Deleting YourFitnessPals



  • lasombrs
    lasombrs Posts: 30
    I have deleted people who added me from another website and then never ever logged back in months later. I deleted the people trying to sell me their program, and one lady who claims she burns #k calories while sleeping 22+ hours a day and other random stuff like that. I want people who are in it to do it.

    I had one person delete me who i thought i got along well with was always nice to etc. i asked her why and never heard a response. it hurt even if it shouldn't. I spent my time and energy worrying about her and thinking about her everyday and to not be given a reason was a slap in the face but oh well. I'll do better in my journey surrounded by others who want those around them so succeed as well. And she can go pound sand at this point lol :)
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member

    Butt hurt aka butthurt.

    What a vulgar callous term to describe anyone or how anyone feels. I'm no longer surprised to see this term popping up all over this site as it's so prevalent. It's disgusting to me. But please, to those of you who feel compelled to use this ugly term when typing out your words of wisdom, keep doing it. You reveal your character and mark yourself as someone to be avoided by anyone who knows better.

    <edited for spelling>

    I can't tell if you're serious about being butthurt or if you're joking about being butthurt.
    One thing for sure, there's a lot of butthurt going on here...
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I delete people who are inactive for 25-30 days if I don't know them in real life. If all we have in common is MFP, and they're not on MFP, what do we have left?

    I delete people who talk about their kids because I don't care about that shiz.

    I delete people who talk about god because I am responsible for my own accomplishments and failures. I don't want to hear about people praying away the fat.

    I delete people who cleanse, detox, and otherwise try to fad their way to fitness.

    I have no idea if anyone has ever deleted me. Nor would I care if someone did.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I have never deleted anyone. Why? I just can't think of how my life would be negatively or positively affected by the deletion of anyone currently on my FL.

    I reserve the right to do so in the future if I encounter someone I find annoying. I just haven't come across one of those yet.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Yep I deleted my hubby who signed up and that was it. I'm about to delete my Aunt for the same reason LOL Not that having inactive friends is bothersome per say, I just like to keep my list small. When I check my friends, I have 3 pages. That's more than enough. I love the ones I have.
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Oh nooooo. i just got back from an 11 day vacation with no internet access. I wonder who deleted me. I did post I was leaving for a bit.

    However I certainly understand if someone did delete me. I mean I was not here to support them. I would not take it personally.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    To be fair to that poster, most of my Facebook friends are indeed my real life friends. But I guess some people just add anyone on there.
    Yep. mine as well. I don't add anyone I don't know. Fb for me is great for staying in touch with family who are living a way from me. Yes there's the phone, but I can't call every single one every day, but I can check in on Fb for a few mins every day.
  • NiCu02
    NiCu02 Posts: 5 Member
    I just found out I was deleted by two friends that I thought I made a connection with, so even though it's MFP, I'm a little hurt. I try to keep a low number of friends to keep track of people and try to be supportive of what others do. My guess is I could have been deleted because I've been going over my calorie goal more often than I should? I don't know, but it's kind of discouraging. I've logged in over 100 days in a row now.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    I deleted someone just yesterday. I can not support someone who refuses to eat and take care of themselves. I was shocked to see this individual get so many "likes for eating @ 600 calories. I asked her a few days ago if she was logging correctly and warned her that I could not support her if she refused to eat. Many others did too and as of yesterday there was no response so I used the delete option.

    I deleted the same person. I am on a journey to better my health and am looking for others with the same intention. I got the impression that this one was looking more for sympathy and attention than anything else. I also noticed that she rarely, if ever, replied to comments from her buddies regarding her eating habits and or questions.
    I'm thinking this friend you speak of just recently added me. Not sure what to do because I actually feel bad for her and am not sure if she's eating so low by a doctors reccomendations. Should I ask?
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    Stop being butt hurt.

    Butt hurt aka butthurt.

    What a vulgar callous term to describe anyone or how anyone feels. I'm no longer surprised to see this term popping up all over this site as it's so prevalent. It's disgusting to me. But please, to those of you who feel compelled to use this ugly term when typing out your words of wisdom, keep doing it. You reveal your character and mark yourself as someone to be avoided by anyone who knows better.

    <edited for spelling>

  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Regarding people deleting for light cleaning/walking:

    I can't fathom why anyone would delete for either of those reasons.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    The only time I've deleted is if I've noticed extremely unhealthy mindset/behaviors with no want to change them on behalf of the person (example, pointing out they've consistently been eating under 1,000 or so calories (unless they're directed to do so by a medical professional) and they are not willing to even hear that this could be a bad idea, or I've noticed they're riding the message boards on the back of a drama llama. Otherwise, not even lack of use would cause me to delete, because how awesome would it be for the person to return to the site and receive immediate encouragement?? We're all here for some sort of support, so why not encourage everyone? :)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Regarding people deleting for light cleaning/walking:

    I can't fathom why anyone would delete for either of those reasons.

    I heard a lot of people say this. Honestly I think it's annoying when I see someone "cleaned for 20 mintues" because, like, don't you do that everyday?

    But I am about to log a 4 hour effort! Even two hours really, if I was moving fast and getting at it.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Yeah I knew you didn't mean you did - and I guess the cleaning thing wouldn't bother me if they were still losing weight. If they complained about a plateau then maybe I'd understand.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Ok, one more. Yes, I deleted someone once for logging their sex calories over and over and over. Logging sex once, out of curiosity, I can handle. But logging it PUBLICLY over and over? Yeah, not so much.:laugh:
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Regarding people deleting for light cleaning/walking:

    I can't fathom why anyone would delete for either of those reasons.

    I heard a lot of people say this. Honestly I think it's annoying when I see someone "cleaned for 20 mintues" because, like, don't you do that everyday?

    But I am about to log a 4 hour effort! Even two hours really, if I was moving fast and getting at it.

    According to my fitbit I climbed 25 flights and walked 14000 steps today. All I did was the school run and cleaning / tidying / laundry - I have 3 kids under 6. It really annoys me when people dismiss housework as excercise - with small children I can't work out much, but I can make sure I keep moving while I'm at home with them.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Ok, one more. Yes, I deleted someone once for logging their sex calories over and over and over. Logging sex once, out of curiosity, I can handle. But logging it PUBLICLY over and over? Yeah, not so much.:laugh:

    They didn't use a euphemism like "walking the, dog moderate pace" like the rest of us do? :laugh:
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    I delete people specifically for being "friend collectors," i.e., people who seem to be just trying to get the number on their friend count high and who aren't interacting with ME. I don't need self-promoting updates from strangers who don't interact with me in my feed.

    I delete people for being boring.

    I delete people for just having a substantially different / incompatible fitness philosophy from mine.

    I delete people for whininess.

    I delete people for creepiness.

    I delete people because I don't owe them anything, bro. I get deleted too sometimes. NBD, get over it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Ok, one more. Yes, I deleted someone once for logging their sex calories over and over and over. Logging sex once, out of curiosity, I can handle. But logging it PUBLICLY over and over? Yeah, not so much.:laugh:

    They didn't use a euphemism like "walking the, dog moderate pace" like the rest of us do? :laugh:
    NO! If only! Or walking the dog briskly even.
  • Penfoldsplace
    It didn't work for me having pals on here so I don't have any now. Probably because I am an anti social loser :). I also took it too personally when people deleted me, which is ridiculous. I would spend time being supportive and then when I was going through a difficult time I was deleted by the people I had previously supported for not being "dedicated enough". Whatever, I ain't got time for that. I've lost 60 pounds and maintained it in the past couple of years so I am pretty darn dedicated to my new lifestyle.

    Plus as a grown women I didn't appreciate being told off by strangers when I ate fast food, skipped breakfast or drank alcohol :drinker: