Clean Eating



  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    It's your diet so it's your rules. You class it as clean - then it's clean.

    Sweet, everyone is a clean eater then. Now we can all stop arguing.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    It's your diet so it's your rules. You class it as clean - then it's clean.

    Sweet, everyone is a clean eater then. Now we can all stop arguing.

    If only!
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    :laugh: Yeah its MFP, we will all find something else to argue about
  • Semarshman
    Semarshman Posts: 19
    I'll be positive and hyped up for you. I have been eating clean for a while now, and my whole family is pretty on board now too. I have lost 25 lbs so far and my daughter lost 30. We feel full and energized and healthy all the time. I really love it and it is the way I will eat for the rest of my life. I will say that clean eating is a process. I am always trying to make changes to get better. Right now I am on day 5 of the 21 day fix. That does not mean I am not eating clean. I just incorporate the 2 plans to have a clean 21 day fix. I find that the BeachBody workouts work really well with Clean Eating. This plan I am using to help me get my portion sizes under control. I think that will help me with my next 25 lbs. Good luck to you, and enjoy being clean!
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    One thing I have learned is this place isn't for support at all. It's a good source of information and even some entertainment. But support,no. I don't know why some people here act like there is no difference between eating processed garbage and whole foods. Sure lower calories of either will make you lose weight,but how healthy are you going to be in the end?Everyone should strive to eat for better health,not be ridiculed for trying.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I have found plenty of supportive friends here. Mostly from the forums.

    Not one person in this thread has acted like there is no difference between "processed garbage" and whole foods. Not sure why the proponents of clean eating always bring up that fallacy.

    You can 100% eat some "processed garbage" (or as I call it - food) and be 100% healthy.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    One thing I have learned is this place isn't for support at all. It's a good source of information and even some entertainment. But support,no. I don't know why some people here act like there is no difference between eating processed garbage and whole foods. Sure lower calories of either will make you lose weight,but how healthy are you going to be in the end?Everyone should strive to eat for better health,not be ridiculed for trying.

    It's probably because a lot of peoples goals on MFP are weight loss and fitness, as opposed to general health and wellbeing.
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    I have found plenty of supportive friends here. Mostly from the forums.

    Not one person in this thread has acted like there is no difference between "processed garbage" and whole foods. Not sure why the proponents of clean eating always bring up that fallacy.

    You can 100% eat some "processed garbage" (or as I call it - food) and be 100% healthy.

    We are clearly reading different threads then.

    Sorry,I don't agree with your last sentence.If you are eating foods filled with man made chemicals,added sugars,sodium etc.. you are not going to be very healthy for very long.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • Uba31
    Uba31 Posts: 14 Member
    I would start with learning portion control and eating balanced, then gradually make changes. Before you know it, you are eating less packaged food and more fresh, natural food. It's definitely a lifestyle change you cannot make in a short time. It will probably take a few to several months to figure out what will work for you to keep your engine running and making you feel good and satisfied.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Sorry,I don't agree with your last sentence.If you are eating foods filled with man made chemicals,added sugars,sodium etc.. you are not going to be very healthy for very long.

    Could you back this viewpoint up with any type of proof or evidence? And is this the kind of questioning you find "unsupportive"?

    I personally think this kind of claim should NOT be supported on MFP because it is not true, for a certain part of the population it can be potentially dangerous (precursor to Orthorexia Nervosa) and it can needlessly sabotage diet adherence.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Welcome :).

    Enjoy the forums. The success stories section is very motivating!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    One thing I have learned is this place isn't for support at all. It's a good source of information and even some entertainment. But support,no. I don't know why some people here act like there is no difference between eating processed garbage and whole foods. Sure lower calories of either will make you lose weight,but how healthy are you going to be in the end?Everyone should strive to eat for better health,not be ridiculed for trying.

    No one is being ridiculed for trying to "eat for better health".

    I can't speak for others but what does concern me is when someone gives the following advice...

    "Eat clean...that is the way to go...leave off processed junk/garbage."

    Then there are statements such as...

    "I eat clean and lose 1/2 lbs a day."


    "I lost 30lbs eating clean."

    These kind of statements to someone just starting out could possibly set someone up for failure...

    To be fair...

    I do agree that people should strive to include a "cleaner way of eating" in to their life. Whatever their definition of "clean eating" is...after is a personal journey.

    There are times that I feel as if the "everything in moderation" group goes to the extreme...even though that it the way I eat. I haven't eliminated any one food group but within each group...I have CHOSEN not to eat some food items. Items that I seem not to be able to "moderate"...such as Peanut Butter M&Ms. I haven't had one in 9 months! I can't eat just one...well...I could eat just one size...

    No one way fits every moment of the day. Some days I might fall in to the "clean eater" club...other days the "moderation" group...then there are my "down and dirty" days.

    As far as the "support" on MFP...really???

    Did you expect that thousands of people could come together and everyone "tiptoe through the tulips"...holding hands and singing "We Are The World"??? We each have our different needs out of this place...some for support...knowledge...snarkiness...etc...etc...

    We have to pick and choose how we get those needs met. You can't however...control the masses. Nor can you control the "I'm right and you're wrong" mentality either.

    Take what you want from a site such as this...and leave the rest behind...
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I have found plenty of supportive friends here. Mostly from the forums.

    Not one person in this thread has acted like there is no difference between "processed garbage" and whole foods. Not sure why the proponents of clean eating always bring up that fallacy.

    You can 100% eat some "processed garbage" (or as I call it - food) and be 100% healthy.

    We are clearly reading different threads then.

    Sorry,I don't agree with your last sentence.If you are eating foods filled with man made chemicals,added sugars,sodium etc.. you are not going to be very healthy for very long.

    Here's the thing...

    For 9 months I have been trying to "clean" up my diet...for 9 months I have battled intestinal problems. The more problems I had...the "cleaner" I tried to eat. Guess intestinal problems just kept getting worse.

    So...yesterday my diet consisted of peanut butter and banana sandwiches...baked potato...some rice crackers. Today I got up and I feel better than I have in weeks.

    Three days ago I cut out those "clean" veggies...I got better.

    In other words...the very things that I thought would make me healthier...were making me sick. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE those roasted vegetable...I fixed them by the tray full. I have truly missed those little brussel sprouts rolling around on my plate. Oh...and cauliflower lying there beside them...and what will I do without my onions...they are in everything I cook.

    You can make wise choices when using "processed" foods. They can be incorporated in to a healthy diet.

    It is the "One size fits ALL" mentality that really irks me...I will stop now...I really should...before I fall in to the..."MEAN" group...I just don't fill well in to "groups".
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I just heard about this amazing site and am starting my weight loss journey tomorrow. I have just thrown away all of my terrible packaged preservative filled foods, and have done research on clean eating. I was wondering if anyone has any tips or suggestions for me? Thank you!
    Can't wait for the healthy new me!

    I eat clean and always have. Unfortunately, on the main forums clean eating ends up in a nasty debate full of haters. If you truly are interested in learning more about clean eating and getting tips, join one of the MFP groups dedicated to clean eating. There you will find supportive, helpful folks. Good luck on your journey.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    This will be my first step in starting my weight loss (HOPEFULLY!) I am hoping that starting to eat healthier will give me more energy, and will give me the boost to start working out. I know that most food in moderation is ok, but I also know that if there is a package of cupcakes here I will eat them.... all.

    Despite all the neysayers, eating clean has a lot of health benefits that can make your weight loss journey easier. You can have your cupcakes though, just healthier versions and in modification. I've always eaten clean so any dietary tweaking is not a huge change for me. For those just starting to eat clean, my advice is to go slowly. Small changes add up and make the transition easier.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Sorry if there are members here who are offended by the term "clean eating". I obviously did not coin this term. Nor do I think anyone eats "dirty".

    Some are offended because they are hangry or feeling guilty knowing they should make healthier food choices but aren't. Don't let it get to you. There is nothing wrong with making the best food choices for your body. Ignore the haters :flowerforyou:
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Recent pages of this thread are a perfect example of why clean eating is such a hot button topic here.

    People who don't believe in clean eating are apparently:

    "feeling guilty knowing they should make better food choices"
    "half of what we eat is disgusting"
    "not going to be healthy for very long"
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    My 2 cents on the "negativity" in this thread.

    What people are telling you here is that (1) a lot of people fail on restriction diets, and (2) you don't HAVE TO restrict foods in order to lose weight. Imagine a world where you can eat ice cream AND lose weight. Yep, that's right here.

    Also, if someone is giving you advice, look at their ticker if it's visible. Have they successfully lost weight? Yes? Then they might have some experience in what it takes to lose weight so, you know, they know a thing or two. Of course not everyone will agree because there are 1000 different "right ways" to lose weight, but all people are saying is don't buy into the hype that there's only one "right way."

    Who said there is only 1 right way?? I didn't see that anywhere.. at least not by those who eat the way the OP is wanting too.

    If someone has looked into diets and decide this was the way they want to eat (which by the way I reject calling clean eating a diet, much less a restrictive diet) , then asks for support from others who eat that way. it's not helpful to try to talk them out of it and into your way of eating. If it's not right for them, the only way to know that is trial and error. Just like the majority of people have to do. If I had listened to everyone putting my choice to eat this way down.. I'd have never lost my weight. That's truth, since every time I "derail" i put it back on. Because ya know.. moderation *also* does not work for everyone (shocking right?)

    There are plenty of instances where "clean eating" is preached as One-Wayism. OP said she researched "clean eating" so she has been exposed to more than just this thread.

    I did say there were 1000 "right ways." Of course moderation does not work for everyone. The point is that restriction diets are pushed more often than moderation, and while some people do just fine with restriction diets, many others either fail on them completely or do something like 80/20 - which is the same thing as moderation.

    Does she really want to eat this way, or does she feel she HAS to eat this way in order to lose weight? You're assuming she wants to. If she does, then she will regardless of what anyone says, and if it works out for her then wonderful. But what if she does not know about the magical world where you can eat ice cream and lose weight? I didn't know that existed until I started reading the boards here and saw people with 30, 50, 100+ pound losses on their tickers talking about ice cream and cookies.

    :) Lost 75 eating clean.(put 10 back on though, due to crappy food choices) Tickers mean very little, food choices and sticking to your plans and goals mean everything. And yes I'm assuming she wants to because shes said "I've researched different diets and decided this is the way I want to go". oh and some of us "have to eat this way in order to lose weight" because moderation does not happen. period. It's great that it works for you. You're assuming it will work for everyone. Clean eating is *not* a restriction diet. Not in the sense that a restriction diet is usually applied. I don't feel deprived at all. I don't feel restricted at all. I feel great. the only way to know if it's for you, is to try it. I have been way off track and felt like crapola and been preforming like crapola. 3 days back on track and I feel amazing again. And I cant' wait to get to the gym. It is not pushed any more or less then those preaching moderation.

  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    educate yourself and get some new ideas.

    Enjoy your gurney. Eat the things you enjoy, even if it is 'processed food'.