Can you LOSE 50+ pounds by July 1st? CHALLENGE!!!



  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    start weight: 236
    current weight:233
    Down: 3 lbs.
    48 More Pounds To Go!!

    This week was a week of adjustments for me. I had to lower my sodium, up my carbs and up my calories. Remove process foods from my healthy lifestyle per my nutritionist. I did it. :smile:

    Oh also I have to take my supplements. BLAH PILLS!! :grumble:

    Other than that I'm good. Staying focus on me. I'm prone to allow life to get in the way of my exercise and get me off track somehow, but I've gotten around that. Get to bed by 10pm and hit the gym by 4:45am. :bigsmile:

    5,000 calories reward: Take myself to the movies on my day off.
  • hessond
    hessond Posts: 224 Member
    Checking in for week 2. I lost 2 lbs. I am really happy with this loss. I have had a really rough week (temporarily moved to a new state, started a new internship). I was only over my calorie limit 2 days this week, and was not able to do my normal workouts. I did not meet the 3500 challenge this week, but I was able to burn 1200 calories. I still have 3.5 lbs to lose to get back to my pre-holiday weight. My goal for this coming week is to work toward the challenge of 5000 calories, stay within my net calories, and finally be rid of my Holiday gain. Good luck everyone!! Hope everyone has a great week.

    1/1/11 200
    1/7/11 197.5
    1/15/11 195.5
    2 lb loss this week and 4.5 lbs lost so far. Only 45.5 lbs left to go!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    SW- 246
    Jan 8th- 236.5
    Jan 15- 238

    July 1st GW- 196

    I'm ok with this because it is TOM so I didn't expect to have lost anything. Actually I normally gain around 5 lbs during that time so in my mind this means I am doing really great! I hope everyone stays positive as we move into week 3!
  • I didn't lose any this week, Still holding at 157. I have lost 8 pounds total and have 42 to go!
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    starting weight (1/1):198
    1/7: 197
    1/15: 196
    Goal Weight: 148

    Ok this week not so great on calories, went over a couple days...booo. Kept up doing exercise everyday. Doing better on drinking my water!!! oh and I lost another 3.5 inches!!! So far I have lost 11.5 inches!!!! As longs as inches or weight are moving I am happy and motivated.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I weigh 354 today! I lost 6 pounds this week! Whooohoo! Exercise and eating right is paying off. I have been exercising already but was not getting a handle on my food. Finally got a handle on the food.

    Thanks you all for your support! Have a good week!! You all are doing great!!!

    Good job for all of you partcipating in the challenge also!!
  • Kayla2284
    Kayla2284 Posts: 46 Member
    Weigh in - 187.2.

    I did not work out as often as I should so, shame on me!
  • julieoem
    julieoem Posts: 37 Member
    Sat 1-8-11 225
    Sat 1-15-11 222
    LOST 3 pounds this week!!!!

    I am so excited...and on target for the 50+ challenge!!!! Loging in what I eat on MFP is the best way to really know what it is you are eating!!! If you aren't doing it...try it!! :)

    Good luck this week everyone!!!!!
  • 1/1/2011: 239

    1/15/2011: 235
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    Ok 1/1/11 205
    1/8/11. 201.9
    1/15/11. 200.2

    I was so scared I wasn't gonna lose so I am HAPPY!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    I am down 6.4 pounds this week!
    I have also lost 20.5 inches this week!

    Total I have lost 11.9 pounds and 49.5 inches since 12/26/10!!

    I am super excited!
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    Apparently, despite being under my calorie goal most days, I had a bad week.. :grumble:
    I actually gained a pound this week..

    SW: 226
    CW: 223
    GW: 165

    Looks like I have a long way to go, and, don't understand what I am doing wrong. If anyone gets a chance, could you look at my food diary and give me a few tips? Thanks!
  • Screen Name: mycrazyturtles
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 235
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 50
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: To be healthy and look better
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: 5 times a week 20-30 min for the first few weeks and increase from there. Over all I'm eating better. counting everything, no soda.
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Hey guys

    Here is my weight for today

    Today Jan 15, 2011 I am 247.8

    On Jan 9, 2011 I was 248.4.
    On Jan 2, 2011 I was 253.4
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    Starting weight
    Jan 1 2011 210 lbs
    jan 8 2011 208 lbs
    jan 15 2011 204 lbs
    left to go 44 lbs
  • last sat 184.4
    15 JAn 11 - 185.8 gained!
  • Screen name gethealthyincali

    I ate some candy last night and wrote it down instead of pretending like ir didn't happen.i only went 70 calories over because all this tracking really does seem to help.

    Starting 260
    Week one 256
    Week two 254

    Lost 2 I'm ok with that. Just need to bump up exercise
  • Jewels1296
    Jewels1296 Posts: 17 Member
    01/01/2011 SW: 236.0
    01/08/2011 CW: 231.2
    01/15/2011 CW: 226.6

    Down 4.6 lbs this week, 9.4 lbs total since January 1st!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats everyone on your hard work! Just remember, we can do this!
  • 01/01/11 209.1
    01/08/11 207.4 -1.70
    01/15/11 207.9 -1.20
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    01/01/11: 189.8
    01/08/11: 189.2 (-0.6)
    01/15/11: 189.2 (no change)
    To Go: 49.4
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