Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011



  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi to all, Oh, today I felt so old! I showed up at the hospital first thing this morning for pre-op testing (which consisted of bloodwork, urine test and electrocardigram) and they said they didn't have an appointment for me. I showed her the paper with my appointment on it (7:00AM 1/3/2011) The receptionist couldn't figure it out but said she would try to squeeze me in. When I was called back to the desk she said that 1/3 was yesterday today was the 4th, boy was I shocked, I thought today was the 3rd. Needless to say, I felt pretty embarassed! To those that mentioned the colonosocopy, I think this may be the year that my husband and I have one. Since my knee surgery will probably meet our $5,200 deductible I think they would be covered by our insurance. When I have called in the past, the cost was $2,500 for each colonscopy. Actually, the main reason I put this knee surgery off until this month was because I decided to just bite the bullet pay the deductible at the beginning of the year so we can get whatever tests should be done for our age. Well, off to take Kirby dog for a walk. Hope you all have good day and stay on your journey to health! God Bless, JoAn :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: my naughty pedometer woke up this morning with a dead battery so I changed the didn't reset itself back to zero so today's number is a three day accumulation of steps

    :flowerforyou: Jake had a friend over for a visit this afternoon so i bundled up in extra layers and went for a walk then I came home and got the dogs and took them to the dog park so I walked a lot of steps today :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm trying to not think about the colonoscopy which is scheduled for two weeks from today :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Marie, Jake always wanted to be a bus driver.....that's why he liked driving the motorhome so much
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    No wonder I couldn't find this thread - it's under the "Introduce Yourself" section instead of "Heath and Fitness" where the 2010 threads were. I started a thread there because I couldn't find one for January 2011.

    My first post was as follows:

    Happy New Year everyone. It's the first day of the next twelve months of our lives; a time to reaffirm our health and fitness goals.

    I'd like to finish 2011 wearing a size 8 jeans. I started this journey in a women's 16-18. I'm starting this year in a size 11.

    I'd like to see my blood pressure numbers down without medication. They're a little high - not serious yet but I want them down to normal.

    I want to go to bed at night and not experience leg cramps, jerking or pain. I'm carrying around 30 or 40 pounds I do not need to be healthy.

    I want to wear pretty clothes again. My daughter gave me three beautiful sweaters for Christmas and asked me to throw away the sweatshirts I've been hiding in. I haven't thrown them away but I did take them out of my closet.

    My last post was this morning as follows:

    Thought I would share with you, especially those who are in the Pacific Northwest, the contents of a gift box I received from my son in the Portland, Oregon area.

    There were two perfect specimens of each of the following: Red D'Anjou Pears (Washington), Forelle Pears (Washington), Opal Apples, Pink Lady Apples and Golden Delicious (all from Washington), then Parsnips and Rutabagas (Oregon), wild Chanterelle Mushrooms and Crimini Mushrooms (Washington), a loaf of Dave's Killer 21 Grain Bread (Oregon), a jar of Pear/Hazelnut jam (Oregon Growers), and one container each of dried Bing Cherries and dried Blueberries both Oregon grown.

    Each item was carefully tagged and there was a note that said:

    A Northwestern harvest, kinda sweet, kinda sappy, to help keep my parents both healthy and happy.

    Was one of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever received. And I've found the Oregon Growers website and intend to order more of the pear/hazelnut jam as it was the best I've ever tasted.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello to All,
    I am finally getting this eating thing back under some sort of subjection. This is one of the better days. It's just tough when you cook and have guests in. I find that I have the best of intentions of moderation and then it's like a car going down hill...I really have to ride the brakes or I am a "runaway" get the picture?:happy:
    This site and all the people who post are a big support. I have enjoyed being on mfp. Some people say they do better to log their food and use it as a plan a head of time. I do better to log as I go. I am more careful that way. I had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. My dh was sick last week and that was stressful but anyone can always be thankful things are as well as they are.

    Marie- I enjoy all your characters..and pics. The school bus is cute! I read all your posts during the Holidays...I just didn't have time to respond.
    Gayla..I wish you well with your tests and diet. I love that you still have your tree. I would do that without an excuse but my dh gets antsy and it's got to come down:laugh:

    Jo An-I hope your knee surgery goes well. I have done some things like that too. :laugh: As long as you can laugh at yourself it becomes a funny story to relate to others and have fun out of it...that's what I do. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie..-hope your tests go you still travel in your motor home?

    Irene-I loved the water story!

    (I hope I have your name right, --Jo An, I'm trying to do this from memory...that's a whoot!:laugh: so please forgive me if I have something wrong...after 50 we're entitled...don't ya think?:bigsmile:

    Have a good one!
  • viliberty1957
    Good Night All.....God Bless......:smile::smile: :smile:
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, everyone~

    I'm new to MFP...just joined on Monday. I was looking for a thread geared toward women my age and found you Golden Sneakers. Mind if I join you?

    I am 56, live in Michigan, overweight and trying to cure that. Without getting into too many details, I'm rebounding from breast cancer, the treatments and the life-sucking drugs. My New Year's resolution is to get fit and healthy (I know, not very original, but very necessary) so I can start enjoying all the things I used to do. I've dusted off the treadmill and got my 3# and 5# dumbbells out of the closet and started my exercise regime on Monday. I'd love to know what everyone else is doing for exercise. I could use some ideas.

    Counting calories is a bit difficult because I cook with our own canned and frozen foods we put up from our garden, so I end up selecting the best ingredient I find on the database and use that. It's got to be close and even if it contains more calories than my food, I end up ahead of the game. Because I cook from scratch I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, and end up eating more than I should. That's why I find myself at the weight I am (that, and comfort-eating because of the cancer). So, my challenge is definately portion control.

    I liked reading Connie's goals for 2011 and I, too, would like to be in size 8 jeans by the end of the year. I haven't seen that size since I was married 33 years ago! a few more goals are:

    For my hips to be pain-free. Drugs left me almost crippled in my hips, legs and hands. I'm drug-free now and feeling better every day.

    To have better lung power. Cardio should help that.

    To be 10 pounds lighter for my next checkup.

    To have NO medical procedures this year.

    To be able to do the things I used to do, like quilting, knitting, etc. instead of wishing I could do them. (That's already changing now that my hands are working again!)

    To one day wake up and realize how much better I feel, how much easier it is to go up and down stairs,and that I can dig the bicycle out and give it a good run.

    To reach my goal weight and strength, buy a new outfit and look GREAT in it!

    I look forward to getting to know all of you. Thanks for letting me in the Golden Sneakers group!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: WELCOME Viki,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    What courage you have, You have a great attitude, you will make it. And you will love our group. This thead is going on 3 years now, Started in 2008 And it has been such a pleasure to know all of you.
    Do post often so we an get to know you.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Great day to all the other Sneakers:flowerforyou: The sun is shinning this hump day couln't be better.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn you crack me up. You have such a wonderful style of writing. It is always a pleasure to read your post. I love your snow pictures.:

    :flowerforyou: Connie. I hope no one else is lost out there. That happen to me once. I was in the hospital and when I got back home I could not find these guys. we will have to check it out and see if anyone is missing. Your Box from the northwest sounds so good. Luckey you.

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat hope you gt your step counter to working corectly, You just wear them out. One thing for sure you get your money worth out of them.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Got to get my butte up for today is hump day and grocery shopping day.

    :heart: Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Welcome Viki!! We are so happy to have you and you are our second cancer survivor!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Irene has also battled cancer and has the best attitude I have ever seen. :love: :love: :love: :love: Take your journey with us one day at a time, record your calories to the best of your ability, drink lots of water and exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Everyone does different exercise here, I am a stationary bike person and when the weather is warmer (I live near Chicago) I walk the dog with my husband.:glasses:
    The more exercise the more extra calories you get, but make sure they are healthy calories. I personally watch my sugar intake and have lost 17 pounds, unfortunately I have gained 5 pounds back over the holidays but I never give up and with the support of these wonderful people I don't beat myself up over mistakes and am now back on track to reach my goal. :bigsmile:

    Marie, our patron saint is our leader and is the most encouraging friend. She rarely misses a day without posting and always has something nice to say about everyone. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Connie—Sorry I started this thread in the wrong topic, I didn’t even pay attention. :blushing:
    With your attitude, I have no doubt you will meet all your goals this year. How is your hubby doing?

    Mary Ellen –Hope you are having a good New Year!! :drinker:

    Pam –How are things on the other side of the pond?? :tongue:

    Janette – Where are you?? :ohwell:

    Buzz –Where are you?. :ohwell:

    Barbie –Do you walk 10,000 steps every day? You just amaze me. :love: :love: :love:

    Barb – Keep checking in, we are all here for you no matter what. :flowerforyou:

    Jeffrey – Are you going to check in with your old friends from MFP??

    Gayla- Good luck with your test, as bad as it is, it can save your life. I was going every 3 years but the last time they said I could wait 5. My mom died from colon cancer, so I don’t mind the test at all (especially since I am always knocked out while they do it). I take pills instead of drinking so it is not horrible just really, really bad. How is Neil? Is there any improvement with his throat? And his foot, is it getting better? And you are you all better from your cold?? :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:

    Irene—Thank you for keeping us in your prayers, I will do the very same for you. :love:

    Lynn, like you I prefer to log my food as I eat it. I just like to know how many calories I am eating at a time and work from there. I am so happy when I exercise and can get extra calories. The other day when I finished recording my calories it said I have to eat more or I will put my body into starvation mode. Wow, I quickly ate some popcorn. :laugh:

    JoAn…Good luck with your surgery, I will be anxious to see how it all works out for you since I canceled a knee replacement before Thanksgiving. :noway:

    Phoebe and Beth….Hope you are both doing well. :flowerforyou:

    If I have forgotten anyone I apologize.

    Have a great day, tonight is my bingo night.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Connie—Sorry I started this thread in the wrong topic, I didn’t even pay attention. :blushing:
    With your attitude, I have no doubt you will meet all your goals this year. How is your hubby doing?

    Not the "wrong" topic, just a different topic. I'm a creature of habit. If the glasses are always in the cupboard right next to the sink and they get moved, it takes me days to acclimate.

    Keith is doing great. We're headed to his heart surgeon this afternoon for his first post-op visit and to have stitches removed. He's having a problem with swelling in the leg from which they took the vein for the bypasses. He's supposed to elevate it "above his heart." Ever tried that? Almost impossible unless you're laying on the floor and at age 73, he doesn't lay on the floor much.

    It's so nice to have new people join this group. I think they bring fresh ideas and new points of view - elements that keep us going. To answer Vikki's question, my exercise of choice at the moment is walking. I'm doing a 5K walk/race on February 5th so I'm working up to 3 miles. At the moment I'm doing 1.8 to 2.0 miles twice a day; once with dog A and once with dog B.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! It is warm outside today, I am guessing about 30F. The highways are getting slippery causing some accidents so I am glad to get home and to stay put for the day. I hope the highways aren't too bad when I make the trip in tomorrow morning at 7 am. I am glad that my test is early in the morning so that I won't be fretting about it. Actually, I maintain the prep. is the worst part. Dave is cranky and he isn't the one stressing about it. I am thinking he is picking up my cranky vibes but he is just a little more vocal about it!! I call it his 'after me you come first mode'!!

    We had Neil to the podiatrist this morning and also to the shoemaker for his special shoes. The shoes should be ready in about 3 weeks which is about the same time as his surgery for his toe. We don't have a date yet but the Dr. said it should be the end of January or early Feb. He wants to make sure that the infection is not hanging around. It is looking better although it is still very tender. He has peeled a few layers of skin off of the toe. His throat has not changed so there is still no voice and swallowing liquids still causes him to aspirate. After his toe is repaired I will start pushing for something to be done. They said wait 6 months so that should give them some time to make some plans.

    My bronchitis left quickly with the antibiotics and I was thankful for that. So, you can see, we do have much to be thankful for. When I read someone (sorry I forget who and didn't go into word so can't check) talking about the cost of the procedures and scheduling it so that they have coverage it reminded me of how lucky we are in Canada. We do have to wait for some tests but they are all covered by our health care. It isn't perfect but it is there for everyone.

    I am going to go read my book so that I can stop thinking about being hungry! Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • viliberty1957
    Vicki....welcome to Senior Golden Sneakers. You will find love and support here. It has been six months since I had my last cancer surgery, and the first was two years before that. The diagnosis was such a surprise and completely unexpected. I guess I thought that somehow I should be immune. My CT showed no signs of the cancer in December. I thank God for every day I have and I've learned to enjoy things and people so much more. I shared with my husband yesterday that I am actually HAPPY and have lots of HAPPY thoughts. Oh, yes........I have about a quarter of an inch of hair now. I will never complain about a bad hair day again. God Bless!
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Vicki, I agree, you have a lot of courage as well as Irene. I admire women like you and Irene facing adversity with a positive attitude. I only hope that if ever I have to go through something like you two have that I would be as courageous. Gayla, good luck with your test, I'm sure you will do just fine--just don't psych yourself out. I sometimes have a tendancy to do that. Have a nice evening, my friends. JoAn
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member

    What can we help you with? Give us more information and the help will come flooding forth!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Ack... so here we go again. Hubby had his post-op doctors appointment today and after an ultrasound found a blood clot in the upper part of his left leg. Means more pills, more bills. If only he had worn the elastic stocking he was given; if only he had done the walking six times a day as he was instructed; if only he had............

    Very hard to stay sympathetic to someone who does nothing to help himself.
  • attack11
    Hi. I'm new. Joined Dec 31st. 66 years old and lots of health problems, most from being overweight. Didn't get serious enough about losing until 1 year ago. Had a hip replaced May 2009 and then in Nov, got cancer. I was blessed though as they caught it at the beginning, so a hysyterectomy took care of it. I've been a yo yo dieter, but finally lost 22 pounds from Dec. 2 2009 to November 2010, only to gain some of it back over thanksgiving and Christmas. Found this site and it's helping already. I can use all the help I can get and will try to help anyone else that wants the help.
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    Vicki....welcome to Senior Golden Sneakers. You will find love and support here. It has been six months since I had my last cancer surgery, and the first was two years before that. The diagnosis was such a surprise and completely unexpected. I guess I thought that somehow I should be immune. My CT showed no signs of the cancer in December. I thank God for every day I have and I've learned to enjoy things and people so much more. I shared with my husband yesterday that I am actually HAPPY and have lots of HAPPY thoughts. Oh, yes........I have about a quarter of an inch of hair now. I will never complain about a bad hair day again. God Bless!

    Thanks so much for the welcome, Sandy, JoAn, and Irene! I'm hoping I can reach all my goals with the help of my new friends! I've been going through what you have, Irene...first diagnosed three years ago, had the surgery, radiation, etc. and last spring the doctors found pre-cancerous cells in the very same spot, so more surgery (two weeks after having knee surgery. UGH!) Like you, I was completely stunned. I thought I was doing everything right, but something wasn't working. They changed the drug I was on and it was downhill from there. This drug had so many side effects that it left me begging for a wheelchair. Three months ago my oncologist pulled me off of it to see if I bounced back and I have except that I worry it did some permanent damage to my hips. They're better than they were, but they still ache. I'm hoping exercise will work that out.

    I desperately don't want to go back on any drugs. The last drug I took is a known bone-eater so my onc told me to take plenty of calcium and exercise for bone strength, but how do they expect you to do that when you're in so much pain that you can hardly function?!?!? Anyway, I go back to my onc in two weeks and I really want to be a few pounds lighter so he sees I'm making an effort.

    So, that's where you guys come in! Keep me focused. I don't know if any of you paid attention to my username, but that is probably my biggest get back to hiking. My husband and I used to hike all the time before my cancer and I need to be able to do it again. Isn't it funny how life has a way of hitting you where it hurts the most!

  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome, Madagooga and Attack11! I'm new here, too, and have already found warm welcomes and support. I'm sure you will, too. I know we can all help each other reach our goals so we can have healthy, strong lives. I just happened upon this site on Monday and am thrilled I did. I'm finding lots of encouragement from other members to stay on track and the calorie-counters are great. It's amazing, when you start to add up everything going into your mouth, how quickly it adds up. I thought I was doing so well and was surprised at how many calories I was actually taking in. I eat very good food (no processed, no restaurants) but must learn portion control. Exercising is a bit tough...just starting out, but I'm sure I'll get better as I go along. I'm very stiff and need to learn some stretching exercises as well as my cardio and strength exercises. Right now my biggest problem is I'm so focused on all this that my laundry is piling up!!!
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    Hey, everyone~

    I'd like to find out what you're doing to lose. Who's following a particular diet program, such as South Beach, You, etc. and how do you like it? Or, are you just doing your own thing and counting calories as you go. That's what I'm doing at the moment.

    Also, what are your exercises of choice? What machines do you use, or are you getting your exercises without mechanical help? I see where many women are using the Wii Fit system, but that's a bit pricey for me. Currently I'm using a treadmill which is great when it's only 8 degrees outside (like now) and hand weights. I'm looking for good stretching exercises and found a pilates program with flash cards that I may try.

    How are you all doing it?

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Replying to Barbie. That quote is so true. What I want at the moment for what I want most! I'm going to hold that in my heart today!!:blushing: