Being hit on/flirted with?



  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    Lol at all the advice. I was just curious on others' opinion on it yet I get hit with all this advice I never asked for! I can obviously handle the flirting, I'm just saying I don't like it. Not saying "how do I deal with it?" Because I know how to deal, I don't have an issue hearing it to be honest, it's just not preferable to small talk for me ...

    LOL thanks for the advice I guess?

    I hate flirting.
    Unless the one flirting I find attractive.

    Am I right? ;)

    I think you're right.

    Still makes me feel very unsettled.
  • tjthegreatone
    tjthegreatone Posts: 324
    I'm a t-rex! No one flirts with me on here :laugh:

    In real life...too impervious to know if/when it happens. By my reckoning, no one's hit on me in the last 10 years but logically that can't be true so I'm probably just blind or too busy worrying if my shirt's inside-out or underwear showing when people stare/smile at me.

    Yo t-rex, puttin some pants on will fix that.
    True :smile:
  • TX_Thundercat
    TX_Thundercat Posts: 2,437 Member
    Lol at all the advice. I was just curious on others' opinion on it yet I get hit with all this advice I never asked for! I can obviously handle the flirting, I'm just saying I don't like it. Not saying "how do I deal with it?" Because I know how to deal, I don't have an issue hearing it to be honest, it's just not preferable to small talk for me ...

    LOL thanks for the advice I guess?

    I hate flirting.
    Unless the one flirting I find attractive.

    Am I right? ;)

    I think you're right.

    Still makes me feel very unsettled.

  • CardiC333
    CardiC333 Posts: 68 Member
    I don't mind some sexual tension and eye contact but the verbal stuff is like whomp whomp too real.
  • xkissylou
    xkissylou Posts: 76
    Oh I hate being hit on and flirted with!! It means that someone likes me/ thinks I'm hot/cute etc. Psh, most annoying thing ever. Just go away!!
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    Oh I hate being hit on and flirted with!! It means that someone likes me/ thinks I'm hot/cute etc. Psh, most annoying thing ever. Just go away!!

    Says she hates the attention. Has 2/3 pics of a fairly impressive rear. I'm a bit skeptical of her claims
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    Being hit on or flirted with? That'snot something I'd ever expect to happen to me. Just lucky, I guess.
  • krisjackson31105
    krisjackson31105 Posts: 160 Member
    Oh I hate being hit on and flirted with!! It means that someone likes me/ thinks I'm hot/cute etc. Psh, most annoying thing ever. Just go away!!

    Says she hates the attention. Has 2/3 pics of a fairly impressive rear. I'm a bit skeptical of her claims

    Yeah I think she was being sarcastic and I agree she does have a nice caboose.
  • krisjackson31105
    krisjackson31105 Posts: 160 Member
    I don't even get compliments much less get flirted with or hit on.I guess there is nothing to compliment me for.I don't really expect it since I am fat and ugly but I am working on the fat part just cannot do anything about the ugly lol.
  • TX_Thundercat
    TX_Thundercat Posts: 2,437 Member
    Oh I hate being hit on and flirted with!! It means that someone likes me/ thinks I'm hot/cute etc. Psh, most annoying thing ever. Just go away!!

    Says she hates the attention. Has 2/3 pics of a fairly impressive rear. I'm a bit skeptical of her claims

    Strictly for progess tracking purposes only.
  • uggins311
    uggins311 Posts: 2,204 Member
    I never get hit on or flirted with, but I would say it just depends on the strategy used to hit on someone. Some guys just ruin it for the rest of us with their overly creepy comments and looks in their eyes. But then again, if someone is posting pics of themselves with barely anything on, or gets hit on in person while wearing barely nothing, I would have to ask, why are you wearing something that is meant to grab attention. And keep in mind that the attention that was grabbed may not be the kind you are after.

    And what constitutes a woman hitting on a guy? Believe it or not ladies, most guys don't have a clue when you are. That is why they think that when you ask a simple question, that you want them.
  • xkissylou
    xkissylou Posts: 76
    Oh I hate being hit on and flirted with!! It means that someone likes me/ thinks I'm hot/cute etc. Psh, most annoying thing ever. Just go away!!

    Says she hates the attention. Has 2/3 pics of a fairly impressive rear. I'm a bit skeptical of her claims

    Strictly for progess tracking purposes only.

    Of course!
  • krisjackson31105
    krisjackson31105 Posts: 160 Member
    Very nice progression it has been lol.
  • JamieJam1102
    JamieJam1102 Posts: 308 Member
    I hate it when other people interact with me in any way. I'm totally with you on this.

    Agree ...I hate it when people are nice and might possibly like me.

    Seconded. IRL I live in a cave, and so I use MFP to fulfill my masochistic tendencies.
  • Not sure who this krisjackson fellow is but I think it's quite ironic that this is a thread about flirting and how it makes some people uncomfortable, and then here comes krisjackson trying to seduce innocent young women on the forums.

    Anyways, I'm quite indifferent about flirting. I could completely understand why females of the opposite sex may want to flirt with me (I realize why every time I look in the mirror LOL) but at the same time, I don't know man. I think I deserve my privacy in the gym as I train like a rabid raccoon every day (up to 3 times a day), but on the other hand, if I want to slap an attractive girl's *kitten* in the gym I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to.
  • vasairiah
    vasairiah Posts: 5,187 Member
    Innocent flirting and being hit on is certainly fun and flattering. There is a fine line though between flirty and creepy though.

    I think some people just tend to be flirty in their interactions in general.

    ^^agree. You can have it be fun and flirty without wanting to go further. Getting compliments is always nice to receive from anyone.

    Personally, the whole "wanna kik" thing is creepy...
  • uggins311
    uggins311 Posts: 2,204 Member
    Innocent flirting and being hit on is certainly fun and flattering. There is a fine line though between flirty and creepy though.

    I think some people just tend to be flirty in their interactions in general.

    ^^agree. You can have it be fun and flirty without wanting to go further. Getting compliments is always nice to receive from anyone.

    Personally, the whole "wanna kik" thing is creepy...

    Wanna kik?? hahaha, just playing.

    Where would you fellow peoples say the majority of creepy flirting happens, online or in person? Context and tone is kind of hard to figure out in written communications, but i seem to see more aggressive "flirting" online. Not necessarily towards me, but towards anyone's FB page, Twitter, Tumblr, etc, etc, that I know.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    What is KIK?
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    I don't mind. It's the only time I get hit on. Ha!

    Yeah. I'm calling bulls***t on that one.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    If they're RACKED, I'll flirt back...if not, well, not so much.
    <ducks under a couch waiting for the barrage of doom>