Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • drumbum77DW
    drumbum77DW Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me.

    I'm always looking for motivation and support.

    When we feel like giving up let's remember why we started! :bigsmile:
  • I'm Amanda and I'm sort of new to this. I need someone to help motivate me into losing the 100lbs I need to lose. I'm from just outside if Philly and would love someone to help keep me on track.
  • Hey you yall! I am from GA and I just joined today. I am really excited about it. I am hoping to help support others like me and get some in return. I am the type that I eat a apple and gain 5lbs. I dont want to be skinny by no means but I just want to be happy and comfortable with my apperance again.So if you want a friend hit me up!
  • kimberleywilliams23
    kimberleywilliams23 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello :) I need friended!!

    Need to know I'm not in this alone :)
  • jmurray90
    jmurray90 Posts: 431 Member
    24 years old here, momma of 2, about 50 lbs to go!!! ADD MEEEE! (:
  • kyedo
    kyedo Posts: 83 Member
    I have added a few folks from this post.

    About me:
    Approaching one of those milestone birthdays (6 months shy of 50) and wanting to make it one of the best.
    Reset all of my numbers on MFP about 2 weeks ago to give myself a fresh start.
    Still looking to add some active friends.
  • khara2012
    khara2012 Posts: 1,051 Member
    Not new, but always looking for and offering support! :wink: And I love this winky face, btw...
  • magnifiquee
    magnifiquee Posts: 85 Member
    Been here for a little longer than a month and i LOVE this.

    Feel free to add :^)
  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    I could use some friends...
  • xxmestxx
    xxmestxx Posts: 21
    I'm new here as well. Hoping to find some friends to fill my activity feed. Add me =D
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I've added a couple of people from this post, but I would like some more support!

    I was on MFP a couple of years ago, and then fell off the wagon, but this time i'm back and very determined. I'm 28 and married, and wanting to get healthy before we try for kids in a few years.

    I have a decent amount of weight to lose (over 100 pounds) and am looking for any extra support to keep me going. I do enjoy looking at other's food diaries to get ideas for good eating habits!
  • cniemann26
    cniemann26 Posts: 49
    Hi, I'm Courtney! I am always up for more people to keep me accountable and motivated! Feel free to add me and we can keep each other positive and motivated.
  • kid_amy
    kid_amy Posts: 10
    I've been an on and off user of MFP for under a year. Just started to seriously get back into it in time for summer. I've lost 31 pounds in about 11 months the healthy way. Would love to make some friends on here! :)
  • can always use and support a new friend!
  • xp0sed
    xp0sed Posts: 173 Member
    I would love some new friends on MFP! :)
  • Hello everyone! Please add me as a friend, i'm 18 and joined the gym on 1st April I've gone from 12 stone 12 lbs to 12st 1.5 lbs with the added help of MFP in the last 2 weeks. My goal is to get to 10 stone or less and finally be comfortable with my body and be able to wear whatever i want! :D I would LOVE some friends to help motivate myself and help motivate others! :smile:
  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member
    I already have some friends, but I could always use some more!

    I'm 27, working on my journey of losing 100 lbs. Very daunting, but very doable, as others on MFP have shown me.

    I love to work out and am a beginning runner. I'm on here every day and will be for quite a while. :)
  • rparkman
    rparkman Posts: 15
    Been on here a while, but never really took advantage of the forums and support. Feel free to add me! 25 yrs old with 14 more pounds to lose.
  • Hey everyone, Im Ashley and I am new as well lol
  • akathelma
    akathelma Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm new here too...I was doing great with watching my diet and exercising a couple if times a week and then the holidays got me off track. I haven't started dieting and exercising yet because it's easier to say I'll start tomorrow. It hasn't happened yet. I need some friends to make and keep motivated. Thanks!