How do you feel about fat pride?



  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    I went into a coma from drinking myself into one - confrontation stinks, but being a former hardcore substance abuser that confrontation not only saved my life, it made me the perfect model for the next michelangelo's David. :bigsmile:
    Now that explains a lot..ain't none as zealous as the newly converted.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    I am by no means condoning bullying, but fat pride is different from fat acceptance- yes, it is technically possible to be healthy and fat just as it is possible to be unhealthy and skinny. But I'm frankly tired of the constant need to be politically correct. If you're happy with yourself, that's all that matters. If other people don't like you, so the hell what? Rock on with yourself, but don't expect a gold star for it.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    It doesn't help when obesity is called a disease. Being fat is not the same as having cancer.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member

    Really? for the most part the majority of people here seem to have said that they think acceptance of self and other people regardless of their size is a great thing, bullying is not, and that we should focus on promoting self love AND better health.

    I would agree with what you said though; what other people do with their body and health is not anyone elses business. I think people are just saying that personally they were not happy or healthy when they were heavier-I was not either, so I get that. It certainly doesn't mean others couldn't be.
  • imdclark
    imdclark Posts: 1
    I too have been overweight for the majority of my life. It took the scare of diabetes taking my foot to wake me up. "Fat Pride" to me is just another excuse to avoid the reality of being heavy and so obsessed with food. I have changed my eating habits and eating healthier. No Excuses Please.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I think no matter your size, shape, orientation, color or whatever ... You should have pride and be proud of who you are and love yourself...Do I think we need all these "pride" they are just getting annoyhing.
  • littlebutlean
    littlebutlean Posts: 2,159 Member
    this weekend my sister told me I am too "skinny" and I "look gross"

    she is 300 lbs and I wanted to tell her she was too fat but I held my tongue.....

    Could have at least said she's in no position of authority to judge or comment on others bodies? :noway:
  • Hysteriqul
    Hysteriqul Posts: 1 Member
    I think it's just an excuse to stay fat and do nothing about it.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I have trouble wrapping my mind around this. I do believe everyone at every size should have acceptance for who they are. They need to love themselves first and foremost.

    But, I think everyone featured in that article needs to lose weight. A lot of weight. The healthy way. I honestly do. Maybe accepting themselves and loving themselves will be their first step to losing the weight they need to lose.

    Though I've been in the 'obese' range for my height, I've never been that big & I took immediate action on my weight loss when I realized I was gaining so swiftly... so I really can't relate.
  • srmchan
    srmchan Posts: 206 Member
    I think fat people get hated, mocked, teased, and discriminated against enough that there needs to be some organization/movement on the other end. If even just to provide balance.

    People should feel pride in themselves no matter what body shape they have (exclusions for really horrible people, like pedophiles and those who talk at the theater).

    If you're strongly opposed to this, it's probably because you have your own issues to work out. Let other people be happy with who they are.

    No issue with people being who they are. However, overweight folk do inconvenience others sometimes - even worse than those who talk during the movie. Try taking a middle seat on a transcontinental flight between 2 people who cannot fit in their own seats and you'll see what I mean. It's not just annoying; it's downright painful.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I think "fat pride" is a bit of a misnomer. I've never come across anyone that has been actively proud of being overweight. I think the purpose is to encourage people to find their inner strength/worth, while being fat. Not letting the label define all aspects of their life.

    Which, IMO is really important. I'm overweight. I was diagnosed with "severe depression". I started treatment immediately. It was about six weeks later that I started liking who I was - finding worth in myself. Which led to me wanting to live a healthier lifestyle, which lead me here (20 pounds lighter so far).

    You have to feel like you're worth it - why else would you pursue living a healthier life? You can't change and make better choices until you've decided to invest in yourself. That's what I feel like this "movement" (or whatever it is) is about.

    All my opinion, of course.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Have read only the first couple of pages.

    I think the tv show Drop Dead Diva is a perfect example. It starts with two women dying and one of them coming back to life, but in the other woman's body. She used to be the thin one and now she's in the fat body.

    Throughout all seasons she is fat and they do nothing about it. She had a lifestyle so different in the thin body and now, as fat, she makes all these weird excuses - and doesn't lift a finger to do anything to promote her health. I don't get it. All of a sudden she should be fine about being fat and she even rants in court about fat people's rights.

    Yes, yes, discrimination is always wrong, but apart from that maybe there's something to that silliness called a healthy lifestyle? Why put sooo much energy on being politically correct when that same time and the same resources could be used to change someone's life for real, not just on paper?

    If a person feels bad about themself as fat, chances are they will feel equally bad when thin, and blaming it on fat, inventing a new expression to deal with it - "fat pride" -, seems quite frankly ridiculous to me. Why not just call it self-pride and leave the fat out? Or is that too simple a solution?
  • Gregg8322
    Gregg8322 Posts: 47 Member
    everyone should love themselves no matter what size they are but fat pride is dangerous imo. no one has to to be morbidly obese and they can do something about if they choose to do something about it
  • velvet_violence
    Why not just call it self-pride and leave the fat out? Or is that too simple a solution?

    In a perfect world this could apply to anybody. The reason people respond with "fat pride" is due to all of the "fat shame", and some people are not OK with allowing others to have self-esteem if they are large. Why I have no idea but I think it has been pretty well expressed several times in this thread. People think larger folks have no right to feel good about themselves. Which is fine if you can keep that line of thinking to yourself, unfortunately though it shows up in forms of discrimination and other sublimated hatred. There is also a number of people who just bully others based on anything they can, and in my honest opinion they don't want people to get healthy. Haters gonna hate.

    All in all I really agree with your statement and now I guess I have to look at some Drop Dead Diva.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Why not just call it self-pride and leave the fat out? Or is that too simple a solution?

    In a perfect world this could apply to anybody. The reason people respond with "fat pride" is due to all of the "fat shame", and some people are not OK with allowing others to have self-esteem if they are large. Why I have no idea but I think it has been pretty well expressed several times in this thread. People think larger folks have no right to feel good about themselves. Which is fine if you can keep that line of thinking to yourself, unfortunately though it shows up in forms of discrimination and other sublimated hatred. There is also a number of people who just bully others based on anything they can, and in my honest opinion they don't want people to get healthy. Haters gonna hate.

    All in all I really agree with your statement and now I guess I have to look at some Drop Dead Diva.
    Why care about what others think, whether they approve or not, whether they think one should not feel good about oneself or should feel good about oneself? "Fat pride" is very much in tune with what the rest of the world thinks or doesn't think, but ultimately nobody can command me to feel something; it has to come from within. If hatred exists, one ought to find various "survival skills" in one's mind and respond in a calm way, perhaps just walk away. Silence is a very powerful tool, but that's something many don't seem to grasp.

    If someone "hates on" (oh goodness how I detest that expression, it's utterly ridiculous) another person and that person responds in a dignified way, be it in words or silence, the crap might soon stop when the "haters" notice their efforts have no effect. They might keep trying for a while, stop altogether or keep going forever, but again, who cares? If pathetic minds have nothing else to do with their time, then let them keep going; it says so much about them as people.

    Do you think your day would be any different if I told you a huge bunch of nasty stuff about your appearance and person? It shouldn't and regardless of what the mockery, teasing, bullying is about, people do need to work on their self-esteem. If your day is affected by my very much out of line words, look inwards and stop blaming me. Work on mental strength. You will never know in advance when someone might say something nasty to you, so it might be a smart thing to be prepared for anything at all times. If you have a calm, strong mind, none of it will affect you. "Fat pride" is a bad, weak crutch that will snap under you in no time and you should rely on yourself only.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    People should feel happy in themselves whatever shape or size and also it sends a positive message that they shouldn't be bullied for not being in the "ideal" category.

    It doesn't mean it's recruiting people or telling people to be unhealthy it's just helping people who may have low self esteem to have the confidence to step out of the front door and not feel ashamed.

    I don't understand why people want a overweight person to be disgusted by themselves every time they look in a mirror as if self hate is the best motivator (maybe it is for some, a wake up call or whatever but for alot of people it can be debilitating). Personally the better I feel about myself the more I want to take care of myself. It's when my confidence is shot that I want to eat a liter of double nut fudge choco icecream.
  • MatthewsModernLife
    If it's being used for self-esteem purposes, that's fine. But people shouldn't convince themselves that being overweight or obese is healthy.