Like Minded Lushes - January 2011



  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I've gone tuesday-friday with no drinks, got my eye on a glass of wine or 2 tomorrow night though, just so I can toast Robin and her new job of course! :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • everydayepiphanies
    everydayepiphanies Posts: 37 Member
    Wow...I've totally found my group! It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one struggling with losing pounds while still being able to indulge in a refreshing beverage every now and again (or every night).

    My drink of choice is rum and coke...well make that Pepsi. And I just absolutely cannot make myself drink diet soda. In fact, I never drink any kind of soft drink except when I'm drinking.

    I'd like to change to wine, but there are only a few that I like and when faced with a choice, I will always choose rum.

    So what's a girl to do? I've decided I need to choose abstinence (except for maybe one or two days per week), just like most of the rest of you. I guess great minds think alike.

    Thanks to whomever thought of starting this group!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thursday=0 drinks
    Not sure about tonight.
    I was reading that to drink less you should drink something you don't like! doesn't that seem like such a waste of calories? I don't know, maybe it's worth trying!
  • katebjones
    katebjones Posts: 32 Member
    after about a 12 pack of blue moons on new years eve.. i have only had two drinks since.. one bloody mary on Jan 1st. and one glass of wine last night..

    I can give up drinking.. but when i do drink i go all out.. why is this ? other people have this issue? or i feel down in the dumps if im not drinking with friends.. its like im not fun.. ya know.. then i get the peer pressure.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Have been VEERRRY GOOD. ~ 4 drinks per week for 6 weeks.
    MAJOR FAIL: Tonite, 4 British pints of my favorite beer doubled my calorie goal.
    'Tis a journey.
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    Yay! Two weeks and no drinks. Previously unheard of. Very pleased.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member

    6 drinks last night. Skinny B!tches made with clementine vodka with 1/2 a lime and 1/2 a lemon. Good, but deadly and 2 of the 6 drinks were shots. (Oh, and restrained myself to only 2 pieces of pizza.)

    Yeah, I'm not logging it. :laugh:
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Hi all can I join you?

    After a long NYE weekend of drinking, my hubby and I have decided to avoid alcohol as much as possible. The goal is not to drink until March (when we're going to Budapest - Christmas present - thank you darling hubby!!)

    So far I've survived one whole weekend and a Friday night - usually the worst night, glass of sauvignon blanc after a hard week is sooooooo tempting...

    But tinight I'm going to a pub quiz with some friends. I had planned to drive, so I never had any excuse to drink.

    But now one of the other girls (who is pregnant) has said she will drive and I know sitting in the pub with the others drinking I will be tempted. I've also gone out with hubby for a big lunch so my calories are pretty much used up already.

    But I'm hoping by saying this in writing I'm going to be able to resist temptation!!
  • lefrance12
    Have cut back on drinking to twice a week. Tonight is my night to tear it up! Wish me fun my fellow lushes. :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    I can give up drinking.. but when i do drink i go all out.. why is this ? other people have this issue? or i feel down in the dumps if im not drinking with friends.. its like im not fun.. ya know.. then i get the peer pressure.

    I concur....

    Yesterday 3 vodka tonics and 2 small glasses of wine...

    Total drinks for the week: 13

    Goal: Less than 13 for the one is tonight
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Got my bottle of wine open to toast Robin's new job. :drinker:

    Well done to those of you who are meeting your goals to cut down or give up. For those of you drinking enjoy your weekend :happy:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Not too bad for a Friday night. 2/3 of a bottle of Kenjall Jackson chardonnay and 2 ounces (yep, I measured it. ) of vodka. I plan on wine - ing it up the rest of the weekend and DH went to Trader Joe's and came home with tons of yummy cheeses. How can I possibly say no to wine, cheese and football? :tongue:

    I hope the drinking lushes are enjoying themselves this weekend smiley-eatdrink048.gifand congrats to those of you who seem to have so much more control than I can muster.

    Monday is a new week.
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    Not too bad for a Friday night. 2/3 of a bottle of Kenjall Jackson chardonnay and 2 ounces (yep, I measured it. ) of vodka. I plan on wine - ing it up the rest of the weekend and DH went to Trader Joe's and came home with tons of yummy cheeses. How can I possibly say no to wine, cheese and football? :tongue:

    I hope the drinking lushes are enjoying themselves this weekend smiley-eatdrink048.gifand congrats to those of you who seem to have so much more control than I can muster.

    Monday is a new week.

    Thank you! We are indeed enjoying ourselves: Made some homemade hummus with flatbread and champagne cocktails, (I use flavored Sobe water Zero to jazz up the champagne!)
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    Alcohol has had a hand in my weight gain, too. I've already cut down, and I am planning on drinking shots instead of wine and beer. Lol! Hey, less calories, right? :-)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Alcohol has had a hand in my weight gain, too. I've already cut down, and I am planning on drinking shots instead of wine and beer. Lol! Hey, less calories, right? :-)
    actually about the same if you compare a 5 oz glass of wine, a 12 oz light beer and a 1.5 oz shot.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Full out got drunk last night, and I am up two pounds!!!! ****!! BUT I also started my period yesterday so... always good for a little gain.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    champagne sunday! I love it.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    i know they are losing but hey...I still gotta give them my all
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Woke up this morning with a sore head after a rather lightweight 3 glasses of wine last night. Made it to the gym and felt a bit better after working out and drinking lots of electrolyte drink. Got a sore throat now and really hope it's not going to lead to anything worse. :sick:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I had beers Friday, two Stella and then two Miller Lites. Saturday celebrated a late Christmas with the in-laws and had a glass of wine and a coors lite. Then home and had friends over for dinner, drank tequila with lime and beer. Then to a concert, drank four more Bud lights there.
    Today I had a mimosa, going to make it hard to work out. Going to Vegas on Thursday, though, so I want to be good till then, working out, eating well, not drinking...but this bottle of champagne needs to be finished!