How to tell vegan friends to back off?!



  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    For all the people saying the OPs friend needs to respect their choice. Eating meet is not a personal choice when it ends the life of another living being. You are imposing your desires on someone else. Would you tell someone to respect a rapist's decision? No? Ok.

    Oh dear. I typed up a whole paragraph last night, about my research on B12 and the need for supplementation in a variety of diets, to share. I’m so glad I didn’t! It would have been terribly embarrassing for me to appear aligned with this type of thinking.

    No one is ever going to confuse you with that. Contrary to even my own *****ing and complaining above . . .
  • purplishblue
    purplishblue Posts: 135 Member
    Point taken with the koala bear--however, it is an entirely different type of herbivore--not a hoofed herbivore, lives in trees, etc. They are not representative of herbivores and neither are pandas.

    On the contrary, chimpanzees are omnivores. The large incisors on most carnivores are not used for tearing. They are used for gripping. We're omnivores, face it. That's what "eat(ing) whatever is convenient" is all about. Human beings did not start developing the brains of modern humans until they began eating an omnivorous diet--so, yes, it was necessary for us to eat meat to become us. We also thrive when we eat meat and receive sufficient nutrition without supplements. Don't preach at me about plant proteins. They are not sufficient. If they were, then there would not be so many vegans on supplements.
    Yes, that's why I said chimpanzees are mostly vegetarian, because they are not fully. They eat mostly greens and fruits, with some insects/small animals on the side. When you say "we're omnivores, face it", I'm a little confused- I never said we weren't designed to be able to digest meat. I said we're not obligate omnivores... meaning, we don't *have* to, we're just able to. Difference.

    Now, I'm a bit concerned why you would state your view on meat proteins, but then tell me I'd be "preaching" if I said anything about plant proteins. It sounds like you are prejudging anything I could say by calling it just preaching. I could tell you that you're inaccurate, and that you can 100% get all your protein needs met by plant proteins. But I doubt you will listen. Perhaps look up on any website that uses scientific basis/research studies and you will find I am correct. Or, the fact that I'm not having muscle atrophy issues despite being a vegetarian for 11 years?

    Fine. Become a vegan, then go ahead and eat your plant proteins and don't supplement. Let me know how that works for you. Virtually everyone else says that a vegan needs to supplement to get his/her B12, but obviously you know much better. :)

    A chimpanzee is an omnivore. If it's "mostly a vegetarian," but it eats meat, it's an omnivore--chimpanzees have never heard of flexitarian eating.

    I have nothing to say, really, to vegans, particularly "ethical" vegans who would like to end all animal agriculture. Nothing any of them can say will change my mind about my way of life and *no one* who has a disordered manner of thinking about the human/animal relationship should even think s/he has the right to take away *my* rights. If a vegan wants to go ahead and eat nothing but plant matter and processed food and then suffer from a B12 deficiency, that's fine. But it won't be because of anything I said or did; rather it would be because they fooled themselves into believing that their physiology was special.
    Um.... we weren't even talking about B12 on that comment so not sure where that came from? And where did I say not to supplement B12 anyway? We were discussing plant proteins...these are two different things. Unfortunately it looks like you're having an argument with what you think I could be saying, but am actually not saying. And FYI my B12 has always solidly been in the healthy range. Also, I don't think anyone's trying to take away your rights, so relax.
  • purplishblue
    purplishblue Posts: 135 Member
    That guy does not know what he's talking about, nor is he a nutrition expert.

    A rebuttal:
  • YukiValentine
    YukiValentine Posts: 45 Member
    this topic is so stupid. All the responses are stupider. People need to do more research than going on one or two websites.
  • kristahkrueger
    kristahkrueger Posts: 1 Member
    Are you saying you can't be a healthy vegan? Yeah, fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains....they're so NOT healthy. Give me a break.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,039 Member
    What is it with vegans having blue, pink and magenta hair? Around these parts they have gray or mousy brown hair, use no makeup and wear hippie attire. I guess it's a regional thing.

    or maybe they dont all fit any particular stereotype?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    How to tell a vegan friend to back off?

    The same way I deal with anyone imposing their eating styles (any eating style) on my own:

    "No thank you and I'd appreciate it if this didn't become a regular or even rare topic of conversation between us. Love you, thanks."
  • ublanchard
    ublanchard Posts: 47
    Tell em to stop harrassing you about it, and if they bring it up again, remove yourself from the conversation.
  • ublanchard
    ublanchard Posts: 47
    What is it with vegans having blue, pink and magenta hair? Around these parts they have gray or mousy brown hair, use no makeup and wear hippie attire. I guess it's a regional thing.

    or maybe they dont all fit any particular stereotype?

    Okay Officer Paperpudding of the International Headquarters of Political Correctness, Dietary Diversity Department. I've received your citation but I refuse to sign it.

    I didn't say all of them.

    But I did notice more than 2 self described vegans in this thread with hair color of the rainbow variety. And a few that seem to favor the Morticia/Elvira/Judy Jetson look.

    This is a benign observation.

    I've known scores of vegans in my general location and the look is much different. Regionally. Yes.

    Perhaps the retro Sex Pistols adaptation and the Gothic bend is explained by the possibility that Veganism is countercultural and a countercultural look is compatible with it. Would make sense. And if I'm wrong I'll allow the vegans with adventurous style in personal appearance to correct me.

    You seem fun!
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    You could try something I blurted out in a cafeteria line when someone complained about the food:

    "You know, give me enough bbq sauce and I'll eat anything that used to have a face."
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Oh and then look them up and down like youre measuring them for the grill.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,039 Member
    Was a benign observation of mine too newmeadow, that all vegans, like all other random group of x people, won't fit a stereotype.

    Not sure how their hair colour is relevant anyway but way to go with your silly OTT response. :laugh:
  • ublanchard
    ublanchard Posts: 47
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Are you saying you can't be a healthy vegan? Yeah, fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains....they're so NOT healthy. Give me a break.

    It's not that simple. The overall diet often lacks sufficient protein and will lack B12 without supplementation.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Are you saying you can't be a healthy vegan? Yeah, fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains....they're so NOT healthy. Give me a break.

    It's not that simple. The overall diet often lacks sufficient protein and will lack B12 without supplementation.
    One word: Marmite
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Are you saying you can't be a healthy vegan? Yeah, fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains....they're so NOT healthy. Give me a break.

    It's not that simple. The overall diet often lacks sufficient protein and will lack B12 without supplementation.
    One word: Marmite

    That is a valid solution to a very restrictive diet. Sounds delicious
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Are you saying you can't be a healthy vegan? Yeah, fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains....they're so NOT healthy. Give me a break.

    It's not that simple. The overall diet often lacks sufficient protein and will lack B12 without supplementation.

    I'll give you that B12 can be difficult to obtain to those who don't plan, but with all the vegan products available in 2014, as well as the abundance of protein options from tofu, tempeh, seitan, etc., protein isn't really an issue in the modern vegan diet.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Are you saying you can't be a healthy vegan? Yeah, fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains....they're so NOT healthy. Give me a break.

    It's not that simple. The overall diet often lacks sufficient protein and will lack B12 without supplementation.
    One word: Marmite

    That is a valid solution to a very restrictive diet. Sounds delicious

    Have you *eaten* Marmite?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,039 Member
    I'm not a vegan but I have eaten Marmite. Is similar to Vegemite which is very common in Australia, many people eat it in sandwiches, on toast or crumpets or cracker biscuits.

    Not sure what point you are making about it?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Are you saying you can't be a healthy vegan? Yeah, fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains....they're so NOT healthy. Give me a break.

    It's not that simple. The overall diet often lacks sufficient protein and will lack B12 without supplementation.

    I'll give you that B12 can be difficult to obtain to those who don't plan, but with all the vegan products available in 2014, as well as the abundance of protein options from tofu, tempeh, seitan, etc., protein isn't really an issue in the modern vegan diet.

    It still takes a good deal of planning and cooking. Unless you're living in a place like Manitou Springs, CO, most restaurants' options will have little to no protein. The point is that you don't simply eat fruits, veggies, and grains and have a healthy diet. I'm not saying that it can't be done.