Deleting YourFitnessPals



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You might feel differently after you've been here a while.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I delete a MFP friend if the person annoys me.

    What bugs me can change from day to day, hour to hour. Basically, they did nothing wrong, it's all about me.

    I'd definitely delete myself most days, if given the chance. :huh:

    I like you! Thanks for the chuckle :)
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I usually delete those who haven't been active in a month UNLESS they have been supportive in the past then I do not delete them.

    I delete those who after a long time of commenting and supporting them, and they for some reason do not return the favor. I make it crystal clear on my profile what kind of friends I'm looking for and let people know ahead of time you will get deleted if you are not supportive.

    I am normally not the one who ask to be friends so if you choose to ask to be my pal be prepared to support me and I will gladly return the favor. :)
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    I haven't deleted anyone ( haven't been here too long) but people who send blank friend request then never interact with me seem strange. It just seems like some people on here are into "friend collecting". What was the point in sending me a request. Strange.
  • Pmsylvester
    Pmsylvester Posts: 36 Member



  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Have you ever deleted one or more of YourFitnessPals, and, excepting cases of harassment and/or credible threats to physical safety, why? I find myself rather charmingly befuddled by my unusually high FitnessPal attrition rate as an otherwise well-mannered, respectful and moderately active member (159 days) though never to the point of flooding others' feeds… in one richly ironic instance a member who took to this very forum seeking accountabilibuddies who *wouldn't* delete her nonetheless did the very same to me in less than a fortnight!

    The most common justification I've come across is an extended period of inactivity on the part of the deleted: if that is indeed the case;

    (1) An inactive FitnessPal, by definition, would not be clogging your feed or otherwise hindering your MFP experience… "What difference — at this point — does it make?";

    (2) Is not MyFitnessPal's very raison d'être that of mutual accountability? Rather than delete, would not a polite nudge in the form of a message or wall post be more appropriate and consistent with the spirit of MFP? My experience has been that MyFitnessPals who've returned following an extended absence usually have compelling reasons for their inactivity, to say nothing of genuine contrition for their absence.

    PS Please feel free to add me as your accountabilibuddy: No explanation needed, I've never deleted anyone, nor have I the intention absent the aforementioned exceptions.

    I tend to delete people who go over 2 months inactive. Unless I really really like them.
    Most of the deleted people are people who asked to friend me for no compelling reason I could see, and we didn't have a whole lot in common.
    I could let them sit there true, but I don't want my friends list getting too large.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    I like to 'know' and interact with my friend list. So if there is no interaction and/or they are gone for a month or more I will delete. I don't want to be part of a collection either.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I've never deleted anybody yet! I log everyday and am pretty motivated but I don't have any problem if someone has not logged in for a long time, I feel "oh thats a shame" sometimes when I notice peoples last login time was a while ago, but then just because they don't log in doesn't mean they aren't still going to come back, it doesn't mean they aren't working on their goals outside of mfp.
    I know some people who have admitted they just lost their motivation for it for a while. But I can understand that and I hope that one day if they get their stuff going on sorted or motivation back that they can come back and give it their best. I'm happy to still be there when they do.

    I've lost my motivation for a year at a time. I still turn up and log my food though. It keeps me from backsliding.
    I guess people don't really think about that when they drop out but I HATE gaining weight over the winter because I'm comfort eating or not paying attention, and then basically having to start over again during the summer.
    MFP has been a godsend even when I'm not motivated.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Mostly for displaying skill in asshatery, and sometimes just for my own flights of fancy.
  • juhnell2610
    juhnell2610 Posts: 291 Member
    Who cares its the internet...

    It's not FB and these people aren't your "real" friends anyways, and you should be the only one keeping yourself accountable.

    /end thread

    Some people care, A LOT!

    Some people keep spreadsheets so if someone deletes them they can figure out who it is.

    Some people see that you've deleted them and start sending whiny/abusive messages over it.

    Some people start threads in forums to identify people who've deleted them.

    Me? I can't even tell when someone has cut me. And if they do I assume they had their reasons.

    those people need more to do with their time...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Who cares its the internet...

    It's not FB and these people aren't your "real" friends anyways, and you should be the only one keeping yourself accountable.

    /end thread

    Some people care, A LOT!

    Some people keep spreadsheets so if someone deletes them they can figure out who it is.

    Some people see that you've deleted them and start sending whiny/abusive messages over it.

    Some people start threads in forums to identify people who've deleted them.

    Me? I can't even tell when someone has cut me. And if they do I assume they had their reasons.

    those people need more to do with their time...



    TOPIC: Rate the person above you by their profile picture only! Tue 06/03/14 07:31 AM
    TOPIC: Would you grab or pass the person above? Sun 06/01/14 11:06 PM
    TOPIC: Rate the person above you by their profile picture only! Sun 06/01/14 11:00 PM
    TOPIC: Profile Creeping--Pick one pic Sun 06/01/14 10:55 PM
    TOPIC: Person above sends a saucy snapchat, reciprocate or not? Sun 06/01/14 10:46 PM
    TOPIC: Would you grab or pass the person above? Sun 06/01/14 10:12 PM
    TOPIC: Pass, Hug, Spank, Dance, Marry or Date Sun 06/01/14 10:11 PM
    TOPIC: If the above poster sent you a FR, would you accept? Sun 06/01/14 10:10 PM
    TOPIC: How Did You Meet? Sun 06/01/14 10:06 PM
    TOPIC: Person above first movie date: horror, comedy or romantic? Sun 06/01/14 10:05 PM
    TOPIC: Looking For Weight Loss Friends Sun 06/01/14 08:55 PM
    TOPIC: I'm new and looking for friends :) Sun 06/01/14 08:28 PM
    TOPIC: seeking weight loss friends / supporters Sun 06/01/14 08:28 PM
    TOPIC: Have you ever creeped the pictures of the person above you? Sun 06/01/14 07:05 PM
    TOPIC: The person above you probably smells like: Sun 06/01/14 07:04 PM
    TOPIC: How do you reward yourself for weightloss? Sat 05/31/14 03:49 PM
    TOPIC: Pass, Hug, Spank, Dance, Marry or Date Sat 05/31/14 03:05 PM
    TOPIC: Profile Creeping--Pick one pic Sat 05/31/14 12:34 AM
    TOPIC: Say something to the person above you. Anything! Sat 05/31/14 12:09 AM
    TOPIC: What's sexy about the person above you Sat 05/31/14 12:08 AM
    TOPIC: Wanted: friends in their 20's! Sat 05/31/14 12:01 AM
    TOPIC: Marry, Make-out, or Pass on person above you? Fri 05/30/14 11:58 PM
    TOPIC: Say something to the person above you. Anything! Fri 05/30/14 11:58 PM
    TOPIC: Would you grab or pass the person above? Fri 05/30/14 11:58 PM

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    How long is a fortnight? Just wanna know how long it's going to take OP to do a retaliatory deletion of me since I just FR'd him. It rolls downhill you know, and this just might get it out of his system being able to take it out on someone else.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    How long is a fortnight? Just wanna know how long it's going to take OP to do a retaliatory deletion of me since I just FR'd him. It rolls downhill you know, and this just might get it out of his system being able to take it out on someone else.

    fortnight = fourteen nights = 2 weeks
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I delete people specifically for being "friend collectors," i.e., people who seem to be just trying to get the number on their friend count high and who aren't interacting with ME. I don't need self-promoting updates from strangers who don't interact with me in my feed.

    I delete people for being boring.

    I delete people for just having a substantially different / incompatible fitness philosophy from mine.

    I delete people for whininess.

    I delete people for creepiness.

    I delete people because I don't owe them anything, bro. I get deleted too sometimes. NBD, get over it.

    adjective: boring
    not interesting; tedious.
    "I've got a boring job in an office"
    synonyms: tedious, dull, monotonous, repetitive, unrelieved, unvaried, unimaginative, uneventful; characterless, featureless, colorless, lifeless, insipid, uninteresting, unexciting, uninspiring, unstimulating, uninvolving; unreadable, unwatchable; jejune, flat, bland, dry, stale, tired, banal, lackluster, stodgy, vapid, monochrome, dreary, humdrum, mundane; mind-numbing, wearisome, tiring, tiresome, irksome, trying, frustrating; informaldeadly, ho-hum, dullsville, dull as dishwater, plain-vanilla
    "a boring one-man play"

    FAVE: "dull as dishwater", lolol.:laugh: almost for a second there thought it said "dull as dishwashers".
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    Who cares its the internet...

    It's not FB and these people aren't your "real" friends anyways, and you should be the only one keeping yourself accountable.

    /end thread

    Some people care, A LOT!

    Some people keep spreadsheets so if someone deletes them they can figure out who it is.

    Some people see that you've deleted them and start sending whiny/abusive messages over it.

    Some people start threads in forums to identify people who've deleted them.

    Me? I can't even tell when someone has cut me. And if they do I assume they had their reasons.

    those people need more to do with their time...



    TOPIC: Rate the person above you by their profile picture only! Tue 06/03/14 07:31 AM
    TOPIC: Would you grab or pass the person above? Sun 06/01/14 11:06 PM
    TOPIC: Rate the person above you by their profile picture only! Sun 06/01/14 11:00 PM
    TOPIC: Profile Creeping--Pick one pic Sun 06/01/14 10:55 PM
    TOPIC: Person above sends a saucy snapchat, reciprocate or not? Sun 06/01/14 10:46 PM
    TOPIC: Would you grab or pass the person above? Sun 06/01/14 10:12 PM
    TOPIC: Pass, Hug, Spank, Dance, Marry or Date Sun 06/01/14 10:11 PM
    TOPIC: If the above poster sent you a FR, would you accept? Sun 06/01/14 10:10 PM
    TOPIC: How Did You Meet? Sun 06/01/14 10:06 PM
    TOPIC: Person above first movie date: horror, comedy or romantic? Sun 06/01/14 10:05 PM
    TOPIC: Looking For Weight Loss Friends Sun 06/01/14 08:55 PM
    TOPIC: I'm new and looking for friends :) Sun 06/01/14 08:28 PM
    TOPIC: seeking weight loss friends / supporters Sun 06/01/14 08:28 PM
    TOPIC: Have you ever creeped the pictures of the person above you? Sun 06/01/14 07:05 PM
    TOPIC: The person above you probably smells like: Sun 06/01/14 07:04 PM
    TOPIC: How do you reward yourself for weightloss? Sat 05/31/14 03:49 PM
    TOPIC: Pass, Hug, Spank, Dance, Marry or Date Sat 05/31/14 03:05 PM
    TOPIC: Profile Creeping--Pick one pic Sat 05/31/14 12:34 AM
    TOPIC: Say something to the person above you. Anything! Sat 05/31/14 12:09 AM
    TOPIC: What's sexy about the person above you Sat 05/31/14 12:08 AM
    TOPIC: Wanted: friends in their 20's! Sat 05/31/14 12:01 AM
    TOPIC: Marry, Make-out, or Pass on person above you? Fri 05/30/14 11:58 PM
    TOPIC: Say something to the person above you. Anything! Fri 05/30/14 11:58 PM
    TOPIC: Would you grab or pass the person above? Fri 05/30/14 11:58 PM


    I love it! Well done. :drinker:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    How long is a fortnight? Just wanna know how long it's going to take OP to do a retaliatory deletion of me since I just FR'd him. It rolls downhill you know, and this just might get it out of his system being able to take it out on someone else.

    fortnight = fourteen nights = 2 weeks
    Thanks. Why not just say two weeks? this guy gonna clog my newsfeed with Shakespeare?
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    How long is a fortnight? Just wanna know how long it's going to take OP to do a retaliatory deletion of me since I just FR'd him. It rolls downhill you know, and this just might get it out of his system being able to take it out on someone else.

    fortnight = fourteen nights = 2 weeks
    Thanks. Why not just say two weeks? this guy gonna clog my newsfeed with Shakespeare?

    Verily methinks that would of some amusement.
  • Tammer81
    Tammer81 Posts: 38 Member
    I find it simpler and more efficient to use one word instead of two, and I generally reduce units of measure to their lowest common denominator… isn't saying "I drank a gallon of water" a less awkward formulation than "four quarts," "eight pints", "sixteen cups" and/or "128 ounces"?
  • Yoshirio
    Yoshirio Posts: 242 Member
    You should of held out for the videos that were sure to come.:p
    Ok, one more. Yes, I deleted someone once for logging their sex calories over and over and over. Logging sex once, out of curiosity, I can handle. But logging it PUBLICLY over and over? Yeah, not so much.:laugh:
  • shrinkingmichelle
    shrinkingmichelle Posts: 26 Member
    I delete if they have not logged in for 7 days.