50 lbs by June 1st Challenge Part 3



  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    I am really needing some motivation! I started back in June trying to lose 100 pounds by my 40th birthday. So far I have only lost 31 pounds. I was going to the gym regularly and then in November, I have managed to go twice a week. At this rate I will never make my goal! I figured when this group started up that would make feel more motivated because of the weekly weigh-ins but I am still not doing what needs to be done. UGH...getting really frustrated with myself!!!
  • AmandaR910
    Hey everyone!!

    I couldn't do it, I gave in and weighed in this morning (I did make it 48 hours lol). 191.0lbs!!!!

    36.6lbs gone and now officially onto losing baby weight from my first son (all 35lbs from my son born 4 weeks ago-GONE!).

    Anyways, I'm thrilled!! I still have 41lbs to go, about 22lbs from my first son, to get my my normal, healthy weight (168lbs at 5'10") before my first son and 18lbs more to get my goal weight (150lbs at 5'10").
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Keep pushing Barb, I know you can do it! :o)

    Amanda, that is fantastic! Good for you girl.
  • GettingskinnyforME
    GettingskinnyforME Posts: 28 Member
    I know I am a little late, but I would love to join this challenge.. My 30th birthday is June 11th and I am going to be on the beach for my birthday... I want to be smoking hot :) I need the challenge and pep talks and motivation that this group would bring..
    Thanks guys :)
  • bhonniered
    Reached my 1st mini goal today - I am exactly at 197! Feeling pretty darn good right now :bigsmile:
  • AmandaR910
    Reached my 1st mini goal today - I am exactly at 197! Feeling pretty darn good right now :bigsmile:

    That's great!!
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    Reached my 1st mini goal today - I am exactly at 197! Feeling pretty darn good right now :bigsmile:

    HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet you are radiating happiness to everyone who sees you! :)
  • GettingskinnyforME
    GettingskinnyforME Posts: 28 Member
    Reached my 1st mini goal today - I am exactly at 197! Feeling pretty darn good right now :bigsmile:

    Awesome!! Congrats :)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Everyone is doing so great.
    warning..pity party in progress.
    I have not just fallen off the wagon. I laid there and let it roll over me and leave me for dead.:cry:
    I wake up every morning and with all the intentions in the world. You know " today I am going to log everything I eat. And I'm going to get in a hour of exercise".
    Don't write me off as a quitter. I have lost a total of 85lbs this time.
    I have always had trouble taking care of myself. I always put everyone first. I need to decide what is best for me.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    Everyone is doing so great.
    warning..pity party in progress.
    I have not just fallen off the wagon. I layed there and let it roll over me and leave me for dead.:cry:
    I wake up every morning and with all the intentions in the world. You know " today I am going to log everything I eat. And I'm going to get in a hour of exercise".
    Don't write me off as a quitter. I have lost a total of 85lbs this time.
    I have always had trouble taking care of myself. I always put everyone first. I need to decide what is best for me.

    love yourself enough that you take care of yourself. When you are upset at yourself, thats when you tend to treat yourself badly and do the most damage. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself off. Say it: I am NOT a quitter! Say it: I LOVE ME! Say it again: I LOVE ME!!!! Say it again (this time LOUD!): I*LOVE*ME!* now look at yourself in the mirror. Say it one more time and smile at yourself. You can do this. Its ALL in YOU. (((hugs)))
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    I am really needing some motivation! I started back in June trying to lose 100 pounds by my 40th birthday. So far I have only lost 31 pounds. I was going to the gym regularly and then in November, I have managed to go twice a week. At this rate I will never make my goal! I figured when this group started up that would make feel more motivated because of the weekly weigh-ins but I am still not doing what needs to be done. UGH...getting really frustrated with myself!!!

    Remember, its about YOU!!! Get your *kitten* to the gym. Youll feel better and you know it.
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Hey everyone!!

    I couldn't do it, I gave in and weighed in this morning (I did make it 48 hours lol). 191.0lbs!!!!

    36.6lbs gone and now officially onto losing baby weight from my first son (all 35lbs from my son born 4 weeks ago-GONE!).

    Anyways, I'm thrilled!! I still have 41lbs to go, about 22lbs from my first son, to get my my normal, healthy weight (168lbs at 5'10") before my first son and 18lbs more to get my goal weight (150lbs at 5'10").

  • GettingskinnyforME
    GettingskinnyforME Posts: 28 Member
    Everyone is doing so great.
    warning..pity party in progress.
    I have not just fallen off the wagon. I laid there and let it roll over me and leave me for dead.:cry:
    I wake up every morning and with all the intentions in the world. You know " today I am going to log everything I eat. And I'm going to get in a hour of exercise".
    Don't write me off as a quitter. I have lost a total of 85lbs this time.
    I have always had trouble taking care of myself. I always put everyone first. I need to decide what is best for me.

    Don't give up! You can do it.. I know you didn't lose 85lbs just to give up when your close to your goal! I have faith in you, I know you can do it. You already rocked away 85lbs.. you made it to the top of the hill and you are on your run down!! YOU GOT THIS take care of yourself and think of yourself first.!
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Its January 13, 2011!! I can hardly believe how fast the years are flying by. So, I weighed myself today and I lost 5 pounds. Thats a total of 12 pounds in 13 days, I have lost. Its the cardio thats making all the difference in the world. I have jogged 13.87 miles in 3 days. Not all of those miles was spent running either. I got pretty tired on the treadmill yesterday and had to stop but, the key was that i kept moving. I walked one mile out of the 5.13 miles I completed. I kinda pigged out today already, I am at 2000 calories as of 933 am. I wont be eating agin today. I know thats not good for the metabolism but, I finally found something that is working and its melting off the pounds on the scale. So, I will do exactly that. If I cant eat till tomorrow then that fine by me. I am the one who took in 2000 calories before 10 am, Ill deal with the consecuences for my lack of self control.
    Remember its only just over 4.5 months left on the challenge. Dont give up on yourself. No pain, No gain!!! Fight through your hunger. Fight through your cravings. Fight for yourself.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning all. I haven't been posting much but I have been reading through. I enjoy you all and find you inspiring. Just wanted you to know that.

    I tried out a new workout DVD yesterday ... it was in the cheap bin at Giant Tiger for $4 ... it was good. Its the Biggest Loser The Workout 2. You choose what parts of the workout you want to do and it tells you how long it will take. I did a warm up, a stretch, a cardio for women, and a cool down which took 30 minutes to complete. If you want a longer workout you add other stuff ... body sculpting for example etc etc. I like that I can change it up any time I use the DVD. I burned 267 calories in that 30 minutes ... not too shabby :happy:
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Thank you for all the support.
    This is why it has taken me since 2004 to lose 85lbs. I do great for a while then just hit a wall. I have always been a caregiver and never taken time for myself and even feel guilty when I do. I was the oldest of 4 by a full 7 years. Mom raised a babysitter. She always worked afternoons so I did the babysitting. Then I married young and had my 2 sons young. I also married
    the youngest child. So I have always put others first. I take good care of myself for a while then just revert back to my same old self.
    I am not giving up. I just get tired of having to restart.
  • billybed
    billybed Posts: 90 Member
    That time again...

  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    YAY! Thanks billybed!

    Good job everyone!!! :o)
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    This week is not going so well for me...
    I've been working late..my eating is off schedule and I only excercise once so far for the week... :grumble:

    Hopefully I can make it happen by Monday weigh in
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    So I jumped on the scale this morning just to peek at my weight and I have gained a pound...WTH!!! I have got to do better with working out EVERYDAY! I haven't worked out since Sunday(i know, i know) its terrible! I am really starting to lack motivation! It feels so good to have lost as much as I have but I can not get complacent with what I have lost I need to push, push, push.....but my give a dang seems to be busted right now :(