OK Ladies...Be HONEST!!



  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Women lie...they like it. Sorry ladies you do. (Listen to this old bag she knows)

    Yeah, no I f*cking don't. Having a vagina does not make me the exact same as you. Shocker, I know.

    And for the men complaining in this thread about double standards and stuff - when women become the #1 cause of injury in men, like men are for women, we'll talk. While I realize that you (general) likely haven't contributed to that statistic, it IS the cause of many women being put off by advances and feeling generally uncomfortable/judged. Instead of recognizing and respecting them, we call them teases or frigid b*tches.

    Women are treated as objects in movies, the media, video games, real life, etc - it's to the point that men don't even realize that they are doing anything wrong, because that's just how it is. In the running shoe aisle in my fitness store, they sell pepper spray in the ladies aisle, and muscle building powders in the mens. That's pretty much everything wrong, in a single example.

    edit: words
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I think it depends on the look and the person making it.

    I've seen guys give appreciative looks and that's cool and imo a ego booster.

    Then there are the guys who stare like a starving dog under a buffet table... less attractive and definitely creepy.

    You also have the ones who stare and make you want to get out of the gym before it gets dark, hoping you parked under a light....then dial 911 with your finger on the send button while you walk to your car.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member

    have you seen this article? It's long, but SOOOOO worth the read!

    Seriously. Read this.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    oh, and eta... considering as I have seen other topics about it... men may prefer looser shorts due to spontaneous arousal. Tight shorts would be more revealing of that, and creeper or not, the man may be judged harshly for it. (Again - nothing wrong with it, just dumbass society)

    Just like meaty female thighs eat looser shorts. I've yet to see a male runner with his shorts bunched into his crotch. Mine do immediately upon hitting the "start" button on the treadmill.

    ETA - just to be clear on the random comment I'm responding to.
  • LuvDarkChocolate
    LuvDarkChocolate Posts: 145 Member
    Women lie...they like it. Sorry ladies you do. (Listen to this old bag she knows)

    Yeah, no I f*cking don't. Having a vagina does not make me the exact same as you. Shocker, I know.

    And for the men complaining in this thread about double standards and stuff - when women become the #1 cause of injury in men, like men are for women, we'll talk. While I realize that you (general) likely haven't contributed to that statistic, it IS the cause of many women being put off by advances and feeling generally uncomfortable/judged. Instead of recognizing and respecting them, we call them teases or frigid b*tches.

    Women are treated as objects in movies, the media, video games, real life, etc - it's to the point that men don't even realize that they are doing anything wrong, because that's just how it is. In the running shoe aisle in my fitness store, they sell pepper spray in the ladies aisle, and muscle building powders in the mens. That's pretty much everything wrong, in a single example.

    edit: words

    Sorry if I offended you, however when I said that, I wasn't pointing fingers at you. I didn't swear either. In general women do tend to lie. It happens more so with youngsters. Truth hurts I now. Men can be creepy I agree.

  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member
    I heard something on the radio this morning that got me thinking. Do good looking women really dislike it when guys check them out at the gym??? I'm starting to think that if they didn't there would be more Curves opening up. I'm sure it can be a pain when guys hit on you but do you really mind some looks??? I know if I was looking good I would be motivated and flattered by a woman checking me out. Let me know your true feelings. Hell , call me a perverted *kitten* if you want just tell the truth.


    Women who put themselves in the presence of men OBVIOUSLY do so because they enjoy being leered at. Or if they don't enjoy it, they should at least expect it, because *hey* they're women.

    And women who don't enjoy that type of behavior should exile themselves to a women's only facility geared more towards their more delicate constitutions.

    **face palm**

    Here's the truth - you are misogynistic. Now keep your eyes on your own rack and off of mine.

    Women Everywhere

    Wow! Not that was some honesty for your *kitten*!! (No pun intended) I really don't find myself to be misogynistic.

    Wow, she's bitter eh?

    It is normal for men to look. It's called testosterone. Lighten up. Goodness..

    Yes, because I must be bitter if I prefer men to respect me.

    To each their own. I'm not out here bashing the ladies who don't mind with the attention, how about you let me have my opinion and find a way to express your own?

    First of all, I did express my own opinion in another post.

    Second, calling someone misogynistic because he asked if women minded being looked at is a pretty damn far stretch. Were some of his comments ignorant? Yes but I really don't think he was bashing women here. I think he was just sincerely asking a question.

    So again, in your eyes, a woman who doesn't welcome the advances of a man is "bitter"?


    Okay friend.

    And as it relates to the OP - I don't think he realized or intended on being misogynistic, but saying he assumes women are okay and probably even enjoy getting oogled, as evidenced by the fact that they don't flock to a women's only gym... well that certainly is not a very positive or empowering opinion of women. It asserts that women do not act on their own, but rather, only in response to what men do. If we want the D, we go to a coed gym. If not, Curves.

    I'm not saying OP is a jerk, he's been funny and engaging in this whole thread. For that I applaud him! And I agree he was seeking some reaction to an opinion he formed while listening to a radio program. In his words - he could be a "perverted a**hole" for thinking this. How is letting him know his opinion is not very positive towards women worse than calling him that??
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member

    Sorry if I offended you, however when I said that, I wasn't pointing fingers at you. I didn't swear either. In general women do tend to lie. It happens more so with youngsters. Truth hurts I now. Men can be creepy I agree.

    So can women....

    Sounds like all of your gyms are creepy social gyms and not hard core weight slinging gyms. I focus on my workout and don't have time for that crap.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Women lie...they like it. Sorry ladies you do. (Listen to this old bag she knows)

    Yeah, no I f*cking don't. Having a vagina does not make me the exact same as you. Shocker, I know.

    And for the men complaining in this thread about double standards and stuff - when women become the #1 cause of injury in men, like men are for women, we'll talk. While I realize that you (general) likely haven't contributed to that statistic, it IS the cause of many women being put off by advances and feeling generally uncomfortable/judged. Instead of recognizing and respecting them, we call them teases or frigid b*tches.

    Women are treated as objects in movies, the media, video games, real life, etc - it's to the point that men don't even realize that they are doing anything wrong, because that's just how it is. In the running shoe aisle in my fitness store, they sell pepper spray in the ladies aisle, and muscle building powders in the mens. That's pretty much everything wrong, in a single example.

    edit: words

    Sorry if I offended you, however when I said that, I wasn't pointing fingers at you. I didn't swear either. In general women do tend to lie. It happens more so with youngsters. Truth hurts I now. Men can be creepy I agree.


    People tend to lie in general. You lie in the specific.
  • LuvDarkChocolate
    LuvDarkChocolate Posts: 145 Member

    Sorry if I offended you, however when I said that, I wasn't pointing fingers at you. I didn't swear either. In general women do tend to lie. It happens more so with youngsters. Truth hurts I now. Men can be creepy I agree.

    So can women....

    Yep they can.
  • Elenagreek
    Elenagreek Posts: 10
    The Funniest thing in this post is that girls with statements like "I don't care If they stare at me" or "I don't even pay attention" have profile pictures with their butts. Hey girls, you show your butt in a webpage to strangers and you are telling us you don't want to have "the looks" on it when you work out at gym?

    ^^^ This is a bunch of crap, my avatar picture is not my face because I don't want complete strangers seeing my face, and I have worked my a** off literally to look the way that I do so I am going to show that off on a site where "fitness" is the main focus.

    Now on to the OP.

    1st of all the idea that the OP thinks that because I choose to go to a gym where there are actual weights and actual equipment to do what I want to do instead of going to an all women facility with none of the above mentioned then I must be wanting to be stared at is complete nonsense and just plain ignorant.
    2nd of all I find it crazy that there is actually a discussion / debate going on about how women dress in the gym and if they are doing it for comfort or for looks. WHO CARES!! Srsly!! I workout in a pair of capris and a tank most the time, other times I wear a pair of sweats and a tee shirt. Yeah, tighter pants might provoke more looks from the men but when I am in the gym I am there to workout, bust my *kitten* and GTFO!! I don't keep tabs of who is there, and who is looking at me and for how long, and if said look qualify as just a look or a creepy stare. Give me a break! Ain't nobody got time for that! Sheesh!

    We are grateful you reply to our "crap" with a big crap paragraph! If you were not feeling insecure you wouldn't apologise about how you are dressed while working out and you would't show your butt in a website.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Women lie...they like it. Sorry ladies you do. (Listen to this old bag she knows)

    Well, this could be the rape-iest comment I've seen in a long time.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member

    Sorry if I offended you, however when I said that, I wasn't pointing fingers at you. I didn't swear either. In general women do tend to lie. It happens more so with youngsters. Truth hurts I now. Men can be creepy I agree.

    So can women....

    Sounds like all of your gyms are creepy social gyms and not hard core weight slinging gyms. I focus on my workout and don't have time for that crap.

    What do you do between sets?
  • LuvDarkChocolate
    LuvDarkChocolate Posts: 145 Member
    Lol ...ok dear. I'm a mother, and a grandmother. I've been around a while. I'm not saying all women lie. I'm saying a lot of girls do. Let's play nice now. Have a nice day:)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Women lie...they like it. Sorry ladies you do. (Listen to this old bag she knows)

    Yeah, no I f*cking don't. Having a vagina does not make me the exact same as you. Shocker, I know.

    And for the men complaining in this thread about double standards and stuff - when women become the #1 cause of injury in men, like men are for women, we'll talk. While I realize that you (general) likely haven't contributed to that statistic, it IS the cause of many women being put off by advances and feeling generally uncomfortable/judged. Instead of recognizing and respecting them, we call them teases or frigid b*tches.

    Women are treated as objects in movies, the media, video games, real life, etc - it's to the point that men don't even realize that they are doing anything wrong, because that's just how it is. In the running shoe aisle in my fitness store, they sell pepper spray in the ladies aisle, and muscle building powders in the mens. That's pretty much everything wrong, in a single example.

    edit: words

    Sorry if I offended you, however when I said that, I wasn't pointing fingers at you. I didn't swear either. In general women do tend to lie. It happens more so with youngsters. Truth hurts I now. Men can be creepy I agree.


    I'm not offended, I'm pissed.

    You were pointing a finger at all women. I am, in fact, a women, ergo, it was at me.

    I enjoyed attention when I was younger, because I found worth OUTSIDE of myself. I no longer do. That does not mean that all young women have that same mindset - and it's not fair to generalize like that. The reason I believed I was only worth the attention I received, was because I was raped at gunpoint at 18. Instead of being afraid of men, I craved their attention so *I* could be the one in control of whatever happened between us.

    If a woman does enjoy that sort of attention, more power to them. The idea here is that women should be (dress, behave, etc) exactly who they want to be, safely.

    I don't agree that men are creepy - I never said that. My point was that some men have a hard time understanding what being a women in this country entails and therefore label women unfairly. But then, women label other women unfairly, too. Obviously.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I like guys looking at me in the gym but only when I'm lifting weights because I like them to see what I am picking up. I am the only girl 90% of the time in the weight room and I am the only one lifting heavy. My favorite thing in the world is to go add another plate to some guy's deadlift set up he just left sitting there. Ha!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm not offended, I'm pissed.

    You were pointing a finger at all women. I am, in fact, a women, ergo, it was at me.

    I enjoyed attention when I was younger, because I found worth OUTSIDE of myself. I no longer do. That does not mean that all young women have that same mindset - and it's not fair to generalize like that. The reason I believed I was only worth the attention I received, was because I was raped at gunpoint at 18. Instead of being afraid of men, I craved their attention so *I* could be the one in control of whatever happened between us.

    If a woman does enjoy that sort of attention, more power to them. The idea here is that women should be (dress, behave, etc) exactly who they want to be, safely.

    I don't agree that men are creepy - I never said that. My point was that some men have a hard time understanding what being a women in this country entails and therefore label women unfairly. But then, women label other women unfairly, too. Obviously.

    I just want to say, I'm so sorry that happened to you. :flowerforyou:
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    The Funniest thing in this post is that girls with statements like "I don't care If they stare at me" or "I don't even pay attention" have profile pictures with their butts. Hey girls, you show your butt in a webpage to strangers and you are telling us you don't want to have "the looks" on it when you work out at gym?

    ^^^ This is a bunch of crap, my avatar picture is not my face because I don't want complete strangers seeing my face, and I have worked my a** off literally to look the way that I do so I am going to show that off on a site where "fitness" is the main focus.

    Now on to the OP.

    1st of all the idea that the OP thinks that because I choose to go to a gym where there are actual weights and actual equipment to do what I want to do instead of going to an all women facility with none of the above mentioned then I must be wanting to be stared at is complete nonsense and just plain ignorant.
    2nd of all I find it crazy that there is actually a discussion / debate going on about how women dress in the gym and if they are doing it for comfort or for looks. WHO CARES!! Srsly!! I workout in a pair of capris and a tank most the time, other times I wear a pair of sweats and a tee shirt. Yeah, tighter pants might provoke more looks from the men but when I am in the gym I am there to workout, bust my *kitten* and GTFO!! I don't keep tabs of who is there, and who is looking at me and for how long, and if said look qualify as just a look or a creepy stare. Give me a break! Ain't nobody got time for that! Sheesh!

    We are grateful you reply to our "crap" with a big crap paragraph! If you were not feeling insecure you wouldn't apologise about how you are dressed while working out and you would't show your butt in a website.

    My butt is not showing on a website my dear, if you would have opened your eyes, and then followed up with actually reading what I wrote maybe you would understand a bit better! Also, sounds like someone just wants confrontation and maybe needs a hug.... :flowerforyou: Also, please point out where I apologized for what I wear while working out and after you fail at that, please point out how a comment / apology that was never made makes me insecure.. Thanks in advance!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    Sorry if I offended you, however when I said that, I wasn't pointing fingers at you. I didn't swear either. In general women do tend to lie. It happens more so with youngsters. Truth hurts I now. Men can be creepy I agree.

    So can women....

    Sounds like all of your gyms are creepy social gyms and not hard core weight slinging gyms. I focus on my workout and don't have time for that crap.

    What do you do between sets?

    I know you weren't asking this of me but...I stare off into space.

    Sometimes my eyes fix on another person, unintentionally. If I notice, I'll stare at a piece of gym equipment. If they look back, like they are uncomfortable, this is usually enough to snap me out of my exercise fog and look away.

    I get STUPID when I exercise.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    The Funniest thing in this post is that girls with statements like "I don't care If they stare at me" or "I don't even pay attention" have profile pictures with their butts. Hey girls, you show your butt in a webpage to strangers and you are telling us you don't want to have "the looks" on it when you work out at gym?

    ^^^ This is a bunch of crap, my avatar picture is not my face because I don't want complete strangers seeing my face, and I have worked my a** off literally to look the way that I do so I am going to show that off on a site where "fitness" is the main focus.

    Now on to the OP.

    1st of all the idea that the OP thinks that because I choose to go to a gym where there are actual weights and actual equipment to do what I want to do instead of going to an all women facility with none of the above mentioned then I must be wanting to be stared at is complete nonsense and just plain ignorant.
    2nd of all I find it crazy that there is actually a discussion / debate going on about how women dress in the gym and if they are doing it for comfort or for looks. WHO CARES!! Srsly!! I workout in a pair of capris and a tank most the time, other times I wear a pair of sweats and a tee shirt. Yeah, tighter pants might provoke more looks from the men but when I am in the gym I am there to workout, bust my *kitten* and GTFO!! I don't keep tabs of who is there, and who is looking at me and for how long, and if said look qualify as just a look or a creepy stare. Give me a break! Ain't nobody got time for that! Sheesh!

    We are grateful you reply to our "crap" with a big crap paragraph! If you were not feeling insecure you wouldn't apologise about how you are dressed while working out and you would't show your butt in a website.

    If I show my butt, boobs, legs or whatever, it's because I'm proud of how much work I put into them. Not because I want to be sexually harassed or because I'm insecure. While I chose not to do those things, I'd never label another woman for her different choices. It really makes me sad to see a women perpetuate this mindset.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member

    Sorry if I offended you, however when I said that, I wasn't pointing fingers at you. I didn't swear either. In general women do tend to lie. It happens more so with youngsters. Truth hurts I now. Men can be creepy I agree.

    So can women....

    Sounds like all of your gyms are creepy social gyms and not hard core weight slinging gyms. I focus on my workout and don't have time for that crap.

    What do you do between sets?

    Catch my breath, load more weight on or take some off, drink bottled water and hit the next set. If I'm by myself.