The Things No One Tells You About Weight Loss



  • waluouija
    waluouija Posts: 61 Member
    That just because you ate less calories for x amount of years to get to your goal doesn't mean you're now that skinny girl you grew up with who can eat 5,000 calories per day and not gain a single ounce!
  • GemimaFitzTed
    GemimaFitzTed Posts: 260 Member
    Awesome thread!

    1) You will have down days

    2) People will comment. Some are positive and inspirational. Some are negative and uncalled for.

    3) Knowing when to start maintaining your weight. Achieving your ideal weight is only the beginning

    4) The first 10 kilos are the hardest

    5) It's hard work!

    6) The weightloss equation is easy: calories burnt > calories eaten

    7) There are no magic potions, pills, shakes, biscuits, chants, prayers etc that will make those extra kilos magically disappear.

    8) How awesome that adrenlin rush is after you completed a workout. And let's not mention the endorphins....

    9) You will, eventually, enjoy leg day at the gym :-)

    10) Strength training, in the case for women, will not result in you looking like Arnie. It will tone you and increase your metabolism

    11) Exercise is addictive. And pain is your friend

    12) Losing weight and being healthy is a state of mind and a lifestyle. You need to listen and believe in yourself. Most importantly, you need to surround yourself with positive people who appreciate and understand the journey you have embarked on.

    13) You will find body parts that: a) you never knew existed and b) had muscles attached to them which friggin' hurt after a workout!

    14) You're investing in your future by making all these changes
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    The protein farts...
  • jennifersmiles444
    jennifersmiles444 Posts: 118 Member
    The fat doesn't come off evenly! You can lose a lot of weight, gain muscle, and have great-looking legs, a thin face, small top...but still have a jiggly stomach for a while...thank goodness for Spanx!
  • Sporttster
    Sporttster Posts: 433 Member
    It didn't get like this overnight and it ain't comin' off overnight, either! I keep telling myself this over and over. Persistence is the key to winning the battle.....
  • Jessie24330
    Jessie24330 Posts: 224 Member
    That it was actually pretty easy when I didn't over complicate the process.

    I am still early in my journey but I am finding this to be so true. All the times I have tried before I have given up so quickly because it seemed too difficult. This time I am seeing that it is not so complicated, it's really basic math.

    I am also finding out that I love to exercise. I feel so much better after an hour at the gym vs an hour watching tv.
  • akkimberly
    akkimberly Posts: 63 Member
    I actually learned that I can lose inches with out losing any weight. I never read up on that and know I am very knowledgeable thanks to MFP.
    This! :)
  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm bumping this so I can read later. I'm trying to get back on the wagon after multiple attempts and this will really help!:flowerforyou:
  • Elektrolyfe
    Elektrolyfe Posts: 151 Member
    For me:
    1.The scale will break your heart 335786313689 times. All you can do is keep going.
    2. You will have to learn to forgive yourself over and over again because you will mess up more times than you will think possible
    3. To do it right takes patience, patience, and more patience.

    What things have you learned that you didn't expect?

    100% on number 1, every lb my weight drops below 170 while cutting my heart sinks and I get the temptation to go back on a lean bulk. But this year, I bit my lip and drove on. I don't know how much I weigh now but I am the leanest I have been and it feels good.
  • dillasa
    dillasa Posts: 7 Member
    That one day you will be sitting and randomly cross your legs.. WAIT! That's possible now?

  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    No one tells you that you will stumble and fall many times during the process and that it is very necessary to pick yourself up and keep moving forward.
  • SlaughterHouseFive
    SlaughterHouseFive Posts: 24 Member
    Your shoe size will go down.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Your shoe size will go down.

    This is true. Go figure.
  • CynCyndi
    CynCyndi Posts: 58
  • Clovergirl143
    Clovergirl143 Posts: 61 Member
    Sometimes the scale says "Forget you and your weight loss efforts. I do what I wanna do."

    OMGosh THIS!!! I freakin' HATE that scale man! I can crush my Turbo Fire workouts every day of the week and be way under calories and eat GREAT...And it'll say I GAINED weight. WHAT THE CRAP?! LOL

    Then you'll have a bad week where you don't workout hardly at all and eat crap food, and the scale is like, 'You lose 5 pounds, She loses 5 pounds, EVERYBODY loses 5 pounds!!!!' :tongue:

    One thing that I'm finding is that the more I'm actively doing to change my life and my body, the less I care what random people in public think about me.

    No one tells you how emotional losing weight is.

    Now one tells you that you're going to plateau and it's going to SUCK.

    No one tells you that eventually, you're going to start craving healthy foods. For instance, I've been craving carrots this week and have nearly demolished two bags of baby carrots in one week.

    No one tells you how AMAZING it feels to try on something you 'knew' wouldn't fit...and then it does :happy:

    No one tells you how overwhelming it is to look back on all your hard work and realize you've lost X amount of pounds, or gone down X number of sizes.

    No one tells you that losing weight means you can lose friends. Not everyone is going to support you in your healthy choices. Some will even become hostile about it :grumble:

    No one tells you that you will still have days where you just don't want to do a dang thing. That even after all your progress, you are STILL going to want to be a couch potato from time to time.

    No one tells you that YOU are going to be your hardest critic. No one told me that almost everyone around me would be supportive and the b*tchy voice that I heard was MINE. :noway:
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Loving this thread. You people rock. Every one of you. :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    A few things:

    You will hit your goal weight and still feel fat

    If you do not lift weights then you will still look fat :laugh:
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    Things I learned:

    -- You don't remember the aches and soreness; what you remember is the accomplishment.

    -- You are capable of much, much more than you think you are. That stuff they say about telling the inner voice to shut up? True.

    -- Everybody messes up. There is no shame in it. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on track.

    -- It is not that big of a deal if you didn't lose weight in one week; in fact, it's rather normal for weight loss to bounce around a bit.

    And the biggest one:

    Regardless of everything else, you have to be 100% honest with yourself about everything. You know when you're fudging your numbers in MFP. You know when you choose to be lazy rather than taking a walk. You know when you add in some extra butter. You know when your morning coffee had more in it than coffee. If you can't be honest with yourself, the scale can and will reflect it.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    That it's not just me feeling the effects. My (very supportive, happy for my weight loss) husband is waking up with dead arms, rib cramps and sore backs because I'm so much smaller, it's screwing up his spooning/sleeping position!!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    When you reach your goal, you will have to find someting else to focus on or you will be stuck in a rut.