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Oh Dear MFP suppots Detox and cleanses
Ok I do not see this as advice or info but a experience she is sharing. I know I am smart enough not to listen to others experience and use them a a example to follow. Like with everything on the internet you can not believe most of the info.
If this was a user's blog, then sure...personal experience and all that...
...but this is a *MFP SANCTIONED/PROMOTED ARTICLE*! This means that they at the very least they do not have an issue with the message.
Those who are going to get it already do...
...and those who don't, won't.0 -
Run, SS. Run.
but, but, his gains...
:laugh:0 -
You know what gets me...
the first seven paragraphs talk about her issues, and her pre made cleanse, and how she felt better... and the LAST paragraph is actually unrelated. It's an... oh, I drink this smoothie three times a day. It's kind of like the cleanse one I was having.
The cleanse shake she had was pre-made. This one is her own devising. Does she even KNOW what went into the premade one? How did she decide on which ingredients to put in her own (did she even research parsley and what it does in large volumes) - and how are they tied to the cleanse one she was doing?
What WAS the actual purpose of the blog? Was it to sell the detox idea (the first 7 paragraphs), or was it to promote her "cool magic detox" smoothie (paragraph 8).
The sooner you stop trying to figure things like this out, the happier you will be.
Now here...take these pills to help calm you down and look at the pretty flowers.
Look at the flowers, Lizzie.0 -
Ok I do not see this as advice or info but a experience she is sharing. I know I am smart enough not to listen to others experience and use them a a example to follow. Like with everything on the internet you can not believe most of the info.
If this was a user's blog, then sure...personal experience and all that...
...but this is a *MFP SANCTIONED/PROMOTED ARTICLE*! This means that they at the very least they do not have an issue with the message.
Those who are going to get it already do...
...and those who don't, won't.
Maybe you aren't flexitarian enough.0 -
Ok I do not see this as advice or info but a experience she is sharing. I know I am smart enough not to listen to others experience and use them a a example to follow. Like with everything on the internet you can not believe most of the info.
If this was a user's blog, then sure...personal experience and all that...
...but this is a *MFP SANCTIONED/PROMOTED ARTICLE*! This means that they at the very least they do not have an issue with the message.
Those who are going to get it already do...
...and those who don't, won't.
Maybe you aren't flexitarian enough.0 -
Ok I do not see this as advice or info but a experience she is sharing. I know I am smart enough not to listen to others experience and use them a a example to follow. Like with everything on the internet you can not believe most of the info.
If this was a user's blog, then sure...personal experience and all that...
...but this is a *MFP SANCTIONED/PROMOTED ARTICLE*! This means that they at the very least they do not have an issue with the message.
Those who are going to get it already do...
...and those who don't, won't.
Maybe you aren't flexitarian enough.
Is that Atkins?0 -
Is that Atkins?
well, it doesn't inherently exclude Atkins...0 -
You know what gets me...
the first seven paragraphs talk about her issues, and her pre made cleanse, and how she felt better... and the LAST paragraph is actually unrelated. It's an... oh, I drink this smoothie three times a day. It's kind of like the cleanse one I was having.
The cleanse shake she had was pre-made. This one is her own devising. Does she even KNOW what went into the premade one? How did she decide on which ingredients to put in her own (did she even research parsley and what it does in large volumes) - and how are they tied to the cleanse one she was doing?
What WAS the actual purpose of the blog? Was it to sell the detox idea (the first 7 paragraphs), or was it to promote her "cool magic detox" smoothie (paragraph 8).
The sooner you stop trying to figure things like this out, the happier you will be.
Now here...take these pills to help calm you down and look at the pretty flowers.
Look at the flowers, Lizzie.
*dying* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
[img][/img]0 -
Comments for this thread are now closed.
I guess that settles it.0 -
"We are unable to post your comment because you have been blocked by MyFitnessPal Blog."
I am quite cross about this
There should always be space for rational debate0 -
So now you can't make comments on that blog? Bravo. Not.0
"We are unable to post your comment because you have been blocked by MyFitnessPal Blog."
I am quite cross about this
There should always be space for rational debate
Perhaps what I said wasn't rational though.
To that end, I made a blog post that contained every single removed MFP blog comment I made: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jofjltncb6/view/we-are-unable-to-post-your-comment-because-you-have-been-blocked-by-myfitnesspal-blog-aka-jof-s-greatest-hits-6673780 -
can't I just eat a variety of foods getting all required nutrition from food while eating a reasonable amount of calories for my weight loss/gain goals?
(and my comments on the blog were removed as well. I guess mentioning that calling the recipe "MyFitnessPal Green Detox Smoothie" implies that MFP is promoting it as some kind of solution for some non-existent problem...was a problem.)0 -
I am confused. Was that written by a member of the MFP staff or a non-staff blogger?
Why is it a perma-blog when it is basically misleading?
Re the smoothie - Pretty crappy macros. Good micros. Not sure why you need >100% of the RDA of Vit A and C.
Would love to know exactly what toxins are being 'cleansed'.0 -
I am confused. Was that written by a member of the MFP staff or a non-staff blogger?
Why is it a perma-blog when it is basically misleading?
Re the smoothie - Pretty crappy macros. Good micros. Not sure why you need >100% of the RDA of Vit A and C.
Would love to know exactly what toxins are being 'cleansed'.
*eyeroll*0 -
Good to hear that MFP is once again carefully choosing content and responding to legitimate and science backed criticisms. Oh wait. No they're not. Back to joking around in the forums because one can't take this place seriously.0
"We are unable to post your comment because you have been blocked by MyFitnessPal Blog."
I am quite cross about this
There should always be space for rational debate
Perhaps what I said wasn't rational though.
To that end, I made a blog post that contained every single removed MFP blog comment I made: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jofjltncb6/view/we-are-unable-to-post-your-comment-because-you-have-been-blocked-by-myfitnesspal-blog-aka-jof-s-greatest-hits-667378
I know, I read it. Then I got even crosser, in a very English way. Ive got my arms folded and I'm tutting disapprovingly.0 -
Good to hear that MFP is once again carefully choosing content and responding to legitimate and science backed criticisms. Oh wait. No they're not. Back to joking around in the forums because one can't take this place seriously.
Pretty much. What is the point if the staff is going to act in direct opposition of you?0 -
"We are unable to post your comment because you have been blocked by MyFitnessPal Blog."
I am quite cross about this
There should always be space for rational debate
Perhaps what I said wasn't rational though.
To that end, I made a blog post that contained every single removed MFP blog comment I made: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jofjltncb6/view/we-are-unable-to-post-your-comment-because-you-have-been-blocked-by-myfitnesspal-blog-aka-jof-s-greatest-hits-667378
I know, I read it. Then I got even crosser, in a very English way. Ive got my arms folded and I'm tutting disapprovingly.
Arms-folded tutting?
My my...
...that *is* cross.0 -
Oh excellent. It's the "part time vegan" moron who deletes any blog comments pointing out her idiocy,0
Oh excellent. It's the "part time vegan" moron who deletes any blog comments pointing out her idiocy,
Time out now.
I don't *know*, but based on her responses to some comments and the disappearance of others (in an earlier thread weeks), I don't think it's the author doing the nuking. I suspect that's an MFP mod action. I could be wrong, and it isn't like MFP has clarified either way, but I'm 99.44% confident in my assumption.0 -
Comments for this thread are now closed.0
Comments for this thread are now closed.
code for waves of butthurt causing butthurt overload0 -
Comments for this thread are now closed.
That is, like, sooooo 221 minutes ago...
...like, totally.0 -
Oh excellent. It's the "part time vegan" moron who deletes any blog comments pointing out her idiocy,
Time out now.
I don't *know*, but based on her responses to some comments and the disappearance of others (in an earlier thread weeks), I don't think it's the author doing the nuking. I suspect that's an MFP mod action. I could be wrong, and it isn't like MFP has clarified either way, but I'm 99.44% confident in my assumption.
Let me rephrase then:
Oh excellent. It's the "part time vegan" moron whose idiocy is perpetuated by the powers-that-be deleting blog comments pointing out heretofore mentioned idiocy.
Unless the 0.56% holds true.0 -
Oh excellent. It's the "part time vegan" moron who deletes any blog comments pointing out her idiocy,
Time out now.
I don't *know*, but based on her responses to some comments and the disappearance of others (in an earlier thread weeks), I don't think it's the author doing the nuking. I suspect that's an MFP mod action. I could be wrong, and it isn't like MFP has clarified either way, but I'm 99.44% confident in my assumption.
Let me rephrase then:
Oh excellent. It's the "part time vegan" moron whose idiocy is perpetuated by the powers-that-be deleting blog comments pointing out heretofore mentioned idiocy.
Unless the 0.56% holds true.
Much better.
(I just don't want your observation to be easily deflected because of a technicality.)
(Well, that, and I have a minor in Pedantry.)0 -
Oh excellent. It's the "part time vegan" moron who deletes any blog comments pointing out her idiocy,
Time out now.
I don't *know*, but based on her responses to some comments and the disappearance of others (in an earlier thread weeks), I don't think it's the author doing the nuking. I suspect that's an MFP mod action. I could be wrong, and it isn't like MFP has clarified either way, but I'm 99.44% confident in my assumption.
Let me rephrase then:
Oh excellent. It's the "part time vegan" moron whose idiocy is perpetuated by the powers-that-be deleting blog comments pointing out heretofore mentioned idiocy.
Unless the 0.56% holds true.
Much better.
(I just don't want your observation to be easily deflected because of a technicality.)
(Well, that, and I have a minor in Pedantry.)
I'm pretty sure that Pedantry is illegal in Georgia0
This discussion has been closed.
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