Why don't more men wear tight shorts to the gym?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I saw- I just finally finished reading it.
    the truth of that is strong. Seriously- standard "shorts" are so much more inappropriate on my body than fitted ones.

    Hysterically my friend posted a thing labeled everyday sexism yesterday- his picture was of the O+ signs for men and women.

    the O had a nipple in it- the male one was normal- the female sign was pixilated out.

    BF said- it's culturally normal and acceptable and didn't see how it was sexist at all. I kind of wanted to punch him.
  • zavrrr
    zavrrr Posts: 27 Member
    So I wonder... if it is so much more comfy for women to wear form fitted clothing while lifting / running / boxing, etc... why isn't the same true for men? Is there a stigma against men wearing tight shorts / form fitting clothing in the gym?

    We don't want you to notice when we notice that you're wearing tight fitting clothing.

  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    My wife wants me to get some men's under armor tights. I just don't think that would be comfortable. I need the boys to be able to breathe. I can see it now. They would be in there telling each other to scoot over. I would just wear long shorts over them so why wear them at all?
  • Brad23232323
    I recently started wearing Under armor core shorts to the gym and I initially was nervous about the whole bulge and everyone starring thing, I mean yes it doesn't leave much to the imagination, and when I wear them you can see the outline of it going down my leg and was afraid people would get all uptight and say something mean but I got over it, people don't seem to mind too much. The second day, I was walking by a group of 3 women and looked in the mirror on the opposite side of the room and noticed all 3 of them stop what they were doing all at once and turn their heads at me as I walked by, if felt GREAT lol. I have noticed women checking me out way more than when I wore regular shorts.

    and whoever said breasts aren't genitals......yes, yes they are, medically speaking....look it up, Im sorry your misinformed. If this wasn't the case you would be able to go out in public topless without going to prison.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member


    It's kinda a cute butt. Just sayin.

    yeah but those socks with those shoes??! :noway:
  • Onderwoman
    Onderwoman Posts: 130
    Compression down there = ouch for some guys, how is this even a question? This comes from guys with nothing to prove. And girls can relate when their breasts get sensitive, girls don't even have the same feeling in our breasts. You can tap a guy firmly in the nuts and get him to keel over, and if you tap a girl's breasts firmly you are just going to get smacked, its not rocket science!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Compression down there = ouch for some guys, how is this even a question? This comes from guys with nothing to prove. And girls can relate when their breasts get sensitive, girls don't even have the same feeling in our breasts. You can tap a guy firmly in the nuts and get him to keel over, and if you tap a girl's breasts firmly you are just going to get smacked, its not rocket science!

    Have you even read the thread? . You may want to.
  • Onderwoman
    Onderwoman Posts: 130
    Compression down there = ouch for some guys, how is this even a question? This comes from guys with nothing to prove. And girls can relate when their breasts get sensitive, girls don't even have the same feeling in our breasts. You can tap a guy firmly in the nuts and get him to keel over, and if you tap a girl's breasts firmly you are just going to get smacked, its not rocket science!

    Have you even read the thread? . You may want to.

    You might want to too, a lot of guys in the thread said what the guys I know said above. Some have no problem too, but that doesn't mean every guy has no problem. There are guys I saw on youtube who train to take nut shots from martial artists, but that doesn't prove it isn't still uncomfortable to most guys to wear constricted clothes down there!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Because with as little clothing as all the women wear to my gym. I dont need to accidentally pop a woody and show it off to the world.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Compression down there = ouch for some guys, how is this even a question? This comes from guys with nothing to prove. And girls can relate when their breasts get sensitive, girls don't even have the same feeling in our breasts. You can tap a guy firmly in the nuts and get him to keel over, and if you tap a girl's breasts firmly you are just going to get smacked, its not rocket science!

    Have you even read the thread? . You may want to.

    You might want to too, a lot of guys in the thread said what the guys I know said above. Some have no problem too, but that doesn't mean every guy has no problem. There are guys I saw on youtube who train to take nut shots from martial artists, but that doesn't prove it isn't still uncomfortable to most guys to wear constricted clothes down there!

    Your comments "how is this even a question" and "it's not rocket science" dismiss the men who indicated any reason other than yours, as invalid and positions yours as some sort of expert opinion. It implies that the question is stupid. And yet, of the last two answers from men... Neither of them dealt with pain, and rather were appearance driven.

    It's a valid question, and one where the answers from both men and women in this thread caused some interesting discussion.

    But that's ok. If you want to speak on behalf of most men, I'm sure they don't mind.
  • novaxman
    I am a man who wears 6 inseam inch compression shorts to the gym. They keep my "Stuff" in place and keeps me dry. But mostly I wear them because it motives me personally. I like the way I look in them. Yes, my "Stuff" does show through them kinda detail but that's the way it is. I can't help it. Everyone in the gym knows what a man has inside his shorts. I don't understand why some people get offended by my shorts. It is what it is. It would be the same in my opinion to ask women to flatten their busts so they don't show there sexuality. People in the gym just need to mind their own business. I had a man one time come up and tell me that he was offended by my shorts. I told him to stop checking me out! He didn't like it. Oh well. It is mostly older women, 50 and older, that I have a problem with. I feel the same way about swimming trunks. I have worked too hard to hide what I worked on so hard to get. (6.1, 195, 11% body fat). All I can say is working out is very difficult. Do whatever keeps you motivated.
  • novaxman
    I totally agree.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Your topic made me cringe. But I like the basketball shorts. Tight in the back and loose on the legs. Especially with no show socks.

    .... drool....
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Your topic made me cringe. But I like the basketball shorts. Tight in the back and loose on the legs. Especially with no show socks.

    .... drool....

    why is that? is it because you are sympathetic to their discomfort? or is it the idea that they're "too revealing"?

    yes, I'm being a bit facetious... but it does speak to the fact that they're just as driven by aesthetics (and largely peer pressure) as well. :)
  • bmoncada1
    bmoncada1 Posts: 477 Member
    I like the topic, I guess I never really thought about it.

    I would say sometimes men have times where a certain body part has a mind of its own, so I think for the benefit of everyone (inlcuding the ladies) perhaps something that would be very revealing is better left unrevealed. I wear form fitting boxer breifs under my shorts to keep everything in place, but couldnt imagine just wearing soemthing like that.

    However in general, I think men view the gym as an opportunity to work out, and while woman do, woman tend to be more conscience of how they look while they work out.

    ^^Correct me if im wrong^^
  • OlyCapitalChick
    OlyCapitalChick Posts: 236 Member
    I like the topic, I guess I never really thought about it.

    I would say sometimes men have times where a certain body part has a mind of its own, so I think for the benefit of everyone (inlcuding the ladies) perhaps something that would be very revealing is better left unrevealed. I wear form fitting boxer breifs under my shorts to keep everything in place, but couldn't imagine just wearing soemthing like that.

    However in general, I think men view the gym as an opportunity to work out, and while woman do, woman tend to be more conscience of how they look while they work out.

    ^^Correct me if im wrong^^

    nailed it.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I wear boxer briefs which are form fitting. My shorts go on over the under wear.
    Are you wanting to catch a glimpse or something?..lol
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    What's a slore?

    Slutty *kitten* of course.

    isn't that redundant? kinda like a grand slam homerun.
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    I like the topic, I guess I never really thought about it.

    I would say sometimes men have times where a certain body part has a mind of its own, so I think for the benefit of everyone (inlcuding the ladies) perhaps something that would be very revealing is better left unrevealed. I wear form fitting boxer breifs under my shorts to keep everything in place, but couldnt imagine just wearing soemthing like that.

    However in general, I think men view the gym as an opportunity to work out, and while woman do, woman tend to be more conscience of how they look while they work out.

    ^^Correct me if im wrong^^

    Correct except, I really don't care what I look like at the gym. I'm there to workout. Plus, it's the same people there every morning. They've all seen me at my best and my worst. Nobody pays any attention.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I wear boxer briefs which are form fitting. My shorts go on over the under wear.
    Are you wanting to catch a glimpse or something?..lol

    haha, I work out at home.

    I was actually broaching the topic because of the fact that I wanted to draw attention to the fact that men tend to get judged for noticing (and commenting) when women wear something that is revealing... in the thread that spawned mine, a lot of women stated they wear what was comfortable, and that men needed to respect that and treat them with respect... and yet in this thread, there were comments from women basically saying.. hey, if you wanna show off your package, I'm going to check it out.

    I also found/find it interesting that some men would rather wear form fitting, but don't, because of the attention they get

    I also found it interesting that so many responded to the mental image of a man in tight shorts with a derogatory response. (which is sad, IMO).

    In a way, I wanted this thread to spark dialogue as it relates to gender differences, and give voice to the thought that perhaps when women say that "all men are pigs", perhaps women are just as much so... it's just men don't feed our imaginations nearly so readily as we feed theirs.