.

    Oh that's just his first goal. You ever heard the song by Brad Paisley called "Online"?
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    You're in high school and have zero life responsibilities and associated stressors.

    Grow up and stop trivializing what is difficult for a lot of people.
    You have all the tools available to you that you need to complete your goal. Responsibility and stress aren't reasons to not develop healthy habits
    Don't have time to have a healthy breakfast or lunch?
    Make it the night before and en masse
    Don't have time to exercise?
    Go for walks around the office or workplace if you have the chance

    I reached my goals but just because I did, it doesn't mean I'll come make a thread saying, "Nany, nany boo boo. I'm better than all of you!" because I'm capable of empathy, something this particular 18 yo hasn't developed yet.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    you sound like a real d*ck.
  • jescamp9481
    jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
    Have you guys ever considered that your tendency to make excuses for not accomplishing a goal is why you're "too busy" to eat right? Try applying yourself to a goal, because I know for a fact that based in your current position and choice of words, you've never done that before in your life

    I do apply myself to eating healthy, I also apply myself to the other life goals that I have,

    be a good mom
    be a good wife
    do more exercise
    work hard
    play hard
    support my friends

    as you grow up you have to learn to spread yourself thin and not all goals get the same amount of importance all the time. The challenge is balance and overcoming the challenges is what makes you stronger. those who struggle come out better on the other side
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    OP I want to be serious with you for a second, please try to hear this and understand where it is coming from. This is not an excuse, it is a reality.

    You are at the time in your life when your responsibility is yourself. You need to do things for you to support you. Everything is facing inwards.

    30 years from now assuming you have your career, your house, you have children, your parents are getting to the age where they are starting to require assistance...things stop being about you. Your responsibilities shift from prioritizing yourself to prioritizing others. At the end of many days you will find yourself running out of time and not able to complete everything you need to do for the sake of others, let alone yourself. You are smug about how easy it will be but I want you to do a little self-reflection and admit to yourself that you don't actually know because you've never BEEN in a situation like that.

    Right now life is about you and therefore doing things for yourself such as fitness or weightloss come naturally. There is little in your way. You talk about how few obstacles there are and how clear the path is but you are at a stage in your life where there ARE no obstacles and you can think only of yourself.

    My advise to you? Keep doing what you are SHOULD focus on yourself right now because now is your chance. Lose the weight, get fit, learn to eat at is the time when it is easy and if you wait to long it becomes significantly harder.
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    Keep making excuses, I'll keep making progress.
    All I know, is when I was 18 I didn't have 30 Lbs to lose to give my SO the partner they deserved (as per your profile) So what is YOUR excuse?? If you have a tendancy to be overweight now, just wait 'till you grow up!
    My excuse is that I was lazy for the first 17 years of my life, and that needed to change
    She deserves nothing but the best, and I'll keep striving to reach that for her, and for me

    This is all I can think of:

  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    LOL When I was 18 I was eating anything and everything I could get my hands on and never had any issues with weight. In fact in my teenage years I was generally underweight and was told so by my physicians.

    Enjoy it while it lasts kid! :wink:
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    oh, OP... i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry. b/c one day - sooner than you think - life is going to come along and it's going to kick you. in the face. really hard. and you'll never really stand up fully again. b/c once your down, it'll keep kicking. that's just how it works.

    so right now, enjoy. you're an 18 year old male. this is the best it's probably EVER going to be. take a moment to realize that and to appreciate it. these memories will keep you going when you have a 14 hour work day, an hour commute, and more bills than money.

    good luck out there. you're gonna need it.

    also, do yourself a favor and lose that sense of entitlement as soon as you can. it really will make everything much easier.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    well lets see... hmmm i have a life and not a lot of time to cook and eat healthy. high school believe it or not is the easiest time of your life! plus i have god kids i watch ALL the time and most of america has kids to take care of not to mention most of what is out there to eat now a days is fattening or unhealthy plus the stress oh jeez the stress. everyday stress alone makes people stress eat!! stress from a job stress from a spouse stress from family stress just from everything makes most gain weight plus we live in a lazy world. it is really hard and scary for some to lose weight not all of us have access to a FREE gym!!! life costs money just weight a few years and then you'll look back and realize how dumb this question is. and ask yourself this why are you on here losing weight in the first place if it's so easy. yeah grow up or the world will swallow you whole.
  • moviestarsara
    Oh that's just his first goal. You ever heard the song by Brad Paisley called "Online"?

  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    And with the attitude you have, the only way for your girlfriend to get the boyfriend she deserves is TO FIND A NEW ONE
    Look back in history and tell me, how many of the greatest leaders ever were complacent, weak willed,etc.?
    I'll wait
  • KarmaKills
    KarmaKills Posts: 99 Member
    You're in high school and have zero life responsibilities and associated stressors.

    Grow up and stop trivializing what is difficult for a lot of people.
    You have all the tools available to you that you need to complete your goal. Responsibility and stress aren't reasons to not develop healthy habits
    Don't have time to have a healthy breakfast or lunch?
    Make it the night before and en masse
    Don't have time to exercise?
    Go for walks around the office or workplace if you have the chance

    You asked about challenges. Examples were given. No one said those challenges preclude success.

    The troll is strong with this one.
    Those aren't challenges, those are excuses

    I actually thought you were sincere when asking about the challenges and why it was so easy for you. Turns out you're a bit of a rude punk. People posted challenges of everyday life and you shot them down.

    YOU'RE 18 FOR GOODNESS SAKES. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT TRUE CHALLENGES OF LIFE???? Do you have a house full of kids you're running to games, band concerts, ect? I think not! Are you taking care of all the house hold bills? I think not! Do you have the stresses of life with worrying about feeding your kids and keeping a roof over their heads? I think not!

    I have news for'll be just like the rest of us with the challenges of everyday life. Stress will come. Your metabolism will slow down and you'll finally see what most of us already experience.
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    Cheeky little boy, the older you get the harder it is, Go to college, gain your freshman 15 and see how hard it is to get off post college. Then come back and start a new thread. k? k!

    It was easier for ALL of us when we were younger.. and I ONLY have 6 years on you.

    Enjoy it now, its not going to be forever.
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