The Real Danger of Smoothies and Juicing



  • larodriguez02
    larodriguez02 Posts: 106 Member
    I second that!! Ready to break out the popcorn! :laugh:
    Best. Thread. Ever.
  • larodriguez02
    larodriguez02 Posts: 106 Member

    Dairy kills us all, especially Mayo, because that's the whitest of dairy products and should be avoided along with Avocados which contain no fat and are thusly sabotaging us and leading to cankles.

    Dude, now _I'M_ confused. Mayo is a dairy product??? I thought it was made out of eggs and oil. But if there is an animal that shoots Hellmann's out of its teats, PLEASE identify it for me so that I can adopt one and let it live in my shed with the lawn mower. I love me some mayo!

    Yeah, I was going to question that but I couldn't find the original quote and didn't want to riff off an out-of-context statement.

    Eggs are considered a dairy product.

    That has never made sense to me!

    Because, chickens and cows! How can you not know this? :angry:

    If you read it on the internet, then it MUST be true...:noway: .

    Question: Are Eggs Considered Dairy?
    Answer: Contrary to a somewhat common misconception, eggs are not considered a dairy product, which refers to the product of the mammary glands of mammals such as cows, goats, sheep and others, and the products derived thereof. The misconception that eggs are dairy products is often a result of a confusion between the terms dairy product and animal byproduct. While eggs are, indeed, produced by animals and, therefore, an animal byproduct, they are not a dairy product or a derivative of dairy products.
    Although many persons who do not consume dairy products also do not consume eggs as a result of allergies, dietary restrictions, ethical beliefs or other reasons, persons who have milk allergies or are lactose intolerant but do not have an allergy to eggs are able to consume eggs as a part of their diet without the negative results associated with dairy intolerances or allergies.

    Two groups that choose to abstain from consuming both eggs and dairy for reasons other than allergies are vegans, or persons do not consume animal products or byproducts, and some Jewish communities that do not consume eggs with dairy if the egg was found inside the chicken and not laid. (This is because an un-laid egg is considered meat and it is not Kosher to consume dairy with meat, not because eggs are considered dairy. For more information, read’s Guide to Judaism’s article on keeping Kosher)
  • Cbanjo
    Cbanjo Posts: 557 Member
    At this rate, one just have to be careful with whatever we eat
  • ChloGlam
    ChloGlam Posts: 11 Member
    Juicing and having smoothies haa transformed my entire life! I've been dropping weight after years of doing "everything" and having no weight loss at all. Since january when I got a blender and juicer, I've lost 28lbs.

    Also, the sugars in fruit is completely different from the refined sugar you add to your coffee. :-)
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    Im sorry....I couldn't stop laughing long enough to get past page 2
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    It depends on what you put into your smoothie. I drink spinach smoothies, sometimes with aspargus and or broccoli. This gives me vital micro nutrients such as iron. I would never eat 400g of spinach daily but can tolerate it in a smoothie. Contains next to no sugar and yes I include the calories in my daily allowance.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Tagging to read later - and this has probably been mentioned

    The source is the Daily Mail - known as the Daily Fail in the UK.

    It a horrible, fear mongering newspaper.

    Tomorrow it will tell you smoothies are the healthy the way to lose weight. Please do not take this as a credible source, they cherry pick what they want to fit that day's agenda. :noway:
  • natethegreat80
    natethegreat80 Posts: 16 Member
    Juicing and having smoothies haa transformed my entire life! I've been dropping weight after years of doing "everything" and having no weight loss at all. Since january when I got a blender and juicer, I've lost 28lbs.

    Also, the sugars in fruit is completely different from the refined sugar you add to your coffee. :-)

  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    Wow. This thread was an enjoyable way to kill 20 minutes and a sad example of the all too common piss poor science journalism in mainstream media leading people to believe and then perpetuate ridiculous pseudoscience claims. Now if you excuse me I'm going back to do real science after I pound my head on all the sharp corners of my lab bench.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    You take that back and leave my smoothies alone.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    How did I miss this thread the other day. Oh has been an entertaining way to pass time at work on a Friday. :drinker:
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Juicing and having smoothies haa transformed my entire life! I've been dropping weight after years of doing "everything" and having no weight loss at all. Since january when I got a blender and juicer, I've lost 28lbs.

    Also, the sugars in fruit is completely different from the refined sugar you add to your coffee. :-)


    So all it takes is one person to agree with you to make your opinions into facts? I believe someone asked you for peer-reviewed research regarding the dairy claim that you made (not a YouTube video). Now that you're back, are you in the process of compiling that research for us to review?

  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member

    Dairy kills us all, especially Mayo, because that's the whitest of dairy products and should be avoided along with Avocados which contain no fat and are thusly sabotaging us and leading to cankles.

    Dude, now _I'M_ confused. Mayo is a dairy product??? I thought it was made out of eggs and oil. But if there is an animal that shoots Hellmann's out of its teats, PLEASE identify it for me so that I can adopt one and let it live in my shed with the lawn mower. I love me some mayo!

    I want one that shoots ketchup... I throw ketchup on EVERYTHING!!!! :bigsmile:

    I know I'm late, you go. You can thank me later. :flowerforyou:

  • natethegreat80
    natethegreat80 Posts: 16 Member
    Juicing and having smoothies haa transformed my entire life! I've been dropping weight after years of doing "everything" and having no weight loss at all. Since january when I got a blender and juicer, I've lost 28lbs.

    Also, the sugars in fruit is completely different from the refined sugar you add to your coffee. :-)


    So all it takes is one person to agree with you to make your opinions into facts? I believe someone asked you for peer-reviewed research regarding the dairy claim that you made (not a YouTube video). Now that you're back, are you in the process of compiling that research for us to review?


    who are you and why should I care what you have to think? Thanks!
  • so if i put an apple through my juicer it is suddenly bad for me? i call bs....maybe if you add extra sugar then it can be worse but all im doing is pushing juice out of my fruits and veggies. never met somebody who juiced and became unhealthy or gained weight from is freakin fresh fruits and veggies in a cup lol i do not see how thats bad for me.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    so if i put an apple through my juicer it is suddenly bad for me? i call bs....maybe if you add extra sugar then it can be worse but all im doing is pushing juice out of my fruits and veggies. never met somebody who juiced and became unhealthy or gained weight from is freakin fresh fruits and veggies in a cup lol i do not see how thats bad for me.

    It's not particularly bad unless you have diabetes. What I dislike about juicing is that when you eat an apple, you are satisfied. Juice an apple, and you get a puny 1/4-1/2 cup of juice which you chug in and it does nothing for your hunger. In that sense, I see juices as extra calories and sugar that I can do without. If you have no blood sugar issues, and if you are one of the people who can satisfy their hunger with half a cup of juice then go for it. For me, any liquid that has more than 50 calories or 15 carbs per cup other than milk or soup is not worth it. If I'm thirsty, water is my to-go drink (and has always been, not because of a drink-more-water health craze).