Can you LOSE 50+ pounds by July 1st? CHALLENGE!!!



  • delllis06
    delllis06 Posts: 18 Member
    weight in: 185
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
  • Is it too late for me to start this challenge? I am looking to lose 50 + pounds by or even before July :)
  • Screen Name: Fluffnstuff11
    GW by July : 300

    I want to lose this weight by summer to have different options for clothes in the summer instead of trying to find clothes that fit or hide my fat.

    I plan on eating less than 1500 calories a day and burning at least 7-800 calories at workouts each day.
  • lilfarm
    lilfarm Posts: 30 Member
    Weight 1/1: 204
    1/8: 204 (grrrrrr)
    At least I can say I am getting good exercise habits. I have been using a stationary bike every morning for at least 45 min.
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    hi i would love to jump in on this as one of my current mini goals!
    i am life1979_24
    sw on 1/1//11 was 269.2
    sw on 7/1/11 is 219
    cw on 1/9/11 is 261.5
    i want to lose 50# as part of regaining control and accountability for my life
    my eating plans are daily food log trying to eat more. i like to eat only once a day and this is very wrong. yay mfp
    for exercise i am adding in slowly for now simple just move and add up to using my eliptical, roman chair, and dvds stop using were i live as an excuse not to swim or run. i can find somewhere to do that if i try.
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Weigh in: 201
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    lilfarm - don't lose heart :) Your 45 minutes every morning will be doing you the world of good and helping you build muscle. Your body will remember what it's doing and drop another few pounds for you before too long! I wish I could be as motivated as you in the mornings - I must make an effort!
  • butterfly0516
    butterfly0516 Posts: 25 Member
    If it isn't too late i would love to join; I believe 50lbs is still doable by 7/1. Thanks for setting up this group; I need the challenge and support.

    Screen Name: butterfly0516
    Starting Weight (1/1/11): 238
    Current Weight: (1/8/11): 237.5
    Goal by July 1st, 2011: 188
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I need to lose weight (100 pounds) to be healthy and to feel good.
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: Daily calories 1500, exercise at least 5 times a week (starting w/ walking).
  • Hi, I would like to join too if I am still on time. Today is my first day exercising myself and I would like to have and give motivation.

    Starting Weight & Height: 214.5lbs - 5.9feet

    Goal by July 1st, 2011: 160lbs

    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I think I never had my right weight, and I'm tired of hating what I see in the mirror; it's time for me to do something and stop complaining.

    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: I'm having 1220 calories per day and exercising 1 hour - 1 1/2 hour six days per week.

  • Jillk1023
    Jillk1023 Posts: 121 Member
    checking in sorry i am late,...... 145.5 1/9/11 yahoo....
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    Hi, :happy:

    My screen name is sonybalony, (Sonia)

    My start weight on 1/1/11 was 232

    I am 65" tall

    Goal for July 1st is 180

    I want to lose 50+ because I hate feeling winded all the time, and I need to make some changes. I have gone to Boy Scout camp with my youngest son the last couple years and have found it getting harder and harder. My daddy died in April just before his 70th birthday. His and my momma's quality of life have been a huge issue for them for almost a decade. They couldn't go anywhere, do anything, and I realized that I want to be around a lifetime for my kiddos, a lifetime we can all enjoy. I talked to my momma today and she is very excited for me. She even asked my brother to get her recumbent bike out of the garage. I hope my motivation will encourage her as well.

    My plan for losing 50+ is to eat less than 1800 a day (I was eating ALOT more than that unawares) and have already lost a few sticking to this calorie range. Also, cardio 30 minutes every day and strength training 4 days a week for about 90 minutes. I started out doing 30 minutes at 2.5mph and a max incline of 5 and had to slow down, I could barely breathe and required my inhaler. Today I did 35 minutes at 3mph with a max incline of 8 and finished, red and sweaty but breathing!!! ;-)

    I am really looking forward to having extra encouragement during those trying times! I just joined MFP this week, weighing in at at 229.
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Just Finished W1D2 Cardio X of P90X

    I am drenched and gross and the sick part about it is that i am loving it. Last week when i did cardio x, i sweated but was not drenched. This week i can tell that i remembered the moves and really brought it. My Dreya rolls are even getting better but there still pretty sloppy. I really think this week is gonna be a good week for me. Also, yesterday when i did core synergistics i used a resistance cord and boy was that crappy, i got more of a burn using my weights. Kind of a bummer.
  • kcarlson22
    kcarlson22 Posts: 27 Member
    weigh in 187
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Well I had a cheat meal yesterday, but I did not go crazy. My goal this week is to stay under 2,000 calories M-F and exercise everyday M-F. Last week M-Su I exercised 313 min and burn 3,782 calories.

    I hope you all enjoying the challenges as much as I am. Have a good week everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Anybody know where we can find the chart that Stephanie said she would so kindly be making? I wasn't sure if I missed it in the pages, if its in a different thread, or if it just hasn't made its way up yet. I am a competitive person so seeing how I did compared to everyone else will really help motivate me, thus the question.

    Thanks again to Stephanie for starting this group!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Anybody know where we can find the chart that Stephanie said she would so kindly be making? I wasn't sure if I missed it in the pages, if its in a different thread, or if it just hasn't made its way up yet. I am a competitive person so seeing how I did compared to everyone else will really help motivate me, thus the question.

    Thanks again to Stephanie for starting this group!

    I think she is supposed to post it tonight but she is prettly busy.
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    bump;; don't wanna miss the chart!! Love to see everyone's progress! :]
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    Is it too late to join????
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    Anybody know where we can find the chart that Stephanie said she would so kindly be making? I wasn't sure if I missed it in the pages, if its in a different thread, or if it just hasn't made its way up yet. I am a competitive person so seeing how I did compared to everyone else will really help motivate me, thus the question.

    Thanks again to Stephanie for starting this group!

    I think she is supposed to post it tonight but she is prettly busy.

    yes, stephanie is very busy. this isn't the only challenge that she leads. but i do believe that she'll post them 2nite. i'm lookin 4ward 2 the chart as well :tongue:

    THANK YOU STEPHANIE!! :flowerforyou: :smooched: lol :tongue:
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