Over 200 New Year New me Part 42



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris - YOu will be one hot momma on your honeymoon :)

    Jess - sorry about your bp..i have like low bp always! even when i was pregant it was low, well it was more like normal then ..sometimes people take it like 3 or 4 times cause they thing the thing is broken.

    Had a pretty good workout even though my muscles were soo done from yesterdya !! Yay Me !!!

    I had my review , it was good..my boss really didn't have anything bad to say , she said i was soo super awesome this year. NO word of $$ so not sure if i am getting a raise...but with the economy i have a job and that is all that counts right ? BUt sure wyould be nice to have a little extra.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Yeah Deb!!! Congrats on your great review! It's always great to be called out for your good work. Do they have a _____ of the Year you could receive?? :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    yeah i guess i am "nerd" of the year :smile:
  • avidquilter
    avidquilter Posts: 2 Member
    Bump so I can find you later and join your group...:smile:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I feel like I'm jumping in the middle of your group, but what's it about. You guys seem really supportive of one another and it's made me curious :)

    We are a group of women who fall in the catergory or have in the past fallen into the catergory of being "over 200 pounds" The idea was that being in that weight range (or there in the past because some of us have fallen below 200 not me) that we could relate to each other better. This is a really supportive group and we talk about everything. Losing weight, exercising, work, Mates, kids, lack of kids, up coming kids, just life in general. We always have room for anyone who would like to jump in. We are pretty friendly group of girls.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Bump so I can find you later and join your group...:smile:

    Hurry back and say hi:smile:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks for all the sweet and supportive comments about Ry. If you have been here awhile you know that this last year with my son has been such a hard time for me. Trying to figure out what was going on and what I needed to do to help him. Just to see things start to really fall into place is amazing and I am thrilled. Thanks for sticking with me through this I am sure I have been one tracked at times about him and noone has ever made me feel like I should shut up. Just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciated all of you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Check in for today

    Cals: 1685 (i think close though)
    exercise: slow long walk 240 cals
    water: trying trying trying to get it all down'

    Proud: that I am part of this great group
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    check in for today:
    calories - under by about 100 after exercise
    water - under - about 70oz
    exercise - 30 mins fast walking
    proud - i didn't eat all the candy in the office today !

    Momma - that's wonderful news about Ryan, what progress in a few short weeks!!:drinker: There are so many people on the Autism spectrum whom you would never suspect unless they told you so, sounds like Ryan will be one of them :heart:

    Heather - Good for you singing up for the run challenge thingys, you've inspired me to seek something our in my area so I have a goal to work towards. After the wedding was over and done with it's be increasingly difficult to remain dedicated, I think I just need a new goal. I took ASL classes for a while right after college because I had a deaf friend. The classes were great but I soon forgot most of it. It will def help to be able to use it with your kids and keep it fresh. Good for you :drinker:

    Cris - who are you kidding, you are going to be a stunning bride and then a hot momma on your honeymoon :drinker:

    LilDeb - WTG on your review :drinker: :drinker: As somebody who's been an employee and now is the employer .................. One of the reasons that men earn more than women is because women are too polite are don't ask for a raise even when it's well deserved.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Deb - I will share my T-O-Y title with you! :laugh:
    Heather - LOL about the TOY acronym because that's what we joke about at school!
    Momma - SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited about RyRy's progress! Yay!

    OK I do not have time to respond to all but know I love ya and am on this journey with you always!!!

    Welcome to all the newcomers! You'll love it here! :flowerforyou:

    check in:
    cals: under a wee bit
    water: 100
    exercise : TONS. 50 mins of PT plus an hour of hard cleaning the house including 50 million trips to the basement!
    proud: When I was carrying boxes downstairs I did not have to use the rail! :smokin: Do you gals remember when I got excited when I could use both legs down the stairs? Wow, how far I've come! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am so damn proud of myself today!!!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    checking in:

    calories - about 100 under
    water: 72 oz
    exercise - 20 min interval running/walking, 75 squats
    proud - I did 75 squats in a row today. I am going to do the 200 squats challenge, and the first thing you have to do is test how many you can do, and I was in the excellent range!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi jenn
    I'll do the squads challenge with you !!
    Me and cris and some others in this group did the sit ups challenge last year too.
    Are you going to do particular days? We could just add it to our check ins.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning Girls !!

    Check in 01/07

    Calories - 1599 Under(157 left)
    Water - 2 cups
    Exercise - 45 min, 426 cals on arc trainer
    Proud - THat i had a good review, honestly i was suprised :smile:

    So i had a good weigh in this morning !!! Still not down to my lowest but down 5 lbs from last friday !!! So i was stoked...drum roll please .......249.9 I wanted to be back in the 240's this week and i did it, barely but i did it. Still about 8 lbs till my lowest

    debra .....0.....0%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    debra .....0.....0%


    Re losing holiday weight. I only got in 3 solid workouts this week so I can't complain about this. TOM should be here next week so I have no doubt I'm holding onto some water for that as well. Was hoping for more but that's okay. Next week will be a better week workout wise. Did pretty good on calories this week I think. Definitely need to watch sodium as well.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    debra .....0.....0%


    Re losing holiday weight. I only got in 3 solid workouts this week so I can't complain about this. TOM should be here next week so I have no doubt I'm holding onto some water for that as well. Was hoping for more but that's okay. Next week will be a better week workout wise. Did pretty good on calories this week I think. Definitely need to watch sodium as well.

    Jess - you did awesome !! I think 1 lb is great it is 1 lbs closer and TOM was here this week so my weight last week i am sure was holding on to super water.. I see a huge number dropping for you next week
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Lost 1.9 pounds this week! Not a back first week back.

    debra .....0.....0%
    Jenn......-1.9....... .69%
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Scale is all over the place this morning... very weird. I'm going to claim no loss this week. I'm fine with it, because I'm probably holding on to a bit of water. My muscles are sore. And.... it's the first week for goodness sake! haha

    debra .....0.....0%
    Jenn......-1.9....... .69%

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under!
    Water: Probably not enough, I'm extra thirsty this morning
    Exercise - Some wonderful at-home yoga. Must try to make that a weekly thing.
    Proud: I was extra bored yesterday and managed to steer clear of the kitchen

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Lost 1.9 pounds this week! Not a back first week back.

    debra .....0.....0%
    Jenn......-1.9....... .69%

    Good job !!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    debra .....0.....0%
    Jenn......-1.9....... .69%
    Cogirl.... 0.5........0%

    I think I overdid it on the sodium yesterday. guess I need to pay a little more attention to how much sodium is in tortillas. I am holding myself accountable though at least I am showing 1/2 lb down from Monday. Next Friday will show a better number I am confident!

    Sending emails to my clients this morning, updating the website with this months specials. Then I am working on a couple clients, going to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned, seeing the chiropractor and getting some grocery shopping and birthday shopping for my step daughter done! A busy day for me! So, I will probably not be back around until tonight!

    Have a fabulous day girls!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    meokk - I would love to have a squat partner (will help keep me accountable...) Here is the site I am using - http://www.twohundredsquats.com/ I am going to do mine today :)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    debra .....-5.0.....0%
    Jenn......-1.9....... .69%
    Cogirl.... 0.5........0%

    Changed, guess i did loose 5.0 lbs not sure what i put 0.