what is it with my wife?!



  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    You have small children. Your house will never be clean again until they are all moved out to college, and even then it's iffy. Just let go of these delusions, and live in the squallor.

    That's not true. My house is spotless every night before I go to bed.

    There are exceptions, but the norm is sparkling.

    If he has to live in filth it's because someone is not doing their job, not kids.
  • detox_pixie
    detox_pixie Posts: 166
    Mine might not be the most popular opinion, but I think it's up to you both to decide what is good for your own family. House cleaning is a very low value task. If you can afford it, employ someone less fortunate and enjoy your time in better more high value ways, like spending time together or learning new skills or knowledge. A cleaner might only be a temporary measure, allowing some breathing space or even a learning opportunity in cleaning more effectively.
  • tmyers541
    tmyers541 Posts: 53 Member
    I could understand if she was like me and didn't have any energy the first year beyond caring for the kid and light housework, it was a huge adjustment. It took until just a few months ago for me to get the drive to take over the whole job of homemaker. I now do all (ok, MOST) of the cooking when we don't eat out, the finances, laundry, cleaning (however I do have someone come once or twice a month to do the deep cleaning, she's my angel lol) and chase after our 17 month old spawn. I only ask that he takes out the trash and occasionally puts the dishes away. I knew when I quit my job that eventually I would need to actually run the household properly since he was willing to support us (although he has a pretty cush gig and only has to work part-time out of his home office).

    Are there other SAHM friends she can hang around and see how they do it? Ones that aren't spoiled with housekeepers and nannies? :)
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    OP, I see you are on a fitness site....taking care of your body, etc. Is she? The first 2 years after a baby is murder on a woman's body...I nursed for a year and my stretchmarks were nasty. I went from 120 before pregnancy to 150 after baby. Oh lord. lol. I was young and wasn't used to all the extra cushion. Maybe she's hurting in that area?

    I still think she is entitled. Like you're just supposed to take care of her. Which you are but she has to take care of you too.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    At the moment, I'm a SAHM...well, it's summer and as a teacher, I'm off (yet a paycheck still comes).

    It's horrible. lol. I mean..wow. I don't know how women do it. Kudos to you all.

    I'm so bored, I could eat my children.

    LOL. At this point, my ideal situation would be to work part-time so I can earn my own play-time dough and contribute, but I don't think I could set at home and do nothing.

    Not with the lifestyle I'm used too. I freak people out because I go somewhere everyday.

    Years have passed between days that I literally sat at home for an entire day. Sick? Docs or pharmacy.

    Anything else is business as usual.

    Even if some filthy rich man wanted to marry me and we started a new family (which I'm open too, by the way) I'd still have to either submerge myself into academia or volunteer work.

    I don't have it in my self to set at home.

    Yea. we have some vacations planned but til then...oye I miss my class. I miss my time away from "Mommy can I" "Mommy will you" "mommy mommy mommy". I try to enjoy it because I know it won't last...but my oldest is 14 and I like her more at this age than any other age. My children are not 9 years apart by accident.

    OP, do you two plan for more children?
  • akh1981
    akh1981 Posts: 67 Member
    Okay, I'll probably get some feedback on this but I say, she's a stay at home mom. That's her job. Take care of the kids and clean. I'm not saying she should do ALL of the housework. You live there too so you should contribute. But I think she needs to do the majority since she stays home. Just my opinion. I've always worked outside of the home so maybe I haven't walked in her shoes.

    I agree with all of this. I've done it both ways....I started out as a stay at home mom, and in my opinion, my husband's job was outside the home, mine was inside the home. I've cared for a baby - it's not like you're on your feet constantly for 9 hours a day....I was able to vacuum while chasing my son around the living room, fold laundry while he was playing with toys next to me, etc. I actually got bored, and that's why I got a part-time job outside the home. I've been there, so I feel like I can say, without sounding sexist or mean, if she wants to stay home, she should be willing to do the work that comes with that!
    I agree with approaching it by saying something about how you are just worn out, and if you are going to be expected to pick up work around the home, you'll need to scale back on hours at work. Try working out a sample budget - once she sees the potential impact, she may be willing to step it up at home.
  • segastler
    segastler Posts: 207 Member
    I have been on both sides of this coin. I was a stay at home mom for awhile and did everything except for yard work. Sometimes my husband would help, and it was great. Not expected or demanded. Then he lost his job and I went back to work full time and we both did housework together. Now we both work full time and split the chores. In my opinion, it is her job to maintain the house with a few exceptions.

    Have a talk and work out an agreement on which chores will be done by you, and which will be her responsibilty. If you do more, awesome, you're a great guy, but by no means should she have to be right by the childs side at 11 months. She has time to do housework. Period. If shes not doing anything, or very little, its time for a talk.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    I just want to know, where can I find a man like you?! :)

    ETA: I once went through an unemployment phase, and I damn near lost my mind. I was sooo bored, I couldnt wait till I got a job. Having an infant is no excuse for not cleaning. They will find the simplest things to entertain themselves with. Like when my son was an infant/ toddler he would play for hours with a spoon or a ball.
  • kiesha22001
    kiesha22001 Posts: 70 Member
    Yeah, hire a housekeeper. Arguing about who does what is a waste of time, seriously invest in a housekeeper and you can thank me for saving your marriage later ;)

    That's not an affordable option right now, otherwise we would have done that already...but thank you for the tip.

    It's cheaper than a divorce my friend

    That "D" word isn't in either of our vocabulary.

    I would love to be able to afford one - but I just don't make enough money to do so yet. We have a single income(mine) right now...that makes things a lot tougher, and she's not ready to leave the baby for a part time evenings/weekends job yet.

    If divorce isn't a fear, then say whatever is on your mind. Honestly though, only you know what you can handle and it's your choice to make. I can't imagine that you haven't already talked to her at least once and went straight to the forums here for help. That being said, I don't think you'll find the perfect solution to have her do her fair share (your opinion) without confrontation.

    I used to dance around the same issue with my first husband. I was working 60-70 hour a week and he went to school part-time while the kids were in daycare 45+ hours a week. While we got divorced for reasons not related to workload, I feel much better not having to deal with the endless cycle of nagging and fights.

    My current (2nd) husband and I say whatever is on our minds to each other. It does hurt when things are said about me to my face. It's not comfortable when I see he's visibly hurt. It is a much better alternative than ignoring the situation and eventually snapping. I don't care if my husband disagrees or offended by how I feel. I'm entitled to my feelings as is he to his own feelings. We deal with the issue and move on. I refuse to have a marriage like my first.
  • _AwesomeSauce_
    I just want to know, where can I find a man like you?! :)

    ^^ This, LMAO.

    My wife works from home AND takes care of our two kids, 8 & 5. Let me just say, she is amazing because of the amount of work she does while I sit on my *kitten* at work, sometimes 12 hours a day. That said, I pretty much do everything (except cooking). I do all the laundry, put it away, dishes, trash, give baths, pay bills, feed the animals.

    We have a housekeeper bi-monthly, because neither of use clean bathrooms. lol.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    So you want her to work during her 3-4 hours of free time, but you are complaining because she asks you to help out during your free time? Maybe y'all should talk about it, nicely and calmly, and decide on a compromise that you both are happy with...

    or the housekeeper idea. :)

    Originally before our baby when she was working part time, we had a deal that she would do all the housework except cleaning the kitchen and I would take care of that.

    Now that she is not working away from home at all, she wants me(who has taken on extra work hours to survive on a single income) to do more than just clean the kitchen, which I still do daily...

    She asks me not to help out, but to do it instead of her...helping is one thing, being a slave entirely different...she also gets all day with our daughter, I get less than 2 hours per day.

    Just adding perspective.

    dude. seriously grow a pair. you only have ONE kid. I hope you don't have more. Shoot. I did it and had three. She is lazy. Bottom line. THat baby could go in a playpin or one of those activity things that looks like a walker and she could be cleaning. There is no excuse. You are already working. IF taking care of the kid and the house is her job then she isn't doing a good job. SHe needs to be dropped down a peg. There is nothing I hate more than lazy chicks who think they don't have to work while mooching off their men

    You sound angry.

    I think passionate is the word you're looking for here.

  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I just want to know, where can I find a man like you?! :)

    ETA: I once went through an unemployment phase, and I damn near lost my mind. I was sooo bored, I couldnt wait till I got a job. Having an infant is no excuse for not cleaning. They will find the simplest things to entertain themselves with. Like when my son was an infant/ toddler he would play for hours with a spoon or a ball.

    It is mindnumbing with an infant. But neither of my girls would be entertained for hours with a spoon hahaha!
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    WAS a SAHM. Found it almost a vacation to go back to work. My daughter had sleep issues, and would wake up, literally 5, 6, 7 times every night, and would not be consoled by anyone but me. Napping only happened if she was in the car, so her nap times were me driving her around. Despite explaining this to hubby several hundred times, he still didn't understand why I was so tired all the time. My daughter was ultra high-maintenance, and I was sleep deprived, and he never did and never will understand all the diarrhea, vomit, spills, tantrums, cleaning and cooking I did. Never appreciatde what he did see, was always harping on what he didn't see. People here seem to be only harping on and addressing the physical aspects of being a mom, and not the mental aspects, which can be more exhausting. Some men you just can't please. Take a week off of work and do what she does and see that there are no breaks. Listening to all these people say how easy it is makes my a** twitch.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I just want to know, where can I find a man like you?! :)

    ETA: I once went through an unemployment phase, and I damn near lost my mind. I was sooo bored, I couldnt wait till I got a job. Having an infant is no excuse for not cleaning. They will find the simplest things to entertain themselves with. Like when my son was an infant/ toddler he would play for hours with a spoon or a ball.

    It is mindnumbing with an infant. But neither of my girls would be entertained for hours with a spoon hahaha!

    I could get HOURS out of my hand-cranked baby swing.

    HOURS. I know, because when you work full time plus have the responsibility and it's just you & baby in the house, you find a way to get it done.

    I just wish I could have afforded an electronic one at this point.

    Wouldn't have had to hand crank it every 10 minutes.


    And when that got boring... Bouncy thing!

    And then the other weird round thing you put babies in!
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    You agree that you both put in 12 hour days of work (though they may be spread through different hours), make up a list of chores and frequency and divide them evenly (you pick one, she picks one, you pick one, etc just like grade school teams). You each decide when you will do yours (she can do hers during naptime or during the evening instead of spending time with you if she wants, you can do yours in the evening instead of spending time with her or your daughter or you can wait and do it after daughter is asleep or try to use weekends to catch up).

    If that interferes with your time to do other things you WANT to do instead of NEED to do... welcome to the real world - compromise, help each other out, find other times, or set priorities differently. Be adults. This isnt a p***ing contest of who does more than who.
    I agree with this.We both had leisure jobs till now,so we had no issues,my husband moved to a new job where in he is putting in extra hours.I had a tough time dealing with it,we went on and on about I do that,you don't etc etc.The argument doesn't end.He says I take care of all the outside things I don't do household chores.I explained to him I can only do so much physically every day,Im left with no energy by the end of the day(We are only married 2 years,We don't even have kids yet and we are struggling).We listed all his outside work and household chores in a paper and we picked up one each.We hold each other to that.Sometimes he has more work when he asks me to help put I do,sometimes during my period I feel like resting,I ask him to help out,he is sweet enough to do everything from cooking to cleaning and feeding me.Many people dont realize the amount of work it involves unless written down.Also understand your wife,maybe she is getting tired with taking care of the baby,she likes her quiet time,For her it does look like you are not helping out in the house when she is stuck with the baby,So while you clean the kitchen,have her do the other stuff,you say your baby is asleep by 8,so 8-9 clean together.Also,I like to have time for art and hobbies without which I feel insane,similarly my husband like to go ride his bike in the mountains.We take turns in getting that time off from each other to do what we like.Better planning and communication is key!Good luck.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I just want to know, where can I find a man like you?! :)

    ETA: I once went through an unemployment phase, and I damn near lost my mind. I was sooo bored, I couldnt wait till I got a job. Having an infant is no excuse for not cleaning. They will find the simplest things to entertain themselves with. Like when my son was an infant/ toddler he would play for hours with a spoon or a ball.

    It is mindnumbing with an infant. But neither of my girls would be entertained for hours with a spoon hahaha!

    I could get HOURS out of my hand-cranked baby swing.

    HOURS. I know, because when you work full time plus have the responsibility and it's just you & baby in the house, you find a way to get it done.

    I just wish I could have afforded an electronic one at this point.

    Wouldn't have had to hand crank it every 10 minutes.

    Yea. I didn't have a swing. I had a sling and a jumper. She liked the jumper. But I'd never let my kid sit for hours doing anything while I cleaned. It was a hit it and quit it type of cleaning. lol. Put her in the jumper near the bathroom door---- scrub the bathroom down! Put her on a blanket near the kitchen, scrub down kitchen. Put her in the nook of her boppy pillow (omg love that thing) and sit it next to the tub and I'd take a bath. Shet gets done. But it depends on the kid you have. My best friend's son could be propped up in the corner all day and be happy. LOL I wish.
  • kiesha22001
    kiesha22001 Posts: 70 Member
    This thread makes me even more grateful and appreciative for my husband. My husband and I both work, but I have nothing but respect for the sheer and overwhelming workload that a SAHM takes on. I could never do it.

    In addition to a workday that never ends and no time to yourself, you have to put up with the fact that your husband now feels you are no longer on equal footing and deserving of equal respect because you don't draw a paycheck. When I was on maternity leave (both times) I got to shower maybe every 3rd day. You can't imagine how involved and exhausting it is to care for a baby.

    And she's nursing? And pumping? I'd hardly call pumping her "free time." Pumping is the WORST. And are you the one getting up with the baby and nursing during the night? No? You are asleep? Okay. Maybe you should realize that there is a lot more going on during her day than what you see when you come home and find the house not up to your standards.

    I suggest tightening the budget and figuring out a way to get a housekeeper once a week to do the "chores" you feel aren't your responsibility. Your posts reek of entitlement.

    I call BS on this. I work full-time. I go to school full-time. I have three kids - one of which I'm currently breastfeeding (2mo). On maternity leave, I showered and carried on as normal. I didn't get a leave from school because I chose not to. I don't feel I deserve a "pass" because I've got a lot on my plate. I chose this situation. Anything else is an excuse.

    As for nursing/pumping, it's their decision to breastfeed. No one can force you to do it.
    SAHMs chose to stay home, directly or indirectly.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    This whole thread makes me want to move somewhere in the countryside and just "be". Get simple jobs...pay the bills...but ENJOY the family completely.

    :D Working our butts off for nothing.
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    We're talking about an 11 month old, not an infant. She still gets (or should) a full nights sleep and kids are pretty easily entertained. I did it. It's really not that hard. It's one kid, not 10.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    We're talking about an 11 month old, not an infant. She still gets (or should) a full nights sleep and kids are pretty easily entertained. I did it. It's really not that hard. It's one kid, not 10.

    The child is still nursed so probably doesn't sleep through the night. However, OP says he gets up with the baby (mom pumps) so that's still a moot point.

    I don't think it has anything to do with the baby at all. I think there are deeper issues.