

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Katla – you’ll get the hang of those needles!:smile:

    Cynthia – great job on releasing the weight….

    Heather – it’s Sunday a great day to be preachy – but I read it as a reminder not a finger wagging preachy session… - have Jono Vernon-powell on while I read the posts… Are you going to hitchhike for your next trip?

    So to all who has ever hitchhiked? I have not… And who has picked up a hitchhiker? Have not done that either...

    Moondoggz – stuffing feelings is something that took us years to learn and will take years to unlearn; recognizing it is the first step…:smile:

    Judy, gina, - welcome

    JB – hope you feel better soon!

    Yanniejannie – a raccoon in your yard – fun! ?

    Christine – sounds great to tuck away some lunch fruit.

    Well started the morning with a list a mile long, and haven't made a big enough dent yet... so back to it.!

    Kim in N. Cal
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    No baby yet. DD and family are over at our house. She is fed up with being pregnant and overdue. I quite understand. Did that 4 times myself. She and toddler are taking a nap, so I am taking the opportunity to hop on MFP and chat with you gals and get my vitamin F.

    I just spoke with my older sister in Holland that our mom is not doing very well. It is a matter of making her as comfortable as possible, because nothing else can be done. Mom is ready, so now it's a waiting game.

    I'm not over this virus yet. Annoying and tiring, especially the coughing spells. Jb and I seem to have the same thing. Everywhere people are getting this bug. DH was called in early for his volunteer work today, because of several others not able to help due to sickness.

    Be well, my friends. I've read your posts, but am a little too distracted to respond.

    From windy Vancouver Island. BC
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hi ladies,

    After "healthy" Pancake Sunday (a weekly ritual), I went on a 12 mile bike ride, ate a nice salad for lunch, snacked on some cherries and watermelon. THEN my brother came for the Father's Day dinner. I asked him to bring my step father's fave 4 berry pie from Achtaz. He did that, ALONG WITH A PECAN PIE!!! I knew I wouldn't touch the berry pie but Miss Zero Self Control did not "just say no" to the pecan. After the damage was done, I made him take the rest with him. :ohwell:

    Trying to sort through some of my piles of paper and get myself organized and ready to pack for this trip.

    Michele, we're going to west central Florida. Staying on Clearwater Beach and visiting some of the surrounding area, including the Magic Kingdom. Just going for a week, well "staying" for a week. Driving so there are an additional 4-5 days on the road.

    Hope everyone's having a great and, and practicing more self control than I did.

    xo- Gloria in just warm enough and super sunny Metro Detroit.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    afternoon my friends~
    well at least I got 11,000+ steps, have been running hell bent for election most of the day.. left the house at 5:30 this morning to grocery shopping... had this weeks list,and even the list for 2 weeks from now, and went by what I had on the list.. still it was a good chunk of change....came home put it all away and then swept and washed the wood floors with murphy's oil soap... helped the DH dry off the car,he washed that.. he took a shower and off we went to see my DFIL ,he was lying down for a nap.... they had a father's day brunch and he filled up on that so he was sleeping that off... put out a couple cookies for him which he prompely ate... and then off we went to Wally world for the second time, first got the DH shorts,didn't fit, so took them to a different Walmart and got him the right kind,then we forgot drip pans for the grill, so stopped 2 places to find those, oh yea while Tom was washing the car used up mushy banana's and made 2 loaves of banana nut bread, one for the DH and one for my Dad,
    my brother calls me and is in a state,because he and dad got into a screaming match.. We are all worried about my dad,1 he is getting forgetful,2- he has been getting vertigo and dizzy spells more frequently and we dont want him driving up to N.H. which is were he and my DB,and son were supposed to go today...
    so I called my dad and he was rip snorting mad,at Sean and all hell was breaking loose...well I grilled a couple of pork chops and fed the DH, and I wolfed one down and off I went to be peace maker, stopped and talked to my DB and SIL first, then went over to see dad, Banana bread in hand, he dove right into that.. so I have them talked into going up N.H. tomorrow the 3 of them(this should be interesting)to do some work at the cottage... now in the meantime, I will have to go check on my dad's dog twice a day while they are gone, and possibly if Sean isnt back by weds morning, go over to there house, and make sure Faith(SIL mom) takes her insulin correctly and get her protein shake together and make her a sandwich for lunch before going to work...
    I have alot of stuff packed -non perishable for the trip sitting on the dining room table.. will take that all up next weekend..
    DH says why do we have to go 2 places id be happy with just one. I said this isnt about me, this is about the girls... this is there vacation with us and I want them to have a great time.. but I want to enjoy it too...
    well I am bushed, so gonna hit the hay early.. hope everyone enjoyed there weekend:heart:
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for all the supportive responses right there with anyone that struggles with using food as a drug of choice. I have had a food disorder since high school. First anorexia, then bulimia and it turned into just good old binging. I have come a long way but I agree with everyone here stress and triggers are good to know and be aware of. I agree tomorrow is another day and as long as we keep on trucker we don't fail :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, don't get yourself burned out. You have a lot on your plate. What are you doing for yourself?

    We have had a good Father's day. My nephew, my sisters son, wanted to go to Cheddars. I got my grilled chicken sald without the cheese. I have them put the pecans on the side so I can eat them as desert. then I give the croisant to whoever wants it at the table. My nephew has worked for Schwans delivering pizza to grocery stores. I guess it's a division of Schwans. Anyway, he has worked there for about 15 years and pretty much top of pay scale and has heard that they like to find reasons to fire people who are paid as much as he is since they can replace him for a $10/hour person. So he got fired the other day but he is pretty heavy and it wasn't a lifestyle that allowed him to be on a decent diet. He has diabetes 2 due to his obesity and has arthritis. So he is really pretty glad he now has an opportunity to find a new job. He is an alcoholic and has been sober since 1998. He would really like a job in a treatment center so he can be a counselor. We have two in Evansville, one would let him him share his experience as a tech the other one would not but both offer tuition reimbursement. Our youngest who is kind of budget strapped came over and mowed our lawn for her Dad for his present.

    I had another weird feeling in church today. I didn't feel dizzy at all or feel close to seeing black but after singing a couple of verses I was breathless and had to stop singing for a couple of words. So I had to skip every couple of phrases so that I could look halfway normal up in the choir loft. If this continues I will have to talk to my doctor about it. I know I am bad but I don't eat breakfast before I go to church so I don't take my medicine until I get home and fix lunch. So I guess I will have to eat breakfast and take all my medicine so that I can have some fuel in my tank.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did an hour of Gilad's Step and Tone DVD. I think it's pretty decent. He doesn't give a whole lot of cueing, but I think that's because you're doing two things at once and that's hard. But in all, I find the DVD to be decent. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some of my 10 Minute Tummy Toner DVD, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    jaks - welcome back!

    Beth - the main reason I change up my workouts is because I get bored easily. Another reason is that I use different muscles, but the main reason is so that I don't get bored.

    katla - thanks for the suggestions about plants. I made a note of them and will certainly keep tham in mind when I'm ready. We don't have dirt -- we have this horrible red clay. Is that acidic? (you can tell that I'm not a gardener). Good luck knitting! Isn't that grandchld here YET???

    Cynthia T60 - when a cat throws up, sometimes I use just water and other times I use a rug cleaner that I got from the people who evidentally installed the rugs. Personally, I don't think it's all that fantastic. To me, the water works just fine and then I just rub the spot with a clean paper towel

    Patty - I never realized just how much I would miss my dad.

    Welcome everyone new (too many to mention individually)

    Joanie - I always snap my asparagus, too, right when the woody part starts. But I always feel like I'm wasting so much that I paid for

    I made these indoor smores for Vince, and they kept looking me in the face in the refrig. Sure wish he'd finish them! I did have about 1/2 of one. Every time I open the fridge, I keep saying "over 200 calories and for what?" But I still broke down and had 1/2 of one

    Sylvia - happy MPF anniversary!

    Meg - Your idea of Heather putting out different foods for us to taste is certainly up my alley!!! We certainly don't want her to serve "inferior" food to anyone....lol

    Exercised, had breakfast, read the paper, then went out and did some more riverrocking. It seems like it's going really slowly but I know that's because the area where we are working right now is quite wide. When we were rocking the area behind the spa, it seemed to go quickly because some areas were very narrow. The previous owners had mulch put down there (why, I really don't know, mulch is so light) so occasionally I have to take a load of mulch up to the front of the house. The landscape fabric that is down is VERY worn and detiorated. With all the landscape fabric in the garbage, I just might have to put out the garbage tomorrow. Now that we recycle so very much, I almost never put the garbage out unless they're also collecting the recyclables. Vince keeps saying that the rock pile is going down, but I don't see it yet. Then went in the pool a bit, now on here.

    Renny - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. My heart goes out to you

    Gloria - have a great time in FL. We were originally going to go down the last weekened in June for the Firecracker 400, but that's when Jessica is moving into her place and Mom and Dad Moving Inc. was recruited. So no FL until Feb.

    Just made some oatmeal raisin cookies to take to Jess's. I know she won't eat them, but the people who are going to help her move that weekend can have them. As I was making them I decided that it is my solemn duty to be sure that Heather's food is up to par. And there's only one way for me to be sure........

    Alison - it went from winter right into summer, I wish I had been able to wash and wax my car. I usually like to do that before the summer begins, but like I said, Mother Nature had her own ideas.

    Joyce - have something to eat before church.

    Well, off to take a shower and then beddybye. Need to wash that river dirt out of my hair.

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Pretty quiet day here; I just realized that I didn't even get in the car today..............can not remember the last day that happened!!!
    Started trimming the bushes out front last night and finished them up tonight, so they are finally shaped and don't look all wild. I love that electric trimmer!!!! (Never imagined I'd say that!!!) Also started on a border: about 15ft. worth that has gone completely wild, trying to get that sorted out as my 2 peonies and my iris are in there and getting choked out. Let it alone way too long because there were baby bunnies; now it's beyond a mess............Kim, how far do you travel, lol? I think I'll just dig the iris out to replant later and weed around the peonies and kill off the rest with some vegetation killer maybe????
    I'd really hate to lose the peonies though, they came from home and the stock is older than me!!

    Made a meatloaf for DH with 93% hamburger, chopped green peppers, onion, parsley, dash of light soy, a bit of Heinz 57, and a can of those fire-roasted tomatoes.....turned out pretty tasty. Also boiled red potatoes with dill (from the yard), steamed asparagus, and carrots. Had my fav. watermelon tonight: chopped up and sprinkled with mint and balsamic vinegar..yum! DH got a book from DD and four shirts from me (even if he's not my father, as he told me one year about mothers day, grrrrr)............and got to spend the day in the garage working on ham radio and computer stuff.........his ideal day.

    Also did what seemed like 40 loads of laundry and cleaned a bit....now I know why I spend so much time out of this house.

    Tomorrow is ladies exercise then a fundraising luncheon to benefit the family of a policeman who was killed here about 2 weeks ago.

    Sleep well, all,

    ps.......Pat.............LOVE the early pic of you and your DH!!!
  • sparklenglitter
    sparklenglitter Posts: 52 Member
    Hey !! Its newbie, Lady Carol...just popping in to say hi, I am excited to start my strength training tomo, let the work keep on keeping on!! Fathers day was an emotional day for me, as my father passed in March, I however did not succumb to o.d nasty behaviors, of eating to stuff my feelings of drinking wine to numb myself, I let myself feel the sadness, cried and moved forward...I am so great full to be able to share witn you all, it is a cleansing, spiritual feeling for me.

    gotta go get ready for nignt night time, the alarm goes off pretty darn early tomo.

    talk, toto...

    Carol in Monroe. ♥♥♥♥♥
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    yanniejannie - I can come and work with you if you'll pay for the plane ticket :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: In fact you buy the ticket, let me stay free and feed me - and I'll waive my hourly rate --- I'm getting the deal there!!!

    Father's day - Wow, not a trigger day for me anymore - the last father's day I had with my dad was 37 years ago - he had a heart attack and died at 52 years old. :frown: Very weird to think I have been alive longer than he was. He was a great guy that I miss; like anyone who has lost someone dear, after a period of time, instead of everyday being hard is it just occasional waves. I was very lucky - my dad was our families rudder - he groomed each of us kids to be the best we could be; and kept controls on my mom's overbearing personality. :laugh: I was 19 yrs. old when he died; my sister and brother just little ones at 11 and 9 and it was much harder on them - mom tried her very best --but it was lacking; I tried to fill his shoes but that was pretty unsuccessful - especially since I was in college 4 hours away and only 19 - my sister is beginning to be all she can be; my brother chose drugs and booze...- Interestingly my trigger days are not the holidays, but just times I wish he was here to share with - and I don't eat or drink - thank goodness I have plenty of other excuses to eat and drink :drinker: :drinker: LOL

    Treasure what you have.
    Kim in N. Cal
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Dinner was so much fun! The kids came and were fussing about who would get to sit next to grandpa. My son settled the argument by saying the HE would sit next to grandpa. I made meat loaf too, along with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. (I made an unsalted beef patty for myself). Even the kids ate well, so I think it was good. Not many left overs. I also made the most BEAUTIFUL angel food cake and strawberries for dessert. I love making angel food cake. The way it puffs up in the pan. It always turns out well, and it is hubby's favorite. The kids made Father's Day cards for grandpa. That was cute. My son told hubby happy Father's Day too, which warmed my heart.

    I've been really dizzy this afternoon. I managed to walk with the dogs after the kids left, but no extra. Nine more days till my cardiologist appointment. I'll be glad when that happens.

    Good night everyone!

  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    I just found this thread. Yay, more people my age. I just started on 6/5 and am having a blast. I hope to get to know everyone so I can cheer you all on. Add me as a friend if you wish.
  • judy11351
    judy11351 Posts: 33 Member
    Newbe Judy here, thank you all so much for the welcome. Love reading your posts.

    Good night and God Bless from Ohio.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Good luck with your travel plans. I’m happy to hear your DH is doing well with the medicine. I’ll be right over for tea, but I’ll have to pass on the clotted cream. Thanks for the invitation.:bigsmile: What can I bring?:flowerforyou:

    Kim: Teaching cooking to kids at camp would be challenging and fun. I hope you enjoy every minute.:flowerforyou:

    Jill: I’m happy that you had a good time on your trip and will have lovely memories to savor.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: Enjoy your peace and quiet. I had no plans for DH for father’s day, but we had fun working on the fishing boat and cooking our first ever barbecue beef brisket. DH heard from both of our kids. You’re in my prayers. So much has been happening in your life, both good and bittersweet. I’m happy that you were able to take that trip to see your mom a few months ago and sorry you’re sick now.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I think I like the happily married couple joke best. Thanks for the laugh.:laugh: :laugh:

    Barbara in GA: Bump means bring up my post. It is actually a way to find your place in the conversation when you really don’t have anything to say and want to continue reading where you left off.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’d consider rhododendrons or azaleas. They’d do fine at your altitude, and have wonderful blooms in the spring. They prefer acid soil, are very low maintenance, and come in a range of sizes & colors. I don’t know about your soil acidity, but the clay around here is on the acid side. You can get information from your county extension office or garden center. If other homes in your area have rhododendrons or azaleas, your soil ph is probably fine.:flowerforyou:

    Kim: I’m part of the never picked up a hitchhiker and never hitched a ride with a stranger club. It is called the smart girl’s club. I’m getting there with the double pointed needles. Yikes, they’re a pain. I have several mistakes in the little hat, and have done the whole thing over so many times that the current mistakes will stay. I love your comments about your dad. Mine was special, too.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Breakfast and medicine will help you sing beautifully in the choir. Health comes first.:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the newbies! Post often and let us know where you’re from.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Gloria: love the pie story. Pecan pie is so delicious!
    Alison: I got tired just reading your first paragraph! You must have more energy than I do. I sure hope so, because you’ve got a whole lot on your plate.... Are you sleeping well? :flowerforyou:
    Joyce: eating breakfast would be a good way to start; otherwise I agree a doctor’s visit may be a good idea.
    Michele: I can’t imagine just water working on my wool carpet. The best luck I’ve had is with a very weak solution of dishwashing detergent, but that can stain too. Even the professional carpet cleaners can’t get everything out. Bleh.

    Asparagus ends: sometimes I cook them and make kind of a “broth” to use for soup (throwing the ends away afterwards).

    Working again today (lots of sitting); I get up regularly to put in a load of laundry etc. Slept OK, kind of restless.

    Tomorrow’s my cardiologist appointment and I have lots of questions. They’re doing an ultrasound first, then I’ll talk to the cardiologist. My guy is going with me, so that’s great.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Morning lovely ladies, just a quick hellooo to mark my spot before I shoot off to work. Lovely Fathers Day weekend but didn't eat enough veggies yesterday. I missed my veg!

    Have a fab day.

    Geri in UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Yesterday was an alone day, I mowed, trimmed, worked on my tree, cleaned, did laundry, went to the grocert and made food for the week. It was a productive day and I was tired but satisfied. Father's Day is sad for me because I lost my Dad three years ago and it still hurts. I miss him. I'm glad for all who got to spend time with theirs, memories are precious.
    My daughters official due day is June 27th so I will soon be Granny again for the 5th time. I will use vacation time to watch the 4 and 2 yr old while Mom recovers, I'm looking forward to it but know it will wear me out as well. I'm just thankful I don't weigh over 300 like I use to.
    Speaking of which, I've lost two lbs since my last weigh in. I'm excited about that and it gives me the push I needed to keep working at this. My work is offering a 12 week program for anyone who is 50 lbs or more over weight. The program consists of weekly meetings with a dietician, a weekly meeting and time with a personal trainer and a counsler specializing in emotional eating. I've applied but there are around 3000 employees here and a good portion of us are over weight. The limit per class is 15 and as far as they have said so far there are three sessions scheduled. We will see. I would love to work with a dietician and the counsler.
    Tomorrow is my ab class, I am looking forward to it and have started working on the routine. We work out our abs obviously but I like to change up the exercises so that people don't get bored.
    I guess I better get to work.

    Hi Judy from Ohio, where are you in our wonderful state? I’m from the greater Cincinnati area.

    Pat in Ohio, love the picture.

    Renny, I hope you get to feeling better. Sympathy and prayers for your family and your Mom.

    Grandmallie, Bless your heart, you sound like you have your hands full.

    Hello to the newbies, wishing all a healthy and blessed day.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    morning ladies~
    well woke up at 11 pm and then couldnt go back to sleep until after 1,so much on my mind... so much to do in the next couple of weeks
    I am hoping all calms down and I can take a breath.. next weekend will be nice, even though it will be a work weekend, I get to spend time with my brother, will check out the first place we are going and I will learn the ropes there, then down to the cottage and do some work there,, I will be able to get up early and walk down to the beach and relax for an hr or so.. that is my peace place.. sitting on a bench,listening to the waves and the gulls cackling,the smell, there is no greater place on earth for me...
    going to work at 10:30 and then go to check on my dad's dog... then home..
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
  • Doinitin2015
    Doinitin2015 Posts: 32 Member
    Good Morning ladies......I see 50+ and all ofyour wonderful successes!!!! I struggle to lose and need to see how/when/why to do this.....starting again for the million Monday I think...... seems I just really need to saty 1200 calories and under do not lose if I am any higher.........thanks ladies