I challenge you to lose 5 Pounds This Month January 2011



  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Up .2lbs today but thankfully it is not weigh in! I have come to expect it with daily weigh-ins but it still sucks. More water, more water!!

    Great job on all the losses so far though:flowerforyou:
  • samgig
    samgig Posts: 25 Member
    i am new to all this but i am in:

    start wt.. jan 10 228
    goal wt... jan 31 223
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Jan 3 - 154.6 (up some...boo!)
    Jan 10 - 153. 0 (Yeah!!!)
    Jan 31
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    I´m in, too-- and I´ll post a fitness tip per day on my blog, as I test each bit of advice that catches my eye. My blog is:
    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/30tips It´s called Woman vs Food
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I'm behind on the posts, but thought I'd post a quick note to check in. I've been feeling like crap, and finally stayed home from work today to rest (kept considering it last week, but ended up working through it). Not sure that it helped any... For whatever reason, I feel all doom and gloomy. Blech. I hope it passes soon.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I've been home sick with food poisoning the past few days....so I am posting my weight from Sat morning. I would so LOVE to post what it actually said this morning, but since its not realistic (I have barely been eating) I'm just posting what it said on Saturday morning! Great job to everyone else! You are all doing awesome!

    Jan 1: 204.0 lbs
    Jan 3: 203.0 lbs
    Jan 10: 201.1 lbs
    Jan 17:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 31:
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your food poisoning! That must be awful! :sick:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I wrote a long deep post today filling you all in on the weekend happenings and when I hit "post reply" it said that the site was under maintenance! :brokenheart: ARG

    So I will sum it up! I didn't get up in time for yoga today and I am making enchilada's for dinner on Tuesday. The long version was so much better :grumble:

    Even after a long healthy weekend the scale isn't moving. Darn 157.6! I think I will stop getting on the darn thing for the rest of this week until my weigh in Friday. Maybe it will think I am cheating on it and be super nice to me on Friday to "get me back" :laugh:

    Sorry for those who are sick, congrats to those who had a loss, and boo to the site for losing my first post!

    Happy Monday friends :flowerforyou:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Jennplus, sorry to hear you lost your post

    Kelly..WTG with the weight loss no matter how it's happening....but I don't think I would trade with you, food poisoning is awful...FEEL BETTER

    dmgaloha--sorry you were sick also...drink up

    congrats to the others...seem like most are either maintaining or loosing so GREAT

    EVENING all!!
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    Yea I started at:

    SW: 255
    CW: 251

    One more pound I am reached the goal for the month maybe even a little more trying to reach my goal by Valentines of 10 pounds.....good luck everyone..
  • elina_t
    elina_t Posts: 11
    Aaand it looks like I was right about last time's weigh-in being largely water retention due to sodium. Oh well. At least I'm showing some awesome losses!

    1/3 - 148
    1/10 - 144.8
    1/17 -
    1/24 -
    1/31 -
  • I lost three pounds in my first week! YAY!!
  • deem
    deem Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in too please!!! I started yesterday so that's 5lbs in 3 weeks

    SW: 198
    CW: 193

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    01/03- 164
    01/10- 163.4

    Sorry I've been pretty MIA lately, work is crazy & so is my son... :wink: Just know that I'm lurking & reading & cheering you all on!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    01/03- 164
    01/10- 163.4

    Sorry I've been pretty MIA lately, work is crazy & so is my son... :wink: Just know that I'm lurking & reading & cheering you all on!!

    It's ok we all understand, life is crazy sometimes.....

    Morning all, got my plans of training interrupted somewhat today....my son's school is having an early dismissal (an it hasn't even started snowing yer??) anyhow, will have to do some type of workout at home (P90x or total gym??) Hope all is well with everyone.....enjoy the day and be safe if you are getting snow!!:flowerforyou:
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Well I am sure disappointed in myself this am....I stepped on the scale and was up .5. I will be hitting it harder this week and going for much better food choices. I think I need to go to bed earlier as I keep finding myself hungry around 10pm and snacking.

    CW: 181

    Good luck all this week.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hello all!

    Very stressful morning. My youngest has been having some stomach issues (nerves?) before school every morning. His grades are slipping. I am sending him out the door in tears every morning. He is crying because his stomach hurts and he misses my brother's dog. We have had him to the doctor many times....they cannot find anything physically wrong with him. Now after 5 months his grades are starting to slip his teacher thinks he is not adjusting to school well this year. Hello! I have been emailing you almost daily telling you there is something at school this year he does not like and we need to figure it out. Today she has him talking to the school counselor to see what we can do to help him out. This whole situation has been driving me crazy for months, not to mention the expense of all the doctor bills to find out he is healthy.

    My husband told me how stressed out he is about this situation. I laughed and said you should be the one sending him to school in "pain" and tears everyday, feeling like the worst parent in the world...then you would really understand the stress of this situation. I need a nap. 4 hours of work done 7 hours to go.

    Today's Myth


    The truth

    Running for an hour straight is a great calorie burner and will undoubtedly help runners shed pounds. But you might actually accrue more fitness and fat loss by occasionally breaking that hour-long workout into two half-hour sessions, says kinesiologist Greg McMillan, and online coach and mcmillanrunning.com. "A person may run at a harder pace if tackling two shorter runs instead of a single longer one, so the cumulative calorie burn would be greater." A Journal of Applied Physiology found that healthy men who performed two separate 30-minute aerobic sessions burned more calories post workout compared with a single 60 minute trial.

    McMillan often prescirbes same-day split sessions to help his clients overcome time constraints and boredom, and accumulate the same training volume with less injury risk He suggests doing a steady pace, moderate intensity run for one session and more intense calorie burner like interval training or hill running the second time. Conversely try a high-intesity morning run followed by an after work weight training session.

    It would be great to do this, but I have a hard time finding one time slot a day to exercise let alone finding time for a second.

    Maybe as the weather improves and it gets light earlier in the morning it will be easier to get up and exercise.

    Have a great and Healthy Tuesday!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your son. Hopefully the counselor will find out what's going on. I hope it's not something like bullying. That's tough for kids to deal with.

    Thanks for the myth!! The only time I work out more than 30 minutes is if I'm doing Taebo or Zumba and those aren't meant to be broken up. I am looking forward to the time change as I'm more of a morning workout person (I've been working out when I get home from work lately) and would like to get on my bike and ride!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I like your new picture! Very cute little family you have :flowerforyou:

    Don't be disappointed with yourself! It might just be water. I also feel the same about sleep, I know how important it is to weight loss and yet I keep letting it elude me! Tonight will be a late night, biggest loser night!

    So sorry to hear about your hard time with your son. Have you tried to see a different doctor? My son's doctor must have told me 20 times that he was healthy and I was at the point that I started to think I was going crazy. But once I changed pediatricians we found out that he had Celiac disease (inability to absorb fat or process gluten) Sometimes doctors make mistakes. But anyway, that must be so hard for you to send him off to school when you know that something is not right. I will think of your family today and send your son healthy, loving feelings that he feels better soon!

    Proud to say that I didn't weigh in today! I shall wait and see if Friday's weight has me any lower.

    Lets all stop and drink a glass of water....just drank mine and now I'm off to the loo! :drinker:
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    My weigh-in is today...Biggest Loser day!! Last week 182.6... this week....drum role please.... 177! 5.6 pounds in one week. I am sooooo back on track!! Love ya all!!
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