
  • Screen Name: SimonsGirl
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 193 lbs
    Weight at 8th Jan 2011 : 189.4
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 180 lbs
  • dpulum
    dpulum Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I had a good week this week. I'm proud of myself for getting up at 5am to work out 3 days this week.

    Screen Name: dpulum (my name is Tina)
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 163
    Weight on January 8, 2011: 158.4 :)
    Goal weight for January 31, 2011: 152

    Hope you all have good weigh-ins!

  • Ok, so Im thinking I should have called this group, "No more excuses January, lose 15+ lbs" LOL because most of you are already close to the 10!! THATS AWESOME!!!!! Keep pushing yourself past the 10 this month, once you reach it. This morning I woke up like it was Christmas, I was so excited to weigh in! I got on the scale and it said 215 !!!! This is the lowest I have been since I was in my 1st trimaster of pregnancy in spring 2008. I have 5 lbs left of pregnancy weight then Im on my way to my ultimate goal. This week for eating I ate Lean cuisines for my meals. Last month I did the "Flat Belly Diet" and dropped 11 pounds that month. Im thinking that I might be going back on that this week. But with the 3,500 challenge I know we will drop some heavy weight next week. Can you imagine if we reached our Jan goals by the middle of the month? How great would it feel to tell people you got to the finish line early?? Have awesome week this week. Reward yourself with something this week everyone. Just not with food. The reason I say that is because we all are trying to change our mindset. Food is suppose to keep us alive not be a treat or reward. Because most of us we used food as rewards for things in our lives and that is what has caused us to be here today. By changing the mindset that food is just for our energy and health, you will see the weight come off of you so fast you wont have time to blink! I am so proud of all of you.

    January 1st: 218
    January 8th: 215
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    sw 208 1/jan
    week 1 206 8/jan
  • chancie72
    chancie72 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm in!
    Screen Name: Chancie
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 187.4
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011 (can be whatever you want, with a min of 10 lbs): 177.4

    current weight 183.4 (jan 8)
  • Dom80
    Dom80 Posts: 146 Member
    Screen Name: Dom80
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 223.5
    Weight on January 8, 2011: 221.1
    Goal weight for January 31, 2011: 213.5

    I am proud that my stamina has increased so now when I exercise its my legs and arms that want to give out instead of my breathing/heart rate. I am also proud that I can see my stomach shrinking :)
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    My first weigh in today! So happy!

    Jan 1 = 155
    Jan 8 = 149
  • Screen Name: Dom80
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 143.2
    Weight on January 8, 2011: 139
    Goal weight for January 31, 2011: 132

    I did p90x and did not snack all week!!!:happy:
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    Screen Name: Jam3114
    Jan1: 252
    Jan 8: 241.2
    Was expecting a good week but it just points out to me how bad I really was throughout the month of December, motivation still there so hoping to have a loss next week also - 10lbs is an awful lot to lose so the challenge is an additional 6lbs + keep this off fingers crossed
  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    "The secret" is written by Rhonda Byrne. I LOVE IT! I just got home from the gym, I was super crunched for time. I did 100 calorie burn on the elliptical, then jumped on the thredmill. I thought how am I going to burn 400 more calories with almost no time before I had to leave? I cranked up the incline to 20 and put the speed at 3.0. I burned about 15 calories a minute. And it was almost EASY! It felt like a fast walk up a hill. I don't care for running so I found my alternative and it worked. Then I thought to myself, if we can do 500 calorie burn in one day. What else are we capable of? And the sky is the limit!! Now weigh in is not until tomorrow. But lets start thinking of next week. I am not a dietician and I am not a personal trainer, I am just a regualar person who is sick of weighing over 200 pounds. But I have come up with an idea. The 1st week of weight loss is a cake walk. The 2nd week most people have a tougher time. What if we go ahead and start preparing for that second week, next saturdays weigh in? My challenge, which you can choose to accept if you want, if you do not want to do it you dont have to or if for medical reasons you can't do it, I understand no matter what. But I will put myself on a challenge from Saturday 1/8/11 to Friday 1/14/11 to burn 3,500 calories total for the week! By burning 3,500 calories and staying within your calorie limit, drinking your recommended daily water, you are almost guaranteeing yourself to lose a pound of fat next week. Any burn counts. If you go to the store and you are walking and shopping for an hour look up how much that is on MFP and write down on a peice of paper to keep track. Even though you can burn calories by sleeping, that doesnt count. You have to physically be moving your body for your calories burn to count. You can do 500 calories burned, 7 days this week. Or you can do 700 calories for 5 days and skip two days. The choice is completely yours. You can even do the 700 calories broken up to 350 a.m workout and 350 pm workout. Susuzz went to the gym twice today. Congrats thats awesome. Thank you everyone for participating today. Im proud of all of you. When I signed on and saw the burn that you all put in, it makes me so happy that my efforts are so worth it. Make sure you reward yourself with something. But not food. I just rented a movie I've been wanting to see. Who's in on the challenge to burn 3,500 calories in one week? :smile:

    I am definatly in, this might just be the push I need to make myself go to the gym. 3500 here I come.
  • Samantha76
    Samantha76 Posts: 59 Member
    screen name: Samantha76
    weighin Jan 1: 225.6
    weigin Jan 8: 221.8

    very proud of this, didn't think I was gonna lose 3.8 lbs this week, missed a lot of time at the gym, but the positive for last week, I drank a lot of water, and made some better food choices. This week I accept the challenge to burn 3500 calories, and to continue drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, and really really watch what food crosses these lips.
  • KcFitCoach
    KcFitCoach Posts: 135 Member
    Screen Name: ThinMamaDoo
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 152
    Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 142

    January 8th Weight: 147.6


    Have put 350 minutes of exercise in so far this week and stayed under calorie goal daily by just a bit.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Screen Name: CoryIda
    January 1st: 236.0
    January 8th: 232.9
    Difference: -3.1 pounds

    Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 225.0

    I have had some health issues and haven't been able to exercise as much this week so I've just really focused on nutrition - staying under my calorie goals and geting as many nutrients as possible.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    SW 1/1/11 267.4
    CW 1/8/11 261.2

    Start of the weekend. We'll see how I do next week. Very excited!:love:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I lost 4 pounds this week! Finally back at my ticker weight of 360. I refused to change it. Now on to the 350's.

    Happy weigh in everyone and congrats to everyone!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Screen Name: Blondie925
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 198.2
    Weight on January 8, 2011: 192.2
    Goal weight for January 31, 2011: 188

    That means I'm down 6! (That other one didn't stay) but it's fine. I've been working hard on this and staying within and under my calories every single day. I'm really proud of that!

    Congrats to all the losers!! :drinker:
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    January 1, 2011: 163

    January 8, 2011: 162

    It's only a pound, but its a start. I worked out seven days this week. :smile: I need to get my calories in control.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Screen Name: Nisijam5
    January 1st: 181.2
    January 8th: 178.2
    Difference: -2.4 pounds

    Goal weight by January 31, 2011: 171.2

    1) Not grazing on everything in sight...staying with scheduled meals and scheduled snacks
    2) Eating more fruits and veggies
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    1/1 - 188.5
    1/8 - 186.5

    I'm proud that I went to the gym for the first time in my life and took a cardio class!! I was really afraid to go, but I forced myself into going, and I made a new friend. :happy: Now I'm really feeling the after burn...

    Seems like everyone is doing really well. Congrats all around!

    I :heart: the Secret too! My mom and I are listening to the tape in our car. :happy: (I have Rhonda Byrne quoted on my wall of inspiration.)

    Speaking of NO, my mom asked me if I wanted my choice of a sugary drink the other day, and as I was reaching for it, I was like, No, and stopped myself. Then I reached for it again, and said No! Haha, now I've been saying No all the time when I'm grocery shopping. Lol. :laugh:

    Oh, and with the 3500 challenge - I'm just gonna try to burn as much as possible. I don't know if I'm motivated enough to reach 3500, since I've only had one workout since New Year's. :tongue:
  • cindijoe1
    cindijoe1 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting Weight on January 1, 2011: 175.6
    Weight January 8, 2011 172.4

    I was very proud of myself for not having any fast food, but then I slipped on Friday. I can't let that beat me up like I usually do, I can't change it just have to move forward!! Plan for the coming week is to drink more water.

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